PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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thank you for this valued information and I will go by your recommendations
what would you recommend for schooling fish instead of chromas's
when I mentioned google it was just for information as to size,shape and what the fish looked like
In no way was it to question your information on what you would recommend
as for the additional information with the scrubber it was an add on to my post on what the tank has as far as equiptment

Unfortunately, no fish will truly school in your sized aquarium. Anthias will semi-aggregate but they require multiple feedings per day. Your tank is sufficiently large to handle a group of these.
New 29 bio cube

New 29 bio cube

Hi all here it is I have a29 gallon cube with bio balls in the sump. and LS and LR in the tank. It also has 2 clowns and six crabs in it. I've tried to put a goby and a six line wrasses in it with a poor out come. The tank is over a month old, could it be that I need to do a water change or do I need to let the tank sit a little longer?
Dear Steve,

Tank 120g, 60g sump/refug

1- 6" Marine Betta
1- 4" Regal Angel
Pair Lineatus Wrasse 5" and 2.5"
Pair Hooded Fairy Wrasse 3.25" and 2"
Pair of Longnose Hawks

Like to add a pair of Exquisite Wrasse, would that be ok? Plan to use acclimation box just as I did when I introduced the Hooded pair as per your suggestion.
As of now, there are no aggression between the Wrasses in my tank.

Decided not to mess with the good karma between the wrasses so I'm no longer adding the Exquisite pair. What do you think about adding a pair of Genicanthus caudovittatus? Would that present a problem with the Regal? He is still a bit shy of people. Are they a good match with fairy wrasses?
Hi all here it is I have a29 gallon cube with bio balls in the sump. and LS and LR in the tank. It also has 2 clowns and six crabs in it. I've tried to put a goby and a six line wrasses in it with a poor out come. The tank is over a month old, could it be that I need to do a water change or do I need to let the tank sit a little longer?

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility. Questions about testing, cycling, etc should be a separate thread in New to the Hobby.

Decided not to mess with the good karma between the wrasses so I'm no longer adding the Exquisite pair. What do you think about adding a pair of Genicanthus caudovittatus? Would that present a problem with the Regal? He is still a bit shy of people. Are they a good match with fairy wrasses?

No problem with fairy wrasses, but may be an issue with the Regal Angel. In any case, a pair of Genicanthus may be difficult because males are difficult shippers.
Additional Fish/CUC

Additional Fish/CUC


I am relatively new to this being a little over two months in. I have a 28G NanoCube, 30lbs live sand, 20lbs live rock, 8-10 red legged hermits, a peppermint shrimp, Perc Clown, and a Yellowtail. Both fish seem to be doing fine and getting along with each other.

What else would you suggest as an additional fish or part of the clean up crew? All water levels are stable.

I am relatively new to this being a little over two months in. I have a 28G NanoCube, 30lbs live sand, 20lbs live rock, 8-10 red legged hermits, a peppermint shrimp, Perc Clown, and a Yellowtail. Both fish seem to be doing fine and getting along with each other.

What else would you suggest as an additional fish or part of the clean up crew? All water levels are stable.

The damsel will be a problem going forward due to aggressive behavior. As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However, I am always happy to analyze any stocking plan coupled with tank size and maturity.

I have a 220. 6x2x2. Have a pair of Wyoming whites a snowflake and a b&w clown also a yellow tang. Thinking of saving this naso tang from petco he's about 10-12" stuck in a 55 gal?
Hello again,
I have a four stripe damsel and a blue devil. The 3 cardinal (tank bred) and the 2 clown-picasso and snowflake (tank bred) are the only fish I intend to keep in this tank. My focus is coral. Without adding others in this 90g, will this grouping still have aggression issues?
I have a 220. 6x2x2. Have a pair of Wyoming whites a snowflake and a b&w clown also a yellow tang. Thinking of saving this naso tang from petco he's about 10-12" stuck in a 55 gal?

I strongly suggest an 8 foot minimum tank length for a naso literatus and 10 foot minimum for some of the larger naso species.
Hello again,
I have a four stripe damsel and a blue devil. The 3 cardinal (tank bred) and the 2 clown-picasso and snowflake (tank bred) are the only fish I intend to keep in this tank. My focus is coral. Without adding others in this 90g, will this grouping still have aggression issues?

While I cannot predict definitively, I think it would be fine.
Hi, I'm less than new right now. I have an empty 38Gal tank and an empty 30Gal tank that could be used as a sump/fuge. I'm thinking about starting a salt water tank with some assorted corals and mostly small fish. I like the looks of some of the Brain corals, Acros, Plate corals, Hammer Corals and Zoans. Not even sure I could have one of each type of coral in such a small tank.

Anyway, aside from a good variety of hermits, snails, Porcelain & Emerald crabs and bristle worms for a CUC I'm interested in the following fish in descending order of interest;

Rainfordi Goby (x2)
Swiss Guard Basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Blue Gudgeon Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Striped Shrimpfish
Scissortail Dartfish
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish
Banggai Cardinalfish
Yashia Shrimp Goby
Orchid Dottyback

Please give me your thoughts regarding compatibility and quantity with a strong concern for bioload.

Thanks in advance, Shawn.
Hi, I'm less than new right now. I have an empty 38Gal tank and an empty 30Gal tank that could be used as a sump/fuge. I'm thinking about starting a salt water tank with some assorted corals and mostly small fish. I like the looks of some of the Brain corals, Acros, Plate corals, Hammer Corals and Zoans. Not even sure I could have one of each type of coral in such a small tank.

Anyway, aside from a good variety of hermits, snails, Porcelain & Emerald crabs and bristle worms for a CUC I'm interested in the following fish in descending order of interest;

Rainfordi Goby (x2)
Swiss Guard Basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Blue Gudgeon Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Striped Shrimpfish
Scissortail Dartfish
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish
Banggai Cardinalfish
Yashia Shrimp Goby
Orchid Dottyback

Please give me your thoughts regarding compatibility and quantity with a strong concern for bioload.

Thanks in advance, Shawn.

If you reduce your list down to one that is consistent with tank size, I can analyze for behavioral compatibility. Bioload is rarely the issue, behavior trumps almost everything.
Hello, do you think a helfrichi firefish, a yellow candy hogfish and a few neon gobies would get along together in a 30gal?

Thank you!
Hello, do you think a helfrichi firefish, a yellow candy hogfish and a few neon gobies would get along together in a 30gal?

Thank you!

Unfortunately a yellow candy hogfish tends to bully smaller fish. Also, only one neon goby in your sized tank.
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