Thank you so much for your quick response! I have no idea why I keep picking so many mean fish... :sad1:
Many folks pick because of how they look. Which may not reflect at all how they act. :fish1:
Thank you so much for your quick response! I have no idea why I keep picking so many mean fish... :sad1:
in a 220gal tank how any tangs of different variety can be housed together
in a 220gal tank how any tangs of different variety can be housed together
I have a question, I mentioned on page 436 the tank I am thinking of setting up. But I have been researching some different fish varieties and I was wondering how a snowflake eel might get along with other fish? Specifically would it hurt clownfish?
From what I have read it mostly is incompatible with crustaceans, but I have not found much about how it interacts with fish.
I do not provide information/analysis on aggressive fish community tanks. However that type of question will get answers in our aggressive fish forum. Also, going back to a specific page to review your previous posts is not feasible for several reasons: I do not set my pages the same way you do, and I do thousands of these so all information should be presented in the questioning post so I do not have to go back and look.
Ok, I realized about a minute after posting that pages can be sized differently. Thank you anyway. I found this article that answered my question. Snowflake eels are considered reef and fish safe, as long as they are target fed.
thanks for your recommendations...have taken them down
here is my new list of what I think would be ok
tank 800+ ltr 2 powerheads MP40w
lights ...2 banks each 150watt led total 300watt with 3 settings ...1 50w blue....2 50w white ...3 50w white per light unit
live rock course sand
sump 187ltr sand.. macro algae..skimmer magnum 200p return pump octopus 10500ltr/ph
cleanup crew ..3 large turbo's 11 large blueleg hermets
fish wanted
coral beauty
flame angel
2 royal gamma
bangi cardinals pair must be tank raised, male plus female pair
pajama """ pair
carpenter flasher wrasse 3 female 1 male
2 ocellaris clowns
1 dartfish fire
2 dartfish purple only one firefish will survive long term
yellow tang the two tangs must be added concurrently as the last fish added
purple tang
will be adding corals when tank matures
waiting for your expert advice
Hi, I'm less than new right now. I have an empty 38Gal tank and an empty 30Gal tank that could be used as a sump/fuge. I'm thinking about starting a salt water tank with some assorted corals and mostly small fish. I like the looks of some of the Brain corals, Acros, Plate corals, Hammer Corals and Zoans. Not even sure I could have one of each type of coral in such a small tank.
Anyway, aside from a good variety of hermits, snails, Porcelain & Emerald crabs and bristle worms for a CUC I'm interested in the following fish in descending order of interest;
Rainfordi Goby (x2)
Swiss Guard Basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Blue Gudgeon Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Striped Shrimpfish
Scissortail Dartfish
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish
Banggai Cardinalfish
Yashia Shrimp Goby
Orchid Dottyback
Please give me your thoughts regarding compatibility and quantity with a strong concern for bioload.
Thanks in advance, Shawn.
If you reduce your list down to one that is consistent with tank size, I can analyze for behavioral compatibility. Bioload is rarely the issue, behavior trumps almost everything.
I don't quite understand your reply. Are you saying that this sized tank can only handle one fish, that these fish are all too large for this tank or that none of these fish can be housed together? Just trying to wrap my head around all of this and would like to have at least a few fish in the same tank.
Thanks again for the reply.
2 black clowns
1 long nose hawk not shrimp safe
1 green mandarin will not survive in this sized tank without exceptional effort (these fish eat copepods constantly so even ones that eat frozen will waste away over time)
29 gallon biocube
180 gal tank
current stock:
Blonda Naso Tang will need a larger tank
Yellow tang
Rusty Angel
Coral beauty Angel
Pair of Cinnamon Clowns
Blue/Green Chromins
Kaudern's Cardinal - Tank-Bred
Would like to add:
Dispar Anthias
Fathead Sunburst Anthis (both at same time)
Twospot Slender Hogfish not shrimp safe
fine except as annotated
I'm considering getting a 30 gallon and would like to know if this list would work.
- 30 Gallon Tank
- Refugium
- Current USA Orbit Marine LED - 23 watts (48 Dual Daylight/48 Dual Actinic LEDs, 96 LEDs Total)
- Various LPS, Softies, and NPS
- Inverts (sexy shrimp, anemone crab, pom pom crabs, Tile Sea Star, and various snails)
- 1 Blue Dot Jawfish (I would add first with a 4" DSB)
- 1 Comical or Tail Spot Blenny
- 1 Catalina Goby
- 1 Leopard Puffer not invert safe and you have many; requires special foods
I think that would max out my tank but if I could squeeze in a White Banded Possum Wrasse then I probably would.