PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hello Steve,

This one is after the fact... I'm just trying to figure out if I made a mistake or if I just had a fish which deviated from the norm in terms of aggression.

Basically, in a 4ft 120g should a Solar Wrasse, Velvet Multicolor Wrasse (AKA Purple Velvet Fairy Wrasse) and an Exquisite Fairy Wrasse be able to peacefully co-exist.

Long story short, the Velvet and Exquisite were QT'ed together with no signs of aggression. After added to the DT with my established Solar Wrasse, the Exquisite relentlessly chased the Solar to the point where I felt it was going to kill the Solar.

One trick for introduction of new fairy wrasses to a tank with established fairy wrasses is the usage of an acclimation box. This is a small acrylic hang on (usually with suction cups) to the side of the tank box for allowing social acclimation. You can then determine when it is safe to add the new fish. Of the three, C. solorensis is normally the most aggressive.
28G JBJ Nano
25 lbs Live Rock
25 lbs sand
Tunze Protein Skimmer
Up Since 7/1/11

1 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Yellowhead Jawfish
2 Cleaner Shrimp

Can I add one Ocellaris Clownfish?

Thanks for the help!
Hey Snorvich, I am thinking about getting a Yellow Wrasse for my next fish. My tank is a 65g FOWLR with:

- Pearly Jawfish
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Royal Gramma Basslet
- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
- 4 Trochus Snails, 2 Nassarius Snails
- 5 Dwarf Blue legged hermits

I also plan on getting a blood red fire shrimp and some cerith snails. So I know that the Yellow wrasse is peaceful towards other fish but will there be any problems with the Wrasse eating any of my inverts? And I do have a lid.
28G JBJ Nano
25 lbs Live Rock
25 lbs sand
Tunze Protein Skimmer
Up Since 7/1/11

1 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Yellowhead Jawfish
2 Cleaner Shrimp

Can I add one Ocellaris Clownfish?

Thanks for the help!

Yes, adding one clown (A. ocellaris) is fine but I would not pair it in your sized tank
Hey Snorvich, I am thinking about getting a Yellow Wrasse for my next fish. My tank is a 65g FOWLR with:

- Pearly Jawfish
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Royal Gramma Basslet
- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
- 4 Trochus Snails, 2 Nassarius Snails
- 5 Dwarf Blue legged hermits

I also plan on getting a blood red fire shrimp and some cerith snails. So I know that the Yellow wrasse is peaceful towards other fish but will there be any problems with the Wrasse eating any of my inverts? And I do have a lid.

Definitely not a problem with fish, unpredictable towards inverts. Most likely problem is shrimp.
90 gal / 20 gal sump/fuge

Tank is 8 weeks old and this is what I'm thinking about for fish. I included the number as a wish list. Also any advise on timing would be great.

2 Firefish
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Jawfish, Yellowhead
5 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
1 Orange Stripe Prawn Goby or Wheeler's Shrimp Goby

4 Blood shrimp or Snapping Shrimp
1 Pincushion Urchin, Needle
1 brittle starfish (something small, I have looked around but have no idea what kind)
1 Orange sea star.
90 gal / 20 gal sump/fuge

Tank is 8 weeks old and this is what I'm thinking about for fish. I included the number as a wish list. Also any advise on timing would be great.

2 Firefish Two will work only if a bonded pair
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Jawfish, Yellowhead
5 Blue Reef Chromis Will winnow down until only two are left
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
1 Orange Stripe Prawn Goby or Wheeler's Shrimp Goby

4 Blood shrimp or Snapping Shrimp
1 Pincushion Urchin, Needle
1 brittle starfish (something small, I have looked around but have no idea what kind) Careful, some will take fish
1 Orange sea star. will starve to death long term in your tank

firefish and jawfish require a tightly covered tank with a maximum of 1/4 inch holes
Would the below two be ok together in a 40 gallon breeder. Has about 40 pounds of live rock total.

Line Spot Flasher Wrasse (male) 2-1/2"
Royal Flasher Wrasse (male) 3"

These two would be joined by more peaceful fish such as firefish, grammas, etc....

Thanks in advance.

Normally I prefer 50 gallon tank minimums for flasher wrasses. The two fish will not be a problem together behaviorally. You MUST have a mesh top with 1/4 inch holes.


If my firefish pair (they are about 2 1/2 to 3") have been in the tank for over a month, is this enough time for them to be established and lessen the chance of aggression or pestering from the flashers?


If my firefish pair (they are about 2 1/2 to 3") have been in the tank for over a month, is this enough time for them to be established and lessen the chance of aggression or pestering from the flashers?


In my opinion, I would give it another couple of weeks.
Hi Snorvich, got a new list of occupants and potential vacancy... please advise :)

1. 2 ocellaris clowns
2. Tiger/black cap jawfish
3. McCosker Wrasse
4. Royal Gramma
5. Helfrichi firefish

PLANNING ON ADDING : 3 CHROMIS that have already formed a school in another tank

Is that okay?
Green Chromis

Green Chromis

Hey I know many Chromies will kill their way down to one but can this fish be the first in a new cycled tank? I know other damsels are a no-no
Hey Snorvich, still confused with what I will purchase next, so I have also looked into the bangaii cardinalfish to add with my:

-Ocellaris Clown
- Pearly Jawfish
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Royal Gramma Basslet

Any issues with only adding 1 Bangaii? Should they be kept in schools?
Hi Snorvich, got a new list of occupants and potential vacancy... please advise :)

1. 2 ocellaris clowns
2. Tiger/black cap jawfish
3. McCosker Wrasse
4. Royal Gramma
5. Helfrichi firefish

PLANNING ON ADDING : 3 CHROMIS that have already formed a school in another tank

Is that okay?

Bioload wise it is pushing it a bit but the three chromis will likely become two or one. Also, they shoal rather than school.
Hey I know many Chromies will kill their way down to one but can this fish be the first in a new cycled tank? I know other damsels are a no-no

I would certainly not cycle a tank with a fish. Chromis are still really damsels but less aggressive than others. You want one as one of your permanent occupants? Should be ok.
Hey Snorvich, still confused with what I will purchase next, so I have also looked into the bangaii cardinalfish to add with my:

-Ocellaris Clown
- Pearly Jawfish
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Royal Gramma Basslet

Any issues with only adding 1 Bangaii? Should they be kept in schools?

They can not be kept in schools. You can have one or a M/F pair.
Hi Snorvich, thank you for your time. You're doing a great thing here.
Slowly stocking a 500g FOWLR (5'x5' footprint) with ~180g sump, it's been running 3 years.
Currently holds:
Coris gaimard
Coral beauty
Flame angel
Cinnamon clown
Tank-raised ocellaris
Neon blue velvet damsel
2x Sergeant majors
2x Yellow damsels
Fiji blue devil
Black and gold chromis adult
Undulated trigger (feel free to ignore, I have a spare 100g tank set up and running for that one if/when needed)

I plan on adding over the next couple years:
Naso literatus
Thalassoma trilobatum
Queen angel
French angel

Are the two large wrasses ok together? And the large angels? If the queen angel can't be housed with a french angel, would a passer or blue angel be better? Any advice or warning is appreciated.
I have a 3 month old 30 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump/fuge. Inhabitants are a purple fire fish, 2 green chromis, a tailspot blenny and yellow watchman. There's 40 lbs of fiji rock with a skimmer rated for 100 gallon tank and cheato/ruble in the fuge. So far tanks been great. My question is, will there be room for a six line wrasse?
I have a 3 month old 30 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump/fuge. Inhabitants are a purple fire fish, 2 green chromis, a tailspot blenny and yellow watchman. There's 40 lbs of fiji rock with a skimmer rated for 100 gallon tank and cheato/ruble in the fuge. So far tanks been great. My question is, will there be room for a six line wrasse?

A six line wrasse is inherently a very aggressive fish. You have some nice smaller fish that would suffer so I recommend against.
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