Current residents:
2 Occ Clowns
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Algae Blenny
2 blue/green chromis
Randall's goby/tiger pistol
Inverts: Cucumber, 1 pep shrimps, serpent star, ruby mithrax, hermits and various snails
I plan to add a pair of skunk cleaners at some point.
First off would it be safe to add a second goby/pistol pair if it were say a YWG/Yasha with a red banded pistol? I love my current pair and the way they stir the sandbed but they stick to one side of the tank.
Second would a Zebrasoma scopas work in my tank?
According to the Tang Tank size list here in the NTTH section, it lists the min as a 75 but I see on LA a 125 min is listed? If not the Scopas how about Ctenochaetus strigosus?
2 Occ Clowns
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Algae Blenny
2 blue/green chromis
Randall's goby/tiger pistol
Inverts: Cucumber, 1 pep shrimps, serpent star, ruby mithrax, hermits and various snails
I plan to add a pair of skunk cleaners at some point.
First off would it be safe to add a second goby/pistol pair if it were say a YWG/Yasha with a red banded pistol? I love my current pair and the way they stir the sandbed but they stick to one side of the tank.
Second would a Zebrasoma scopas work in my tank?
According to the Tang Tank size list here in the NTTH section, it lists the min as a 75 but I see on LA a 125 min is listed? If not the Scopas how about Ctenochaetus strigosus?