Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit View Post
I know, I was hoping you'd throw me an idea I can't think of anything else & shrimp eaters are out since I'm still planning on sexy shrimp down the road.
Well, then I'll go with the possum wrasse next in hopes that gets the helfrichi out more & do a tailspot blenny instead of the gold midas blenny since I'm sticking with the gold assessor.
Either of the two wrasses would work well.
Am I asking for trouble if after everything else goes in to add a juvenile pair of ocellaris clowns last? Most likely since I'm stocking fish very slow it would be sometime next year before they go in.
Not initially. However two juveniles will sexually differentiate, bond, and eventually mate. At which point they will be on the aggressive side toward about 20 gallons of tank space.
I really need a bigger tank or a good 12 step program.
Perhaps both? However that is true for many of us. How is your horse?[/QUOTE]
I'm going to do both the possum & the pink streaked wrasse, figured I'd let the possum get in there first & get established.
I'll pass on the pair of clowns since I'm going to lose half the tank down the road. I might contemplate a single occ. clown last in hopes that it stays male if I pick a little bugger. If it turns female would I still have aggression without a mate?
I probably do need the bigger tank & a 12 step program for lots of other reasons. The horse is good, he's got a short summer vacation since work is busy. As long as the meals keep coming it doesn't seem to bother him

Thanks for asking & give your pups a pet & a cookie for me.