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I want to eventually have a school of chromis(I heard that I need at least 5 for a schooling effect) is there no way for me to get the chromis to behave? I have seen 110gal tanks that have more ten chromis in a school and a lot of other fish.

any suggestion is appreciated

It is impossible for me to intelligently comment on tanks you have seen and I never do so. Chromis will not behave, unfortunately, and may initially shoal, but will not school.
I have a cleaner shrimp in my tank and added 3 trochus snails. The shrimp seems to be turning the snails upside down and picking at them. Is that normal and are the two species compatible? Seems the shrimp is killing the snails?

There should be no interaction between snails and cleaner shrimp under normal circumstances. Are you feeding the tank?
Snails went all over the tank the first 2 days now they have been stationary for 2 days.

I am assumingn they may be dead.

I am feeding the fish, am I supposed to feed the snails??
Snails went all over the tank the first 2 days now they have been stationary for 2 days.

I am assumingn they may be dead.

I am feeding the fish, am I supposed to feed the snails??

Unfortunately, this thread is about marine fish, their compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing. Best information might be acquired from a separate thread in New to the Hobby.
I have a 29gal, hob filter, 2 350gph pumps (I may be wrong-they may be 250), 3-4 inch sand bed, 20lbs live rock, 5lbs live rock rubble, heater, and lighting fixture with 1x250w Phoenix Hexarc Blue 14,000k, 2x ocean sun 10000k t5, 2x acintic t5, 4x lunar led.

My live stock is:

3x emerald crab
6x blue leg hermit
2x red leg hermit
1x Ocellaris pair (they are spawning)
5x nassarius snail
2x turbo snail
5x astrea snail
4x sand sifting crabs (sand fleas)
4x pulsing xenia frags
3x button polyp frags
1x zoa frag


Temp- 80.3
Ammonia- < .25
pH- 8.3

I'm hoping to add another fish to the tank whether it be a blenny, goby, etc. but I'm not sure what to go with because my female Ocellaris is rather feisty (she attacks my fingers/hands if they come in the tank). I assume my chances of having a fish that swims higher in the water column than a blenny or goby would be slim because of her aggressiveness. I'm also looking for something that would be reef safe because I want to be able to have quite a bit more coral than I do now; both sps and lps.

Any suggestions? Or would I be better off staying away from any more fish?
I have a 29gal, hob filter, 2 350gph pumps (I may be wrong-they may be 250), 3-4 inch sand bed, 20lbs live rock, 5lbs live rock rubble, heater, and lighting fixture with 1x250w Phoenix Hexarc Blue 14,000k, 2x ocean sun 10000k t5, 2x acintic t5, 4x lunar led.

My live stock is:

3x emerald crab I am a bit concern ed as these are opportunistic feeder and if hungry, can take fish.
6x blue leg hermit
2x red leg hermit
1x Ocellaris pair (they are spawning)
5x nassarius snail
2x turbo snail
5x astrea snail
4x sand sifting crabs (sand fleas)
4x pulsing xenia frags
3x button polyp frags
1x zoa frag


Temp- 80.3
Ammonia- < .25
pH- 8.3

I'm hoping to add another fish to the tank whether it be a blenny, goby, etc. but I'm not sure what to go with because my female Ocellaris is rather feisty (she attacks my fingers/hands if they come in the tank). I assume my chances of having a fish that swims higher in the water column than a blenny or goby would be slim because of her aggressiveness. I'm also looking for something that would be reef safe because I want to be able to have quite a bit more coral than I do now; both sps and lps.

Any suggestions? Or would I be better off staying away from any more fish?

Spawning clownfish want to own a minimum of about 25-30 gallons of tank space. Some species, even more. You can probably get away with a shrimp/goby combination, but I doubt that a water column swimming fish would do very well.

Spawning clownfish want to own a minimum of about 25-30 gallons of tank space. Some species, even more. You can probably get away with a shrimp/goby combination, but I doubt that a water column swimming fish would do very well.

Thanks! About the emeralds; I intend to get store credit for them from the lfs as soon as my hair algae issue is under control. I'm not sure if I needed that many but the owner of the lfs really encouraged it and offered to give me 100% store credit once their food supply is gone. I think I'll take your advice and look into a goby/shrimp combo when I do take those emeralds back and see how that goes with the clowns. I really love having a clown pair I just wish they were more hospitable! :lol2: Thanks again =)
Looking for thoughts on stocking of a 25g cube. Tank is not setup yet. Specs will be 20-30# rock (depending on a desirable scape), barebottom, 40g sump, AquaC EV120 skimmer, remote DSB w/chaeto, gfo & gac reactors, weekly WC of 5g. Tank will include an even mix of sps/lps/rics & zoas, possibly a clam haven't decided there yet.

I realize this list is heavy, and one or two at least must be axed. They're listed in order of priority with the last two tied... I like the awkward swimming behaviors of both. Also wondering if the gramma and hawk would spar over rock territory.

2 Ocellaris
1 Green Chromis
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Falco Hawk

Be gentle :)
Hi folks!

Have a 40-50gallon tank (I say 40-50 as it was sold as 180 liters & I have no idea if i should be converting to US or imperial gallons :) ) Have 44lbs of live rock with a very thin layer of sand at bottom. Will be fish only. This is what am thinking & any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!

2 x Yellowtail Damsels
1x Ocellaris Clownfish
1x Flame Angel

Then am not really sure..... Is two dwarf angelfishes too much for my tank. Really like the Bicolor & Coral Beauty & if it meant I could add one of these but then nothing else I would do that but wouldn't want to be cruel on them. Also might change order i add them if I decide there is room.

Other things I am considering:

Going to have about 3 hermits, 3 snails & couple of shrimps (cleaner & coral banded prob) if that makes any difference.

All help welcome for the following reason......had a small marine tank (about 30g) around 15yrs ago when I was a wee boy & in it for 4yrs I had a Koran Angelfish! Was told it would be fine if i kept with 2 or 3 smaller fish (was 10yrs old & the guy who sold me it seemed like he really knew his stuff! He also sold me tank so knew exactly what I had!!). I loved that fish & was devastated when I started researching for new tank & realised how cruel it must have been on him :(
Originally Posted by topbottomfeeder View Post
I want to eventually have a school of chromis(I heard that I need at least 5 for a schooling effect) is there no way for me to get the chromis to behave? I have seen 110gal tanks that have more ten chromis in a school and a lot of other fish.
It is impossible for me to intelligently comment on tanks you have seen and I never do so. Chromis will not behave, unfortunately, and may initially shoal, but will not school.
I concur with this. I tried twice to stock about 6-7 chromis in a previous 75g and both times the weakest were picked off one-by-one over weeks until about 3 remained, then things seemed ‘happy’ and no more chromis losses occured. Even then any shoaling behavior was loose at best. Never lost any other fish during these periods.
Looking for thoughts on stocking of a 25g cube. Tank is not setup yet. Specs will be 20-30# rock (depending on a desirable scape), barebottom, 40g sump, AquaC EV120 skimmer, remote DSB w/chaeto, gfo & gac reactors, weekly WC of 5g. Tank will include an even mix of sps/lps/rics & zoas, possibly a clam haven't decided there yet.

I realize this list is heavy, and one or two at least must be axed. They're listed in order of priority with the last two tied... I like the awkward swimming behaviors of both. Also wondering if the gramma and hawk would spar over rock territory.

2 Ocellaris
1 Green Chromis
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Falco Hawk

Be gentle :)

I am always gentle. Clownfish, once sexually mature will want to own that amount of tank space which makes other fish a bit difficult. If you are going to do the top list, I would eliminate the chromis. The other fish may do fine if the are introduced before the clownfish bond.


ok i have a 324 gallon RR with a 90g sump/refug, that is about to be upgraded to a 135g sump/refug in about 3 weeks. Any way I have

1 cleaner wrasse
1 back clown
1 perc clown
1 powder blue tang
12 green chromis
4 lyra tail anthias
1 fox face
2 yellow headed gobies(sand sifters)
2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral beauty
100+ hermits
approx 3-400 ibls of live rock

about 250lbs of rock are from my 120 that i had for about 7 years, i put that in my big tank. I have AI sol blue leds, sps,lps in the tank as well, i just put fish in there from oct-bout 2 weeks ago little at a time. My Naso was about 2 weeks old and just died today strangly, the tangs and fox were introduced at the same time. levels and salinity are on the dot asusual, i made fish food my self, and have a skimmer in the sump. all the other fish r happy and healthy. my question is what can i put in there now? i love the L.T tang,yellow tang. also i love to have more anthias, and a dragon. what would you put in there. fyi the tank is 8ft'

I suspect that I still have plenty of time, since I still need to finish the plumbing, set up the rockwork, order some liverock and then cycle, but for some reason finalizing my fish list seems urgent.
75g tank -beananimal overflow
45g sump setup for 12g refugium

Proposed stock list:
2 firefish - M and F pair hopefully
A clown pair - Haven't decided on type yet, and I know they will control 20-25g or so, will any of my other chosen fish suffer for it? I mean, is there enough room for that.
Pistol/Goby pair - Yellow watchman
1 Orange back fairy wrasse - If I can find one...
1 chalk basslet - not really sure about that one
1 Mandarin Goby - far in the future, probably longer then 6 months.

Is it possible for me to have more than one pistol/Goby pair? They're really what got me into this. Thank you so much Steve for lending your expertise to this thread, you've probably saved countless fishy lives.
what are some fish i could put in a 48x24x12 frag tank? would a school of chromis work?

Chromis tend to reduce themselves until there is only one or at most two. For a frag tank, I would look at some type of pest control fish that was reef safe such as a six line wrasse which I would never recommend for a community tank. .
I have a 40 breeder with 2 occ clowns, a coral beauty, and a starry blenny; I'm looking to get a flame angle but I think I read somewhere that they won't get along with each other. Is this true?

Thanks in advance.
I suspect that I still have plenty of time, since I still need to finish the plumbing, set up the rockwork, order some liverock and then cycle, but for some reason finalizing my fish list seems urgent.
75g tank -beananimal overflow
45g sump setup for 12g refugium

Proposed stock list:
2 firefish - M and F pair hopefully
A clown pair - Haven't decided on type yet, and I know they will control 20-25g or so, will any of my other chosen fish suffer for it? I mean, is there enough room for that.
Pistol/Goby pair - Yellow watchman
1 Orange back fairy wrasse - If I can find one...
1 chalk basslet - not really sure about that one
1 Mandarin Goby - far in the future, probably longer then 6 months.

Is it possible for me to have more than one pistol/Goby pair? They're really what got me into this. Thank you so much Steve for lending your expertise to this thread, you've probably saved countless fishy lives.

Thanks for the kind words. I feel very strongly about trying to make environments where fish can thrive and live out their natural life span. Clownfish, depending on species require about 25-30 gallons of tank space. If you can get an anemone which will act as their host, and they will bond with it, they will then center their territory around the anemone. Easier said than done, however. If clownfish is the primary focus of your tank, I suggest reading "clownfish" by Joyce Wilkerson which is available in paperback. In a larger tank, it is usually a bit easier, but your tank should be sufficient.

My suggestion, always, is to decide on the primary focus of your interest, then build around that. Your fish list seems fine, but I am mildly concerned about the chalk basslet.

As far as multiple shrimp goby pairs, I am not sure in your sized tank and it does depend on which ones you choose. Two of the same species will probably not work. I have had pairs of the same fish work with either one or two shrimp, and I have had one shrimp handle multiple gobies. In one of my larger tanks, I have a dartfish living with the shrimp goby pairing.
I'm wondering if the following can all be housed peacefully together in a 55 DT (long).

Bluespotted Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus pavoninoides
Jester Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi
Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus

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