Hi Steve,
I'm going to set up a 75g reef sometime between September and October. I've run my full stock list past you before, and now i'm wondering if you could answer a question for me about my initial stocking order.
I'm going to use a 20g quarantine with an HOB filter, and probably start cycling it in July so it's ready to add fish in August sometime. The most peaceful fish in my tank is the Midas blenny, so my plan was to add him first. However, it's possible there could be a delay in getting my 75g totally ready on time, so the fish may end up living in the 20g for up to 3 months. If this happens, the 20g will likely be my only fish tank for most of the 3 months, and i'm wondering if i could do a pair of young clowns (ocellaris or percula) first, so i have a little more activity to watch during my downtime.
Yes. Assuming you get juveniles.
Would it be alright if they went into the tank first? The next most peaceful fish is going to be a one spot foxface. After that it'll be a flame hawk, kole tang, and potentially a flame angel. Then a goby after the sand has some time to get dirty. Do you see a problem with doing the clowns first?
gobies don't really keep the sand "clean".
In a 75 gallon tank, a foxface, kole tang, and possibly a flame angel is pushing it for all of these are in the same ecological niche.
Also, do you think a Mccosker's Flasher Wrasse would outcompete a mandarin in a 75g with 30g refugium/sump?
75 gallons is marginally ok for a mandarin, but you may be ok.
I'm going to wait roughly a year or so before adding the mandarin, but ideally i would like the tank and refugium to handle it's own pods so i don't have to supplement. I'd like a flasher wrasse but will leave him out if needed.
Thanks for your input!
50g with sump, skimmer.
Getting "the package" from tampabaysaltwater. I believe they are a vendor here. It includes 100lbs LR and 50lbs live sand and a clean up crew once cycled.
No idea yet on fish, still researching! I'm entertaining the idea of a Snowflake Eel and perhaps a very limited number of compatible fish. Originally I was looking into an octopus only tank but I realized it would make the clean up crew a buffet and the main appeal of setting this tank up was creating a group of fish/creatures to work in synergy.
Hi Steve,
I'm back with a quick question. It turns out that I have 2 pistol shrimps. I was never sure if the other survived acclimation because I never saw it, but Apparently he's been in there all this time ( about 9 months). My main pistol, the one I've always known about, built a burrow along the front and left side of the tank, and paired with a YWG. Now that I know the other pistol is around, and building his burrow along the right hand side of the tank, is it ok to get him a goby as well?
Thanks Steve, Do you think a Mccosker's Flasher Wrasse is going to eat pods at a rate that will make a big dent in the mandarin's food supply?
Sounds like sound advice. I'll stick to that. Thanks a bunch. I'll reconsider the flame angel, as well. Sounds like its 50/50 that he'll leave my corals alone anyway
Oh really? Worse than 50/50 you think?
Actually, no. IF the pistol shrimp is the commensal kind, your current goby will adopt him and he will have two. However two shrimp gobies will not get along long term unless the tank is really long.
I'm here looking for a second opinion:
I have a 7 month old 40B with a 29 sump that normally holds 15 or so gallons, and a 10g 'fuge in the works that has its silicone curing right now. (Literally.) The DT has 65-70 pounds of rock in it and 50-60 pounds of sand. The sand bed is normally a little under 2" deep. Anyhoo...
I'm pretty content with my fish load. Besides a variety of soft corals and a small assortment of inverts/ CUC, I have
2 Ocellaris (male/ female pair)
Green clown goby
Tail spot blenny
Neon cleaner goby (tiny little dude)
Bluespot watchman
The wife wants a mandarin, and while I do too, I'm a little leery of the idea. I'd be okay with a scooter of some variety but she really wants a mandarin. She found a healthy little one at our local LFS on sale for 6 bucks, called me to ask if it was safe for my tank, and told me she wanted to bring it home. I said no. My tank currently grows bugs like crazy (cope and amphis both are doing rather well), my chemistry is well under control, and I don't have any 'pod eaters - but as stated, I'm looking for a second opinion.
So she doesn't have to be mad at (just) me, what say you? Aye or nay on any of the above?
The tank is not really long, but since the shrimps each have their territories already staked out, I thought it would make for less fighting for the gobies. I have a yellow watchman (Cryptocentrus cinctus) and was hoping to add a Yasha.
Just to clarify into my thick head, your advice is not to add any gobies since they will fight? :deadhorse: sorry
I'm here looking for a second opinion:
I have a 7 month old 40B with a 29 sump that normally holds 15 or so gallons, and a 10g 'fuge in the works that has its silicone curing right now. (Literally.) The DT has 65-70 pounds of rock in it and 50-60 pounds of sand. The sand bed is normally a little under 2" deep. Anyhoo...
I'm pretty content with my fish load. Besides a variety of soft corals and a small assortment of inverts/ CUC, I have
2 Ocellaris (male/ female pair)
Green clown goby
Tail spot blenny
Neon cleaner goby (tiny little dude)
Bluespot watchman
The wife wants a mandarin, and while I do too, I'm a little leery of the idea. I'd be okay with a scooter of some variety but she really wants a mandarin. She found a healthy little one at our local LFS on sale for 6 bucks, called me to ask if it was safe for my tank, and told me she wanted to bring it home. I said no. My tank currently grows bugs like crazy (cope and amphis both are doing rather well), my chemistry is well under control, and I don't have any 'pod eaters - but as stated, I'm looking for a second opinion.
So she doesn't have to be mad at (just) me, what say you? Aye or nay on any of the above?
You'd have to seed that tank often because of the size.
I would advise against the mandarin. Everything else should be fine.
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit View Post
I know, I was hoping you'd throw me an idea I can't think of anything else & shrimp eaters are out since I'm still planning on sexy shrimp down the road.
Well, then I'll go with the possum wrasse next in hopes that gets the helfrichi out more & do a tailspot blenny instead of the gold midas blenny since I'm sticking with the gold assessor.
Either of the two wrasses would work well.
Am I asking for trouble if after everything else goes in to add a juvenile pair of ocellaris clowns last? Most likely since I'm stocking fish very slow it would be sometime next year before they go in.
Not initially. However two juveniles will sexually differentiate, bond, and eventually mate. At which point they will be on the aggressive side toward about 20 gallons of tank space.
I really need a bigger tank or a good 12 step program.
Perhaps both? However that is true for many of us. How is your horse?[/QUOTE]
I'm going to do both the possum & the pink streaked wrasse, figured I'd let the possum get in there first & get established.
I'll pass on the pair of clowns since I'm going to lose half the tank down the road. I might contemplate a single occ. clown last in hopes that it stays male if I pick a little bugger. If it turns female would I still have aggression without a mate?
I probably do need the bigger tank & a 12 step program for lots of other reasons. The horse is good, he's got a short summer vacation since work is busy. As long as the meals keep coming it doesn't seem to bother himThanks for asking & give your pups a pet & a cookie for me.