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mandarins and copepods

mandarins and copepods

My tank is about nine months old. My sump with fuge is only about 1 month old. I also have a buiolt in sump tho which has a fuge as well. I want to get a mandarin but am not seeing copepods. I bought some and they were in the bottle and were alive when i added to the tank. Im highly confident my tank is healthy. All corals are bright and all fish seem happy. Why am i having trouble with pods. Also i put a pellet or two of new life spectrum in fuge every day or two
My tank is about nine months old. My sump with fuge is only about 1 month old. I also have a buiolt in sump tho which has a fuge as well. I want to get a mandarin but am not seeing copepods. I bought some and they were in the bottle and were alive when i added to the tank. Im highly confident my tank is healthy. All corals are bright and all fish seem happy. Why am i having trouble with pods. Also i put a pellet or two of new life spectrum in fuge every day or two

Tank size? I do not recommend anything less than 75 gallons for a mandarin. Chaeto in refugium? Refugium size? Do you dose phyto to your refugium?
its 70 gal display. 30 gallon sump. Maybe 15 gal fuge. Its seperated tho five gal with chateo live rock live sand. 10 gallon with rock sand. no chateo. i put roughly, supposedly a thousand in each fuge. dont give phyto just couple pellets of food
its 70 gal display. 30 gallon sump. Maybe 15 gal fuge. Its seperated tho five gal with chateo live rock live sand. 10 gallon with rock sand. no chateo. i put roughly, supposedly a thousand in each fuge. dont give phyto just couple pellets of food

Give the refugium a couple of months. You should be fine.
28 gallon nano cube
25lbs live rock
Currently have:
Bangaii Cardinal
Yellow Watchman Goby
Skunk cleaner shrimp

Would like to add 2 more fish. Could I add both a Yellow banded possum wrasse and a Filamented Flasher Wrasse. Believe they are both peaceful individually, but not sure how they respond together

Would Chromis attack blue-eyed cardinals

Would Chromis attack blue-eyed cardinals

I have a 180 gal tank with a few chromis in it. Would they harrass or kill a small school of blue-eyed cardinals?
28 gallon nano cube
25lbs live rock
Currently have:
Bangaii Cardinal
Yellow Watchman Goby
Skunk cleaner shrimp

Would like to add 2 more fish. Could I add both a Yellow banded possum wrasse and a Filamented Flasher Wrasse. Believe they are both peaceful individually, but not sure how they respond together


There should be no interaction.
Hi everyone!

I have a 37 gallon, 30" x 12"x 23" tank with: custom canopy (adds 8" height), T-5 Lighting (2 bulbs, 28 in"), Canister filter (JBJ Reaction4 EFU-25, rated for 100gal), Remora Protein Skimmer (hang on the back style) + Maxi-Jet Submersible pump, small refugium (with chaeto), hood fan, live sand (4" deep), about 50lbs live rock, heater, and circulation pump (MN 606, 159gph).

I have Kenyan trees, about 10 green palys, a snowflake eel, and a fuzzy dwarf lionfish. What livestock, corals, and inverts would go well in this tank? I have some ideas but I would love some opinions!
Hi everyone!

I have a 37 gallon, 30" x 12"x 23" tank with: custom canopy (adds 8" height), T-5 Lighting (2 bulbs, 28 in"), Canister filter (JBJ Reaction4 EFU-25, rated for 100gal), Remora Protein Skimmer (hang on the back style) + Maxi-Jet Submersible pump, small refugium (with chaeto), hood fan, live sand (4" deep), about 50lbs live rock, heater, and circulation pump (MN 606, 159gph).

I have Kenyan trees, about 10 green palys, a snowflake eel, and a fuzzy dwarf lionfish. What livestock, corals, and inverts would go well in this tank? I have some ideas but I would love some opinions!

Unfortunately, none. I don't give advice about small tanks with eels. Try the aggressive fish forum
I have looked at the chevron but was always turned off by the tank size recommendations. Can I ask why you recommended it?

Good personality, excellent "worker" and to me a very pretty fish.Mixing tangs is always potentially problematical, however, and in your sized tank, you would HAVE to supplement veggie food
1st fish: Pearlscale butterfly and newly cycled, empty 150G....
not my call (long story) ...but all things being equal are we headed for a dead fish (it does appear to eat at least)

(fishless cycle on tank with 100lbs of 99% dead rock, 100lbs of marine sand, no skimmer yet, cheato in sump)
1st fish: Pearlscale butterfly and newly cycled, empty 150G....
not my call (long story) ...but all things being equal are we headed for a dead fish (it does appear to eat at least)

(fishless cycle on tank with 100lbs of 99% dead rock, 100lbs of marine sand, no skimmer yet, cheato in sump)

Not necessarily. Not my first choice in butterfly fish, but not bad. Eats meaty food such as mysis, rods, capelin fish roe. Probably not clam safe.
40 gallon breeder fish

40 gallon breeder fish

40 gallon breeder with 20 gallon sump (still in the works,not working yet). My tank is finished the initial cycling process. About 40 pounds dry pukani with 2 small live rocks from LFS. 30 pounds of tropic eden reeflakes. I have no lights on the tank yet but I am getting the tek elite 6x39 fixture and a SRO 1000int skimmer for myself for Christmas. My intended fish purchases are as follows... Royal Gamma Basslet
Midas Blenny
Blue/Green Chromis
False Percula x 2?

Please tell me if that would be o.k. and list the order of purchase too. I'm not going to put them in all at once obviously. Also if the fish list would not work, would you please recommend them for me. Thanks in advance.
40 gallon breeder with 20 gallon sump (still in the works,not working yet). My tank is finished the initial cycling process. About 40 pounds dry pukani with 2 small live rocks from LFS. 30 pounds of tropic eden reeflakes. I have no lights on the tank yet but I am getting the tek elite 6x39 fixture and a SRO 1000int skimmer for myself for Christmas. My intended fish purchases are as follows... Royal Gamma Basslet
Midas Blenny
Blue/Green Chromis
False Percula x 2?

Please tell me if that would be o.k. and list the order of purchase too. I'm not going to put them in all at once obviously. Also if the fish list would not work, would you please recommend them for me. Thanks in advance.

Personally I would prefer a more interesting fish than a chromis. Perhaps a flasher wrasse or one of the interesting but mildy reclusive possum wrasses. However your fish list will work. Keep in mind that if you get two A. percula they will bond and eventually mate so that their level of aggression will be such that they want to control about 25 gallons.
Personally I would prefer a more interesting fish than a chromis. Perhaps a flasher wrasse or one of the interesting but mildy reclusive possum wrasses. However your fish list will work. Keep in mind that if you get two A. percula they will bond and eventually mate so that their level of aggression will be such that they want to control about 25 gallons.

OK thanks, would any of the flasher sub-species work or is the a certain flasher in particular that you would suggest. Also, could you give the scientific name too so I can make sure I look at the correct species?

Oh, I forgot to mention that this will be a reef tank eventually; if that makes a diff. Thanks again
OK thanks, would any of the flasher sub-species work or is the a certain flasher in particular that you would suggest. Also, could you give the scientific name too so I can make sure I look at the correct species?

Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) is an example but any of the Paracheilinus will do just fine as their habits and personality are similar

Oh, I forgot to mention that this will be a reef tank eventually; if that makes a diff. Thanks again

Unless told FOWLR, I only recommend reef safe fish.
I'm planning on setting up a 70 gallon cube with 25 gallon sump, and some advice when it comes to stocking fish would be awesome! :)

Tank is going to be mainly SPS, with possibly a few LPS and softies as well, but these are anyway less important and not a must. Refugium in the sump to grow pods.

2x Clarkii or pink skunk stripe clowns. Not sure on which of these, tbh.
2x Green mandarins (added after 7 months or so)
1x Flasher Wrasse. Not sure about which specific one though.
And here comes the fish I'm most unsure of, probably: Yellow tang OR Copperband butterfly OR Kole Yellow Eye Tang. I do love the copperband, but I've heard it's not the easiest fish to keep, so...
Perhaps some anthias as well, if there's room.

Any input would be highly apreciated!
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