PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Revised this some:

pair of clowns
yellow watchman goby with shrimp paired
xmas wrasse
mccoskers flashwer wrasse
Vroliks wrasse
purple tang
chevron tang
gramma melancara (black cap basslet)

How does this sound? Good stocking list and compatible tank mates?
Bioload seem ok? Can I add more? Should I take some back.
I appreciate the feedback.

**will QT everything**
Revised this some:

pair of clowns
yellow watchman goby with shrimp paired
xmas wrasse
mccoskers flashwer wrasse I am unsure if this will play with the other wrasses
Vroliks wrasse
purple tang
chevron tang
gramma melancara (black cap basslet)

How does this sound? Good stocking list and compatible tank mates?

The purple tang must be last

Bioload seem ok?

Ok, but remember that your two tangs are eating machines (grazers)

Can I add more?

Small fish would be ok

Should I take some back.
I appreciate the feedback.

**will QT everything**
Dear Snorvich,

Great service you are providing the reef community...thanks a bunch.

I have a 300 gallon circular tank, 42" in diameter and here are the list of my fish:

Pair of Crosshatch triggers 8"
Pair of Bluethroat triggers 4-5"
Pair of Blueline angelfish 5"
Maroon clownfish 5"
Yellow tang 5"
Majestic angelfish 6"
Regal tang 6"
Flame angelfish 4"
Green Bird wrasse 8"
Noronha wrasse 4"
7 Chromis
3 blue damsels

Would like to add a 4-5" Kole tang but afraid it might cause problems with the Yellow tang since he is a little aggressive against newcomers. There are no aggression in the tank, just maybe some minor chasing once in a while (wrasse chasing chromis).
Would an acclimation box help? Or shouldn't even try adding the Kole tang?

Thanks in advance,
Dear Snorvich,

Great service you are providing the reef community...thanks a bunch.

I have a 300 gallon circular tank, 42" in diameter and here are the list of my fish:

Pair of Crosshatch triggers 8"
Pair of Bluethroat triggers 4-5"
Pair of Blueline angelfish 5"
Maroon clownfish 5"
Yellow tang 5"
Majestic angelfish 6"
Regal tang 6"
Flame angelfish 4"
Green Bird wrasse 8"
Noronha wrasse 4"
7 Chromis
3 blue damsels

Would like to add a 4-5" Kole tang but afraid it might cause problems with the Yellow tang since he is a little aggressive against newcomers. There are no aggression in the tank, just maybe some minor chasing once in a while (wrasse chasing chromis).
Would an acclimation box help? Or shouldn't even try adding the Kole tang?

Thanks in advance,

Unfortunately the yellow tang would be aggressive. If your tank were long, it might work but in your tank, I think it unlikely. Acclimation boxes help, but rarely with tangs.
Hi, ive posted before but have changed my mind since then and would like my tank to focus on corals not fish. My tank is a 25g cube with a minimal aquascape and a 40gallon sump. The entire tank has 60lbs of cry rock and 10lbs of live. Running LED AI NANO SOL and an actopus NWB110 skimmer. I will be adding an "Algae scrubber", dosing pumps, reactors and ATO system in the future.I would like my fish to be relatively plain with with a lot of personality. For mid swimmers i would like to go with Longspine Cardinalfish. I think i want between 3-6 of these, probably 5 if my tank allows it. For the rock dwellers i want to go with a small colony of 3 Barnacle Blennies. I would also like to go with 2 Cleaner Shrimp, and 3 Sexy Shrimp. If space allows it, in the far future i would love to put in a Lawnmower Blenny after i allow my rock to become live and have a good layer of algae on them.

My gut is telling me this is overstocked, but im hoping you are going to tell me Nay.... If this is overstocked i will have to rethink this AGAIN :headwalls:
Hi, Steve! We've recently revised our "wish list" and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to take a look and share your thoughts :)

Tank is 75 gallons, with skimmer and about 65 pounds of live rock; hope to add sump down the road but not right away. No corals yet, but hope to start tackling them in the near future!

* 1 ocellaris, plus various inverts

Would like (probably in this order order)
* One yellow watchman goby
* One Banggai cardinalfish (I've heard pairs can get pretty agressive. Thoughts?)
* One anthias (thinking ignitus -- other suggestions welcome, though)
* One fairy wrasse (particularly like the red velvet)
* One mimic tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)

Thoughts? Ideas? Concerns?
Hi, ive posted before but have changed my mind since then and would like my tank to focus on corals not fish. My tank is a 25g cube with a minimal aquascape and a 40gallon sump. The entire tank has 60lbs of cry rock and 10lbs of live. Running LED AI NANO SOL and an actopus NWB110 skimmer. I will be adding an "Algae scrubber", dosing pumps, reactors and ATO system in the future.I would like my fish to be relatively plain with with a lot of personality. For mid swimmers i would like to go with Longspine Cardinalfish. I think i want between 3-6 of these, probably 5 if my tank allows it. For the rock dwellers i want to go with a small colony of 3 Barnacle Blennies. I would also like to go with 2 Cleaner Shrimp, and 3 Sexy Shrimp. If space allows it, in the far future i would love to put in a Lawnmower Blenny after i allow my rock to become live and have a good layer of algae on them.

My gut is telling me this is overstocked, but im hoping you are going to tell me Nay.... If this is overstocked i will have to rethink this AGAIN :headwalls:

Unfortunately, it is overstocked. Try a pair of cardinalfish, and you are closer to what would fit in the tank.
Hi, Steve! We've recently revised our "wish list" and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to take a look and share your thoughts :)

Tank is 75 gallons, with skimmer and about 65 pounds of live rock; hope to add sump down the road but not right away. No corals yet, but hope to start tackling them in the near future!

* 1 ocellaris, plus various inverts

Would like (probably in this order order)
* One yellow watchman goby
* One Banggai cardinalfish (I've heard pairs can get pretty agressive. Thoughts?) a male + female pair will do fine, but if you have two of the same sex, you will end up with one.
* One anthias (thinking ignitus -- other suggestions welcome, though)

I like ignitus and also carberryi

* One fairy wrasse (particularly like the red velvet)
* One mimic tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)

Thoughts? Ideas? Concerns?

I think that would be fine with no issues.
Unfortunately, it is overstocked. Try a pair of cardinalfish, and you are closer to what would fit in the tank.

Do i need to change the amount of shrimp? 6 to much? Do you think i can go with a tomato clown, 3 blennies and the shrimp, and maybe the lawnmower, or is that to much?
Tank is a standard 75g w/ 2 glass hole overflows thus letting me utilize the full 48 x 18 x 21 footprint.

Running a XP 1000SSS cone skimmer with 30g sump and will be primiarily LPS and zoa corals.

- 2 picasso clownfish
- Midas Blenny
- Blue Spot Jawfish
- Helfrichi Pair
- Yellow Watchman Goby (maybe pair)
- Orchid Dottyback (maybe, not 100%)
- Bristletooth Tomini Tang or Kole Yellow Eye Tang
- Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse or Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse or Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse or Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (can I keep more than one)
- Maybe a mandarin in a year or two ?

Any other recommendations or suggestions? I am going to have a LPS dominated tank with softies and would like fish that will swim about the tank. I will have a cover as I know teh BSJ and helfrichi are jumpers.

Thanks for your time!
Do i need to change the amount of shrimp? 6 to much? Do you think i can go with a tomato clown, 3 blennies and the shrimp, and maybe the lawnmower, or is that to much?

Shrimp do not count towards bioload. Remember a tomato clown is very aggressive. You are trying to put a lot in a small tank so be careful.
Tank is a standard 75g w/ 2 glass hole overflows thus letting me utilize the full 48 x 18 x 21 footprint.

Running a XP 1000SSS cone skimmer with 30g sump and will be primiarily LPS and zoa corals.

- 2 picasso clownfish
- Midas Blenny
- Blue Spot Jawfish This requires cool temperature, about 76F, and a deeper sand bed
- Helfrichi Pair These must be established early as they are very easily intimidated
- Yellow Watchman Goby (maybe pair)
- Orchid Dottyback (maybe, not 100%) Although P. fridmani is less aggressive than other pseudochromis , it may have issues with fairy and flasher wrasses
- Bristletooth Tomini Tang or Kole Yellow Eye Tang
- Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse or Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse or Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse or Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (can I keep more than one)

C. solorensis is one of the more aggressive fairy wrasses, and it loses some coloration absent a female; flasher wrasses are compatible with fairy wrasses

- Maybe a mandarin in a year or two ?

If you have a producing refugium, that would work

Any other recommendations or suggestions? I am going to have a LPS dominated tank with softies and would like fish that will swim about the tank. I will have a cover as I know teh BSJ and helfrichi are jumpers.

Must have 1/4 inch holes

Thanks for your time!
So no BSJ ? :( darn I keep my tank 78 year round and so I can keep a flasher and a fairy together in a 75 :)?


Flashers and fairies are compatible. BSJ do best if the temperature is lower (captured in the gulf of cortez) like 74 F. But you might get lucky. It is like Catalina gobies which are cool water fish.
Ok, so I am looking for some idea on stocking.
my current list is
7 chromis
1 Swallow tail blemmy
1 spotted surgion
3 Anthis
Looking to add
Chevron tang
Yellow tang
Regal Tang
Flame angle
Maybe some gobies, and a few more anthis. I would also like another tang
Any ideas

Tanks size to 200g display
Running Zeo, sps domianted.

28G JBJ Nano
25 lbs live rock
20 lbs sand

Currently have
Yellowheaded Jawfish
Bangaii Cardinalfish
2 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp

Would like to add 2 additional fish
One Purple Firefish
One Ocellaris Clownfish

Will this work? Also, can I add both at the same time or should I add the Firefish and wait a couple of weeks before adding the Clownfish?

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