PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I am planning a 29 (30"x15"x15") gallon reef tank with live rock, a 20 gallon sump (with refugium), skimmer, and carbon/gfo reactor.

ocellaris clownfish (or percula clownfish)
helfrichi firefish (or standard firefish)
royal gramma
green mandarin dragonet (plan to add after 6 months to a year, plan to train him to take frozen or pellets) Sorry, that will not work. All dragonets eat frozen/pellets, but the problem is their metabolism is such that they eat constantly and you can not feed constantly. People do it, it works for a while, then the fish starves.

I'm least sure about the royal gramma. I've thought of adding either a yellow assessor or blue green chromis instead. I'm hoping to have a mix of small peaceful fish that are interesting, colorful, and prefer different parts of the tank (upper water column, rocks, sand, etc).

stocking plan is fine except as annotated

Clean-up Crew
cleaner shrimp
3 sexy shrimp
emerald crab
porcelain crab
3 hermit crabs
a bunch of empty shells for enterprising hermit crabs
2 nassarius snails
fighting conch
2 astraea snail (star shaped ones)
4 cerith snail
2 trochus snail

crabs and snails do not mix well as hermit crabs kill snails for their shells. Emerald crabs when large, can take fish
I know people are split about half and half on pro-crab vs anti-crab. I am hoping to keep crabs and use empty shells to keep the snail fatalities down. Also, I'm not sure about the size of CUC. I've heard a range of figures - any advice would be appreciated.


I'm still working out my coral list, but I'm planning on starting with zoanthids and polyps.
Standard 55g.

Tank has appeared to cycle, but im going to give it another couple weeks and watch closely.

LFS has a tail spot blennie that i have had my eye on.

Would a Tail Spot Blennie be a good first reef inhabitant?

The only other additional fish i know for certain i will want to add down the line is a pair of clowns.

I intend the tank to be a mostly zoanthid dominated tank.
Standard 55g.

Tank has appeared to cycle, but im going to give it another couple weeks and watch closely.

LFS has a tail spot blennie that i have had my eye on.

Would a Tail Spot Blennie be a good first reef inhabitant? Yes and no. Excellent fish, but would do better after the tank is a bit more mature

The only other additional fish i know for certain i will want to add down the line is a pair of clowns. depends on species; may be good or too aggressive

I intend the tank to be a mostly zoanthid dominated tank.
Hello Steve, most of my tank specs are in my signiture..

2 oc clowns
1 diamond goby9can I pair a pistal shrimp with it)
six line wrasse maybe??
1 yellow tail damsel
2 chromis

I am not really sure what else I could add...And if I need to not add one of those choices could you make a suggestion for me to replace the choice..Also would I be able to add more than this or is this the limit for my tank do you think? And one more thing What order should I add them in
Hello Steve,

Current 150 gal DT w/ 50 gal refugium both with DSBs
Presently have:

2 - Jawfish
1 - Coral Beauty
1 - Sailfin Tang

Looking to add a Foureye Butterfly

Hello Steve, most of my tank specs are in my signiture..

2 oc clowns fine
1 diamond goby9can I pair a pistal shrimp with it) fine
six line wrasse maybe?? very aggressive
1 yellow tail damsel aggressive in a small tank
2 chromis will become one over time; careful as chromis are highly susceptible to uronema

I am not really sure what else I could add...And if I need to not add one of those choices could you make a suggestion for me to replace the choice..Also would I be able to add more than this or is this the limit for my tank do you think? And one more thing What order should I add them in

Order is always most aggressive last; as those who follow this thread know I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to reanalyze if complete stocking list and tank specs are provided
Hello Steve,

Current 150 gal DT w/ 50 gal refugium both with DSBs
Presently have:

2 - Jawfish
1 - Coral Beauty
1 - Sailfin Tang will need a larger tank as it matures

Looking to add a Foureye Butterfly While peaceful in nature, the Four-Eyed Butterfly is a carnivore that can be very difficult to feed, especially in the beginning. Nutramar Ova, live vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, clam, and mashed (because of mouth size) squid or shrimp. Once eating regularly, offer mysis shrimp and frozen carnivore preparations. For best results, feed at least three times a day.

Order is always most aggressive last; as those who follow this thread know I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to reanalyze if complete stocking list and tank specs are provided

ok Thank you I will keep researching, and get a better stocking list..
ok here is my updated stocking list..

56 gallon
40gallon sump
49#'s dry rock
12#'s live rock
About a two in sand bed

2 oc clowns
1 diamondback goby w/pistal shrimp
1 multi color lubbocks fairy wrasse or carpenters flasher wrasse
1 blue green chromis
1 royal gramma basslet

thank you for all you do

First Steve, thanks so much for your continued help.

My question, assuming everything else being compatible, in a 48x24x26, would 3-4 each of Dispar Anthias and Huchtii Anthias work out?

Other likely denizens are

Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Hoeven's Wrasse
Zebra Barred Dartfish x 3
Spotted Cardinals x 3-4

With 100 lbs live rock, 120 lbs fine sand, CUC, what do you think?
IM Nuvo 16G tank

IM Nuvo 16G tank

I have a IM Nuvo 16g tank with 16kg live rock and a 1-1,5 cm live sand bed. The sump is intergrated on the back of the tank. I keep there about 300g seachem Matrix as a way to extend the nitrifying bacteria surface area. Filtration is floss and act. carbon in the 2 canisters. For circulation I have an mp10.
My cycle is almost done (ammonia & nitrites 0 and nitrates 35 which I'm bringing soon down with water changes). Now I'm looking into what livestock i can put into. Since I haven't had an algae bloom yet I will start with a clown. This will also give some more time to stabilize the tank before adding the cuc (they are more sensitive right)?
If algae happens 3 trochus snails and a blue or red legged hermit will go in.
Other than that I was thinking adding 5 sexy shrimp and a green/blue chromis.
As for corals I'm thinking some zoas, a frogspan and a couple featherdusters.
Do you think this is ok for a 16g tank?


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ok here is my updated stocking list..

56 gallon
40gallon sump
49#'s dry rock
12#'s live rock
About a two in sand bed

2 oc clowns
1 diamondback goby w/pistal shrimp
1 multi color lubbocks fairy wrasse or carpenters flasher wrasse
1 blue green chromis
1 royal gramma basslet

thank you for all you do

Looks good Scott
I have a IM Nuvo 16g tank with 16kg live rock and a 1-1,5 cm live sand bed. The sump is intergrated on the back of the tank. I keep there about 300g seachem Matrix as a way to extend the nitrifying bacteria surface area. Filtration is floss and act. carbon in the 2 canisters. For circulation I have an mp10.
My cycle is almost done (ammonia & nitrites 0 and nitrates 35 which I'm bringing soon down with water changes). Now I'm looking into what livestock i can put into. Since I haven't had an algae bloom yet I will start with a clown. This will also give some more time to stabilize the tank before adding the cuc (they are more sensitive right)?
If algae happens 3 trochus snails and a blue or red legged hermit will go in.
Other than that I was thinking adding 5 sexy shrimp and a green/blue chromis.
As for corals I'm thinking some zoas, a frogspan and a couple featherdusters.
Do you think this is ok for a 16g tank?

A clownfish or chromis is a bit much for a 16 gallon tank; I would suggest looking at smaller fish with less territorial need. There are lots of excellent fish that would work and if you focus on the right ones two small ones would do well.
McCosker's Flasher vs. Inverts

McCosker's Flasher vs. Inverts

Petco online advises against keeping this Wrasse with any crustaceans although I cannot find any other source which references this. Does anyone know whether this is a real problem? I'm planning to purchase one and mostly certainly can't if this is so.

75 gal reef with refugium; inverts including snails, skunk shrimp, brittle star, tiny blue leg hermits.

1 sad little yellow tail damsel
2 bully blue damsels (damsels all came with tank)
1 firefish
1 kaudern cardinal
1 pj cardinal
1 brittle star
1 skunk shrimp
2 false percs
Follow up question, er, two.


In a 48x24x26

Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Hoeven's Wrasse
Zebra Barred Dartfish x 3
Spotted Cardinals x 3-4
Dispar Anthias x 3-4
Huchtii Anthias x 3-4
Eibli Angel
Kole Tang

With 100 lbs live rock, 120 lbs fine sand, CUC.

1. Substitute Sunrise Dottyback x 2-3 for the Royal Gramma?
2. When tank is well established add CBB?
2.5. Is this load getting too much for rational husbandry, with the multiple feedings daily of the anthias, etc. Total system actual water amount is around 110 gallons.

Thank you!
Petco online advises against keeping this Wrasse with any crustaceans although I cannot find any other source which references this. Does anyone know whether this is a real problem? I'm planning to purchase one and mostly certainly can't if this is so.

McCoskers wrasses have no impact or interest in snails, hermits, etc.

75 gal reef with refugium; inverts including snails, skunk shrimp, brittle star, tiny blue leg hermits.

1 sad little yellow tail damsel the damsels will be a problem
2 bully blue damsels (damsels all came with tank)
1 firefish
1 kaudern cardinal
1 pj cardinal
1 brittle star careful, green ones eat fish
1 skunk shrimp
2 false percs

except for the damsels, should be fine
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