PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have a 90 gal FOWLR tank and have a mated Maroon clown (Premnas biaculeatus) pair and a Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)plus a dozen hermits and snails combined in it and was looking to add:

1 - 2 (if I can find a mated) Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse(s) (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
1 - 2 Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera)
1 Flame Angel (Centropyge loricula)
1 - 2 Peppermint Shrimp for the Aiptasia Anemones

Do you see any issues with this combo? No issues.
The clown couple stay up near my return cover and rarely leave it except to feed, so not much of the tank is run by them.

Yet. Are they bonded and mating?
Update on Blue Jaw I got in(sorry couldn't find post in this thread): After three weeks has not bothered inverts and gets along fine with other fish. Guess it was the individual fish? But that's just my two cents.
Only 'issue' is it consumes a ton of food and excretes a lot of waste. Skimmer and rock and mostly handle it. Nassarius and hermits catch any food that it fails to eat.

they do eat a lot. Not very efficient at processing so they have to perforce. Inverts are a luck of the draw; could go either way.
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Bonded yes, spawning no. I guess you can say she tolerates him, lots of dancing on his part with no luck, she puts up with it for a while then goes to her corner and he goes to his, which is each side of my return cover.

Thanks so much for your advice, you put in a lot a work on here, I see you everywhere. Very much appreciated, and very helpful.
Bonded yes, spawning no. I guess you can say she tolerates him, lots of dancing on his part with no luck, she puts up with it for a while then goes to her corner and he goes to his, which is each side of my return cover.

Any plans to give them an anemone? That will keep them a bit closer to their "home" when they spawn.

Thanks so much for your advice, you put in a lot a work on here, I see you everywhere. Very much appreciated, and very helpful.

Thanks for the kind words. Your success is my happiness.
So thinking of a new idea

Aquarium HOME Inhabitants: 67 gallon rimless 36 x 24 x 18.

Banded Pipefish
Doryrhamphus dactylophorus
Pipefish after 9-12 months.

Court Jester Goby
Amblygobius rainfordi

Flame Angelfish
Centropyge loriculus

Red spot cardinal
Apogon parvulus
Quantity: 5

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

Sent from my iPhone
So thinking of a new idea

Aquarium HOME Inhabitants: 67 gallon rimless 36 x 24 x 18.

Banded Pipefish
Doryrhamphus dactylophorus
Pipefish after 9-12 months.

Court Jester Goby
Amblygobius rainfordi

Flame Angelfish
Centropyge loriculus

Red spot cardinal
Apogon parvulus
Quantity: 5

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

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No tangs in this sized tank; I would not mix any gobies and pipefish in this sized tank
I'm gonna wait a little longer to get and anenemie, make sure the tank is well over mature. Its about 6 months old but I'm still a little scarce on growth and I need to make sure my lighting is enough. I have 2 54 watt 48", one day light the other is normal white. I also have a moon light that comes on about 2 hours before and 2 hours after.
Rimless 36 x 24 x 18 reef setup.

Banded Pipefish
Doryrhamphus dactylophorus

Black Cap Basslet
Gramma melacara

Coral Beauty Angelfish
Centropyge bispinosa

Forktail Blenny
Meiacanthus atrodorsalis

Red spot cardinal
Apogon parvulus
Quantity: 5

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

I know all fish can jump but some are more likely like anthias. I'm trying to avoid fish with that behavior so that I don't end up with crispy fish. Would like to not have a screen top because of the look.
Rimless 36 x 24 x 18 reef setup.

Banded Pipefish
Doryrhamphus dactylophorus

Black Cap Basslet
Gramma melacara

Coral Beauty Angelfish
Centropyge bispinosa

Forktail Blenny
Meiacanthus atrodorsalis

Red spot cardinal
Apogon parvulus
Quantity: 5

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

I know all fish can jump but some are more likely like anthias. I'm trying to avoid fish with that behavior so that I don't end up with crispy fish. Would like to not have a screen top because of the look.

take out the pipefish and you should be fine.
75g, 35g sump, 8 bulb t5 ho lights

2 current occupants

2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 royal gramma
mccosker's wrasse will be in qt another week and then into dt.
various corals/inverts

thinking about:

blue dot jawfish (LA says "moderate" care. i still consider myself pretty new at this)
bartlett's anthia (again, "moderate" care)
tail spot blenny
kole tang or tomini tang or two spot bristletooth tang

i would also like to find a female mccoster's.

obviously, these are just fishies i would like to pick from, NOT get all of them. :)

thanks, steve!!
75g, 35g sump, 8 bulb t5 ho lights

2 current occupants

2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 royal gramma
mccosker's wrasse will be in qt another week and then into dt.
various corals/inverts

thinking about:

blue dot jawfish (LA says "moderate" care. i still consider myself pretty new at this) Since these are collected in the Sea of Cortez, they tend to be accustomed to cooler temperatures and seem to do best long term in the 72-75F temperature range; not shrimp safe. Require a mixed substrate of fine sand, small gravel, shells, and rock rubble. But a fabulous fish. Be sure you get a healthy one from a vendor that is reliable. One can sort of finesse the home for these guys by constructing a PVC burrow (think Y shaped) and covering it with gravel and sand. Still rock rubble or empty shells are required as they tend to "decorate". These fish are incredible jumpers.
bartlett's anthia (again, "moderate" care) refers to the multiple feedings per day issue
tail spot blenny excellent and personable fish
kole tang or tomini tang or two spot bristletooth tang all are behaviorally similar so it depends on which one appeals most

i would also like to find a female mccoster's. I agree. Difficult to find, LA occasionally has them. Best to get a stage one juvenile.

obviously, these are just fishies i would like to pick from, NOT get all of them. :)

thanks, steve!!

Always a pleasure
Hi there:

I'm planning a first SW aquarium after many years of FW and breeding cichlids. My plans are 150G main tank, 75G sump, 40G upstream refugium and separate 30G hospital/quarantine tank.

I don't want a lot of fish. The one main fish I want--and only fish if necessary--is one or more mandarin fish. The whole tank will be designed to suit them and have an ample supply of pods to have them do well. I understand that I will have to wait a long time until the main tank is mature, stable, and plenty of pods coming down the pike. So, can I have more than one mandarin fish? How many?

If possible there is one other small fish species I'd like to have that I could have a handful of. My first choice is one species of cardinal fish (not sure which one). The most important thing to me is that this 2nd species doesn't harass the mandarin(s) and doesn't compete for pods. Can I have cardinal fish? Is there a species you recommend? Can I have a handful of them? And if cardinals are not a good choice, is there another relatively small fish that you recommend that I could have a handful of that won't harass the mandarin(s) and won't compete for pods?

Thank you very much, Snorvich. I'm very grateful for your time. :thumbsup:
Hi there:

I'm planning a first SW aquarium after many years of FW and breeding cichlids. My plans are 150G main tank, 75G sump, 40G upstream refugium and separate 30G hospital/quarantine tank.

I don't want a lot of fish. The one main fish I want--and only fish if necessary--is one or more mandarin fish. The whole tank will be designed to suit them and have an ample supply of pods to have them do well. I understand that I will have to wait a long time until the main tank is mature, stable, and plenty of pods coming down the pike.

You can have a male plus female pair but not more. There are some things to do to increase the copepods. First a refugium is desirable; does not have to be large. Copepod piles of rock rubble in the main tank will also help. In general, with sufficient live rock, 9 months maturity is sufficient for adequate copepods. You can also supplement with Nutramar Ova which all mandarins consume, but adequate copepods is necessary for optimum health.

So, can I have more than one mandarin fish? How many?

If possible there is one other small fish species I'd like to have that I could have a handful of. My first choice is one species of cardinal fish (not sure which one). You want Apogon Parvulus. Difficult shippers, but once established and properly fed, will do well and be exactly what you want. A group of 10-20 would be exceptional.

The most important thing to me is that this 2nd species doesn't harass the mandarin(s) and doesn't compete for pods. Can I have cardinal fish? Is there a species you recommend? Can I have a handful of them? And if cardinals are not a good choice, is there another relatively small fish that you recommend that I could have a handful of that won't harass the mandarin(s) and won't compete for pods?

Thank you very much, Snorvich. I'm very grateful for your time. :thumbsup:

there you go. Always a pleasure
thanks, steve! i think i'll go with the tail spot blenny and one of the tangs as soon as i make up my other mind. :)

gonna watch LA for a female mccosker's.

your advice is, as always, much appreciated!!

ETA: LA shows female mccosker's are available occasionally. my male is the "sumatra". it looks like the females they offer are the "african". would an african female be ok with a mccosker's male?
thanks, steve! i think i'll go with the tail spot blenny and one of the tangs as soon as i make up my other mind. :)

gonna watch LA for a female mccosker's.

your advice is, as always, much appreciated!!

ETA: LA shows female mccosker's are available occasionally. my male is the "sumatra". it looks like the females they offer are the "african". would an african female be ok with a mccosker's male?

Yes, no issue. (passports are optional)
Just starting out my tank

Just starting out my tank

I have a 29G biocube. Tunze 9002 skimmer, Fluval Heater x2 Koralina powerheads (total 680GPH flow)...Chemipure/purigen and floss filtration.
Its been up for just over 6 weeks. Sand bed (about 1.5") 24 lbs of live rock.
CUC consit of: x3 turbo snails, x2 N nassarius snails some x5 hermits (down to I think 4 but one might just be hiding). They all get along at this point.
Salinity constantly 1.22 (no flucutation yet) Ph 8.2-8.4, temp 76, Amm/Nitrit 0, Nitrate 0-0.2

I would like to have the Banggai Cardinal and clown fish...maybe a gobi? BUT I dont want to OVERSTOCK and I am senstive to that issue....I know clowns like to be in groups of 2.

Corals: Have a lot to learn...been reading for awhile now and I want to start with soft corals so I dont get myself in too deep with all the Calcium phosphorus dosing/etc...while im still learning.At this point I know I dont want to get into Zoas-their um toxins arent something I want to deal with at this time...Ive heard mushrooms are good to go.anything else you'de recomend?

Invertabrits: Ide like a scarlet cleaner shrimp, and a starfish

Any other suggestions????
Understanding that this thread is to check on 'intended fish purchases', can you recommend a source to search for fish suitable to a given size tank.
I know that there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of marine fish species that can be stocked in tanks, but I would like to start by looking at fish suitable for a 90g tank, and narrow my selection from there. Then I can do my own research on temperament, care required, etc.
Then lastly I can post my intended list and get the 'stamp of approval'.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Ok Steve I have a 90g reef been up and running for 8 months it has 80lbs of live sand and about 120lbs of live rock. Currently there is a Foxface, 6 line wrasse, and 2 purple fire fish. I was wonting to add a tang and a pair of flame fairy wrasse and posibly a pair of maze mandarins.
I have a 29G biocube. Tunze 9002 skimmer, Fluval Heater x2 Koralina powerheads (total 680GPH flow)...Chemipure/purigen and floss filtration.
Its been up for just over 6 weeks. Sand bed (about 1.5") 24 lbs of live rock.
CUC consit of: x3 turbo snails, x2 N nassarius snails some x5 hermits (down to I think 4 but one might just be hiding). They all get along at this point.
Salinity constantly 1.22 (no flucutation yet) Ph 8.2-8.4, temp 76, Amm/Nitrit 0, Nitrate 0-0.2

I would like to have the Banggai Cardinal and clown fish...maybe a gobi? BUT I dont want to OVERSTOCK and I am senstive to that issue....I know clowns like to be in groups of 2.

A male/female tank bred Bangaii pair, a pair of non-aggressive clownfish and a commensal goby would work fine.

Corals: Have a lot to learn...been reading for awhile now and I want to start with soft corals so I dont get myself in too deep with all the Calcium phosphorus dosing/etc...while im still learning.At this point I know I dont want to get into Zoas-their um toxins arent something I want to deal with at this time...Ive heard mushrooms are good to go.anything else you'de recomend?

Invertabrits: Ide like a scarlet cleaner shrimp, and a starfish

Any other suggestions????
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