I'm planning on setting up a 70 gallon cube with 25 gallon sump, and some advice when it comes to stocking fish would be awesome!
Tank is going to be mainly SPS, with possibly a few LPS and softies as well, but these are anyway less important and not a must. Refugium in the sump to grow pods.
2x Clarkii or pink skunk stripe clowns. Not sure on which of these, tbh.
Clownfish, in general, are aggressive once they are sexually mature and those species are exceptionally so
2x Green mandarins (added after 7 months or so)
I do not feel you will have sufficient copepods for two, but one would work
1x Flasher Wrasse. Not sure about which specific one though.
And here comes the fish I'm most unsure of, probably: Yellow tang OR Copperband butterfly OR Kole Yellow Eye Tang. I do love the copperband, but I've heard it's not the easiest fish to keep,
Of those three, I think the Kole tang would be best and remember a copperband will compete for copepods and may not eat at all
Perhaps some anthias as well, if there's room.
One for sure, but not multiples as their dynamic changes when they are a group
Any input would be highly apreciated!