PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Ok, so I am looking for some idea on stocking.
my current list is
7 chromis Unfortunately chromis will winnow themselves down to one or two
1 Swallow tail blemmy
1 spotted surgion
3 Anthis
Looking to add
Chevron tang excellent
Yellow tang these tangs are aggressive to future additions, especially other tangs
Regal Tang Really requires a longer tank, very much of an ich magnet as it is the fish most likely to have it

Flame angle
Maybe some gobies, and a few more anthis. I would also like another tang
Any ideas

If you forgo the hepatus tank, I would recommend a kole tang

I am a big fan of anthias and I seem to recall you have some superb ones in your area. Otherwise resplendent, carberryi or ignitus

Tanks size to 200g display
Running Zeo, sps domianted.

28G JBJ Nano
25 lbs live rock
20 lbs sand

Currently have
Yellowheaded Jawfish
Bangaii Cardinalfish
2 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp

Would like to add 2 additional fish
One Purple Firefish
One Ocellaris Clownfish

Will this work? Also, can I add both at the same time or should I add the Firefish and wait a couple of weeks before adding the Clownfish?


Your plan is fine, but let the firefish get established for about a month and do NOT pair the clownfish
75G tank with about 70 pounds of LR and 80 pounds sand

Currently have:
Ocellaris clown
YW Goby
Diamond Goby
Mandarin Dragonet
Skunk cleaner
Fire Shrimp

Would like to get a Kole's Tang. Everything is established and I figured he would be just fine since the only other open water swimmer is the clown, but figured I would check with someone who has more experience than myself, since I havent had a Tang before.
75G tank with about 70 pounds of LR and 80 pounds sand

Currently have:
Ocellaris clown
YW Goby
Diamond Goby
Mandarin Dragonet
Skunk cleaner
Fire Shrimp

Would like to get a Kole's Tang. Everything is established and I figured he would be just fine since the only other open water swimmer is the clown, but figured I would check with someone who has more experience than myself, since I havent had a Tang before.

No issues. Be sure to quarantine the Kole Tang
hi steve is the ignitus a good choice? should I look for a male or a female.

also about QT, should the Green Mandarin be QT? the QT plan is 4 weeks if fine, the Mandarin being the last fish is 9 months established.
hi steve is the ignitus a good choice? should I look for a male or a female.

I can recommend ignitus, resplendent, carberryi

also about QT, should the Green Mandarin be QT? the QT plan is 4 weeks if fine, the Mandarin being the last fish is 9 months established.

Although controversial, I do not recommend quarantine for mandarins or leopards.
Friend gave me his 135 gallon tank with a 55 g sump(will modify to add refugium). That being said...
Wife wants a Lion fish
I want a SailFin Tang
One Powder Blue Tang
Flame Angel
Maybe a puffer

How far off is this list for a 72x18x24
Friend gave me his 135 gallon tank with a 55 g sump(will modify to add refugium). That being said...
Wife wants a Lion fish This fish will eat any of those in your list below

I think that you guys need to read a bit more. A Powder Blue is an advanced skill fish and y'all are not there yet. First decide on the kind of tank you want: reef, FOWLR, FO, Aggressive. Then planning will go a whole lot smoother.

I want a SailFin Tang
One Powder Blue Tang
Flame Angel
Maybe a puffer

How far off is this list for a 72x18x24
We have a 40 reef with 20g sump refugium already. This would be our fowlr tank. Do the dwarf lions get that big (I wasn't specific sorry)
We have a 40 reef with 20g sump refugium already. This would be our fowlr tank. Do the dwarf lions get that big (I wasn't specific sorry)

The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, is also called the Shortfin Lionfish or simply the Dwarf Lionfish. It has red, white, and black vertical stripes along the body with large, fan-like pectoral fins and tall, quill-like dorsal fins. The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish is appropriately named because of its full fins. Dendrochirus zebra may also be called the Dwarf Lionfish.

A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with numerous hiding places is suitable. It will hide while acclimating to its new environment. The top spines are venomous, causing reactions similar to a bee sting. The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish is a personable fish that quickly recognizes and responds to its owners presence.

When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. The Dwarf Lionfish diet consists of meaty foods such as live shrimp (including ornamental shrimp), live fish, and sometimes, crustacean flesh.
Would they be a happy bunch?

Would they be a happy bunch?

My new 65g tank with a 55g sump is about to be ready and I'm planning on which livestock I'll get. I want to add some corals, but not for now. Here is what I planned to get :

4 × Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab (Left-Handed)
1 × Sailfin/Algae Blenny
1 × Diamond Watchman Goby (Orange-Spotted Sleeper Goby)
1 × Sand Sifting Sea Star
3 × Turbo Snail
3 × Cerith Snail

I also want to get some shrimps, but I don't think I can have them all since they might attack one another, but here are those I'd like, if they can cohabit :
1 × Banded Coral Shrimp
1 × Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 × Peppermint Shrimp

What do you think?
My Tank

My Tank

I have a 75 gal tank with a cpr overflow, refugium filter (20 gal tank with 3 chambers, bioball overflow, protein skimmer), 2 powerheads, CF light ( with 2 50/50 bulbs). I also have a wet/dry I'm not using since I got the refugium.

In terms of livestock, its all inverts atm as my tank only just finished the initial 2 week cycle. I have 2 emerald crabs, 2 porcelain crabs, 10 red legged hermit crabs, a serpent star, a shifting sand star, 11 margarita snails, 2 asteral snails, 3 peppermint shrimps, 1 blood shrimp. Also in my refugium is a sally crab and a red crab that came in on my rock (think its a ruby emerald but I isolated it just to be sure).

I also have a variety of tube worms, a green bubble anemone, bristle worms, anthropods, tigger pods, mini bristle stars, and Aiptasia.

Im expecting 2 baby (1") black ice clownfish on Thursday. In terms of plans for this tank, I would like to eventually have the following blue spot jawfish, yashi goby/pistol shrimp, green mandarin, blue stripe pipe fish, a waspfish (if it can live in my refugium), and probably a wrasse. I'm also looking to eventually expand my coral collection with other soft coral.
My new 65g tank with a 55g sump is about to be ready and I'm planning on which livestock I'll get. I want to add some corals, but not for now. Here is what I planned to get :

4 × Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab (Left-Handed)
1 × Sailfin/Algae Blenny
1 × Diamond Watchman Goby (Orange-Spotted Sleeper Goby)
1 × Sand Sifting Sea Star Will starve to death after depleting your sand bed of beneficial organismss
3 × Turbo Snail
3 × Cerith Snail

I also want to get some shrimps, but I don't think I can have them all since they might attack one another, but here are those I'd like, if they can cohabit :
1 × Banded Coral Shrimp Not recommended, they are aggressive towards fish and other shrimp
1 × Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp You could pair this shrimp
1 × Peppermint Shrimp

What do you think?
I have a 75 gal tank with a cpr overflow, refugium filter (20 gal tank with 3 chambers, bioball overflow, protein skimmer), 2 powerheads, CF light ( with 2 50/50 bulbs). I also have a wet/dry I'm not using since I got the refugium.

Live rock? Live sand?

In terms of livestock, its all inverts atm as my tank only just finished the initial 2 week cycle.

What are your water parameters? Two weeks sounds awfully quick

I have 2 emerald crabs, 2 porcelain crabs, 10 red legged hermit crabs

I do not trust crabs, be careful here

, a serpent star,

Be careful, some take fish

a shifting sand star,

A sand sifting starfish will deplete your sandbed of beneficial organisms, then starve

11 margarita snails, 2 asteral snails, 3 peppermint shrimps, 1 blood shrimp. Also in my refugium is a sally crab and a red crab that came in on my rock (think its a ruby emerald but I isolated it just to be sure).

Careful of crabs

I also have a variety of tube worms, a green bubble anemone, bristle worms, anthropods, tigger pods, mini bristle stars, and Aiptasia.

Im expecting 2 baby (1") black ice clownfish on Thursday. In terms of plans for this tank, I would like to eventually have the following blue spot jawfish,

A BSJ requires a covered tank with 1/4 inch holes and does best at cooler temperatures, e.g. 74 F

yashi goby/pistol shrimp, green mandarin,

A mandarin requires a mature tank with producing refugium

blue stripe pipe fish,

That is an expert level fish which will compete with a mandarin for copepods

a waspfish (if it can live in my refugium),

Not recommended

and probably a wrasse. I'm also looking to eventually expand my coral collection with other soft coral.

I am concerned that your LFS loaded you up with CUC, some of which is fine, some of which is not.
My new tank plan

My new tank plan

My nitrates are down and going to wait 2 more weeks and a hefty water change to start adding. I'm really wanting a clownfish/amenome combo. I was wondering if it is best to add the BTA first and let it roam while the tank is empty or wait until my tank is more aged. I kept my carpet anemone alive for over 3 years before I had to sell and get out of the hobby due to unplanned twin boys! I'm pretty sure the 54 won't support a Saddle, which is what I had before. So I'm thinking BTA. I have a lot of light at 4 t5 24" and also a 250 MH, but the tank is very deep. My live rock is about 75 lbs, maybe closer to 100 Lbs becuase half was bought as dry rock. The other was FL aquacultered and amazing rock.
I also wondered what clowns work best with the BTA. I really like to Percula or False, but the won't take to the BTA. I'm not interested in Clarks, but I'm also worried a Maroon might get too large for a 54. My other plans include a coral beauty (i had good luck with these, though maybe not so reef safe) and maybe 3 green chromis. I also want to get a pair of coral banded shrimp to top it all off. I wanted an opionion on a lawnmower blenny if it would get eaten by the BTA or if I'm pushing to load on my tank. I will add slowly of course.

My tank stuff is as follows:

54 Gallon Corner w/ overflow
Megaflow Wet Dry with rock rubble and 6 inch DBS and increased water depth. (80% of the rocks are under water)
600 GPH return flow
600 GPH tank flow
24" T5 x 4 50/50
250 MH 14000K
1 inch in tank sandbed
Eshopps 75 in sump skimmer
75-100 lbs live rock (50lbs Marco dry and 50 lbs Captin LR aquacultured)
Running 30 days, with dry rock 3 weeks, with Live Rock 2 weeks) Amonina hit .5 PPM and declined, Nitirites hit 3 ppm and declinced. Now registering 0. Nitrates are at 10 ppm but I've just installed the skimmer due to shipping issues and once that gets broke in I will do about 75% water change in another week or so with RO water.

Any input would be appreciated. I have some experience but have been out of the hobby for awhile and with 3 preschoolers my mind isn't what it used to be and forget about research time.
Your post is one of the more difficult to answer in recent memory. If your primary focus is clownfish, I would get a BTA and a pair of GSM (gold stripe maroon) clownfish as the ONLY fish in my 54 gallon tank. I would also do various interesting inverts. I would not get coral banded shrimp for a variety of reasons including aggression and their ability to take fish. It would be very, very difficult to have sexually mature clownfish with a reasonable anemone in your tank along with other fish.

My nitrates are down and going to wait 2 more weeks and a hefty water change to start adding. I'm really wanting a clownfish/amenome combo. I was wondering if it is best to add the BTA first and let it roam while the tank is empty or wait until my tank is more aged. I kept my carpet anemone alive for over 3 years before I had to sell and get out of the hobby due to unplanned twin boys! I'm pretty sure the 54 won't support a Saddle, which is what I had before. So I'm thinking BTA. I have a lot of light at 4 t5 24" and also a 250 MH, but the tank is very deep. My live rock is about 75 lbs, maybe closer to 100 Lbs becuase half was bought as dry rock. The other was FL aquacultered and amazing rock.
I also wondered what clowns work best with the BTA. I really like to Percula or False, but the won't take to the BTA. I'm not interested in Clarks, but I'm also worried a Maroon might get too large for a 54. My other plans include a coral beauty (i had good luck with these, though maybe not so reef safe) and maybe 3 green chromis. I also want to get a pair of coral banded shrimp to top it all off. I wanted an opionion on a lawnmower blenny if it would get eaten by the BTA or if I'm pushing to load on my tank. I will add slowly of course.

My tank stuff is as follows:

54 Gallon Corner w/ overflow
Megaflow Wet Dry with rock rubble and 6 inch DBS and increased water depth. (80% of the rocks are under water)
600 GPH return flow
600 GPH tank flow
24" T5 x 4 50/50
250 MH 14000K
1 inch in tank sandbed
Eshopps 75 in sump skimmer
75-100 lbs live rock (50lbs Marco dry and 50 lbs Captin LR aquacultured)
Running 30 days, with dry rock 3 weeks, with Live Rock 2 weeks) Amonina hit .5 PPM and declined, Nitirites hit 3 ppm and declinced. Now registering 0. Nitrates are at 10 ppm but I've just installed the skimmer due to shipping issues and once that gets broke in I will do about 75% water change in another week or so with RO water.

Any input would be appreciated. I have some experience but have been out of the hobby for awhile and with 3 preschoolers my mind isn't what it used to be and forget about research time.
I have a 55 gallon ready to stock. (but still a young tank 8-9 weeks old) Plan is a reef tank so not much in fish going in. In about a year I will be graduating to a larger tank to the tune of about 185+ gallons

1- blue damsel (I'm not attached to him)
6- astrea snails
2- blue knuckle hermits
1- scarlet hermit

1- Midas Blenny
1- Royal Gramma
1- Clown (I would love to avoid the "nemo" affect by not having the typical Ocellaris, but having a black and white, though I have heard they are more aggressive?)
2-3 cleaner shrimp (more needed?)

Thanks for this thread!!!
I have a 55 gallon ready to stock. (but still a young tank 8-9 weeks old) Plan is a reef tank so not much in fish going in. In about a year I will be graduating to a larger tank to the tune of about 185+ gallons

I too prefer corals and inverts to fish

1- blue damsel (I'm not attached to him)
6- astrea snails
2- blue knuckle hermits
1- scarlet hermit

1- Midas Blenny
1- Royal Gramma
1- Clown (I would love to avoid the "nemo" affect by not having the typical Ocellaris, but having a black and white, though I have heard they are more aggressive?)

As long as you do not pair the clown, aggression will be less. Generally "red" based clowns such as GSM are more aggressive

2-3 cleaner shrimp (more needed?) I use shrimp as clean up crew and I avoid any crabs; I use snails as well, with variety being important

Thanks for this thread!!

My pleasure.
I am concerned that your LFS loaded you up with CUC, some of which is fine, some of which is not.

I have about 60 lbs of live rock and about 2"-3" of live sand in my tank. In terms of water parameters, I used Instant Ocean's Bio Spira to cycle it in 24 hrs. Sure enough, when I tested the water lvls; Ammonia and Nitrite were at 0 ppm (or very close to 0) for the 2 weeks (tested every few days) before I added any CUC.

Why is it that you don't trust crabs? Everything I've read/heard from my LFS (both of them) was that Emeralds and Hermits were safe.

My LFS did not inform me about the dangers of serpent stars or shifting sand stars, what would you recommend in this regard?

I'm aware that the BSJ, Mandarin, and Pipefish are all difficult, and that I'm not ready. But in 6 months+ they're fish I'd like to have. So, on that not, besides competing for copepods, any other compatibility issues?

Any recommendations for some reef friendly starter fish that might go well with my clowns? I recently got a green bubble anemone to host them.

Also, while I'm spamming you with questions, what are some good starter corals?

Yeah, I don't know why that LPS didn't inform me about these issues. I'll be sure to just stick with the other one then because they seem more knowledgeable.
I have about 60 lbs of live rock and about 2"-3" of live sand in my tank. In terms of water parameters, I used Instant Ocean's Bio Spira to cycle it in 24 hrs. Sure enough, when I tested the water lvls; Ammonia and Nitrite were at 0 ppm (or very close to 0) for the 2 weeks (tested every few days) before I added any CUC.

Why is it that you don't trust crabs? Everything I've read/heard from my LFS (both of them) was that Emeralds and Hermits were safe.

Although this thread is really about fish . . . crabs are extremely opportunistic omnivores and will often kill snails for their shells. Emerald crabs are somewhat safe until they get large. There are better ways to handle algae. Again, LFS are there to sell, we at RC are not.

My LFS did not inform me about the dangers of serpent stars or shifting sand stars, what would you recommend in this regard?

Again, this thread is about fish. Try a separate inquiry in new to the hobby. If it were me, I would remove them.

I'm aware that the BSJ, Mandarin, and Pipefish are all difficult, and that I'm not ready. But in 6 months+ they're fish I'd like to have. So, on that not, besides competing for copepods, any other compatibility issues?

You have a relatively small tank to maintain copepod grazers. If you make your refugium a good source of copepods, the mandarin may be fine. The BSJ requires a cover with 1/4 inch holes, and does best if kept at cooler water temperatures.

Any recommendations for some reef friendly starter fish that might go well with my clowns? I recently got a green bubble anemone to host them.

Anemones require a mature tank. My sense is that you are going to fast. In any case, your clowns may or may not choose to associate with your anemone.

Also, while I'm spamming you with questions, what are some good starter corals?

Best to post that as a separate inquiry (I sometimes have time to answer there as well) in New to the Hobby.

Yeah, I don't know why that LPS didn't inform me about these issues. I'll be sure to just stick with the other one then because they seem more knowledgeable.

Remember, LFS are there to sell.
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