Hello Steve,
This one is after the fact... I'm just trying to figure out if I made a mistake or if I just had a fish which deviated from the norm in terms of aggression.
Basically, in a 4ft 120g should a Solar Wrasse, Velvet Multicolor Wrasse (AKA Purple Velvet Fairy Wrasse) and an Exquisite Fairy Wrasse be able to peacefully co-exist.
Long story short, the Velvet and Exquisite were QT'ed together with no signs of aggression. After added to the DT with my established Solar Wrasse, the Exquisite relentlessly chased the Solar to the point where I felt it was going to kill the Solar.
One trick for introduction of new fairy wrasses to a tank with established fairy wrasses is the usage of an acclimation box. This is a small acrylic hang on (usually with suction cups) to the side of the tank box for allowing social acclimation. You can then determine when it is safe to add the new fish. Of the three, C. solorensis is normally the most aggressive.