PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Follow up question, er, two.


In a 48x24x26

Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Hoeven's Wrasse
Zebra Barred Dartfish x 3
Spotted Cardinals x 3-4
Dispar Anthias x 3-4
Huchtii Anthias x 3-4
Eibli Angel
Kole Tang

With 100 lbs live rock, 120 lbs fine sand, CUC.

1. Substitute Sunrise Dottyback x 2-3 for the Royal Gramma? absolutely not, pseudochromis are hyper aggressive
2. When tank is well established add CBB? not after the kole tang
2.5. Is this load getting too much for rational husbandry, with the multiple feedings daily of the anthias, etc. Total system actual water amount is around 110 gallons. no, it is ok from that perspective

Thank you!
Thanks Steve, those darn Damsels...such a pretty fish to be so nasty! They'll be donated to the LFS and then sold to another poor sucker I'm sorry to say. I don't want to kill them.
Thanks Steve, those darn Damsels...such a pretty fish to be so nasty! They'll be donated to the LFS and then sold to another poor sucker I'm sorry to say. I don't want to kill them.

Yes, I do not believe in ever killing fish. We owe them our best efforts.
150 gallon mixed reef Inhabitants: tank is a year old in a week.

Black Ice Ocellaris Clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris var.
Added: September 4, 2013
Quantity: 2

Lyretail Anthias
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Added: October 25, 2013
Quantity: 4

Powder Brown Tang
Acanthurus japonicus
Added: May 2, 2014

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis
Added: May 17, 2013

Yellow Tang
Zebrasoma flavescens
Added: May 2, 2014

Brittle Sea Star
Ophiocoma sp.
Sea Stars
Added: October 16, 2013
Quantity: 2

Derasa Clam
Tridacna derasa
Added: July 16, 2013

Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab
Calcinus laevimanus
Added: October 16, 2013
Quantity: 15
Location: Live aquaria

Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Calcinus elegans
Added: June 23, 2013
Quantity: 2

Electric Orange Hermit Crab
Calcinus cf elegans
Added: June 22, 2013

Inferno anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Added: January 21, 2014

Rose Bulb Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Added: July 3, 2013

Sand Sifting Sea Star
Astropecten polycanthus
Sea Stars
Added: April 22, 2013

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
Added: June 22, 2013
Quantity: 2

ADDITIONS (last fish and I'll consider the tank stocked)

Blue Throat Triggerfish
Xanthichthys auromarginatus)
Trigger Fish
Added: June 15, 2014

Firefish, Purple
Nemateleotris decora
Added: June 15, 2014
Quantity: 2

Green Mandarin
Synchiropus splendidus
Added: August 15, 2014
150 gallon mixed reef Inhabitants: tank is a year old in a week.

Black Ice Ocellaris Clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris var.
Added: September 4, 2013
Quantity: 2

Lyretail Anthias
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Added: October 25, 2013
Quantity: 4

Powder Brown Tang
Acanthurus japonicus
Added: May 2, 2014

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis
Added: May 17, 2013

Yellow Tang
Zebrasoma flavescens
Added: May 2, 2014

Brittle Sea Star
Ophiocoma sp.
Sea Stars
Added: October 16, 2013
Quantity: 2

Derasa Clam
Tridacna derasa
Added: July 16, 2013

Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab
Calcinus laevimanus
Added: October 16, 2013
Quantity: 15
Location: Live aquaria

Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Calcinus elegans
Added: June 23, 2013
Quantity: 2

Electric Orange Hermit Crab
Calcinus cf elegans
Added: June 22, 2013

Inferno anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Added: January 21, 2014

Rose Bulb Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Added: July 3, 2013

Sand Sifting Sea Star
Astropecten polycanthus
Sea Stars
Added: April 22, 2013

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
Added: June 22, 2013
Quantity: 2

ADDITIONS (last fish and I'll consider the tank stocked)

Blue Throat Triggerfish not safe for small fish and most inverts
Xanthichthys auromarginatus)
Trigger Fish
Added: June 15, 2014

Firefish, Purple
Nemateleotris decora
Added: June 15, 2014
Quantity: 2

Green Mandarin
Synchiropus splendidus
Added: August 15, 2014

except as annotated, should be fine
"Rescue Tank"

"Rescue Tank"

HI, We just inherited a "Rescue Tank" from someone no longer able to keep it up. It is a 55 gal, upgraded filtration to Aquatop 400 w/ UV, new crushed aragonite bed, never had any live rock but added about 15lbs of base rock and 20lbs of live rock. No sump or skimmer. Lighting is a Coralife ho t5 with one 10000k and an actinic. Tank had a deep sand bed FULL of worms and no cleanup crew at all. I added 2 nassarius snails, a turbo and 5 others, about a dozen asst. hermits a peppermint shrimp. Existing livestock as follows:
Yellow Tang
Mated pair of Clownfish
Pair of Pajama Cardinals
Threadfin Butterfly (eats everything but the glass!)
Common Cleaner Wrasse (eats even more than the butterfly)
6 Asst. Damsels
Tank has been going for a month now and fish appear healthy and eating well.
Levels are at or near zero, ph has been stuck at 8.0 and have been dosing daily to try to bump it up a bit. Salinity is .0124 - .0126. Any thoughts?????
Im assumeing an Orchid Dottyback, and Royal Gramma Basslet would not be compatible based on the relative size, color, and preferred areas of a tank?
100 gallon mixed reef tank
90# rock
3 months

Right now going through quarantine period with survivors

Currently have
1 percula clown
2 firefish
1 coral beauty
1 Lubbocks wrasse
1 neon goby tank raised
Blood red shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Clean up crews

Looking to add
Yellow tang
Hippo tang
Mandarin-waiting 6 months
Sand sifting star
2 Square box anthias
Goby or jawfish - tank temp is at 77

Any other recommendations for comparable fish would be appreciated?

Is there a better way to introduce fish in a specific order?

Should I look for smaller or bigger fish for dominance issues? (Smaller yellow tang or hippo)
HI, We just inherited a "Rescue Tank" from someone no longer able to keep it up. It is a 55 gal, upgraded filtration to Aquatop 400 w/ UV, new crushed aragonite bed, never had any live rock but added about 15lbs of base rock and 20lbs of live rock. No sump or skimmer. Lighting is a Coralife ho t5 with one 10000k and an actinic. Tank had a deep sand bed FULL of worms and no cleanup crew at all. I added 2 nassarius snails, a turbo and 5 others, about a dozen asst. hermits a peppermint shrimp. Existing livestock as follows:
Yellow Tang
Mated pair of Clownfish
Pair of Pajama Cardinals
Threadfin Butterfly (eats everything but the glass!)
Common Cleaner Wrasse (eats even more than the butterfly)
6 Asst. Damsels
Tank has been going for a month now and fish appear healthy and eating well.
Levels are at or near zero, ph has been stuck at 8.0 and have been dosing daily to try to bump it up a bit. Salinity is .0124 - .0126. Any thoughts?????

Well, there a lot of fish that should not be in that tank . . .
100 gallon mixed reef tank
90# rock
3 months

Right now going through quarantine period with survivors

Currently have
1 percula clown
2 firefish two is not long term stable
1 coral beauty
1 Lubbocks wrasse
1 neon goby tank raised
Blood red shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Clean up crews

Looking to add
Yellow tang needs a larger tank
Hippo tang needs a much larger tank
Mandarin-waiting 6 months
Sand sifting star
2 Square box anthias
Goby or jawfish - tank temp is at 77

Any other recommendations for comparable fish would be appreciated?

Is there a better way to introduce fish in a specific order?

Should I look for smaller or bigger fish for dominance issues? (Smaller yellow tang or hippo) size is irrelevant, behavior trumps all
Hey Steve, I was looking at DD, would I be able to add a basslet and a blenny to my list or am I over doing it with that?

You will need to give me entire stocking plan and tank size. I have done far too many of these (upwards of 10,000) to remember what folks have.
Sorry my bad Steve, I know your a busy man!! :)

56 gallon
40gallon sump
49#'s dry rock
12#'s live rock
About a two in sand bed

2 oc clowns
1 diamondback goby w/pistal shrimp
1 multi color lubbocks fairy wrasse or carpenters flasher wrasse
1 blue green chromis
1 royal gramma basslet

So I know I have the royal in there but could I add.

another basslet and a blenny to this or is that to much
Sorry my bad Steve, I know your a busy man!! :)

56 gallon
40gallon sump
49#'s dry rock
12#'s live rock
About a two in sand bed

2 oc clowns
1 diamondback goby w/pistal shrimp
1 multi color lubbocks fairy wrasse or carpenters flasher wrasse
1 blue green chromis
1 royal gramma basslet

So I know I have the royal in there but could I add.

another basslet and a blenny to this or is that to much

two basslets in a small tank will not work (behavior issue, not bioload). Depends which blenny. Again, behavior not bioload. Most stocking issues are not bioload related but behavior which depends on a variety of factors.
Hi Steve,

I have a 29 gallon (30x13x18 rectangle) that just finished cycling. I built a custom ~15 gallon sump which houses a bubble magus curve 5 (140 gallon) skimmer and a ball of chaeto. The DT has 35lbs of rock and a 1.5" sand bed. Total water volume with rock and sand added is 35 gallons. Here is a link to my build thread:

I am planning on a mixed reef setup. I think I've got my fish species picked out, and I wanted to see if you agree with their suitability for my system. I'll post them here in the order I'm thinking of adding them (no fish purchased yet).

Yasha Goby and Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp
Tailspot Blenny
Royal Gamma
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns

I'd like to have a RBTA for the clowns, but I know that's at least 6 months down the road. Is there a better chance they will host if they are added after the anemone or before? Does it even matter?

Also, as I understand it, other inverts don't add much to the bio load. I was thinking of adding a couple sexy shrimp or a single peppermint shrimp for aiptasia control. I'm QT-ing everything in a 10 gallon tank.

Hi Steve,

I have a 29 gallon (30x13x18 rectangle) that just finished cycling. I built a custom ~15 gallon sump which houses a bubble magus curve 5 (140 gallon) skimmer and a ball of chaeto. The DT has 35lbs of rock and a 1.5" sand bed. Total water volume with rock and sand added is 35 gallons. Here is a link to my build thread:

I am planning on a mixed reef setup. I think I've got my fish species picked out, and I wanted to see if you agree with their suitability for my system. I'll post them here in the order I'm thinking of adding them (no fish purchased yet).

Yasha Goby and Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp
Tailspot Blenny
Royal Gamma
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns

I'd like to have a RBTA for the clowns, but I know that's at least 6 months down the road. Is there a better chance they will host if they are added after the anemone or before? Does it even matter?

Also, as I understand it, other inverts don't add much to the bio load. I was thinking of adding a couple sexy shrimp or a single peppermint shrimp for aiptasia control. I'm QT-ing everything in a 10 gallon tank.


Fish stocking list is fine. Having clownfish associate (the anemone hosts) is a hit or miss situation. The order does not seem to matter to the clownfish, however the anemone would prefer to establish before being jostled by anemone fish.
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