PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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75gal 4ft, 30g sump, Skimmer

About 1yr old, everything stable.
Duncan, Hammer, Torch, Bubble Coral, A couple Acropora. Everything growing well.

Fish Currently in Tank
2xBengaii Cardinals
1x Blue Green Chromis
Bunch of snails Astrea, Turbo and Nessarius. Slew of Babies

Fish/Coral i would like if possible
1st i would like to get a Haddon's Carpet Anemone

they do eat fish, and a mandarin is likely to be eaten

Sanjay's Ultra Snowflake Black Photon Clownfish (Bonded Pair) I Live near Sanjay and am reaching out to hopefully buy directly from him if possible to avoid putting the fish through the stress of shipping across country twice to have them end up 5min from where they started. Im not trying to save money, just trying to put less stress on the fishes.

no problem

Yellow Prawn Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
I been reading that this fish along with a carpet Anemone could end in disaster. Should i be worried? Is the Carpet nem just a bad idea all together? yes, it is not a good idea unless you plan on a carpet anemone and pair of clownfish only when i decided to have a SW tank me and the Wife love the idea of clowns hosting a Nem.

Adding in a remote display Refuge to be a Xenia garden and to grow pods for a Mandarin Dragonette. IS this also a concern in regards to the Carpet Nem? yes

Thank you for your time and advice. I hope i covered it all.

always a pleasure, check back with any marine fish compatibility questions
Hi Steve
45 gallon aio jbj rimless
Pair black onyx percs
Pink margin fairy wrasse
Snails and crabs
Blood red shrimp

So my question is I would like to get a leopard wrasse but don't know which one. Would a single leopard wrasse work.
It has only been up for 4 months so wouldn't add for a little bit.
Thank you

while leopards do eat frozen and some pellets, their primary food is copepods and due to their metabolism, they hunt and eat constantly. This sized tank, without multiple feedings per day, would not sustain a leopard wrasse which are difficult in any case.
Tank info: 48L x 20W x 16H (~63gal shallow reef)
Sump: will add about about 20gal
Tank will have 1/4 mesh screen top

I'm interested in adding the following fish to the tank over the course of a year or so. I think the list might be a bit much for the tank, but I'm hoping the smaller rock dwellers will help with the viability. If nothing else, I'm looking forward to conflicts or solid no's that will help me refine the list from here so I can work on filling the available Eco niches. Thanks for the help!

2 ocellaris clownfish
1 firefish introduce early
1 tailspot blenny
1 orangestripe prawn goby (with a snapping shrimp)
1 royal gramma basslets
1 multibanded pipefish (after about a year for Copepods)
1 one spot foxface (again, after tank matures and supplementing with nori)

I haven't read up on pipefish yet other than the liveaquaria blurb, but I have a feeling it might not be appropriate for the tank. They look very interesting though. possible, but difficult

I know the foxface is marginal, and if it would be doomed I would not put it in. I would like to see it in the tank if possible though. marginal

Other species I am interested in to replace fish that don't work out above are listed below.

1 Black axil chromis
1 carpenter's flasher wrasse excellent
1 tanaka's Pygmy wrasse excellent
1 kaudern's cardinal fine
Thank you for the help. Looks like there aren't really any conflicts to help narrow it down. Is there any reading you would reccomend to help make an informed decision? I know that may be a bit beyond the advice you normally give, but other than just reading the various opinions on the forums, I'm not sure where to go from here... Specifically regarding the number of fish I should be working towards. I think the first half of the above list might be in the ballpark but I'm not sure. Also, if I dropped the foxface, would that open room for some more from the bottom half?

Thanks again for all your help, and based on the number of questions you get I'll understand if you can't help out with this second post.
Hello friends, I really need help, I have a 90 gallon tank and it's ready to go, but I don't know what fish I can put and won't out grow my tank. I want my tank to be a predator tank. Please help
Thank you for the help. Looks like there aren't really any conflicts to help narrow it down. Is there any reading you would reccomend to help make an informed decision? I know that may be a bit beyond the advice you normally give, but other than just reading the various opinions on the forums, I'm not sure where to go from here...

Unfortunately, with regard to fish behavior, I know of no reference which, I suppose, is why this thread is so popular.

Specifically regarding the number of fish I should be working towards.

there is no way to determine that. What I do is take tank size (primarily length) and look at the territorial imperatives of the fish you are adding and whether they exist/conflict with the ecological niche of tank mates.

I think the first half of the above list might be in the ballpark but I'm not sure. Also, if I dropped the foxface, would that open room for some more from the bottom half? It is not a room issue. However grazers, such as foxface, tangs, etc, do use more biological capacity

Thanks again for all your help, and based on the number of questions you get I'll understand if you can't help out with this second post.

Best answers I can provide . . .
Hello friends, I really need help, I have a 90 gallon tank and it's ready to go, but I don't know what fish I can put and won't out grow my tank. I want my tank to be a predator tank. Please help

Sorry, I do not provide advice on community predator tanks. We have a forum for that type of question that can be found here.

Hi Snorvich,

I recently lost my C. Solorensis (Red Headed Solon Fairy Wrasse) due to accidently leaving my hinged cover flipped open the other night (it's happened before but he's never jumped as the opening is not even 2 inches by 2 feet, just got unlucky I guess :( ).

Anyway, my current live stock for my 90 gallon DT (with 30 gallon sump/fuge) is:

2x Cleaner Shrimp
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns
One-Spot Fox Face
Diamond Goby
Flame Angel
Neon Cleaner Goby (short-lived, I know, but I love the little guys!)
Standard snail-based CUC
(I also have some hermits and 2 peppermint shrimp in my fuge)

I know you don't give suggestions in this thread (and I don't blame you!) but I've narrowed my "replacement" wrasse list down and was curious if there were any issues on any of the potential species as it would help me narrow it down and would save a future post (ie: aggressiveness (do not want), killing of shrimps/snails or loss of coloration without females).

So far it's between (Fairy and Flasher...):

Golden Rhombroid Wrasse (C. rhomboidalis)
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (P. mccoskeri)
Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse (C. rubrisquamis)
Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse (C. rubrimarginatus)

Thank you in advance, I do hope my post is okay as I'm mostly looking for compatibility to foresee future problems with each/any of the choices :)
Hi Snorvich,

I recently lost my C. Solorensis (Red Headed Solon Fairy Wrasse) due to accidently leaving my hinged cover flipped open the other night (it's happened before but he's never jumped as the opening is not even 2 inches by 2 feet, just got unlucky I guess :( ).

Anyway, my current live stock for my 90 gallon DT (with 30 gallon sump/fuge) is:

2x Cleaner Shrimp
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns
One-Spot Fox Face
Diamond Goby
Flame Angel
Neon Cleaner Goby (short-lived, I know, but I love the little guys!)
Standard snail-based CUC
(I also have some hermits and 2 peppermint shrimp in my fuge)

I know you don't give suggestions in this thread (and I don't blame you!) but I've narrowed my "replacement" wrasse list down and was curious if there were any issues on any of the potential species as it would help me narrow it down and would save a future post (ie: aggressiveness (do not want), killing of shrimps/snails or loss of coloration without females).

So far it's between (Fairy and Flasher...):

Golden Rhombroid Wrasse (C. rhomboidalis) Excellent, well behaved and gorgous
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (P. mccoskeri) My first choice would be a male plus female of this species or P. carpenteri
Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse (C. rubrisquamis)
Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse (C. rubrimarginatus) pretty, but males are difficult shippers

But all of these options are also prolific jumpers so be aware

Thank you in advance, I do hope my post is okay as I'm mostly looking for compatibility to foresee future problems with each/any of the choices :)
Adding Ocellaris Clownfish

Adding Ocellaris Clownfish

"Select Pair"

Here is what I have, Midas Blenny, Flame Angel, Spot Breasted Angel, Lyretail Anthias, Bicolor Dottyback, Purple Dottyback, Lubbocks Wrasse, File Fish, Yellow, Powder Blue, Kole Tangs.

The Bicolor chases the Purple and the Wrassee and the Lyretail chases the Midas. The file fish is trying to take over the Midas' cave. The Midas comforts the Lubbocks after being chased by the Bicolor.
"Select Pair"

Here is what I have, Midas Blenny, Flame Angel, Spot Breasted Angel, Lyretail Anthias, Bicolor Dottyback, Purple Dottyback, Lubbocks Wrasse, File Fish, Yellow, Powder Blue, Kole Tangs.

The Bicolor chases the Purple and the Wrassee and the Lyretail chases the Midas. The file fish is trying to take over the Midas' cave. The Midas comforts the Lubbocks after being chased by the Bicolor.

I am unsure what your question is. I don't see a pair of A. ocellaris being a problem. Your dottybacks will cause drama, however.

Thank you Snorvich!

In regards to the McCosker's or Carpenter Wrasse, I will be purchasing from a LFS, none near me tend to have females available or (ever) in stock - Would they be worth purchasing without females? Should I buy a McCosker or Carpenter as well as one of the others I mentioned? I know multiple male wrasses can sometimes be a problem so I don't want to push it but I trust your opinion :)

Thank you again!
Thank you Snorvich!

In regards to the McCosker's or Carpenter Wrasse, I will be purchasing from a LFS, none near me tend to have females available or (ever) in stock - Would they be worth purchasing without females? Should I buy a McCosker or Carpenter as well as one of the others I mentioned? I know multiple male wrasses can sometimes be a problem so I don't want to push it but I trust your opinion :)

Thank you again!

For peaceful fairy and flasher wrasses, introduction via an acclimation box makes life much easier. If you cannot get a female, the male will still be interesting but not as much as if it were courting a female. But a flasher wrasse and the C. rhomboidalis work fine.
For peaceful fairy and flasher wrasses, introduction via an acclimation box makes life much easier. If you cannot get a female, the male will still be interesting but not as much as if it were courting a female. But a flasher wrasse and the C. rhomboidalis work fine.

Acclimation box still ended badly when trying to add a second wrasse with my C. Solorensis haha. :)
Thank you so much for your help! I'll likely quarantine them together via a clear divider so they get used to one another and add them simultaneously if you think that'll work just as well. :D

Thank you again!
Acclimation box still ended badly when trying to add a second wrasse with my C. Solorensis haha. :)
Thank you so much for your help! I'll likely quarantine them together via a clear divider so they get used to one another and add them simultaneously if you think that'll work just as well. :D

Thank you again!

C. solorensis is not a peaceful species. Not as bad as C. scottorum however.
C. solorensis is not a peaceful species. Not as bad as C. scottorum however.

Ah, I guess LA is referring to non-wrasse's when they list it as peaceful. :( That makes a lot more sense then haha
One last question, a potentially stupid one, would C. rubrisquamis not be a good idea to add with one of the aforementioned flashers? My gf likes the Red Velvet more and wanted me to ask. Of course it's the most expensive of the ones I listed :deadhorse:
Ah, I guess LA is referring to non-wrasse's when they list it as peaceful. :( That makes a lot more sense then haha
One last question, a potentially stupid one, would C. rubrisquamis not be a good idea to add with one of the aforementioned flashers? My gf likes the Red Velvet more and wanted me to ask. Of course it's the most expensive of the ones I listed :deadhorse:

C. rubrisquamis should be fine. I am surprised it is more expensive than C. rhomboidalis, however. It must be one of the ones from the Maldives.
Thank you! I'd honestly be lost without this forum and especially without this thread :)

Always a pleasure and feel free to check back with any marine fish compatibility questions. Just FYI, the descriptions are pretty accurate on LA, it is simply some species of a given "type" have different "personalities" than others.
Well, in this sized tank a mandarin or dragonet would not work. The blenny and clown goby would work. I do not suggest mixing seahorses and reef fish together. However we have a seahorse and pipefish forum to ask that question.
Hello Steve and everyone! Thanks for the response. What is suggested tank size for dragonets? And I assume those requirements would apply to a standard scooter blenny as well?

I would really like to have the tailspot and the yellow clown goby in the tank. What other smaller fish could potentially coexist with these two in my tank? And I would like to add a skunk cleaner if feasible. At this point I think we may try the lined seahorses in a future tank. Thanks again!
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