PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thanks, Steve. I'll try to think of another couple of wrasses to take their place above and get back to you with them.

By the way, I sincerely appreciate your help to all of us on this forum. We are lucky to have you!
Thank you Steve for your help. I am removing the Sixline from my system when i do the transfer so I should have no issues. All other fish i will assume are good to add in any order other than the Tang which should be last. Thank you.

Thanks, Steve. I'll try to think of another couple of wrasses to take their place above and get back to you with them.

By the way, I sincerely appreciate your help to all of us on this forum. We are lucky to have you!

thanks for the kind words; always a pleasure
Thank you Steve for your help. I am removing the Sixline from my system when i do the transfer so I should have no issues. All other fish i will assume are good to add in any order other than the Tang which should be last. Thank you.

Terrific. Please check back with any possible changes.
Hello new to the hobby. I have a 10 gallon nano tank. I have a fluval c2 mechnical/chemical hob filter. No skimmer though I plan to get one. (Ive been keeping up with weekly water changes). 8lbs of live fiji rock, 20lbs of fiji live sand. T8 Lighting.

I have two small colonys of zoas on live rock and I have two clown fish (Ocellaris).
And 1 Nassarius snail.

Was wanting to put 1 yellow tang and/or a blue tang in there. Maybe sometime of goby?
To turn the sand bed? Or will it make to much of a cloudy mess in my tank? (I have brown algae on the sand, not to much but its there, it comes and goes since its a month old tank)
What do you guys think?

I plan on upgrading later to a 20-30 gallon at the end of the year. (For christmas)
ok well anyone in the Chicago land area looking for a free purple fire fish? I was looking to add a pair of fairy wrasse and maybe a pair of mandarins if need be I will get rid of the 6 line wrasse I just think he is a cool fish. Steve you would not go with a tang in my system because of the Foxface? I do feed green seaweed and other plant matter on a regular basis for my Foxface figured that would be enuff for a tang as well. Thanks for all the info glad there's someone like you Steve that I can ask questions to its a huge help and I really appreciate it.
Hello new to the hobby. I have a 10 gallon nano tank. I have a fluval c2 mechnical/chemical hob filter. No skimmer though I plan to get one. (Ive been keeping up with weekly water changes). 8lbs of live fiji rock, 20lbs of fiji live sand. T8 Lighting.

I have two small colonys of zoas on live rock and I have two clown fish (Ocellaris).
And 1 Nassarius snail.

Actually, that is more than you should have in that sized tank. No other fish additions are possible.

Was wanting to put 1 yellow tang and/or a blue tang in there. Maybe sometime of goby?
To turn the sand bed? Or will it make to much of a cloudy mess in my tank? (I have brown algae on the sand, not to much but its there, it comes and goes since its a month old tank)
What do you guys think?

I plan on upgrading later to a 20-30 gallon at the end of the year. (For christmas)

Even if you upgrade to a 30 gallon tank, no tangs should be placed in it.
ok well anyone in the Chicago land area looking for a free purple fire fish? I was looking to add a pair of fairy wrasse and maybe a pair of mandarins if need be I will get rid of the 6 line wrasse I just think he is a cool fish. Steve you would not go with a tang in my system because of the Foxface? I do feed green seaweed and other plant matter on a regular basis for my Foxface figured that would be enuff for a tang as well. Thanks for all the info glad there's someone like you Steve that I can ask questions to its a huge help and I really appreciate it.

To give you an informed answer I would need total stocking plan and tank size.
Alright, Steve...let's give this another try. If you remember, you recommended against a couple of wrasses (last page of this thread). I've replaced in my list with two others. What do you think? Again, 225 gallons, 72 x 27 x 27, mixed reef.

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang if possible, introduce tangs concurrently as established zebrasoma tangs get territorial
A pair of percula clownfish
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
Exquisite wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Cleaner common wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Scott's fairy wrasse
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, to be determined)
Bicolor blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as my very first fish)
Royal gramma
Court jester goby
Yellow headed jawfish
Orchid dottyback - tank bred
Gold assessor basslet

Alright, Steve...let's give this another try. If you remember, you recommended against a couple of wrasses (last page of this thread). I've replaced in my list with two others. What do you think? Again, 225 gallons, 72 x 27 x 27, mixed reef.

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang if possible, introduce tangs concurrently as established zebrasoma tangs get territorial
A pair of percula clownfish
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
Exquisite wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Cleaner common wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Scott's fairy wrasse one of the most aggressive of the fairy wrasses
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, to be determined)
Bicolor blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as my very first fish)
Royal gramma
Court jester goby
Yellow headed jawfish
Orchid dottyback - tank bred
Gold assessor basslet

Got a 56G tank with 58lbs of Dry Rock and about 1.5 lbs of live rock which has helped get the dry rock going. Also got 1" of sand at the bottom of the tank, no sump but an in-tank refugium and a fluval 306 filtration unit.

Current Inhabitants:
1 Pajama Cardinal
5 Hermit Crabs

Interested in:
2 Clownfish (ocellaris)
can I get another type of Cardinalfish?

Any suggestions on fish would be nice, I would like 4-6 different types if possible in the tank when fully stocked. Would prefer to go the route of sustainability, so tank-bred types of fish would also be a key decision factor in where I get them from.

I've gotten a response to this above post before, but would getting Firefish Goby's be okay with these tankmates? I also plan to eventually get a Mandarin.

Currently I was planning:
1 PJ Cardinal (already have and doing well)
1 Bengaii Cardinal
2 Goby (deciding which ones)
2 Clownfish (likely somet type of Ocellaris or maybe Skunk ones)
1 Mandarin
1 Tomini Tang (these are the ones that stay quite small, right?)
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Originally Posted by airtime23 View Post
Alright, Steve...let's give this another try. If you remember, you recommended against a couple of wrasses (last page of this thread). I've replaced in my list with two others. What do you think? Again, 225 gallons, 72 x 27 x 27, mixed reef.

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang if possible, introduce tangs concurrently as established zebrasoma tangs get territorial
A pair of percula clownfish
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
Exquisite wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Cleaner common wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Scott's fairy wrasse one of the most aggressive of the fairy wrasses
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, to be determined)
Bicolor blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as my very first fish)
Royal gramma
Court jester goby
Yellow headed jawfish
Orchid dottyback - tank bred
Gold assessor basslet


Warmest regards,

Would it be possible for you to suggest any possible wrasses that would work in place of the Scott's?

I've gotten a response to this above post before, but would getting Firefish Goby's be okay with these tankmates? I also plan to eventually get a Mandarin.

Currently I was planning:
1 PJ Cardinal (already have and doing well)
1 Bengaii Cardinal
2 Goby (deciding which ones)
2 Clownfish (likely somet type of Ocellaris or maybe Skunk ones)
1 Mandarin
1 Tomini Tang (these are the ones that stay quite small, right?)

I previously responded to your post and indicated some issues which I see are still present. I probably am the wrong person to help you. Please post your own thread in Reef Fish or New to the Hobby.
Originally Posted by airtime23 View Post
Alright, Steve...let's give this another try. If you remember, you recommended against a couple of wrasses (last page of this thread). I've replaced in my list with two others. What do you think? Again, 225 gallons, 72 x 27 x 27, mixed reef.

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang if possible, introduce tangs concurrently as established zebrasoma tangs get territorial
A pair of percula clownfish
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
Exquisite wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Cleaner common wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Scott's fairy wrasse one of the most aggressive of the fairy wrasses
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, to be determined)
Bicolor blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as my very first fish)
Royal gramma
Court jester goby
Yellow headed jawfish
Orchid dottyback - tank bred
Gold assessor basslet


Warmest regards,

Would it be possible for you to suggest any possible wrasses that would work in place of the Scott's?

I dislike making suggestions because I am trying to develop your research skills but will do so this once: C. lineatus, C. rhomboidalis, C. jordani will work.

I previously responded to your post and indicated some issues which I see are still present. I probably am the wrong person to help you. Please post your own thread in Reef Fish or New to the Hobby.

I understand you responded, but I was wondering if the particular types of Goby's I was interested in were particularly aggressive and not a good idea to add at this time (wait for more inhabitants) or at get them all.
I have a 90 gal FOWLR tank and have a mated Maroon clown (Premnas biaculeatus) pair and a Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)plus a dozen hermits and snails combined in it and was looking to add:

1 - 2 (if I can find a mated) Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse(s) (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
1 - 2 Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera)
1 Flame Angel (Centropyge loricula)
1 - 2 Peppermint Shrimp for the Aiptasia Anemones

Do you see any issues with this combo?
The clown couple stay up near my return cover and rarely leave it except to feed, so not much of the tank is run by them.
Update on Blue Jaw I got in(sorry couldn't find post in this thread): After three weeks has not bothered inverts and gets along fine with other fish. Guess it was the individual fish? But that's just my two cents.
Only 'issue' is it consumes a ton of food and excretes a lot of waste. Skimmer and rock and mostly handle it. Nassarius and hermits catch any food that it fails to eat.
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