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This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. While we strong encourage your participation elsewhere on Reef Central, we would appreciate your not answering this thread. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
This is my list from several weeks ago in the thread:

93g cube

3x pajama cardinals
1x purple firefish
1 or 2x clownfish - teardrop or snowflake (originally was teardrop or tomato but I opted for 'no' on the tomato based on feedback)
1x exquisite fairy wrasse
1x McCoskers flasher wrasse
1x mandarin

Would there be a problem with introducing the wrasses before the clowns? The anemone folks suggest waiting for a span of several months while the tank gets established before adding a nem. Once the cardinals and firefish are through QT if the tank's not ready for a nem (or I haven't found a good one) I'm wondering if I could continue acquiring and stocking with the wrasses while I'm waiting. Thanks!
This is my list from several weeks ago in the thread:

93g cube

3x pajama cardinals
1x purple firefish
1 or 2x clownfish - teardrop or snowflake (originally was teardrop or tomato but I opted for 'no' on the tomato based on feedback)
1x exquisite fairy wrasse
1x McCoskers flasher wrasse
1x mandarin

Would there be a problem with introducing the wrasses before the clowns? The anemone folks suggest waiting for a span of several months while the tank gets established before adding a nem. Once the cardinals and firefish are through QT if the tank's not ready for a nem (or I haven't found a good one) I'm wondering if I could continue acquiring and stocking with the wrasses while I'm waiting. Thanks!

There would be no problem introducing the wrasses before the clowns. It is always preferable to have an established tank for anemones.
How finicky are zebras on water conditions? I have a guy looking for a babysitter for his zebra short term, my system has been up for a little less then 6 months very little bio load. And I have an empty 55gal off to the side live rock/refugium I could put him into short term. This is part of my system in the basement from my DT to my sump thru reactors and filters into the 55 and back to the sump again system I have.
How finicky are zebras on water conditions? I have a guy looking for a babysitter for his zebra short term, my system has been up for a little less then 6 months very little bio load. And I have an empty 55gal off to the side live rock/refugium I could put him into short term. This is part of my system in the basement from my DT to my sump thru reactors and filters into the 55 and back to the sump again system I have.

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility. All fish like good water quality, however; and I am unclear which fish you are actually talking about. Best to post your question in Reef Fish.
Nano tank stocking options

Nano tank stocking options

IM Nuvo 16g (with sump in the back, AIO) with a MP10 set at 30-35% for circulation.

11 pounds live rock
filter floss
300g seachem matrix
50g purigen

temperature: 78,8
salinity: 1.0257
alklalinity: 8
calcium: 445
magnesium: 1300
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0.05
nitrate: 10

I currently have an amphiprion ocellaris (1,22 inches) and 2 trochus snails about (0.7 inches).

1 mantis shrimp (0,78 inches)
1 hairy crab (havent identified it yet)
a couple feather worms (really small)
a couple worms (really small, the ones with the 2 tentacles, they live in tubes)

I was wondering if I can add 5 sexy shrimp, one more clown and maybe a goby firefish. Also I would like to add zoas and some LPS. Will that be too much for my system?
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IM Nuvo 16g (with sump in the back, AIO) with a MP10 set at 30-35% for circulation.

11 pounds live rock
filter floss
300g seachem matrix
50g purigen

temperature: 78,8
salinity: 1.0257
alklalinity: 8
calcium: 445
magnesium: 1300
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0.05
nitrate: 10

I currently have an amphiprion ocellaris (1,22 inches) and 2 trochus snails about (0.7 inches).

1 mantis shrimp (0,78 inches) a mantis shrimp is not good! I suggest removal.
1 hairy crab (havent identified it yet) hairy crabs are never good! I suggest removal.
a couple feather worms (really small)
a couple worms (really small, the ones with the 2 tentacles, they live in tubes)

I was wondering if I can add 5 sexy shrimp if you remove the mantis shrimp and crab, sexy shrimp should be ok; however, they would need a home of some sort (coral) , one more clown and maybe a goby firefish. Also I would like to add zoas and some LPS. Will that be too much for my system?

A second clown is marginal for this sized tank as a pair (or female, which a single will eventually become) of this species of clownfish will want to control about 20 gallons of tank space so any fish in addition to that would not be desirable.
A second clown is marginal for this sized tank as a pair (or female, which a single will eventually become) of this species of clownfish will want to control about 20 gallons of tank space so any fish in addition to that would not be desirable.

Thank you for the advice. Do you think if I add only the firefish and the 5 sexy shrimp that will be ok? In terms of bioload.
bioload will be fine but you need to remove the predators that would kill/eat sexy shrimp first.

I already tried to set up a trap but with no good results. From what I have read I have to take down my rock-work, even breaking the rock the *****es are hiding inside... Do you have any recomendation?
I already tried to set up a trap but with no good results. From what I have read I have to take down my rock-work, even breaking the rock the *****es are hiding inside... Do you have any recomendation?

Well outside the scope of this thread. I personally use a controllable fish trap but that would probably be difficult with your sized tank.
56G, 58lbs Dry Rock, No Sump, BH90 Protein skimmer, CPR In-tank small refugium, 1" Live Sand bed

Current stocking:
1 PJ Cardinal
2 Red Firefish

Planning (in order of additions)
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Bengaii Cardinal (tank bred)
1 Mandarin (after a few more months)

I am mainly concerned if I can add the cardinal after the clownfish without problems. I hear tank bred are a bit hardier so it may be better to add than a wild caught one. The Clownfish will likely be quite young, so if I add the cardinal after (with a 4 week Quarantine period first) then I feel I might be okay. I know the firefish may not last for more than a few months unless it turns out that they are a bonded pair, but adding the cardinal would help me get to the fish I would like to have in the tank, so I would preferably want to add it if I lose a firefish in a few months.
56G, 58lbs Dry Rock, No Sump, BH90 Protein skimmer, CPR In-tank small refugium, 1" Live Sand bed

Current stocking:
1 PJ Cardinal
2 Red Firefish

Planning (in order of additions)
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Bengaii Cardinal (tank bred)
1 Mandarin (after a few more months)

I am mainly concerned if I can add the cardinal after the clownfish without problems. I hear tank bred are a bit hardier so it may be better to add than a wild caught one.

tank bred are hardier and more likely to survive. As I have told you previously, the mandarin is unlikely to survive long term.

The Clownfish will likely be quite young, so if I add the cardinal after (with a 4 week Quarantine period first) then I feel I might be okay. I know the firefish may not last for more than a few months unless it turns out that they are a bonded pair, but adding the cardinal would help me get to the fish I would like to have in the tank, so I would preferably want to add it if I lose a firefish in a few months.
46 gallon bow front
50 pounds of lo in display
45 pounds of sand
Hob overflow
55 gallon sump with 20 pounds of lo
Coral ife 125 super skimmer
Filter Floss
120 watt full spectrum led ( may add a second)

Want to add a carpenter flasher wrasse eventually a clownish corals and in the long run an anemone. Anyone have any additional suggestions and or advice on flasher wrasse being first fish? I have keep saltwater before so I have practice with upkeep and husbandry. Tank is currently empty and cycling.
46 gallon bow front
50 pounds of lo in display
45 pounds of sand
Hob overflow
55 gallon sump with 20 pounds of lo
Coral ife 125 super skimmer
Filter Floss
120 watt full spectrum led ( may add a second)

Want to add a carpenter flasher wrasse eventually a clownish corals and in the long run an anemone. Anyone have any additional suggestions and or advice on flasher wrasse being first fish? I have keep saltwater before so I have practice with upkeep and husbandry. Tank is currently empty and cycling.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to analyze stocking plans along with tank specs. Your plan, so far, is fine depending on the species of clownfish. Be sure the tank is mature before considering an anemone.
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to analyze stocking plans along with tank specs. Your plan, so far, is fine depending on the species of clownfish. Be sure the tank is mature before considering an anemone.

Anemone will not be for at least another year or two had a bad experience with previous tank. And probably an oscellaris. Thanks for the info!!!
So here is what I currently have, and what I am looking to set up in the next year or two.

Currently: 25 gallon bio cube.
1 Kessile ocean blue light,
A coralife biocube skimmer,
Chaeto ball,
2 small powerheads,
About 30 pounds of dry rock that was seeded with some live rock. (Now mostly covered with purplish coralline algae.
Temp kept at 80-81F

1 blue mushroom,
God of war Palythoa frag.
Green Dragon eye zoa frag.
Frogspawn frag,
Acan frag,
SPS birdsnest frag.

1 Blue hermit crab,
1 Sixline wrasse
1 Algae Blenny.

So I am planning on upgrading to a 150 gallon tank when I have a bigger place. I think I will use my current tank as a sump/frag tank when I do.

I would like to add a bubble tip anemone and a single or pair of black and white snowflake clownfish. My question is would this be ok in my current tank setup, or should I wait until I have the larger tank?

Also once I get a bigger tank I was hoping to add a mandarin dragonette.

Other ideas for my current and future tanks are welcome!
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