I am planning a 29 (30"x15"x15") gallon reef tank with live rock, a 20 gallon sump (with refugium), skimmer, and carbon/gfo reactor.
ocellaris clownfish (or percula clownfish)
helfrichi firefish (or standard firefish)
royal gramma
green mandarin dragonet (plan to add after 6 months to a year, plan to train him to take frozen or pellets) Sorry, that will not work. All dragonets eat frozen/pellets, but the problem is their metabolism is such that they eat constantly and you can not feed constantly. People do it, it works for a while, then the fish starves.
I'm least sure about the royal gramma. I've thought of adding either a yellow assessor or blue green chromis instead. I'm hoping to have a mix of small peaceful fish that are interesting, colorful, and prefer different parts of the tank (upper water column, rocks, sand, etc).
stocking plan is fine except as annotated
Clean-up Crew
cleaner shrimp
3 sexy shrimp
emerald crab
porcelain crab
3 hermit crabs
a bunch of empty shells for enterprising hermit crabs
2 nassarius snails
fighting conch
2 astraea snail (star shaped ones)
4 cerith snail
2 trochus snail
crabs and snails do not mix well as hermit crabs kill snails for their shells. Emerald crabs when large, can take fish
I know people are split about half and half on pro-crab vs anti-crab. I am hoping to keep crabs and use empty shells to keep the snail fatalities down. Also, I'm not sure about the size of CUC. I've heard a range of figures - any advice would be appreciated.
I'm still working out my coral list, but I'm planning on starting with zoanthids and polyps.