PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Fish stocking list is fine. Having clownfish associate (the anemone hosts) is a hit or miss situation. The order does not seem to matter to the clownfish, however the anemone would prefer to establish before being jostled by anemone fish.
Thanks for the quick reply... Was hoping you'd say I was fine, but kind of wondered if stocking 5 fish in this small tank would be considered too much. I think it will work because I tried very hard to pick out fish that would occupy different territories / niches in my tank. Also have a huge skimmer! :)

A few sexy shrimp or a single peppermint should also be fine, right?

Thanks again...
Thanks for the quick reply... Was hoping you'd say I was fine, but kind of wondered if stocking 5 fish in this small tank would be considered too much. I think it will work because I tried very hard to pick out fish that would occupy different territories / niches in my tank. Also have a huge skimmer! :)

A few sexy shrimp or a single peppermint should also be fine, right? yes

Thanks again...

the number of fish is not all that relevant; fish behavior is the deciding factor. Avoiding multiple fish in the same ecological niche is important, especially in smaller sized tanks
Because I do thousands of these inquiries, I do not remember from previous posts stocking list or questions. For best answer, provide entire stocking list plan, tank size. Sorry, I cannot really go back and look.

No Problem Snorvich. Totally understand.

55g standard.
Intened to be a zoa dominated reef with deep sand bed.

Currently in tank-
Emerald Crab
2 yellow tip hermits

only fish i plan on having for sure thus far-
2 clowns- (the nice variety Ocelaris? SP?)
Tail Spot Blenny

The fish i was concerned about adding to the list-

Royal Gramma Basslet
Orchid dottyback

I was concerned they may be aggressive towards one another.

If not compatible in this size tank, which would you recommend be added to the list of the two clowns and the tail spot blenny?

Thanks for all your help!
No Problem Snorvich. Totally understand.

55g standard.
Intened to be a zoa dominated reef with deep sand bed.

Currently in tank-
Emerald Crab
2 yellow tip hermits

only fish i plan on having for sure thus far-
2 clowns- (the nice variety Ocelaris? SP?)
Tail Spot Blenny

The fish i was concerned about adding to the list-

Royal Gramma Basslet either would be fine. Gramma loretto, while territorial, guards a relative small territory
Orchid dottyback P. fridmani is the least aggressive pseudochromis, however I would add one or the other and not both in this sized tank.

I was concerned they may be aggressive towards one another.

If not compatible in this size tank, which would you recommend be added to the list of the two clowns and the tail spot blenny? I don't do recommendations for a variety of reasons but would always be happy to reanalyze as long the question was in the format of this post

Thanks for all your help!
Have a 65 gallon with a yellow " coris " wrasse and a McCoskers flasher wrasse. Would like to add a male Blue Flasher Wrasse (P. cyaneus). Would the males fight? I read they are peaceful but want to be sure. Also is the tank large enough? I can't upgrade for two more years yet.
Yes there is live rock, lots of caves and a sump.
Stocking is:
Yellow Coris
3 Barnacle Blennys
1YWG and a Pistol shrimp
Mandarin ( tons of pods in tank. Pod population stable but I have more in a ack tank as needed)
1 Fromia starfish
1 miniature blue leg hermit crab

Thank you!

Can someone's suggest a few more fish fir my established reef?

500 litre (125 us gallon / 100 imp gallon)
150 litre sump (35 us gallon / 30 imp gallon)

Red legs / blue legs - probably 10 remaining
Turbo snails probably 10 or so

Foxface (6 inch)
Purple Tang (5 inch)
Copper band (4 inch)
Adult male percula clown (elderly - maybe 15 years old)

There's a lot of flow (4 Tunze 6100) and I'm looking to maintain the sps rather than stock highly, but I feel the tank will take a few more small fish.


Have a 65 gallon with a yellow " coris " wrasse and a McCoskers flasher wrasse. Would like to add a male Blue Flasher Wrasse (P. cyaneus). Would the males fight? I read they are peaceful but want to be sure. Also is the tank large enough? I can't upgrade for two more years yet.
Yes there is live rock, lots of caves and a sump.
Stocking is:
Yellow Coris
3 Barnacle Blennys
1YWG and a Pistol shrimp
Mandarin ( tons of pods in tank. Pod population stable but I have more in a ack tank as needed)
1 Fromia starfish
1 miniature blue leg hermit crab

Thank you!

They will likely display, but I doubt there will be physical damage to either despite your tank size being marginal for two.

Can someone's suggest a few more fish fir my established reef?

500 litre (125 us gallon / 100 imp gallon)
150 litre sump (35 us gallon / 30 imp gallon)

Red legs / blue legs - probably 10 remaining
Turbo snails probably 10 or so

Foxface (6 inch)
Purple Tang (5 inch)
Copper band (4 inch)
Adult male percula clown (elderly - maybe 15 years old)

There's a lot of flow (4 Tunze 6100) and I'm looking to maintain the sps rather than stock highly, but I feel the tank will take a few more small fish.



While I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, I would be happy to provide behavioral and compatibility analysis for any perspective stocking plan. I do agree that some small compatible fish would be appropriate as long as they did not impinge on the ecological niche of existing tank mates.
Morning steve,

65 gallon
70#s live rock
40-60#s sand
30 gallon sump - 20 actual gallons of water with live rock rubble.
Various snails and shrimp

Current fish are

Lubbock's fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki)
Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
Black Occellaris clown (Female) (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Picasso Percula clown (Male) (Amphiprion percula)
Clowns have been in for 8 months and are paired despite the species difference. One may actually be a hybrid already.
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)

I would like to know if it is possible to add another reef safe wrasse, fairy or flasher. Also what about a royal gramma (Gramma loreto). Lastly is this tank size good for an anthia species or do they all need to have a harem. I know that I cannot fit a harem for multiple reasons including stress and aesthetics as I believe the tank would look overcrowded. Thanks again, Rob.
Great, so how about this

Great, so how about this

While I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, I would be happy to provide behavioral and compatibility analysis for any perspective stocking plan. I do agree that some small compatible fish would be appropriate as long as they did not impinge on the ecological niche of existing tank mates.

I was thinking about Pseudochromis ( Fridmans or Flavivertex) and fire fish (Nemateleotris magnifica), can I mix the species or will the dotty backs bully the fire fish?

Assuming I can't mix the species (I know two pseudochromis in one tank is asking for trouble), do you have a view about keeping fire fish in groups?

Morning steve,

65 gallon
70#s live rock
40-60#s sand
30 gallon sump - 20 actual gallons of water with live rock rubble.
Various snails and shrimp

Current fish are

Lubbock's fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki)
Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
Black Occellaris clown (Female) (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Picasso Percula clown (Male) (Amphiprion percula)
Clowns have been in for 8 months and are paired despite the species difference. One may actually be a hybrid already.
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)

I would like to know if it is possible to add another reef safe wrasse, fairy or flasher. Also what about a royal gramma (Gramma loreto). Lastly is this tank size good for an anthia species or do they all need to have a harem. I know that I cannot fit a harem for multiple reasons including stress and aesthetics as I believe the tank would look overcrowded. Thanks again, Rob.

Any flasher wrasse except the eight line flasher wrasse would fit in; a royal gramma, while protecting only a moderate territory might be an issue, but is still a reasonable possibility.
I was thinking about Pseudochromis ( Fridmans or Flavivertex) and fire fish (Nemateleotris magnifica), can I mix the species or will the dotty backs bully the fire fish?

A single firefish of any of the three species would work exceptionally well but two would not long term. P. fridmani, while the least aggressive Pseudochromis might be fine if you did not do a firefish.

Assuming I can't mix the species (I know two pseudochromis in one tank is asking for trouble for sure), do you have a view about keeping fire fish in groups? long term, firefish are not stable in groups; short term, that would work. Once they establish a territory, they tend to intimidate conspecifics unless they are a bonded pair.

Hey Steve-My 75gal is finally cycled. I'm not new to hobby (been reefing since '02), but here's my latest fish list...should I be concerned w/ aggression from 1 & 2 being similar in shape? & any issues w/ any of these & blood shrimp?

1--lawnmower or midas blenny.
2--diamond or pinkspot watchman goby for sandbed cleanup.
3--coral beauty.
4--pair of perc or occy clownfish.
5--various leopard wrasse (my favorite fish).
6--copperband butterfly.
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Hey Steve-My 75gal is finally cycled. I'm not new to hobby (been reefing since '02), but here's my latest fish list...should I be concerned w/ aggression from 1 & 2 being similar in shape? & any issues w/ any of these & blood shrimp?

No issues with blood shrimp with this stocking list. Lawnmower blennies and commensal shrimp gobies is not an issue. Midas blennies can nip planktivore fins. I too am a big fan of leopard wrasses. With the level of copepod competition, I would feed multiple times per day. Copperbands can be difficult, the Australian endemic is easier.

1--lawnmower or midas blenny.
2--diamond or pinkspot watchman goby for sandbed cleanup.
3--coral beauty.
4--pair of perc or occy clownfish.
5--various leopard wrasse (my favorite fish).
6--copperband butterfly.

Quick question based on your answer a couple posts above that I cannot get to quote tonight for the life of me...

How "big" is a firefish's territory. You mention more than one firefish long-term will not work unless they are bonded once they establish their territory. How long or large of an area do they claim?

In a larger tank, would it be possible to introduce two single species of firefish at opposite ends of the tank (although I don't know how you would ensure they would take up residence on opposite sides) so that both would establish separate territories and not fight to the death?

Not really planning to do it, I just really love the look of both the purple and white firefish, and if it was doable it is something I might consider as I start to bring my tank online....

Quick question based on your answer a couple posts above that I cannot get to quote tonight for the life of me...

How "big" is a firefish's territory. You mention more than one firefish long-term will not work unless they are bonded once they establish their territory. How long or large of an area do they claim?

In a larger tank, would it be possible to introduce two single species of firefish at opposite ends of the tank (although I don't know how you would ensure they would take up residence on opposite sides) so that both would establish separate territories and not fight to the death?

Not really planning to do it, I just really love the look of both the purple and white firefish, and if it was doable it is something I might consider as I start to bring my tank online....

It is a difficult question to answer. I do know that tank length solves a lot of problems of territorial imperative, but I can not quantify it for you. Aquascaping has something to do with it as well. If I were to guess, I would say it might work in an 8 foot tank aquascaped with islands such that there was a no man's land in between. Further problem is that for a few months it will work, then it just does not.
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