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I have a 75 gal tank

Fish wise I have two clowns
One a snow flake "black", other a true p. clown.

Fish I want to add is assuming a mature tank since you are considering several algae grazers . . .

Lawn mower Benny
6 line wrasse aggressive; not recommended with some tank mates you are considering
Royal gamma

Purple sabae anemone mature tank is best for anemones

Copper band butter fly ? Australian endemics are more likely to live. Many CBB never eat in captivity
Kole tang. Together with the copper

Flame angel , coral beauty or singapore yellow tail, ..... Really want the singapore but want to know other people view on this fish, one out of these three

this thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff so if you are taking an informal poll, post a thread in Reef Fish. That being said, Singapore Angels require larger tanks. The two dwarf angels, while not coral safe, could coexist if added concurrently.
I'm setting a new 90 gallon mixed reef and 40 gal QT. My DT will have 120lbs of live rock and another 30lbs in the refugium. I will have roughly a 3-3.5in live sand bed. My skimmer will be the new Reef Octopus Regal 170SSS rated at: 300 gal light load, 200 medium, 120 heavy load. I have a vortech mp40 for flow, 2 x 14000K 250 watt metal halides (upgrading to LED's soon), 1/5 hp chiller...

The fish below are listed in order of how I would stock them pending approval from anyone with experience keeping them together. If anyone has any recommendations regarding substitutions (for something more suited or more interesting) or eliminations I would really appreciate it.

1. Tail Spot Blenny
2. Royal Gramma
3. Yasha Goby (Pair)
4. Blue Spotted Jawfish
5. True Percula Clownfish (Pair)
6. Potter's Angelfish
7. One Spot Foxface
8. Blue Hippo Tang-(would trade with LFS at about 6-7in)
9. Hoeven's Wrasse
10. Mystery Wrasse
11. Hawaiian Golden Dwarf Moray Eel- (provided approval from someone with experience)
12. Green Mandarin Dragonet-(if sufficient pod populations exist)
I'm setting a new 90 gallon mixed reef and 40 gal QT. My DT will have 120lbs of live rock and another 30lbs in the refugium. I will have roughly a 3-3.5in live sand bed. My skimmer will be the new Reef Octopus Regal 170SSS rated at: 300 gal light load, 200 medium, 120 heavy load. I have a vortech mp40 for flow, 2 x 14000K 250 watt metal halides (upgrading to LED's soon), 1/5 hp chiller...

The fish below are listed in order of how I would stock them pending approval from anyone with experience keeping them together. If anyone has any recommendations regarding substitutions (for something more suited or more interesting) or eliminations I would really appreciate it.

1. Tail Spot Blenny
2. Royal Gramma
3. Yasha Goby (Pair)
4. Blue Spotted Jawfish needs cooler temperatures for long term survival; they are collected from the Sea of Cortez
5. True Percula Clownfish (Pair)
6. Potter's Angelfish
7. One Spot Foxface
8. Blue Hippo Tang-(would trade with LFS at about 6-7in) Needs a much larger tank; fish size is not the issue. Reef Central does not believe in trading in fish to LFS. Most LFS cannot sell large fish so they won't take them in any case
9. Hoeven's Wrasse not invert safe
10. Mystery Wrasse
11. Hawaiian Golden Dwarf Moray Eel- (provided approval from someone with experience)
12. Green Mandarin Dragonet-(if sufficient pod populations exist) not with a mystery wrasse

this thread is answered only by Reef Central Staff. If you want general discussion, post in Reef Fish.
What is an Australian endemic?

one collected and found in Australia. en·dem·ic
adjective: endemic

(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
"areas where malaria is endemic"
denoting an area in which a particular disease is regularly found.
(of a plant or animal) native or restricted to a certain country or area.
"a marsupial endemic to northeastern Australia"
55 gal DT with tons of live rock (~90 lbs). No sump right now, but adding one soon (waiting on custom life reef to be built).

Have already:

2 ocellaris clowns
1 helfrichi firefish
3 ORA black cardinal fish
1 yellow assessor
(CUC = 1 cleaner shrimp and snails)

Just saw on DD and considering (if they are compatible):

- purple tilefish (I have a screen top)
- red sea mimic blenny
- trio of blue grudgeon dart fish (OK with helfrichi fire fish?)

I'm not thinking I would add all 5, but maybe the trio + 1 other or the tilefish + blenny depending on compatibility and bioload.

Thanks so much!
55 gal DT with tons of live rock (~90 lbs). No sump right now, but adding one soon (waiting on custom life reef to be built).

Have already:

2 ocellaris clowns
1 helfrichi firefish
3 ORA black cardinal fish
1 yellow assessor
(CUC = 1 cleaner shrimp and snails)

Just saw on DD and considering (if they are compatible):

- purple tilefish (I have a screen top)
- red sea mimic blenny excellent but an algae eater so your tank should be somewhat mature
- trio of blue grudgeon dart fish (OK with helfrichi fire fish?)

well, they too are planktivores so their energetic feeding may intimidate the firefish. Also, I don't think I would add the trio, but the other two should be fine

I'm not thinking I would add all 5, but maybe the trio + 1 other or the tilefish + blenny depending on compatibility and bioload.

Thanks so much!
I have a Aqua one 275 70k Fijian live rock... Have been running it a couple of months with just a few hermits & cleaner shrimp to beat back the macro algae.. So far so good.. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a first reef friendly, brightly coloured, hardy fish to introduce to my tank....? I promised my 11yr son he could choose but his choice of a territorial flame angel wouldn't work out.... I'd like to give him some specific choices we can look into together... For me personally I love the corals & am happy for him to choose our fish but would love a suggestion of good first reef safe fish for beginners...
I have a Aqua one 275 70k Fijian live rock... Have been running it a couple of months with just a few hermits & cleaner shrimp to beat back the macro algae.. So far so good.. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a first reef friendly, brightly coloured, hardy fish to introduce to my tank....? I promised my 11yr son he could choose but his choice of a territorial flame angel wouldn't work out.... I'd like to give him some specific choices we can look into together... For me personally I love the corals & am happy for him to choose our fish but would love a suggestion of good first reef safe fish for beginners...

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I suggest that you and your son research a potential stocking plan and I would be happy to analyze it for compatibility. Or, you can simply post this question in Reef Fish and you will get a wealth of suggestions, some of which may not be practical.
Can someone give me some stocking options for my 75 gallon? No corals yet but I plan on doing softies and LPS (maybe SPS too but they aren't high on my list).

Currently I have 2 clowns, 4 red legged hermits, 3 blue legged hermits, 3 margarita snails, 3 nassarius snails, 1 turbo snail, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 emerald crab.

There's not much going on since i don't have lights yet, but I want the livestock to be very small. I don't want big fish and I lean more towards the interesting and exotic fish and especially inverts.

Also I want everything to get along. Everything is nice and peaceful right now and it's nice. I would prefer if nobody is hunting anyone and gets along or keeps to themselves.

I'd like to add a red dragon net and a pistol/goby pair. Is this possible with my current livestock list? I know the livestock I have now are on the cheap side and easily replaceable, but they all have a ton of personality and I've named them all so I'm hoping I can get stuff that will play nice with them and anything else.

I'm also interest in pom pomp crabs and sexy shrimp. I'd like to add a harlequin shrimp but I don't know if I can keep it fed and I'd really like a coral banded shrimp and an arrow crab but I know those will not play nice.

I started the tank more as a project and to improve the energy in our home so I'm open to all suggestions. Exotic and small is what I'm going for.
REVISED per recommendations:

I'm setting a new 90 gallon mixed reef and 40 gal QT. My DT will have 120lbs of live rock and another 30lbs in the refugium. I will have roughly a 3-3.5in live sand bed. My skimmer will be the new Reef Octopus Regal 170SSS rated at: 300 gal light load, 200 medium, 120 heavy load. I have a vortech mp40 for flow, 2 x 14000K 250 watt metal halides (upgrading to LED's soon), 1/5 hp chiller...

The fish below are listed in order of how I would stock them pending approval.

1. Tail Spot Blenny
2. Royal Gramma
3. Yasha Goby (Pair)
4. Blue Spotted Jawfish- (tank will be maintained at 76-78 degrees; cool enough?)
5. True Percula Clownfish (Pair)
6. Indigo Dottyback
7. Potter's Angelfish
8. One Spot Foxface
9. Hoeven's Wrasse
10. Mystery Wrasse
11. Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
12. Hawaiian Golden Dwarf Moray Eel
REVISED per recommendations:

I'm setting a new 90 gallon mixed reef and 40 gal QT. My DT will have 120lbs of live rock and another 30lbs in the refugium. I will have roughly a 3-3.5in live sand bed. My skimmer will be the new Reef Octopus Regal 170SSS rated at: 300 gal light load, 200 medium, 120 heavy load. I have a vortech mp40 for flow, 2 x 14000K 250 watt metal halides (upgrading to LED's soon), 1/5 hp chiller...

The fish below are listed in order of how I would stock them pending approval.

1. Tail Spot Blenny
2. Royal Gramma
3. Yasha Goby (Pair)
4. Blue Spotted Jawfish- (tank will be maintained at 76-78 degrees; cool enough?) No. You want to be around 72-74F for long term health
5. True Percula Clownfish (Pair)
6. Indigo Dottyback
7. Potter's Angelfish
8. One Spot Foxface
9. Hoeven's Wrasse
10. Mystery Wrasse
11. Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
12. Hawaiian Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

except as annotated, should be fine
Can someone give me some stocking options for my 75 gallon? No corals yet but I plan on doing softies and LPS (maybe SPS too but they aren't high on my list).

Currently I have 2 clowns, 4 red legged hermits, 3 blue legged hermits, 3 margarita snails, 3 nassarius snails, 1 turbo snail, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 emerald crab. crabs will kill snails; emerald crabs can take fish once mature

There's not much going on since i don't have lights yet, but I want the livestock to be very small. I don't want big fish and I lean more towards the interesting and exotic fish and especially inverts. good plan

Also I want everything to get along. Everything is nice and peaceful right now and it's nice. I would prefer if nobody is hunting anyone and gets along or keeps to themselves.

I'd like to add a red dragonnet and a pistol/goby pair. Is this possible with my current livestock list? yes, once tank is mature (9 months) so there are sufficient copepods

I know the livestock I have now are on the cheap side and easily replaceable, but they all have a ton of personality and I've named them all so I'm hoping I can get stuff that will play nice with them and anything else.

I'm also interest in pom pomp crabs and sexy shrimp. I'd like to add a harlequin shrimp only eats star fish

but I don't know if I can keep it fed and I'd really like a coral banded shrimp and an arrow crab but I know those will not play nice. both can take fish

I started the tank more as a project and to improve the energy in our home so I'm open to all suggestions. Exotic and small is what I'm going for.
Good plan. While I do not provide suggestions for a variety of reasons, I am always happy to review stocking plans and tank size with meeting your objectives in mind.
A 38 gallon tank cannot comfortably home 14 fish of any size. Approximately 5-8 of the small fish you are considering would work depending on behavioral interaction. So come up with a stocking plan involving this number and I will be happy to analyze it for compatibility.

OK, Gotcha. Those are just the fish I like the looks of and was hoping for some insight as to which ones would not interact well with the others.

How about this list?:
Rainfordi Goby (x2)
Swiss Guard Basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish

The only conflict I can see may arise from the two basslets eating the CUC or not getting along with each other. Your thoughts?

Again, thanks for taking the time to do this for us all,
OK, Gotcha. Those are just the fish I like the looks of and was hoping for some insight as to which ones would not interact well with the others.

How about this list?:
Rainfordi Goby (x2) only one in this sized tank
Swiss Guard Basslet only one basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish difficult, not recommended for beginners

The only conflict I can see may arise from the two basslets eating the CUC or not getting along with each other. Your thoughts?

Again, thanks for taking the time to do this for us all,
Need a little advice for my 75Gallon 1.2m long reef tank.

Current stocking:
Occe clown pair
Green chromis pair
Banggai cardinal
Bicolor blenny
Diamond watchman goby
Yellow tang

I have a flame angel in quarantine.. It is doing well.

Want to add one more fish.. Options below:
Regal angel (I will upgrade tank to bigger size in a years time)
Purple tang
Copperband butterfly
Need a little advice for my 75Gallon 1.2m long reef tank.

Current stocking:
Occe clown pair
Green chromis pair
Banggai cardinal
Bicolor blenny
Diamond watchman goby
Yellow tang

I have a flame angel in quarantine.. It is doing well.

Want to add one more fish.. Options below:
Regal angel (I will upgrade tank to bigger size in a years time)
Purple tang
Copperband butterfly

To add any of these fish, upgrade first, then add fish. The yellow tang once established in a relatively small tank will not allow any of these proposed additions to be added. Also, Copperbands require peaceful tank mates and the yellow will not be.
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