Hi Steve,
Still trying to tweak my stock list for a 225 mixed reef, 72 x 27 x 27.
Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang if possible, introduce tangs concurrently as established zebrasoma tangs get territorial
A pair of percula clownfish
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
Exquisite wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Cleaner common wrasse - African may harass mandarin
Longfin fairy wrasse aggressive; I would not add; there are better fairy wrasses available or flasher wrasses
Whip fin fairy wrasse aggressive; I would not add; there are better fairy wrasses available or flasher wrasses
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, to be determined)
Bicolor blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as my very first fish)
Royal gramma
Court jester goby
Yellow headed jawfish
Orchid dottyback - tank bred
Gold assessor basslet
In terms of number of fish, taking into account a very good skimmer and good husbandry, is that about the maximum number of fish I should keep? Or is there room for a few more here and there?