Can someone give me some stocking options for my 75 gallon? No corals yet but I plan on doing softies and LPS (maybe SPS too but they aren't high on my list).
Currently I have 2 clowns, 4 red legged hermits, 3 blue legged hermits, 3 margarita snails, 3 nassarius snails, 1 turbo snail, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 emerald crab. crabs will kill snails; emerald crabs can take fish once mature
There's not much going on since i don't have lights yet, but I want the livestock to be very small. I don't want big fish and I lean more towards the interesting and exotic fish and especially inverts. good plan
Also I want everything to get along. Everything is nice and peaceful right now and it's nice. I would prefer if nobody is hunting anyone and gets along or keeps to themselves.
I'd like to add a red dragonnet and a pistol/goby pair. Is this possible with my current livestock list? yes, once tank is mature (9 months) so there are sufficient copepods
I know the livestock I have now are on the cheap side and easily replaceable, but they all have a ton of personality and I've named them all so I'm hoping I can get stuff that will play nice with them and anything else.
I'm also interest in pom pomp crabs and sexy shrimp. I'd like to add a harlequin shrimp only eats star fish
but I don't know if I can keep it fed and I'd really like a coral banded shrimp and an arrow crab but I know those will not play nice. both can take fish
I started the tank more as a project and to improve the energy in our home so I'm open to all suggestions. Exotic and small is what I'm going for.