PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Current residents:
2 Occ Clowns
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Algae Blenny
2 blue/green chromis
Randall's goby/tiger pistol

Inverts: Cucumber, 1 pep shrimps, serpent star, ruby mithrax, hermits and various snails

I plan to add a pair of skunk cleaners at some point.

First off would it be safe to add a second goby/pistol pair if it were say a YWG/Yasha with a red banded pistol? I love my current pair and the way they stir the sandbed but they stick to one side of the tank.

Second would a Zebrasoma scopas work in my tank?
According to the Tang Tank size list here in the NTTH section, it lists the min as a 75 but I see on LA a 125 min is listed? If not the Scopas how about Ctenochaetus strigosus?

Thanks for the help! What would you suggest if anything to not get or get rid of to keep the tank less busy? I want this to eventually be a reef tank!

Assuming the correct kind of Heniochus, I don't see any reef incompatibilities either. But if I were to choose what to get rid of, I guess I would opt for the pair of Heniochus.
Current residents:
2 Occ Clowns
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Algae Blenny
2 blue/green chromis
Randall's goby/tiger pistol

Inverts: Cucumber, 1 pep shrimps, serpent star, ruby mithrax, hermits and various snails

I do not trust crabs

I plan to add a pair of skunk cleaners at some point.

First off would it be safe to add a second goby/pistol pair if it were say a YWG/Yasha with a red banded pistol? I love my current pair and the way they stir the sandbed but they stick to one side of the tank.

I do not think two pairs would be long term stable

Second would a Zebrasoma scopas work in my tank?
According to the Tang Tank size list here in the NTTH section, it lists the min as a 75 but I see on LA a 125 min is listed? If not the Scopas how about Ctenochaetus strigosus?

While RC suggests a 75 for the scopas, I personally feel more comfortable with 125 or larger for any zerbrasoma tang except sailfins which require a much larger tank. But Ctenochaetus tangs are excellent and do well in a 75

Ok so here's my shopping list to start with. 125L tank, 12kg's of live rock, external filter and skimmer.

Arrow Spider Crab (stenorhynchus seticornis)
Red Reef Hermit Crab (Dardanus species) x 2
Small Turbo Snail (Astraea species) x 5
Red/Orange Starfish (Fromia species)

Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion pecula)
Pearlscale/Orange Backed Butterfly (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
Orange Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)

Any advice on this combination? I've deliberately gone for what seem to be easy to keep, hardy fish, with a reasonable CUC. It's my first marine tank though, and I'm sure there's gotta be something I've overlooked.

I'd love a mandarin dragonet but I don't think the tank nor I are ready for one yet!
Ok so here's my shopping list to start with. 125L tank, 12kg's of live rock, external filter and skimmer.

Arrow Spider Crab (stenorhynchus seticornis)
Red Reef Hermit Crab (Dardanus species) x 2
Small Turbo Snail (Astraea species) x 5
Red/Orange Starfish (Fromia species)

While this thread is only about fish, I would prefer to see no crabs and a greater variety and number of snails.

Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion pecula)
Pearlscale/Orange Backed Butterfly (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
Orange Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) I would like to see this introduced first and established

I think the fish list is fine with that one suggestion on order of introduction

Any advice on this combination? I've deliberately gone for what seem to be easy to keep, hardy fish, with a reasonable CUC. It's my first marine tank though, and I'm sure there's gotta be something I've overlooked.

I'd love a mandarin dragonet but I don't think the tank nor I are ready for one yet!

If you add a refugium, about a year down the road, you should be able to sustain one
So I started a little 12 gallon cube for work with about 20 pounds of live rock. I have a HOB filter with no skimmer, but I have a little mini-refriguim with some rubble and chaeto in the HOB filter.

Trying to figure out what to put in it. I was thinking a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, and 1 or 2 firefish. Would 2 firefish be pushing it? Was also thinking about adding 2 sexy shrimp.

I haven't really done too much research on tanks this small, so I wanted to get some advice regarding the bioload. Thank you!
Hey all! Haven't really posted much as I'm more of a lurker, but thought I would see what everyone's opinions where on some fish I'm thinking of adding. My tank is a 75gal w/ 20g sump/fuge, & Reef Octopus 150 skimmer. The tank has been setup for 2+ yrs. and I have recently decided its time to add some more fish. I have always been more into corals than fish, but want some more color and movement in the tank. Current occupants are as follows:

2 Orange lined cardinals (pair)
1 Yellow banded Possum Wrasse
Peppermint shrimp (2-3?) - they hide a lot!
Lots of SPS, LPS, and softy corals.

The biggest concern I have is for the Possum wrasse as he is very docile and non-aggressive. When I first got him I also had a 6-line that would constantly pick on him so the 6-line got the boot! The Possum wrasse is by far my favorite fish and I don't want anyone to bother him. I have been reading through this thread and came across several people suggesting a tank with a group of flasher/fairy wrasse so I was thinking of going in that direction. Let me know what you think and if you have other suggestions for possible fish that will get along with my possum. Oh, and I already have a cover for the tank so jumpers are not a concern.

Possible additions:

Two spot signal goby

McCosker's flasher wrasse
Linespot flasher wrasse
Red velvet fairy wrasse
Orange-Black fairy wrasse

The other question I had was concerning the sex of the fish, all male would be ideal correct? Thanks everyone!!
So I started a little 12 gallon cube for work with about 20 pounds of live rock. I have a HOB filter with no skimmer, but I have a little mini-refriguim with some rubble and chaeto in the HOB filter.

Trying to figure out what to put in it. I was thinking a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, and 1 or 2 firefish. Would 2 firefish be pushing it? Was also thinking about adding 2 sexy shrimp.

I haven't really done too much research on tanks this small, so I wanted to get some advice regarding the bioload. Thank you!

Two firefish, if bonded would be fine. Sexy shrimp are also fine as they add no bioload. But the firefish would be pretty much it after the goby.
Hey all! Haven't really posted much as I'm more of a lurker, but thought I would see what everyone's opinions where on some fish I'm thinking of adding. My tank is a 75gal w/ 20g sump/fuge, & Reef Octopus 150 skimmer. The tank has been setup for 2+ yrs. and I have recently decided its time to add some more fish. I have always been more into corals than fish, but want some more color and movement in the tank. Current occupants are as follows:

2 Orange lined cardinals (pair)
1 Yellow banded Possum Wrasse
Peppermint shrimp (2-3?) - they hide a lot!
Lots of SPS, LPS, and softy corals.

The biggest concern I have is for the Possum wrasse as he is very docile and non-aggressive. When I first got him I also had a 6-line that would constantly pick on him so the 6-line got the boot! The Possum wrasse is by far my favorite fish and I don't want anyone to bother him. I have been reading through this thread and came across several people suggesting a tank with a group of flasher/fairy wrasse so I was thinking of going in that direction. Let me know what you think and if you have other suggestions for possible fish that will get along with my possum. Oh, and I already have a cover for the tank so jumpers are not a concern.

Possible additions:

Two spot signal goby

McCosker's flasher wrasse
Linespot flasher wrasse
Red velvet fairy wrasse
Orange-Black fairy wrasse

The other question I had was concerning the sex of the fish, all male would be ideal correct? Thanks everyone!!

This thread is not a discussion thread, so if you want that, post a separate thread under Reef Fish. All of your flasher/fairy wrasses are fine with your possum wrasse. No issue about male/female other than males usually have better coloration. A two spot goby is unlikely to survive.
Ok, sorry for the discussion questions. And Thanks for the advice.

If I may, why is the two-spot unlikely to survive?

They eat micro organisms found in the sand bed and very quickly deplete them except in very large tanks. I have spent numerous hours watching them in the ocean. Almost always they are found as pairs, virtually always in lagoon settings in protected areas such as abandoned wharfs. A great, fascinating fish but in nature they are very cryptic.
I am interested in purchasing a Diamond Watchman Goby. Do they need a really mature sand bed or will they also go after the mysis when I feed the tank ?
75 gallon stocking list

75 gallon stocking list

So for my 75 gallon tank with 20 long sump, I'd like to start thinking of what fish I want. I won't be getting them for awhile though.

Flame Angel
Vrolik's Wrasse
Royal Gramma
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Orange Spotted Goby
Yellow Prawn Goby

Am I overstocked? If not, other recommendations?

This will be my skimmer:

And I have about 100 lbs live rock.
So for my 75 gallon tank with 20 long sump, I'd like to start thinking of what fish I want. I won't be getting them for awhile though.

Flame Angel
Vrolik's Wrasse
Royal Gramma
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Orange Spotted Goby
Yellow Prawn Goby

Am I overstocked? If not, other recommendations?

I think that stocking list should be fine. I don't know if both gobies are going to live in peace, however.

This will be my skimmer:

And I have about 100 lbs live rock.
I'm looking to get a diamond goby to help keep my sand bed stirred up. I have a 60G tank that was just upgraded from a 28G nano cube. 35 pounds of old, established LR with about 35 pounds of marco rock.

I currently have a cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, yellow watchman goby, firefish, occelaris clown and a bunch of different snails and a few blue legged hermits. Any issues here?
I'm looking to get a diamond goby to help keep my sand bed stirred up. I have a 60G tank that was just upgraded from a 28G nano cube. 35 pounds of old, established LR with about 35 pounds of marco rock.

I currently have a cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, yellow watchman goby, firefish, occelaris clown and a bunch of different snails and a few blue legged hermits. Any issues here?

No issues. However a fighting conch will do a better job cleaning the sand.
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