72 gallon bowfront, Aqua Clear 50 and 70, Coralife 65 skimmer, 80lbs liverock, 80 lbs live sand. FOWLR (for now, may upgrade lighting in the future and do some easy corals.)
Current inhabitants are:
Yellow Watchmen Goby
2 Percula Clowns
2 Peppermint Shrimp
10 Dwarf hermits
Future Plans:
Citrine Clown Goby
Lawnmower Blenny
Royal Gramma
Firefish add early rather than later so it can settle in without hassles.
Possibly Yellow Tang or Dwarf Fire Angel (leery if tank is big enough for the tang)
Well, I would not do the yellow tang. There are a variety of dwarf angels I like, but none are coral safe for meaty LPS corals. Kole tang would work if you really like tangs
Green Mandarin ( I have heavily researched these guys, and am afraid my setup could not sustain one, I was hoping for your opinion on the matter.)
If you add a refugium and have live rock, after six-seven month you could sustain one.
Large Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Thanks so much in advance! Fantastic site and a great service this thread provides!
Thanks! It got so popular we had to split it. There are more than 100 pages in the first half
BTW Snorvich, Barrington eh? I'm up toward Gurnee area, any great lfs you can recommend?