PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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thanks, does that mean the fish I listed are all okay to be added? including the 2 or 3 coralfish?

(Heniochus acuminatus), also known as the longfin bannerfish tend to get largish and may not be reef safe depending on the exact species. I might consider one, but would not add three.
I have been rethinking my list and this is what I have. The tank is a 90 gallon with coral and a 30 gallon sump plus a big protein skimmer.

Black Axil Chromis (Group of 3-5)
True Percula Clownfish (pair)
Red Mandarin ORA (pair maybe?) only one after 7 months or so
Starry Blenny
Diamond Watchman Goby (w/pistol)
Scissortail Dartfish (pair)
Falco Hawkfish
precludes shrimp

Generally it looks ok. Add the clowns last
I have a 72 BF, Amiracle Sump, Sea Clone Skimmer, RIO 2100 Return pump, 65#'s LR in display, 10#'s in the Sump, around 65#'s of sand. In the process of adding a small 5 gal fuge, it will have a 4" sand bed, medium sized rock and guessing chaeto. Only things in it now are a Domino Damsel, and a Orange Mushroom, and 5 Dwarf Cerith Snails. With my aquascape, I have a small island of rock, that I plan on letting Mushrooms take over, and then have various SPS on the larger rock formation. The livestock list I'd like is...

3 Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) Not stable with 3, only one or a m/f pair
3 Banggai cardinals (Pterapogon kauderni) same issue
Goby: 2 Spot(Signigobius biocellatus) and/or Yellow Prawn(Cryptocentrus cinctus) Very difficult will not survive
Clown Goby: Green(Gobiodon atrangulatus), Citrus(Gobiodon citrinus), Panda(Paragobius lacunicolus) Id like one of each personally.
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)(?) your tank is too small
3 Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus) will likely end up with one
Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) can take fish
Sand Sifting Star (Astropecten polycanthus) will deplete your sand bed, then starve
2-3 Fighting Conch (Strombus alatus)
2-3 Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) I recommend against crabs generally
Varius Snails and Hermits (CUC)

Thank you for looking, any input is appreciated.

check back if you have additional questions

I have a 360 gallon main tank with 400 pounds live rock, 3 inch sand bed. T5 and power compact lighting.
125 gallon sump, reef concepts skimmer (rated 300 gallon),with a mag2400 pump. 50-75 pounds of live rock.
Perspective inhabitants : Corals : Kenya trees, toadstool leather, candy canes, mushrooms, elegance coral, hammers, cabbage leathers, duncans, xenia, acan, zoas, polyps, frogspawns, etc. (we like alot of movement in the coral)


Let me know your thoughts, as well as how many fish of each would be appropriate considering the size of our tank.
Bamboo shark (large and egg), yellow tang, blue tang, Naso tang, clown fish, foxface, rabbit fish, butterfly fish, triggerfish, blue spot stingray(?), powder blue tang, clown tang, green mandarin, (and possibly other hardy, good size, and colorful species)
What would your recommendation be??
I have a 360 gallon main tank with 400 pounds live rock, 3 inch sand bed. T5 and power compact lighting.
125 gallon sump, reef concepts skimmer (rated 300 gallon),with a mag2400 pump. 50-75 pounds of live rock.
Perspective inhabitants : Corals : Kenya trees, toadstool leather, candy canes, mushrooms, elegance coral, hammers, cabbage leathers, duncans, xenia, acan, zoas, polyps, frogspawns, etc. (we like alot of movement in the coral)

I would recommend you research alleopathy with regard to your coral selection. Many of these, despite their popularity are really considered "weed" corals. But this thread is about fish compatibility . . .


Let me know your thoughts, as well as how many fish of each would be appropriate considering the size of our tank.
Bamboo shark (large and egg), yellow tang, blue tang, Naso tang, clown fish, foxface, rabbit fish, butterfly fish, triggerfish, blue spot stingray(?), powder blue tang, clown tang, green mandarin, (and possibly other hardy, good size, and colorful species)
What would your recommendation be??

I do not give advice about tanks with sharks and rays other than to say, some of your other possible selections are not compatible. You have many grazers, all of which are going to perceive that their ecological niche is crowded. I do not recommend clown tangs ever. For reference, I one of my tanks is the same size.
I have 2, 20g tanks, each with a pair of false perc clowns (1blk pr 1 normal pr). These are breeding tanks with bare min decorations...HOB pump, standerd lights, 2"+ sandbeds' heater....terra cotta flowerpot to lay eggs on. Exactly the min suggested to me by clown breeders on the fish breeding forum on here, with the exception of a 20g instead of a 10g (i had them spare anyway) and the sandbed (force of habit to use some kind of deepish substrait). I used dry agranite btw.

wondering if there is a small starfish that could get along with them, im used to some sort of algea eater/substrait turner/glass cleaner in my FW and it just seems bare without one. I hate snails and any sort of crab/lobster/crayfish type critter w the exception of hermit crabs. something bright colored ie pink/red/blue.....there is a small type at the local LFS who fits the size and color bill but idk if its fish safe as they were in there frag tank, or the name of it.

it would also have to be egg safe of course, or at least able to be ran off by the parents till i take the eggs out to hatch in there own tank.

also looking for a similar, but larger starfish to put in a similar tank by its self....prefer one that likes fish for dinner as I always have lots of FW culls im looking to feed to something.
I have 2, 20g tanks, each with a pair of false perc clowns (1blk pr 1 normal pr). These are breeding tanks with bare min decorations...HOB pump, standerd lights, 2"+ sandbeds' heater....terra cotta flowerpot to lay eggs on. Exactly the min suggested to me by clown breeders on the fish breeding forum on here, with the exception of a 20g instead of a 10g (i had them spare anyway) and the sandbed (force of habit to use some kind of deepish substrait). I used dry agranite btw.

wondering if there is a small starfish that could get along with them, im used to some sort of algea eater/substrait turner/glass cleaner in my FW and it just seems bare without one. I hate snails and any sort of crab/lobster/crayfish type critter w the exception of hermit crabs. something bright colored ie pink/red/blue.....there is a small type at the local LFS who fits the size and color bill but idk if its fish safe as they were in there frag tank, or the name of it.

it would also have to be egg safe of course, or at least able to be ran off by the parents till i take the eggs out to hatch in there own tank.

also looking for a similar, but larger starfish to put in a similar tank by its self....prefer one that likes fish for dinner as I always have lots of FW culls im looking to feed to something.

In a breeding tank, I ONLY recommend algae eating snails, never crabs even hermits, and never star fish that will starve. As far as a fish eating starfish for a species tank, please post your question in the invertebrates forum.
thanks :), I will just strip them of the substrait and go BB for ease in cleaning then ;)

after over 30yrs trying to kill snails and crustaceans before they get in my ponds and using fake aquarium plants to keep them out of my tanks......I just cant bring myself to pack one home :/
thanks :), I will just strip them of the substrait and go BB for ease in cleaning then ;)

after over 30yrs trying to kill snails and crustaceans before they get in my ponds and using fake aquarium plants to keep them out of my tanks......I just cant bring myself to pack one home :/

They are different than freshwater. Consider fighting conchs then.
Hello and happy holidays Steve -

I am still in the dry tank stage of setting up my first sw reef tank but close enough to begin considering stocking plans. The tank is 65g with a 30g sump/skimmer/fuge and I have been considering the following fish specimens:

Pygymy Angel - centropyge argi
Royal Gramma - Gramma Loreto
Chalk Bass - Serranus Tortugarum
Neon Goby -Gobiosoma Oceanops
Molly Miller Blenny - Scartella Cristata
Yellow Head Jawfish - Opistograthus Aurifrons
Sargeant Major Damsel - Abudefduf Saxatilis

A couple questions beyond are these compatible are -

Are any of the above good candidates for pairing or schooling in this size aquarium?
Type of substrate and depth for the yellow head jawfish?
Is the quantity / size ratio appropriate for the tank capacity?
Is there potential for problematic aggression?
The SM Damsel is most likely going to be the aggressive addition and the one I am furthest out on the limb on, however, I am interested in finding that one focal fish if it's not already indicated.

Thanks for the time you share with this column.
Hello and happy holidays Steve -

I am still in the dry tank stage of setting up my first sw reef tank but close enough to begin considering stocking plans. The tank is 65g with a 30g sump/skimmer/fuge and I have been considering the following fish specimens:

Pygymy Angel - centropyge argi
Royal Gramma - Gramma Loreto
Chalk Bass - Serranus Tortugarum
Neon Goby -Gobiosoma Oceanops
Molly Miller Blenny - Scartella Cristata
Yellow Head Jawfish - Opistograthus Aurifrons
Sargeant Major Damsel - Abudefduf Saxatilis

A couple questions beyond are these compatible are -

Are any of the above good candidates for pairing or schooling in this size aquarium?
Type of substrate and depth for the yellow head jawfish? Well PVC pipe buried is best (1 inch) but I would also provide small rocks for building material
Is the quantity / size ratio appropriate for the tank capacity? Except for the SM damsel, it is fine
Is there potential for problematic aggression? SM damsels, especially if mating are incredibly aggressive
The SM Damsel is most likely going to be the aggressive addition and the one I am furthest out on the limb on, however, I am interested in finding that one focal fish if it's not already indicated.

I would look at one of the dwarf angels; athough not reef safe necessarily it would provide interest and color

Thanks for the time you share with this column

Thanks much. I just want people to be successful.

I am putting together a 60 gal. cube (24x24x24) with a 20 gal. sump. This is what I am thinking about and welcome your comments.

2 Amphiprion Ocellaris
1. Chromis Operculatis
1. Assesor Macnelli
1. Centro Aurantia
I do plan on a mix of corals, and at least one anemone, probably Entacmae Quadricolor, though I need to check compatability with the clowns.Thanks for your help!
I am putting together a 60 gal. cube (24x24x24) with a 20 gal. sump. This is what I am thinking about and welcome your comments.

2 Amphiprion Ocellaris
1. Chromis Operculatis
1. Assesor Macnelli
1. Centro Aurantia
I do plan on a mix of corals, and at least one anemone, probably Entacmae Quadricolor, though I need to check compatability with the clowns.Thanks for your help!

A. ocellaris will associate with Entacmae Quadricolor, in aquaria but not in nature. The fish list is fine. Add clowns and anemone last.
In my 110 (48Lx18Dx30H) I have two Ocellaris, tribal blenny, pink spot goby, two chromis, and two BTAs. Would a Regal angel be compatible?
In my 110 (48Lx18Dx30H) I have two Ocellaris, tribal blenny, pink spot goby, two chromis, and two BTAs. Would a Regal angel be compatible?

I am unsure if Regal Angels are BTA safe, but they probably are. Biggest problem is getting it to eat.
Thank you in advance for you guidance:
I have a JBJ Nano 28 with 89w LED. 24lbs live rock about 30lbs live sand. Media chamber is running Chaeto Fuge and purigen. Alost added hang-on-back GFO/Charcoal reactor. I have a juvenile pair of A. Ocellaris a Stonogobiops yasha (Goby), 3 small peppermint shrimp, 2 small emerald crabs, 10 pea sized blue leg hermits (I also distrust crabs, but they were recommended to me before finding this) 6 margarita (?) snails, 6 astrea (?) snails, 3 Mexican turbo (?) snails and a small tile star. Various SPS and LPS frags. I would like to add 1 or 2 more very small compatible fish in the next 4-6 months. I like tailspot blennies (Ecsenius stigmatura) but am uncertain if they are better solo or in a pair, or if there would be an additional/alternative choice that would be better.
29g mixed reef

29g mixed reef

Tank info, 29 gallon (30x12x18) sumpless with 4 inch deep sand bed, 40lbs live rock, reef octopus 100F hob protein skimmer with chemi pure elite and polyfilter in media chamber. Two 24 inch T5 lights (one actinic) and a vortech mp 10.
Already have two emerald crabs and two medium sized snails courtesy of my live rock.Want to have a mixed reef of some easy to keep corals like mushrooms and zoas. Wife really wants a cleaner shrimp, maybe a skunk, and I'm fascinated by brittle stars so def some of those. As far as fish, maybe a pair of false clowns. Trying to keep it lightly stocked just because it is a sumpless 29g, and my first saltwater tank...actually my first tank ever. Have done my homework though and this site has helped tremendously. Just finished a very quick and light cycle after setting up two weeks ago, due to live rock and sand. Anyway, going to let the tank just kind of stabalize for the next few weeks just to be on the safe side before we add anything.

Thanks for your help
Thank you in advance for you guidance:
I have a JBJ Nano 28 with 89w LED. 24lbs live rock about 30lbs live sand. Media chamber is running Chaeto Fuge and purigen. Alost added hang-on-back GFO/Charcoal reactor. I have a juvenile pair of A. Ocellaris a Stonogobiops yasha (Goby), 3 small peppermint shrimp, 2 small emerald crabs, 10 pea sized blue leg hermits (I also distrust crabs, but they were recommended to me before finding this) 6 margarita (?) snails, 6 astrea (?) snails, 3 Mexican turbo (?) snails and a small tile star. Various SPS and LPS frags. I would like to add 1 or 2 more very small compatible fish in the next 4-6 months. I like tailspot blennies (Ecsenius stigmatura) but am uncertain if they are better solo or in a pair, or if there would be an additional/alternative choice that would be better.

I would suggest that only one tailspot blennie be added since they graze and you have a small tank. I also feel that those emerald crabs will be a problem.
Tank info, 29 gallon (30x12x18) sumpless with 4 inch deep sand bed, 40lbs live rock, reef octopus 100F hob protein skimmer with chemi pure elite and polyfilter in media chamber. Two 24 inch T5 lights (one actinic) and a vortech mp 10.
Already have two emerald crabs and two medium sized snails courtesy of my live rock.Want to have a mixed reef of some easy to keep corals like mushrooms and zoas. Wife really wants a cleaner shrimp, maybe a skunk, and I'm fascinated by brittle stars so def some of those. As far as fish, maybe a pair of false clowns. Trying to keep it lightly stocked just because it is a sumpless 29g, and my first saltwater tank...actually my first tank ever. Have done my homework though and this site has helped tremendously. Just finished a very quick and light cycle after setting up two weeks ago, due to live rock and sand. Anyway, going to let the tank just kind of stabalize for the next few weeks just to be on the safe side before we add anything.

Thanks for your help

This thread is about fish compatibility but . . . I would be concerned about emerald crabs. Cleaner shrimp are fine but they will not clean your clowns. Brittle stars can be problematic depending on which kind you add as they can take fish.
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