PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Understanding that this thread is to check on 'intended fish purchases', can you recommend a source to search for fish suitable to a given size tank.
I know that there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of marine fish species that can be stocked in tanks, but I would like to start by looking at fish suitable for a 90g tank, and narrow my selection from there. Then I can do my own research on temperament, care required, etc.
Then lastly I can post my intended list and get the 'stamp of approval'.
Any suggestions would be helpful.

As a research tool, I recommend Drs. Foster and Smith as they provide an extensive list of what is likely to be available and their recommended tank sizes, are for the most part rational and reasonable. One of my objectives in this thread is to help folks learn how to research fish for their tank; I can then help them with compatibility analysis.
Ok Steve I have a 90g reef been up and running for 8 months it has 80lbs of live sand and about 120lbs of live rock. Currently there is a Foxface, 6 line wrasse, and 2 purple fire fish. I was wonting to add a tang and a pair of flame fairy wrasse and posibly a pair of maze mandarins.

The sixline wrasse and fairy wrasses would be problematic. If you have a foxface, a tang will pose difficulting. A single mandarin would be possible except for the six line wrasse which is a copepod competitor. 2 firefish, unless a bonded pair is likely to be only one firefish in the long run.
As a research tool, I recommend Drs. Foster and Smith as they provide an extensive list of what is likely to be available and their recommended tank sizes, are for the most part rational and reasonable. One of my objectives in this thread is to help folks learn how to research fish for their tank; I can then help them with compatibility analysis.

Thank you! That's exactly the kind of resource I was looking for.
Does the One-Spot Foxface and a Yellow Eye Kole Tang fit in the same ecological niche and would therefore be difficult to maintain together? On the compatibility chart on LA, it is listed as a cautionary combination.
I would feed as appropriate, but if this is not an advisable pairing, I would respect that.


90g with 50g sump (about 120g all together)
Current occupants: 2 Ocellaris clownfish, 1 Bangaii cardinal, 2 fire fish, 1 rainsford (court Jester) goby, 1 blue/green chromis, 1 carpenter's flasher wrasse.

I'm wanting add: 1 lawnmower (sailfin) blenny, 1 green mandarin dragonet, 1 yellow or white watchman goby, and probably 2 cleaner shrimp. Any foreseeable conflicts here?
90 gallon, 100 pounds live rock, 30 gallon sump with skimmer. Want to have fish that are generally reef safe. Rimless tank with no lid at this point. Proposed stocking list:

six line wrasse - One
tailspot blenny - One
Orchid dottyback - One
Ocellarius Clownfish - Two
Spotted Cardinalfish - Three
Yellow Tang - One
yellow watchman goby - One

I already have the two clowns, and would like to add the others a couple at a time.

Thank you for your help!
I'm looking for compatibility issues and also a bit of guidance as to what the best option would be.

I have a 150 gallon tank with a female mandarin goby/dragnet. (green). I've always wanted to get a red mandarin and today at the LFS I spotted a leopard wrasse that I fell in love with. I do understand that the leopard is a pod eater as well.

Will the wrasse be compatible with the mandarin ? If it is - can I also get another mandarin(red) as well ? Or do I have to decide between the mandarin or the wrasse ? Assuming all of them are female - Ideally how many mandarins can I keep in a 150 gallon tank ?

I have a spare tank that I'm gonna start a small pod farm but I do think I have quite a lot of pods in my main tank (but I know an additional mandarin might be hard on my pod population).

My main issue is that my current mandarin does not eat any frozen.. only pods.

So to recap the question - can I add a leopard wrasse and another Mandarin to my tank which already has one mandarin ?.

Thank you.
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90 gallon, 100 pounds live rock, 30 gallon sump with skimmer. Want to have fish that are generally reef safe. Rimless tank with no lid at this point. Proposed stocking list:

six line wrasse - One
tailspot blenny - One
Orchid dottyback - One
Ocellarius Clownfish - Two
Spotted Cardinalfish - Three
Yellow Tang - One
yellow watchman goby - One

I already have the two clowns, and would like to add the others a couple at a time.

Thank you for your help!

I'll let the experts answer your question regarding the other fish, but based on my experience - you cannot get more than 2 clownfish in a tank. Maybe it might work in a 240 but not in a 90. I achieved moderate success as my clowns were hosting on the opposite side of the tank.
Does the One-Spot Foxface and a Yellow Eye Kole Tang fit in the same ecological niche and would therefore be difficult to maintain together? On the compatibility chart on LA, it is listed as a cautionary combination.
I would feed as appropriate, but if this is not an advisable pairing, I would respect that.



It is a function of tank size and ecological niche; in large, long tanks it would be not a problem. In your sized tank, more of an issue. That is why LA charts have to be less than binary. In large tanks, some issues are non issues.
90g with 50g sump (about 120g all together)
Current occupants: 2 Ocellaris clownfish, 1 Bangaii cardinal, 2 fire fish, 1 rainsford (court Jester) goby, 1 blue/green chromis, 1 carpenter's flasher wrasse.

I'm wanting add: 1 lawnmower (sailfin) blenny, 1 green mandarin dragonet, 1 yellow or white watchman goby, and probably 2 cleaner shrimp. Any foreseeable conflicts here?

The only issues are: two firefish are not normally long term compatible and in a 90 gallon tank a mandarin would be ok except possibly the rainsford goby competing for copepods.
90 gallon, 100 pounds live rock, 30 gallon sump with skimmer. Want to have fish that are generally reef safe. Rimless tank with no lid at this point. Proposed stocking list:

six line wrasse - One prolific jumper
tailspot blenny - One
Orchid dottyback - One
Ocellarius Clownfish - Two
Spotted Cardinalfish - Three
Yellow Tang - One
yellow watchman goby - One

I already have the two clowns, and would like to add the others a couple at a time.

Thank you for your help!

fine except as annotated
I'm looking for compatibility issues and also a bit of guidance as to what the best option would be.

I have a 150 gallon tank with a female mandarin goby/dragnet. (green). I've always wanted to get a red mandarin and today at the LFS I spotted a leopard wrasse that I fell in love with. I do understand that the leopard is a pod eater as well.

Will the wrasse be compatible with the mandarin ? If it is - can I also get another mandarin(red) as well ? Or do I have to decide between the mandarin or the wrasse ? Assuming all of them are female - Ideally how many mandarins can I keep in a 150 gallon tank ?

I have a spare tank that I'm gonna start a small pod farm but I do think I have quite a lot of pods in my main tank (but I know an additional mandarin might be hard on my pod population).

My main issue is that my current mandarin does not eat any frozen.. only pods.

So to recap the question - can I add a leopard wrasse and another Mandarin to my tank which already has one mandarin ?.

Thank you.

two mandarins of the same sex are not going to work. Usually opposite sex even of different species can (but not always) work. Your tank size is ok for two copepod eaters, probably not fine for three.
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