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I have a 30 gallon shallow tank ive been cycling for the past 9 weeks, the measurements are 2'x2'x1'. I have had a Possum Wrasse in QT since the third week of April that will evetually make its way in there but what else can I add. I dotn want to get a fish thats well suited for a 30 gallon and find out later that 12 inches of water column is too shallow. Also I would like to know if a blue dot jawfish could get by with 1 inch of crushed coral.
I have a 30 gallon shallow tank ive been cycling for the past 9 weeks, the measurements are 2'x2'x1'. I have had a Possum Wrasse in QT since the third week of April that will evetually make its way in there but what else can I add. I dotn want to get a fish thats well suited for a 30 gallon and find out later that 12 inches of water column is too shallow. Also I would like to know if a blue dot jawfish could get by with 1 inch of crushed coral.

the 12 inch height may be a problem for many fish. Blue Dot Jawfish need cooler temperatures for long term survival and need considerably more substrate than one inch. Also, they are prolific jumpers.
I'm not sure if my original message showed up, so I'm going to post it again:

My setup as it is now:
*Coralife 29 BioCube
*20ish pounds live rock
*3" special grade sand
*The tank finished cycling approximately a week ago (diatoms appeared about 10 days ago, and the water chemistry has been pristine - nitrates are at 0).

Livestock that I currently have:
*10 - dwarf hermit crabs
*8 - 1/2" Nassarius snails
*2 - Astraea snails (not doing well - I assume it is because they do better in cooler temperatures)
*1 - tiny feather duster
*1 - lone grey unidentified coral polyp
*1 - small frag of blue sympodium
*1 - emerald green mushroom
*3 - tiny red superman mushrooms
*1 - tufted joint algae
*1 - clump of Chaetomorpha

This is what I am thinking of adding:
*1 - Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
*1 - Tail Spot Blenny
*1 - Purple firefish
*1 - Ocellaris clownfish
*2 - Banded Trochus snails
*2 - Nerite snails
*2 - super Tongan Nassarius snails
*1 - Caulastrea candy cane coral

Would this be too many fish, or would I still have room for more? Should I slow down on the inverts?

Thank you so much!
I'm not sure if my original message showed up, so I'm going to post it again:

I may have missed it in the page change frenzy; if so my deepest apologies

My setup as it is now:
*Coralife 29 BioCube
*20ish pounds live rock
*3" special grade sand
*The tank finished cycling approximately a week ago (diatoms appeared about 10 days ago, and the water chemistry has been pristine - nitrates are at 0).

Livestock that I currently have:
*10 - dwarf hermit crabs
*8 - 1/2" Nassarius snails
*2 - Astraea snails (not doing well - I assume it is because they do better in cooler temperatures)
*1 - tiny feather duster
*1 - lone grey unidentified coral polyp
*1 - small frag of blue sympodium
*1 - emerald green mushroom
*3 - tiny red superman mushrooms
*1 - tufted joint algae
*1 - clump of Chaetomorpha

This is what I am thinking of adding:
*1 - Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
*1 - Tail Spot Blenny
*1 - Purple firefish
*1 - Ocellaris clownfish

looks good!
*2 - Banded Trochus snails
*2 - Nerite snails
*2 - super Tongan Nassarius snails
*1 - Caulastrea candy cane coral

with regard to mixing hermit crabs and snails be aware that hermit crabs will kill snails for their shells.
Would this be too many fish, or would I still have room for more? Should I slow down on the inverts? yes

Thank you so much!
always a pleasure!
Hi, Steve,

Two questions: one a current question, one a planning purposes question.

I brought in an aptasia problem on some frags, and would like to bring in a matted filefish into my 29 gallon bullet-shaped tank (old Cardif tank). Current inhabitants are 2 Ocellaris clowns, a decent size blue green chromis and a Flame hawkfish along with a CUC of various snails. Would the filefish be okay in this tank long term? I have a 155 gallon I could move it to in the future if need be, or I could go another route if you feel this would be a bad way to go.

My planning question has to do with my 155 gallon bowfront with 55 gallon sump that is currently cycling. I really like the flasher wrasses. If I can find females, I would really like to put two females and a male either McCoskers (first choice) or Carpenter's (second choice) in the tank (I have solid 1/4 inch clear netting lids made already for jump protection). Is the tank big enough to give the three wrasses enough room to live together? The other known inhabitants so far will include two ocellaris clowns, and a pink bar goby and a common firefish (that will all be moving over from another tank) but I want the wrasses to go into the tank first if at all possible. Other, larger fish will join the party eventually, I just am not sure what the limits are on sizing groups of like fish.
Hi, Steve,

Two questions: one a current question, one a planning purposes question.

I brought in an aptasia problem on some frags, and would like to bring in a matted filefish into my 29 gallon bullet-shaped tank (old Cardif tank). Current inhabitants are 2 Ocellaris clowns, a decent size blue green chromis and a Flame hawkfish along with a CUC of various snails. Would the filefish be okay in this tank long term? I have a 155 gallon I could move it to in the future if need be, or I could go another route if you feel this would be a bad way to go.

No, that should work ok. But it may or may not eat the aiptasia. Biggest issue would be the clownfish if they are sexually mature; they would want to control that tank.

My planning question has to do with my 155 gallon bowfront with 55 gallon sump that is currently cycling. I really like the flasher wrasses. If I can find females, I would really like to put two females and a male either McCoskers (first choice) or Carpenter's (second choice) in the tank (I have solid 1/4 inch clear netting lids made already for jump protection). Is the tank big enough to give the three wrasses enough room to live together? The other known inhabitants so far will include two ocellaris clowns, and a pink bar goby and a common firefish (that will all be moving over from another tank) but I want the wrasses to go into the tank first if at all possible. Other, larger fish will join the party eventually, I just am not sure what the limits are on sizing groups of like fish.

It should be fine. Harems generally work fine as long as the number of females is not too great; in that case the dominant female might turn male. However the firefish would need to establish first.
brand new

brand new

I am getting my first tank on memorial day weekend. I have have never had a salt tank before but I would like to start a reef tank. I'm getting a 90G tank with a sump (unknown what size), 2x 150 metal halide light fixture with LED moonlights, a coral life 125G protein skimmer. I will get approximately 90 lbs of live rock and sand. I'm not sure what coral I want yet, the easier the better.

I plan on letting my tank cycle for 1 1/2 months to 2 and then adding fish in this order.

2 true percula clownfish
1 yellow tang
3-5 blue chromis
1 royal gramma
1 blue spotted watchman goby
1 tiger pistol shrimp (for the shrimp and goby pair) and,
1 Fairy wrasse

I plan on adding each fish species in one month intervals. I'm also going to add a cleaning crew but I'm not sure when to add them.

Please let me know what you think.
I am getting my first tank on memorial day weekend. I have have never had a salt tank before but I would like to start a reef tank. I'm getting a 90G tank with a sump (unknown what size), 2x 150 metal halide light fixture with LED moonlights, a coral life 125G protein skimmer. I will get approximately 90 lbs of live rock and sand. I'm not sure what coral I want yet, the easier the better.

I plan on letting my tank cycle for 1 1/2 months to 2 and then adding fish in this order.

2 true percula clownfish
1 yellow tang a yellow tang requires a larger tank
3-5 blue chromis a group of chromis will reduce to one over time; also chromis are highly susceptible to uronema
1 royal gramma
1 blue spotted watchman goby
1 tiger pistol shrimp (for the shrimp and goby pair) and,
1 Fairy wrasse fine, depending on species

generally, a good start
I plan on adding each fish species in one month intervals. I hope you plan to develop a quarantine protocol; an example can be found in my blog

I'm also going to add a cleaning crew but I'm not sure when to add them. clean up crew should be added after the cycle is complete. Check back with revisions and I will be happy to analyze them; be sure to include tank size and complete stocking plan

Please let me know what you think.

I'm thinking about a school of 4 Anthias in my 100 gallon tank. All female. Introduced together. But instead of one kind, I plan on all different ones: Dispars, Bartlett, Bimaculatus, Lyretail. Are they ok together?

When should I introduce the anthias? My biggest fish in tank will be a yellow tang. order will be Pair of clowns, a YWG + shrimp pair, a green chromis, and a Mandarin (when i have pods), tang last.
I'm thinking about a school of 4 Anthias in my 100 gallon tank. All female. Introduced together. But instead of one kind, I plan on all different ones: Dispars, Bartlett, Bimaculatus, Lyretail. Are they ok together?

When should I introduce the anthias? My biggest fish in tank will be a yellow tang. order will be Pair of clowns, a YWG + shrimp pair, a green chromis, and a Mandarin (when i have pods), tang last.

Unfortunately, the answer to the question is "I do not know"
I have a standard 55 gal tank(no sump) with a reef octopus BH-2000 on the back.. around 50 lbs of live rock with 50 lbs of sand. Lighting is T5 54w x 4 bulbs. Tank is almost 2 years old. Current residents are a lone percula clown and a small yellow watchman goby with pistol shrimp, a condy anemone, 2 cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp and an unknown number of snails and hermits. I'm looking for a couple tankmates for them. I just wanted to get some advice I was thinking about getting a few different fishes. I would like my final fish to be a Flame Angel.

1. Royal Garamma
2. Chalk bass
3. Was thinking about a carpenter wrasse or some other kind of wrasse (maybe a melanarus.) Depending upon availability.

And I would add the Flame Angel last.

Just kinda had a couple other questions regarding some other things... my girlfriend really likes the coral beauty and was wanting to get one, I told her that it wouldn't work out because of the Flame Angel, is this true? I have heard of people keeping both.
Also I have some corals but nothing to fancy a couple mushrooms and GSP and a small orange lobo. Id like to get a maybe a frogspawn or hammer. I know about the risks of having a flame Angel with corals but is there a particular type of coral that they have "tendency" to be fond of?

One more question I was looking at some of the wrasses on live aquaria and noticed that leopard wrasses are considered to be expert only. While most of the wrasses seemed to be easy. What is the reason these leopards are harder to keep? How hardy are the carpenter and melanarus wrasse? I'm thinking I could probably only get one of the wrasses on my list.

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions!!

I have a standard 55 gal tank(no sump) with a reef octopus BH-2000 on the back.. around 50 lbs of live rock with 50 lbs of sand. Lighting is T5 54w x 4 bulbs. Tank is almost 2 years old. Current residents are a lone percula clown and a small yellow watchman goby with pistol shrimp, a condy anemone, 2 cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp and an unknown number of snails and hermits. I'm looking for a couple tankmates for them. I just wanted to get some advice I was thinking about getting a few different fishes. I would like my final fish to be a Flame Angel.

1. Royal Garamma
2. Chalk bass
3. Was thinking about a carpenter wrasse or some other kind of wrasse (maybe a melanarus.) Depending upon availability.

And I would add the Flame Angel last.

I think that list would be fine

Just kinda had a couple other questions regarding some other things... my girlfriend really likes the coral beauty and was wanting to get one, I told her that it wouldn't work out because of the Flame Angel, is this true? I have heard of people keeping both. two dwarf angels in this sized tank would be problematical
Also I have some corals but nothing to fancy a couple mushrooms and GSP and a small orange lobo. This may not be dwarf angel safe Id like to get a maybe a frogspawn or hammer. I know about the risks of having a flame Angel with corals but is there a particular type of coral that they have "tendency" to be fond of? meaty LPS corals

One more question I was looking at some of the wrasses on live aquaria and noticed that leopard wrasses are considered to be expert only. While most of the wrasses seemed to be easy. What is the reason these leopards are harder to keep? there are several issues, the primary one is that they are copepod eaters and hence tank size dependent. While this can be overcome given a large enough tank and no competition for copepods, your tank size would not be conducive. The other issue is that they need to be dewormed and finally, not all come in healthy

How hardy are the carpenter and melanarus wrasse? very hardy. However they require a covered tank as they are prolific jumpers (1/4 inch mesh)

I'm thinking I could probably only get one of the wrasses on my list.

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions!!

if not blue chromis, what would be a good small schooling fish to start with? I don't want them to widdle down. I've heard that anthias are hard to keep and that damsels can have bad attitudes.
if not blue chromis, what would be a good small schooling fish to start with? I don't want them to widdle down. I've heard that anthias are hard to keep and that damsels can have bad attitudes.

there is no schooling fish for our sized aquaria. There are some that are close but they either require a larger tank or special feeding care and require more expertise than a new person to the hobby has.
My current setup is a 34 gal rimless frag tank converted to reef tank, looks pretty sweet. 36x18x12.5. Running approx 3 months. Levels are perfect, nitrites, nitrates & ammonia at 0, ph good, dosing calcium for coral frags.

Current setup:
45ish lbs live rock
40ish lbs live sand
15 gal sump (refuge under construction)
18 hermit crabs (red leg & blue leg mixed)
5-6 snails
2 percula clowns (pair)
1 orchid dottyback (awesome fish)
1 emerald crab
1 bubble tip
1 zoa frag
1 torch coral frag
1 acane frag
1 hammer frag (half eaten by my 2 peppermint shrimp which i removed and gave to a friend with aiptasia)
1 pulsating xenia frag

Would like to add 2-3 more fish if possible:
1 tail spot blenny
goby recommendation?
1 wrasse (6 line or yellow) i know they are jumpers and could be issue with my open top
1 SMALL Tang (Powder Blue)
My current setup is a 34 gal rimless frag tank converted to reef tank, looks pretty sweet. 36x18x12.5. Running approx 3 months. Levels are perfect, nitrites, nitrates & ammonia at 0, ph good, dosing calcium for coral frags.

Current setup:
45ish lbs live rock
40ish lbs live sand
15 gal sump (refuge under construction)
18 hermit crabs (red leg & blue leg mixed)
5-6 snails
2 percula clowns (pair)
1 orchid dottyback (awesome fish)
1 emerald crab
1 bubble tip
1 zoa frag
1 torch coral frag
1 acane frag
1 hammer frag (half eaten by my 2 peppermint shrimp which i removed and gave to a friend with aiptasia)
1 pulsating xenia frag

Would like to add 2-3 more fish if possible:
1 tail spot blenny should be fine
goby recommendation?
1 wrasse (6 line or yellow) i know they are jumpers and could be issue with my open top they will jump and are very aggressive
1 SMALL Tang (Powder Blue) absolutely not

Would you have any recommendations for other fish i should add? i realize tangs need a larger tank, however the lfs near me sells yellow and blue tangs that are very small, about 1" long.
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