thanks - I was afraid it might not be compatible with the orchid since they're similar in shape.
The orchid dottyback (P. fridmani) is one of the least aggressive dottybacks; also one of the prettiest. They do not occupy the same ecological niche.
thanks - I was afraid it might not be compatible with the orchid since they're similar in shape.
48 Gallon Rimless (no lid)
60 LBS of LR
Euroreef RS 80
10 Gallon Refugium w/ DSB
Little Fishies Phos Reactor
Tank is 5 months old.
Currently I have 2 Domino mated clowns that are about 2 inches in length.(been in the tank 1 month)
I am looking at a Fairy Wrasse, Coral Beauty Angel, Midas Blenny, and a red Mandarin.
Most websites say wrasses are jumpers and I will never put a cover on my tank so if that is true then the wrasse is out.
No fairy or flasher wrasses; they will jump.
I have a concern about there not being enough live food for a blenny and a mandarin. I have alot of pods and they are getting big, some of them are the size of pencil erasers.
Your tank is not large enough or mature enough for a mandarin. The blenny should be fine along with a dwarf angel
Order wise the angel is last everything else doesn't matter?
So thoughts?
ok, recently upgraded to a 40B and have a 20 L sump/fuge. i am in need of more CUC. this is my first sand bed aquarium so i dont know what i need for it. i used hermits and astreas in my old tank but they all seem to avoid the sand bed and it is looking terrible with all the brown growing on it. i am looking for animals that will pick through the sand and eat the stuff off from it but not dig. i want to avoid anything that may not do well like sand sifting stars or cleaner wrasse. i dont want anything that i may have to take a chance on.
all suggestions appreciated
i like the fighting conch but dont know how much he will mess with the sand bed
is there a thread to ask about inverts? or should i just post it in the main "new to the hobby" forum. i do have more questions about some inverts
I have a 6ft 150. I want to add a powder brown and atlantic blue tang. Will they get along?
Thank you. I will add them the same time. With that said, is the powder brown the more aggressive of the two?
Thank you Steve.
Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with 65-70 lbs of live rock. I'm planning to get a new RO/DI system and protein skimmer in the next week to create a healthy environment for the fish and corals. Here is the list of the fish I'm thinking of getting. Please let me know your thoughts.
2 green reef chromis
1 black axil chromis
1 green clown goby
1 clown
1 carpenters flasher wrasse
1 red mandarin
1 green mandarin
1 banggai cardinal
You are most welcome. Wish I could be more definitive.
You actually were very helpful. Based on your cautiousness with the powder brown, I removed him and all of the other fish in the tank started swimming around a lot more. It seems the powder brown was a tank bully.
So lets here what everyone has to say on this. I was thinking of getting 3-5 damsel fish for my tank 55gal. Now knowing that they are aggressive for the most part, and since i will be adding them all at once. anyone for see any problems with aggression?? In the tank i have a scopas tang, lawn mower, foxface, Royal gamma and two clown. I'm just looking for more of a schooling fish and lets keep the chromis out of the discussion thanks