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New 29 gallon tank

New 29 gallon tank

I currently have a newly cycled 29 gallon tank with a CPR medium hob refugium at 3.6 gallons. I have a 1.5-2" sand bed graded from fine bottom to slightly courser at top. 27 lbs caribsea life rock and a 4 lb piece cured Fiji rock. Aquaclear 70 is running as well as tunze 9004. Lighting is current led 36" strip.

I have 4 trochus, 4 nassarius, and 4 scarlet hemits doing their thing in there right now. And I have a piece of cheatomorpha in the fuge.

I would like to have a pair of lined seahorse, either a green mandarin or starry dragonet, tailspot blenny, and maybe a yellow clown goby. If this plan works, what would be a good stocking order? If not, what would you suggest? Thanks!
I currently have a newly cycled 29 gallon tank with a CPR medium hob refugium at 3.6 gallons. I have a 1.5-2" sand bed graded from fine bottom to slightly courser at top. 27 lbs caribsea life rock and a 4 lb piece cured Fiji rock. Aquaclear 70 is running as well as tunze 9004. Lighting is current led 36" strip.

I have 4 trochus, 4 nassarius, and 4 scarlet hemits doing their thing in there right now. And I have a piece of cheatomorpha in the fuge.

I would like to have a pair of lined seahorse, either a green mandarin or starry dragonet, tailspot blenny, and maybe a yellow clown goby. If this plan works, what would be a good stocking order? If not, what would you suggest? Thanks!

Well, in this sized tank a mandarin or dragonet would not work. The blenny and clown goby would work. I do not suggest mixing seahorses and reef fish together. However we have a seahorse and pipefish forum to ask that question.
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Registered Member


Join Date: Nov 2013

Posts: 15

46 gallon bow front*
50 pounds of lo in display
45 pounds of sand
Hob overflow
55 gallon sump with 20 pounds of lo
Coral ife 125 super skimmer
Filter Floss*
120 watt full spectrum led ( may add a second)

Posted the other day but I have a much more specific list if you wouldn't mind checking it out.

Carpenter flasher wrasse
Percula clown
Yellow watchman goby
Pistol shrimp
Blood shrimp

And I would love to add a blue star leopard wrasse if it would work if not maybe a second flasher wrasse.
Registered Member


Join Date: Nov 2013

Posts: 15

46 gallon bow front*
50 pounds of lo in display
45 pounds of sand
Hob overflow
55 gallon sump with 20 pounds of lo
Coral ife 125 super skimmer
Filter Floss*
120 watt full spectrum led ( may add a second)

Posted the other day but I have a much more specific list if you wouldn't mind checking it out.

Carpenter flasher wrasse
Percula clown
Yellow watchman goby
Pistol shrimp
Blood shrimp

these would be fine. However a leopard wrasse would be very difficult in this sized tank. A second flasher wrasse would be marginal but ok if you got a female to match the other one.

And I would love to add a blue star leopard wrasse if it would work if not maybe a second flasher wrasse.
OK thanks ill go with the second flasher. Just out of curiosity what makes them difficult? Is it feeding or just being cramped?

leopard wrasses are difficult because they are highly metabolized and eat constantly. Since they are copepod eaters, your sized tank would not provide sufficient copepods for them to graze. They will eat PE mysis and similar foods, but since you cannot feed frequently enough, they would eventually waste away.
Hello Steve
29 biocube no mods
I was wondering if a oblique lined dotty back would get along with some cleaner shrimps.
Thank you
Hello Steve
29 biocube no mods
I was wondering if a oblique lined dotty back would get along with some cleaner shrimps.
Thank you

Cypho purpurescens, one the slightly less aggressive dottybacks is probably shrimp safe, but not necessarily ok with all fish.
Let's try again, Steve :)

225 gallon mixed reef, 72 x 27 x 27.

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang
A pair of ocellaris clownfish (tank raised)
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger
mcorskers wrasse (male)
Carpenters flasher wrasse (male)
Hoevens wrasse (male)
Cleaner common wrasse - African
Linespot Flasher Wrasse (male)
Orange back fairy wrasse
Tono Fairy wrasse
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, Barlett's or Lyretail)
Bicolor blenny
Midas blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as first fish)
Royal gramma
Rainford's goby - tank raised
Gold assessor basslet

Let's try again, Steve :)

225 gallon mixed reef, 72 x 27 x 27. First, of alll, that is a lot of fish for this sized tank, but that is probably ok

Yellow tang
Kole tang
Purple tang I would not do 3 tangs in a six foot tank
A pair of ocellaris clownfish (tank raised)
Flame angel
Blue throat trigger not invertebrate safe and more importantly not small fish safe
mcorskers wrasse (male)
Carpenters flasher wrasse (male)
Hoevens wrasse (male)
Cleaner common wrasse - African will likely intimidate the firefish and possibly the mandarin
Linespot Flasher Wrasse (male)
Orange back fairy wrasse
Tono Fairy wrasse aggressive
A trio of spotted cardinalfish
A trio of anthias (all female, Barlett's or Lyretail)
Bicolor blenny
Midas blenny
Tailspot blenny
Mandarin (after 9-12 months of tank maturity)
Tangaroa goby
Orange spotted goby
Purple firefish (planning to have this as first fish)
Royal gramma
Rainford's goby - tank raised
Gold assessor basslet


I annotated prospective areas of potential difficulty.
First let me thank you for this great service you are providing us all!!
I have a 120g, 6' in length FOWLR tank with 40g sump/refugium.
My first fish in the tank was a 4" marine betta, followed by a 3" female Lineatus wrasse. Two weeks later, I added a male 5" Lineatus. Two weeks after that, I added a 4" Regal angel and then a pair of Longnose hawks. All doing really well, no aggression at all except when the male Lineatus wrasse flashes and asserts his dominance over the female.
I wanted to add another pair of wrasse into the mix, maybe an Exquisite or Hooded Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus) or a Labout's Fairy wrasse. Do you think it's possible to add another pair and if so, which of the three species you think it would be the safest to add?
First let me thank you for this great service you are providing us all!! my pleasure!
I have a 120g, 6' in length FOWLR tank with 40g sump/refugium.
My first fish in the tank was a 4" marine betta, followed by a 3" female Lineatus wrasse. Two weeks later, I added a male 5" Lineatus. Two weeks after that, I added a 4" Regal angel and then a pair of Longnose hawks. All doing really well, no aggression at all except when the male Lineatus wrasse flashes and asserts his dominance over the female.
I wanted to add another pair of wrasse into the mix, maybe an Exquisite or Hooded Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus) or a Labout's Fairy wrasse. Do you think it's possible to add another pair yes. But always use an acclimation box for social acclimation and if so, which of the three species you think it would be the safest to add? Exquisite or C. bathyphilus would be my choice behaviorally.
Have a 60gal mixed reef with a fairly open landscape lots of places to hide and swim for the fishies =)

20 gallon sump with filter sock changed every 2 days and a reef octopus skimmer rated for 110gallon

About 50lbs live rock and 1.5"-2" sand bed.

My current stock list is as follows:

2 clowns
1 chromis
1 2 spot bristletooth tang
1 melanarus wrasse
1 yellow watchman goby

Everything in the tank is great and healthy. Do regular weekly water changes and skimmer is rated for well over my tank capacity.

I was thinking of adding a diamond goby to help with the sand cleaning.

Is this a possibility or am i pretty much at my tanks bioload capacity as is??
Return customer. LOL

72x24x21, 155 gal. One year old.

Current stocking:
7 wrasse...three fairies, three Halichoeres and one flasher (McCoskers)
Pair black clowns
Watanabei angel..female
Royal gramma
Yasha's goby.

Want to add another flasher, probably attenatus.
Also a bristle tooth tang.

Would I be able to add another modest size tang? Thinking of a white cheek or possibly a zebrasoma. If zebrasoma is best which is most likely to play nice. If second tang added it would be the last fish.
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Have a 60gal mixed reef with a fairly open landscape lots of places to hide and swim for the fishies =)

20 gallon sump with filter sock changed every 2 days and a reef octopus skimmer rated for 110gallon

About 50lbs live rock and 1.5"-2" sand bed.

My current stock list is as follows:

2 clowns
1 chromis
1 2 spot bristletooth tang
1 melanarus wrasse
1 yellow watchman goby

Everything in the tank is great and healthy. Do regular weekly water changes and skimmer is rated for well over my tank capacity.

I was thinking of adding a diamond goby to help with the sand cleaning.

Is this a possibility or am i pretty much at my tanks bioload capacity as is??

a diamond goby and a watchman goby in this sized tank will not get along as they are in the same ecological niche
75gal 4ft, 30g sump, Skimmer

About 1yr old, everything stable.
Duncan, Hammer, Torch, Bubble Coral, A couple Acropora. Everything growing well.

Fish Currently in Tank
2xBengaii Cardinals
1x Blue Green Chromis
Bunch of snails Astrea, Turbo and Nessarius. Slew of Babies

Fish/Coral i would like if possible
1st i would like to get a Haddon's Carpet Anemone

Sanjay's Ultra Snowflake Black Photon Clownfish (Bonded Pair) I Live near Sanjay and am reaching out to hopefully buy directly from him if possible to avoid putting the fish through the stress of shipping across country twice to have them end up 5min from where they started. Im not trying to save money, just trying to put less stress on the fishes.

Yellow Prawn Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
I been reading that this fish along with a carpet Anemone could end in disaster. Should i be worried? Is the Carpet nem just a bad idea all together? when i decided to have a SW tank me and the Wife love the idea of clowns hosting a Nem.

Adding in a remote display Refuge to be a Xenia garden and to grow pods for a Mandarin Dragonette. IS this also a concern in regards to the Carpet Nem?

Thank you for your time and advice. I hope i covered it all.
Hi Steve
45 gallon aio jbj rimless
Pair black onyx percs
Pink margin fairy wrasse
Snails and crabs
Blood red shrimp

So my question is I would like to get a leopard wrasse but don't know which one. Would a single leopard wrasse work.
It has only been up for 4 months so wouldn't add for a little bit.
Thank you
Tank info: 48L x 20W x 16H (~63gal shallow reef)
Sump: will add about about 20gal
Tank will have 1/4 mesh screen top

I'm interested in adding the following fish to the tank over the course of a year or so. I think the list might be a bit much for the tank, but I'm hoping the smaller rock dwellers will help with the viability. If nothing else, I'm looking forward to conflicts or solid no's that will help me refine the list from here so I can work on filling the available Eco niches. Thanks for the help!

2 ocellaris clownfish
1 firefish
1 tailspot blenny
1 orangestripe prawn goby (with a snapping shrimp)
1 royal gramma basslets
1 multibanded pipefish (after about a year for Copepods)
1 one spot foxface (again, after tank matures and supplementing with nori)

I haven't read up on pipefish yet other than the liveaquaria blurb, but I have a feeling it might not be appropriate for the tank. They look very interesting though.

I know the foxface is marginal, and if it would be doomed I would not put it in. I would like to see it in the tank if possible though.

Other species I am interested in to replace fish that don't work out above are listed below.

1 Black axil chromis
1 carpenter's flasher wrasse
1 tanaka's Pygmy wrasse
1 kaudern's cardinal
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