After always carefully researching before buying fish, I stupidly caved into buying a Midas Blenny for a 28 gallon nano. Always loved that fish and couldn't help myself. Well, stupid is as stupid does. Does crack me up that fish look docile and nice in a LFS tank but turn otherwise when brought home.
The Midas started off small and nice but is now harassing my fav McCosker wrasse but leaves the Orange Stripe goby alone.
So, I'll sadly return the Midas to the LFS as it will only grow larger and meaner.
Question; knowing that nothing is certain in this hobby, is there another fish that would be compatible with the McCosker and Orange Stripe or just wait until upgrading the tank to a larger size (after kids get through college
Thoughts are maybe a Purple Firefish, Rainford Goby or Tailspot Blenny.
Thanks in advance.