PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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So here is what I currently have, and what I am looking to set up in the next year or two.

Currently: 25 gallon bio cube.
1 Kessile ocean blue light,
A coralife biocube skimmer,
Chaeto ball,
2 small powerheads,
About 30 pounds of dry rock that was seeded with some live rock. (Now mostly covered with purplish coralline algae.
Temp kept at 80-81F

1 blue mushroom,
God of war Palythoa frag.
Green Dragon eye zoa frag.
Frogspawn frag,
Acan frag,
SPS birdsnest frag.

1 Blue hermit crab,
1 Sixline wrasse will be aggressive now, and a copepod competitor if you ever get a mandarin
1 Algae Blenny.

So I am planning on upgrading to a 150 gallon tank when I have a bigger place. I think I will use my current tank as a sump/frag tank when I do.

I would like to add a bubble tip anemone and a single or pair of black and white snowflake clownfish. My question is would this be ok in my current tank setup, or should I wait until I have the larger tank? clownfish now is fine

Also once I get a bigger tank I was hoping to add a mandarin dragonette. sixline will make that more difficult

Other ideas for my current and future tanks are welcome!
Hi :) I have a 75G tank with 35kg LR and 20G refuge.

Current stocking:
a. 2 clown fish - tank bred
b. 2 chromis
c. 1 cleaner shrimp
d. 1 peppermint shrimp

Future stock:
a. 1 Kole tang
b. 1 spot fox face
c. 1 Copperband butterfly
d. 1 Bangaii cardinal
e. 1 dotty back
f. 1 flasher wrasse
g. 1 goby - not sure which one

Are these compatible? I can ditch some fish if the list seems too big for the tank.
I will eventually add corals as well.. But mainly softies since in new to the hobby :)
Hi :) I have a 75G tank with 35kg LR and 20G refuge.

Current stocking:
a. 2 clown fish - tank bred presumably one of the less aggressive species?
b. 2 chromis
c. 1 cleaner shrimp
d. 1 peppermint shrimp

Future stock:
a. 1 Kole tang tank is marginal for both a kole tang and a fox face as they are both algae grazers
b. 1 spot fox face
c. 1 Copperband butterfly difficult, australian endemics are a bit easier
d. 1 Bangaii cardinal
e. 1 dotty back not compatible with a flasher wrasse
f. 1 flasher wrasse
g. 1 goby - not sure which one

Are these compatible? I can ditch some fish if the list seems too big for the tank.
I will eventually add corals as well.. But mainly softies since in new to the hobby :)
Hey Steve.. The clowns are occes .. So hopefully not aggressive.

I was thinking of swapping the kole tang for a flame angel. What do you say?

Finally need a recommendation for sand shifters.. Goby? Star fish? Recommendation please :)
I know that most firefish won't do good together unless they are a mated pair, but what about mixing firefish of different species? Will they still fight?
Current tank info:
37g mixed reef w/10 gal sump.
current livestock:
2 blue/green chromis
1 orange firefish goby
1 lawnmower blenny
sally lightfoot crab
arrow crab
more snails then I can count
mix of lps and sps
about 40 lbs liverock
bare bottom
All this will be transferred into a 6 foot long 125 g in a month or so along with another 150 lbs of live rock.
I really would like to add a flame angel and a powder blue tang, possibly a leopard wrasse or a mystery wrasse. Im pretty sure all would be good but im hesitant about the tang. any suggestions?
The new sump is a 40b and will hold about 30g of water.
Hey i was told to post my stock list here so I can be looked at from those with more experience. Here is the post.

Here is what I'm planning on stocking my 40 breeder with. This tank will be all sps with maybe some lps. I'm using a reef dynamics ins-100 skimmer and I have a reactor for carbon/gfo. I'm on the fence about if I'll run the carbon/gfo though. I like the idea of running only a skimmer and water changes. I'm looking for color and activity at all levels of the sand. Also currently I'm bare bottom. Anyways here's the list and let me know any suggestions. Thanks.

2 O.Clownfish (already have)
3 Zebra Barred Darfish
Midas Blenny
Firefish (Purple or Helfrichi)
Royal Gramma
Banggai Cardinalfish

What order would be best to add them in?
Hey Steve.. The clowns are occes .. So hopefully not aggressive.

I was thinking of swapping the kole tang for a flame angel. What do you say? Absolutely.

Finally need a recommendation for sand shifters.. Goby? Star fish? Recommendation please :)

My recommendation is NONE. No sand sifters. If you want enhanced cleanup, look at fighting conchs, nassarius snails, etc.
Current tank info:
37g mixed reef w/10 gal sump.
current livestock:
2 blue/green chromis will become one over time most likely
1 orange firefish goby
1 lawnmower blenny
sally lightfoot crab can take fish
arrow crab can take fish
more snails then I can count
mix of lps and sps
about 40 lbs liverock
bare bottom
All this will be transferred into a 6 foot long 125 g in a month or so along with another 150 lbs of live rock.
I really would like to add a flame angel and a powder blue tang, possibly a leopard wrasse or a mystery wrasse. I would not do a mystery wrasse and a leopard wrasse; the leopard is fine, the mystery wrasse, in addition to being a copepod competitor can be aggressive towards similars and shrimp Im pretty sure all would be good but im hesitant about the tang. any suggestions? in a 125 gallon tank one powder blue would do fine
The new sump is a 40b and will hold about 30g of water.
Hey i was told to post my stock list here so I can be looked at from those with more experience. Here is the post.

Here is what I'm planning on stocking my 40 breeder with. This tank will be all sps with maybe some lps. I'm using a reef dynamics ins-100 skimmer and I have a reactor for carbon/gfo. I'm on the fence about if I'll run the carbon/gfo though. I like the idea of running only a skimmer and water changes. I'm looking for color and activity at all levels of the sand. Also currently I'm bare bottom. Anyways here's the list and let me know any suggestions. Thanks.

2 O.Clownfish (already have)
3 Zebra Barred Darfish my concern with these is with the firefish which are easily intimidated
Midas Blenny can nip fins of planktivores
Firefish (Purple or Helfrichi)
Royal Gramma controls a small territory but in your sized tank will preclude some future tankmates
Banggai Cardinalfish should be tank raised

What order would be best to add them in?
Ok will get the flame angel instead of kole tang. No sand sifters.

Final question.. Dotty back or flasher wrasse .. Which fish would suit the tank better?
Ok will get the flame angel instead of kole tang. No sand sifters.

Final question.. Dotty back or flasher wrasse .. Which fish would suit the tank better?

unquestionably the flasher wrasse. All species except the eight line flasher from the Red Sea are behaviorally identical.
Thanks Steve
The crabs will most likelye going in the fuge after the upgrade. The chromis are doing ok together right now but one is definately more aggressive and runs the tank right now. I started with 3 about a year ago and one was bullied to death within the first month. Ive been told before that I may just end up with just one. Im hoping that with the larger tank and new tankmates that things will continue to thrive.
Thanks again!
Finalizing list

Finalizing list

55g tower (FOWLR for now)

Currently in DT:
2 - Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Various Snails

Curently in QT
2 - Small OC clowns

Intended purchases:
African Midas Blenny
Six Line Wrasse

Open to suggestion beyond these purchases
55g tower (FOWLR for now)

Currently in DT:
2 - Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Various Snails

Curently in QT
2 - Small OC clowns

Intended purchases:
African Midas Blenny can nip fins of planktivores
Six Line Wrasse will definitely limit other tank mates due to aggressiveness

Open to suggestion beyond these purchases as those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to reanalyze any stocking plan and tank capability.
This is a list I was thinking of in a 75 gallon tank, mixed reef tank. 55 lbs live rock
T5 lighting

Manderin not til 6 months till a year into tank would like this but after reading a lot kinda up in the air or lawnmower Blenny

2 clowns. Tomato or cinnamon or black and white clowns

Yellow tang
Blue tang. The tangs would be introduce together

Leopard wrasse x2? Male, female

Stripe damsel "this one has to be in the tank"

emerald or other crabs
Shrimp two to three.
Blue star

Snails snails snails turbo? Not sure how many I need for 75 gal

Rose bulb anemone

Would this work in the tank?
This is a list I was thinking of in a 75 gallon tank, mixed reef tank. 55 lbs live rock
T5 lighting

Manderin not til 6 months till a year into tank would like this but after reading a lot kinda up in the air or lawnmower Blenny

the blenny would be fine; if you have no other copepod eaters, a mandarin would be ok, but marginal, in a 75 gallon tank after 9 months maturity

2 clowns. Tomato or cinnamon or black and white clowns

this species of clownfish would be on the aggressive side especially after they are sexually mature.

Yellow tang either of these two tangs need a larger tank, or in the case of the P. hepatus, a much larger tank
Blue tang. The tangs would be introduce together

Leopard wrasse x2? Male, female not in conjunction with a mandarin
Seahorse no

Stripe damsel "this one has to be in the tank" this will limit other tank mates. Why does it have to be in the tank?

emerald or other crabs
Shrimp two to three.
Blue star will starve over time

Snails snails snails turbo? Not sure how many I need for 75 gal

Rose bulb anemone after the tank is more mature
Clam a function of lights

Would this work in the tank?
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