PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I am still in the planning stages on my 210 gallon 60x30x27

the tank will be all marine planted. little to no coral.

How many Gobies could i keep in that size tank and what kinds cannot share a tank that size.

the must have gobies are tiger watchman, two spot.

the only other fish that i have is a pair of tomato clowns.

Two spot gobies need a large sand bed with rock structures which create overhangs. They are copepod eaters so the tank must be very mature and/or have a producing refugium. I can not begin to answer "how many" type questions.
i have a 31g FOWLR tank, 6 months old. params all good ie no ammonia, nitrate / nitrite etc.
current occupants are 2 x yellow tail damsels, 1 x blue-green chromis, 1 x roayal gramma.
i want to add 1 more fish, but one of the damsels is a PITA, and has claimed almost half the tank. Are there any suitable fish i can put in that will break the damsels monpoly and not result in any deaths. I was thinking of a flame angel or coral beauty, or some kind of wrasse.
i have a 31g FOWLR tank, 6 months old. params all good ie no ammonia, nitrate / nitrite etc.
current occupants are 2 x yellow tail damsels, 1 x blue-green chromis, 1 x roayal gramma.
i want to add 1 more fish, but one of the damsels is a PITA, and has claimed almost half the tank. Are there any suitable fish i can put in that will break the damsels monpoly and not result in any deaths. I was thinking of a flame angel or coral beauty, or some kind of wrasse.

Unfortunately, you have 4 aggressive fish. I cannot offer any solution that does not involve removing fish.
I need some help.

I have a 120 gal tall. 30 gal sump w/refugium. 80lb of sand and live rock. I only have a Xenia. I will be at four weeks on this Friday. I want a pair of clowns, something yellow, a Tang will do. At least one pigmy angel if I can't have two. Several wrasse and school of something interesting. And finally a Madarin by my son's request. Will these work and is there another Tang one something similarly sized that I can get that will be compatible with this list? Also what order should I get them in? Would you recommend any cleaner stock(snails etc) ? I will probably do corals in the near future as well. I have done freshwater for a year and that tank is fairly self maintaining. I want a complete ecological marine system as well.

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I need some help.

I have a 120 gal tall. 30 gal sump w/refugium. 80lb of sand and live rock. I only have a Xenia. I will be at four weeks on this Friday. I want a pair of clowns, something yellow, a Tang will do. At least one pigmy angel if I can't have two. Several wrasse and school of something interesting. And finally a Madarin by my son's request. Will these work and is there another Tang one something similarly sized that I can get that will be compatible with this list? Also what order should I get them in? Would you recommend any cleaner stock(snails etc) ? I will probably do corals in the near future as well. I have done freshwater for a year and that tank is fairly self maintaining. I want a complete ecological marine system as well.


While this thread is about fish compatibilty with each other and the environment you are providing, I would suggest learning how to test your water, learn what cleanup crew you need, and then research your fish list. Your tank is too small for two tangs, especially since it is a tall rather than long. A mandarin may be feasible with sufficient live rock and greater maturity. You could have two pigmy angels, but in general, they are not reef safe. Always add the most aggressive fish last (except for the mandarin which has copepod requirements and must be last)
I have a 55g tank and working on a DIY sump (10g) I am also in the process of buying live rock and sand. I have a power filter working on getting a protein skimmer for the sump. What would be some other good things to buy? and what are some good starter fish for after my tank cycles from the live rock and sand?
180 fowlr

180 fowlr

I am no where near finished starting this project but as a general question... I have a 180 acrylic aquarium with a 55 acrylic frag tank (large protein skimmer) and a 40 acylic sump/refugium (chaeto and sand). I will more than likely add PVC pipes, about three inches of live sand, and approximately 200 pounds of live rock. My question pertains to the livestock. I will be adding a snowflake eel and a volitan lionfish. However, to keep the bioload down I will have to decide between one or two more fish from the following list: Cream Angelfish, Raccoon Butterfly, Foxface Rabbitfish, Yellow Tang, and Pinkface Wrasse. What do you guys think?
I have a 55g tank and working on a DIY sump (10g) I am also in the process of buying live rock and sand. I have a power filter working on getting a protein skimmer for the sump. What would be some other good things to buy? and what are some good starter fish for after my tank cycles from the live rock and sand?

This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and with the environment you are providing. I will be happy to provide commentary if you provide a prospective stocking list.
I am no where near finished starting this project but as a general question... I have a 180 acrylic aquarium with a 55 acrylic frag tank (large protein skimmer) and a 40 acylic sump/refugium (chaeto and sand). I will more than likely add PVC pipes, about three inches of live sand, and approximately 200 pounds of live rock. My question pertains to the livestock. I will be adding a snowflake eel and a volitan lionfish. However, to keep the bioload down I will have to decide between one or two more fish from the following list: Cream Angelfish, Raccoon Butterfly, Foxface Rabbitfish, Yellow Tang, and Pinkface Wrasse. What do you guys think?

Well, it is only me answering this thread, but if you want general discussion, try the aggressive fish forum. A volitan lionfish will eat any fish it can fit in its mouth, a general guidline for which would be half the size of the lionfish. So, generally none of those fish will work.
I have a 29g bio cube, 20lbs of live sand, 15 lbs lace rock. All water parameters are good, 0% ammonia, nitrate and nitrite, ph 8.2
I have two small perc clowns, a red stripe dwarf angel and a cleaner shrimp. All are doing well but my kids want to add 2 more fish. What do you recommend and is that advisable in this size tank? Cost of livestock is not a problem so if you have an idea please don't hesitate.
Thank you in advance.
I have a 29g bio cube, 20lbs of live sand, 15 lbs lace rock. All water parameters are good, 0% ammonia, nitrate and nitrite, ph 8.2
I have two small perc clowns, a red stripe dwarf angel and a cleaner shrimp. All are doing well but my kids want to add 2 more fish. What do you recommend and is that advisable in this size tank? Cost of livestock is not a problem so if you have an idea please don't hesitate.
Thank you in advance.

Well, those clowns once sexually mature will be on the aggressive side, so I would prefer to see you add a goby/pistol shrimp since they would not interact in the water column. Another possibility would be a possum wrasse.
Well, those clowns once sexually mature will be on the aggressive side, so I would prefer to see you add a goby/pistol shrimp since they would not interact in the water column. Another possibility would be a possum wrasse.

No other dwarf angel would be possible? Only one queen in the tank I guess.
I'll look at a goby or the wrasse, thank you again.

Also, goby's, as I have been reading, need live copepods to eat, so adding a goby in my tank would have to wait a few months. Am I correct?
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No other dwarf angel would be possible? Only one queen in the tank I guess.
I'll look at a goby or the wrasse, thank you again.

It is a perceived ecological niche issue (competing for food) and size of territory. In your sized tank, I recommend only one dwarf angel. In a larger tank (about 75 gallons or greater), more than one would work.
Orange shoulder tank, picasso clowns

Orange shoulder tank, picasso clowns

Currently have:
-Spanish hog
-Cuban hog
(Those two on ther way out)
-Jewel Damsel. He is not agressive at all

Thinking of adding:
-Orange shoulder tang
-Two Picasso Clowns
-Blue tang

Tank is a FOWLR, to be Full reef, 200 g, 6 ft long tank.

Thanks for yout input
I am cycling a 29 gallon Biocube, and doing the research for the livestock.

At this point this is my plan:

2 yellow striped clown fish(Should both be purchased at the same time?)
1 Lawnmower or Star Blenny
1 Green clown Goby

Still deciding on a CUC any and all suggestion are very welcome, total n00b to the hobby

Here is my revised list:

2 clowns
1 firefish
1 Yellow Prawn Goby

Would this work in a BC29 with 20 lbs of live sand and live rock? There will be places for the fish to hide if necessary.
I have a 55g tank and working on a DIY sump (10g) I am also in the process of buying live rock and sand. I have a power filter working on getting a protein skimmer for the sump. What would be some other good things to buy? and what are some good starter fish for after my tank cycles from the live rock and sand?

Never cycle a tank using fish. Live rock and live sand are all that are necessary. If you want to add a small piece of table shrimp that is fine but unneeded.
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