PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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180 gal tank

current stock:

Blonda Naso Tang
Yellow tang
Emperor Angel
Rusty Angel
Coral beauty Angel
Pair of Cinnamon Clowns
Blue/Green Chromins
Bartlett Anthias
Kaudern's Cardinal - Tank-Bred

Would like to add:

Purple or Black Tang - Is there a way in introduce one with the yellow tang?

Is there a Tang that would work well in the tank, smaller tang prefer.

I understand my yellow can be aggressive towards other tangs. She is not over aggressive towards newly introduced fish.

Thanks for your time and effort.
180 gal tank

current stock:

Blonda Naso Tang
Yellow tang
Emperor Angel
Rusty Angel
Coral beauty Angel
Pair of Cinnamon Clowns
Blue/Green Chromins
Bartlett Anthias
Kaudern's Cardinal - Tank-Bred

Would like to add:

Purple or Black Tang - Is there a way in introduce one with the yellow tang?

Is there a Tang that would work well in the tank, smaller tang prefer.

I understand my yellow can be aggressive towards other tangs. She is not over aggressive towards newly introduced fish.

Thanks for your time and effort.

I would not suggest adding any tang with an established zebrasoma tang in a six foot tank. At some point, the Emperor Angel will be boss, however.
I would not suggest adding any tang with an established zebrasoma tang in a six foot tank. At some point, the Emperor Angel will be boss, however.

I have noticed that already, the Emperor is defiantly establishing her dominance. And I figured no chance of adding any tang with the zebrasoma tang.

Thanks for your efforts and advise.
I already own these fish. Im new and think im in trouble

75 gallon seaclear II system ( the sump is built into the tank on the back) Tank 8 month established. seaclone 100 protein skimmer. live rock, calaupera both fern and grape

2 soon to be 7 kuda seahorses

1 fat female newly introduced and 1 small and now struggling male mandarin goby 3+ months introduced

a lot of snails and alot of red hermits who eat the snails all in which came in a clean up crew pack.

2 serpent star fish
2 sea cucumbers

my male mandarin is being eaten by something. i know i have bristle worms

i also fear my pod population is too low
I already own these fish. Im new and think im in trouble

75 gallon seaclear II system ( the sump is built into the tank on the back) Tank 8 month established. seaclone 100 protein skimmer. live rock, calaupera both fern and grape

2 soon to be 7 kuda seahorses

1 fat female newly introduced and 1 small and now struggling male mandarin goby 3+ months introduced

a lot of snails and alot of red hermits who eat the snails all in which came in a clean up crew pack.

2 serpent star fish
2 sea cucumbers

my male mandarin is being eaten by something. i know i have bristle worms

i also fear my pod population is too low

This is the wrong thread for this question as it is only about Marine Fish Compatibility. Please post your question in our Seahorse Forum. However your tank is not large enough for a pair of mandarins.
My intended fish

My intended fish

Hello. I have a 100 gallon DSA Model 100 tank, 48.5 x 20.5 x 25.5 inches.

30 gallons sump with a reef octopus skimmer

Live sand and live rock

No fish currently, just starting to stock.

Fish I am considering and want input

Yellow tang
2 Picasso clownfish
Yellow Wrasse
Six line wrasse
Bartlett's Anthias
Flame Angelfish
Flame Hawkfish
Jawfish Bluedot

I plan to add these very very slow .. part of our fun is doing this, but trying to get our list together to slowly start.

Thoughts on these fish?
Hello. I have a 100 gallon DSA Model 100 tank, 48.5 x 20.5 x 25.5 inches.

30 gallons sump with a reef octopus skimmer

Live sand and live rock

No fish currently, just starting to stock.

Fish I am considering and want input

Yellow tang ideally needs larger tank; once established is territorial to similars
2 Picasso clownfish
Yellow Wrasse
Six line wrasse agressive towards similar fish
Bartlett's Anthias
Flame Angelfish
Flame Hawkfish not shrimp safe
Jawfish Bluedot needs cooler temperatures for long term viability; ideally 72-74 F

I plan to add these very very slow .. part of our fun is doing this, but trying to get our list together to slowly start.

Thoughts on these fish?

As annotated
I have a 180 gal tank and 30 gal sump, 1 " live sand and 110 lb live rock. I'd like to keep a p.volitans, a jeweled moray eel and a niger triggerfish with live coral. I'm wondering if the live coral would survive and grow with these fish.

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I have a 180 gal tank and 30 gal sump, 1 " live sand and 110 lb live rock. I'd like to keep a p.volitans, a jeweled moray eel and a niger triggerfish with live coral. I'm wondering if the live coral would survive and grow with these fish.


Yes. However the trigger and the lionfish will not mix well. In any case, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Sorry. We do have a forum for those type tanks, however, it can be found here.

It is a difficult question to answer. I do know that tank length solves a lot of problems of territorial imperative, but I can not quantify it for you. Aquascaping has something to do with it as well. If I were to guess, I would say it might work in an 8 foot tank aquascaped with islands such that there was a no man's land in between. Further problem is that for a few months it will work, then it just does not.

I never said "thanks" for the answer, Steve! So, Thanks! I already have a white/red firefish to go into the 155 when if is fully cycled, so it wins by default. The tank is only 6 foot, so it will stay there. Once I get the few fish from my 55 in there I need to get settled in I will start hitting you up for my planned additions to check compatibility.

I really love your answers, and learn from your answers to everyone else every day! This thread is on my daily must read list!
I never said "thanks" for the answer, Steve! So, Thanks! I already have a white/red firefish to go into the 155 when if is fully cycled, so it wins by default. The tank is only 6 foot, so it will stay there. Once I get the few fish from my 55 in there I need to get settled in I will start hitting you up for my planned additions to check compatibility.

I really love your answers, and learn from your answers to everyone else every day! This thread is on my daily must read list!

Thanks for the very kind words John. I actually like the tougher questions that require more thought. Always happy to have you come back with questions!
Hello, I'm running a 90 gallon mixed reef around 6 months old with mostly softies and lps. Only fish currently in the tank are a pair of black and white occelaris clowns. I'd like to add:

5 blue/green reef chromis
1 mystery wrasse
1 tomini tang
1 Midas Blenny
At least 1 or possibly a pair of spotted mandarins.

I'm running some chaeto and baskets of live rock rubble in my basement sump and when I look at the rocks in my DT I see pods crawling everywhere, however I'm concerned about the wrasse and competing the mandarin or mandarins. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I'm running a 90 gallon mixed reef around 6 months old with mostly softies and lps. Only fish currently in the tank are a pair of black and white occelaris clowns. I'd like to add:

5 blue/green reef chromis will become one over time
1 mystery wrasse
1 tomini tang
1 Midas Blenny
At least 1 or possibly a pair of spotted mandarins. one is fine at the nine month mark if you do not add the mystery wrasse (which is also not shrimp safe)

I'm running some chaeto and baskets of live rock rubble in my basement sump and when I look at the rocks in my DT I see pods crawling everywhere, however I'm concerned about the wrasse and competing the mandarin or mandarins. Thanks in advance.
So you're saying either the mystery wrasse or the mandarin but not both?

correct. The mystery wrasse has downsides (aggression, not invert safe) whereas the mandarin does not. But while 90 gallons is sufficient for a single mandarin, it would not be with an aggressive competitor for copepods.
Hi, I'm planning for a 30g long (36 x 15 x 13 inches).

I'd like to add (in order):
Helfrichi firefish
Pearly jawfish
Black cap basslet
Multicolor angelfish

Will this be okay? Thank you!
Hi, I'm planning for a 30g long (36 x 15 x 13 inches).

I'd like to add (in order):
Helfrichi firefish
Pearly jawfish
Black cap basslet
Multicolor angelfish

Will this be okay? Thank you!

A multicolor angelfish (or any dwarf angel) requires a larger tank; in a small tank a basslet may intimidate the firefish
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