75g, 35g sump, 8 bulb t5 ho lights
2 current occupants
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 royal gramma
mccosker's wrasse will be in qt another week and then into dt.
various corals/inverts
thinking about:
blue dot jawfish (LA says "moderate" care. i still consider myself pretty new at this)
Since these are collected in the Sea of Cortez, they tend to be accustomed to cooler temperatures and seem to do best long term in the 72-75F temperature range; not shrimp safe. Require a mixed substrate of fine sand, small gravel, shells, and rock rubble. But a fabulous fish. Be sure you get a healthy one from a vendor that is reliable. One can sort of finesse the home for these guys by constructing a PVC burrow (think Y shaped) and covering it with gravel and sand. Still rock rubble or empty shells are required as they tend to "decorate". These fish are incredible jumpers.
bartlett's anthia (again, "moderate" care)
refers to the multiple feedings per day issue
tail spot blenny
excellent and personable fish
kole tang or tomini tang or two spot bristletooth tang
all are behaviorally similar so it depends on which one appeals most
i would also like to find a female mccoster's.
I agree. Difficult to find, LA occasionally has them. Best to get a stage one juvenile.
obviously, these are just fishies i would like to pick from, NOT get all of them.
thanks, steve!!