PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'm wondering if the following can all be housed peacefully together in a 55 DT (long).

Bluespotted Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus pavoninoides
Jester Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi
Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus


That will probably work just fine.
I have a 40 breeder with 2 occ clowns, a coral beauty, and a starry blenny; I'm looking to get a flame angle but I think I read somewhere that they won't get along with each other. Is this true?

Thanks in advance.

Two dwarf angels will not work in your sized tank. I recommend at least 75 gallons for two. The problem is that they occupy the same ecological niche and will perceive that they are threatened by another fish that will eat the same food in a smallish territory.
ok i have a 324 gallon RR with a 90g sump/refug, that is about to be upgraded to a 135g sump/refug in about 3 weeks. Any way I have

1 cleaner wrasse
1 back clown
1 perc clown
1 powder blue tang
12 green chromis
4 lyra tail anthias
1 fox face
2 yellow headed gobies(sand sifters)
2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral beauty
100+ hermits
approx 3-400 ibls of live rock

about 250lbs of rock are from my 120 that i had for about 7 years, i put that in my big tank. I have AI sol blue leds, sps,lps in the tank as well, i just put fish in there from oct-bout 2 weeks ago little at a time. My Naso was about 2 weeks old and just died today strangly, the tangs and fox were introduced at the same time. levels and salinity are on the dot asusual, i made fish food my self, and have a skimmer in the sump. all the other fish r happy and healthy. my question is what can i put in there now? i love the L.T tang,yellow tang. also i love to have more anthias, and a dragon. what would you put in there. fyi the tank is 8ft'


That is a lot to evaluate. It feels as if you are going a bit too fast and are not quarantining new fish. Is there a specific question you have? With the type of fish you are adding, all of whom are likely candidates for parasites, that you need to slow down and quarantine. I have stickies in the Fish Disease forum that would be worth reading.
That is a lot to evaluate. It feels as if you are going a bit too fast and are not quarantining new fish. Is there a specific question you have? With the type of fish you are adding, all of whom are likely candidates for parasites, that you need to slow down and quarantine. I have stickies in the Fish Disease forum that would be worth reading.

the first question is what fish would u reccommend?
I am always gentle. Clownfish, once sexually mature will want to own that amount of tank space which makes other fish a bit difficult. If you are going to do the top list, I would eliminate the chromis. The other fish may do fine if the are introduced before the clownfish bond.
Interesting consideration with the mated pair of clowns and their dynamic in that size tank. Will weigh that one out, perhaps I'll only keep one instead. I'm personally sort of 'meh' about the chromis but it's a family favorite from my last tank. Appreciate the feedback.
Okay, how about a trio of scissortail dartfish and a linespot or filamented wrasse in an established 28g nano? I have about 2 inches of sand for the scissortails to burrow in.

Its either that or one of the wrasses and a helfrichi OR a pair of fancy occelaris clowns...

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the kind words. I feel very strongly about trying to make environments where fish can thrive and live out their natural life span. Clownfish, depending on species require about 25-30 gallons of tank space. If you can get an anemone which will act as their host, and they will bond with it, they will then center their territory around the anemone. Easier said than done, however. If clownfish is the primary focus of your tank, I suggest reading "clownfish" by Joyce Wilkerson which is available in paperback. In a larger tank, it is usually a bit easier, but your tank should be sufficient.

My suggestion, always, is to decide on the primary focus of your interest, then build around that. Your fish list seems fine, but I am mildly concerned about the chalk basslet.

As far as multiple shrimp goby pairs, I am not sure in your sized tank and it does depend on which ones you choose. Two of the same species will probably not work. I have had pairs of the same fish work with either one or two shrimp, and I have had one shrimp handle multiple gobies. In one of my larger tanks, I have a dartfish living with the shrimp goby pairing.

Thank you for your thoroughness! Your answer of course gives me more questions.

First, clownfish are not the focus of my tank, I merely wanted a pair bonded behavior to observe. I know your policy on recommending fish, but I still have to give it a shot: Can you mention/recommend another fish that would bond and display interesting paired behavior? You could name a fish and I can go research it myself ;) I will still check out the book you mentioned.

The focus of the tank is actually the pistol/goby pair(s). I even built the stand with an open bottom so I can see the bottom of the tank with a flashlight to watch the pistols activities. I'll stick with a single pair for now, maybe later when I have more experience I'll look into another set. Is 3" of sand overkill for them? Should I go shallower or deeper?

Second, what was your concern for the chalk basslet? I only added him to the list because I read that he was 'peaceful' but maybe I'm mixing him up with another fish I read about. Is he going to terrorize someone or compete with a food type or territory?

This will be my first marine tank, I want to make sure I minimize the noob mistakes as much as possible. :hmm2:
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Well, at this point, I would not add any fish for at least 3 months. Let the tank stabilize and see where you are.

so is it not true about adding tangs, can i add that Lt tang later on? the only big fish i have are the fox and PB tang and they arent even 4 inches i ordered them small/med
so is it not true about adding tangs, can i add that Lt tang later on? the only big fish i have are the fox and PB tang and they arent even 4 inches i ordered them small/med

My concern is that you are adding fish that are highly susceptible to parasites with no quarantine protocol.
Thank you for your thoroughness! Your answer of course gives me more questions.

As it was intended.

First, clownfish are not the focus of my tank, I merely wanted a pair bonded behavior to observe. I know your policy on recommending fish, but I still have to give it a shot: Can you mention/recommend another fish that would bond and display interesting paired behavior? You could name a fish and I can go research it myself ;) I will still check out the book you mentioned.

Well, you can get bonding behavior with firefish, but it is more complex as you must get a M/F and they must bond which does not always happen. You can also get it more easily with a pair of gobies that are bonded along with one or a pair (the pistol shrimp do not have to bond/pair) of pistol shrimp. And, of course a M/F pair of banggai cardinals will bond and mate. I see people wanting clowns but I personally find them to be boring relative to their aggressiveness "cost". It is very, very difficult to recommend. I can relate issues associated with choices, however.

The focus of the tank is actually the pistol/goby pair(s). I even built the stand with an open bottom so I can see the bottom of the tank with a flashlight to watch the pistols activities. I'll stick with a single pair for now, maybe later when I have more experience I'll look into another set. Is 3" of sand overkill for them? Should I go shallower or deeper?

What you need is sand ideally mixed with slightly courser gravel and live rock rubble that can be used for structure. Two to three inches would work well.

Second, what was your concern for the chalk basslet? I only added him to the list because I read that he was 'peaceful' but maybe I'm mixing him up with another fish I read about. Is he going to terrorize someone or compete with a food type or territory?

It is a recollection rather than an experience with them. As I personally keep a Candy Basslet I know that basslets don't really mix so I never kept a chalk basslet. If you are looking for an interesting fish look at the various possum wrasses available (yes I violated my own rule) as I feel they are much more interesting.

This will be my first marine tank, I want to make sure I minimize the noob mistakes as much as possible. :hmm2:

Actually I think you research your choices well and I commend you for that.
Okay, how about a trio of scissortail dartfish and a linespot or filamented wrasse in an established 28g nano? I have about 2 inches of sand for the scissortails to burrow in.

Its either that or one of the wrasses and a helfrichi OR a pair of fancy occelaris clowns...

Thanks in advance.

What fish are already there?
What fish are already there?


Only an Orange Stripe Goby/Pistol Shrimp.

Also saw a trio of Zebra Barred Dartfish that intrigue me as they look similar to the ScissorTail and don't get quite as big (4" vs 5.5"). I've read your recommendations for Possum Wrasses and they caught my eye as well. But I worry it will be too reclusive. I do like seeing fish rather than hunting for them :-)

Big question is can I also fit in a Line Spot or Filamented Wrasse with the group above? They all appear pretty peaceful and unique.

So I guess the choices I've whittled down to for a well-established 28g nano with LPS corals and some CUC are...

Filamented or Line Spot Wrasse
Trio of either Zebra Barred or ScissorTail Dartfish
Helfrichi Goby
Possum Wrasse

Thanks again for all your attentive responses on here. I'm sure its saved some anguish, money and fish lives.
Well, you can get bonding behavior with firefish, but it is more complex as you must get a M/F and they must bond which does not always happen. You can also get it more easily with a pair of gobies that are bonded along with one or a pair (the pistol shrimp do not have to bond/pair) of pistol shrimp. And, of course a M/F pair of banggai cardinals will bond and mate. I see people wanting clowns but I personally find them to be boring relative to their aggressiveness "cost". It is very, very difficult to recommend. I can relate issues associated with choices, however.

I read that you can observe a tank of firefish and chose the pair that seem to be hanging out together for the best chance of a M/F (did I read that here in your thread or elsewhere?) I'll just have to be super picky, and not lose track of the pair when the net goes in the tank...
Oh a pair of gobies! I've read that the female watchmen are olive with blue spots, that would be very nice. Maybe I can find one. Are they picky about choosing mates or will a male and female eventually become a pair?
I love the patterning of the banggai cardinals but I've watched them in stores and they just seem.. I don't know, inactive?
I will certainly nix the clowns in favor of a pair of gobies, thank you very much :D

It is a recollection rather than an experience with them. As I personally keep a Candy Basslet I know that basslets don't really mix so I never kept a chalk basslet. If you are looking for an interesting fish look at the various possum wrasses available (yes I violated my own rule) as I feel they are much more interesting.

Now I feel special ;) I'll go read about possum wrasses right now!

Actually I think you research your choices well and I commend you for that.

A real compliment coming from you, sir.

Do you see any issue with the revised list?
2 Firefish - M and F
2 Watchmen Gobies -M and F
1-2 Pistol Shrimp
1 Orange back fairy wrasse
1 Possum wrasse (pending research)
1 (far in the future) Mandarin Goby

and also, I want to stay back from the bio limit for the tank, am I safe?

Thank you very much for your time, and I'll probably be back again. :D :reading:
I'm new to reefs, currently setting up a 110 gallon tall (48 x 18 x 31) with:

Corner overflow, 1.5" drain, 2 x 1.0" returns on back
Sock filter on drain pipe
29 gallon sump baffled for skimmer and refugium w/ macro
Reef Octopus 6 skimmer
2 x Mag Drive 12 pumps
6-bulb, 48" T5 fixture

I'm going for a minimalistic approach. Maybe something like THIS.

With a relatively small amount of live rock, how would I do with one clown (clarkii or similar), one powder blue tang, one yellow tang, and a dozen assorted damsels/chromis?

My concern is that you are adding fish that are highly susceptible to parasites with no quarantine protocol.

i have been doing this for approx 7 years and never did a QT tank. with that said i aslo have never had such an expensive system either. I visited the forum u spoke of and i am in the process of getting that check list done. so from now on i will do that if u recommend it.
why do u think my LFS, told me about adding fish all at once? Can i in fact get those fish(ie LT tang,Yellow), later on? or will they fight with the powder blue?
Okay, how about a trio of scissortail dartfish and a linespot or filamented wrasse in an established 28g nano? I have about 2 inches of sand for the scissortails to burrow in.

Its either that or one of the wrasses and a helfrichi OR a pair of fancy occelaris clowns...

Thanks in advance.

What fish are already there?

Aurora Goby/Pistol Shrimp.

Could I put in a trio of Zebra Barred Dartfish and then a male Blue Flasher Wrasse when it becomes available? I really enjoy the open swimming fish.

Other considerations including those above (I'm interested in the lowest risk combos)

White Banded Possum Wrasse
Helfrichi Firefish
Purple Firefish
Filamented Wrasse (Male)
Pair of Fancy Ocellaris
Zebra Barred Dartfish
Blue Flasher Wrasse

Thanks Steve. Your advice is incredibly helpful to talk us off the ledge of pushing the envelope based on beauty rather than good husbandry.

Only an Orange Stripe Goby/Pistol Shrimp.

should not interfere as it is not water column living

Also saw a trio of Zebra Barred Dartfish that intrigue me as they look similar to the ScissorTail and don't get quite as big (4" vs 5.5").

I think they would do fine

I've read your recommendations for Possum Wrasses and they caught my eye as well. But I worry it will be too reclusive. I do like seeing fish rather than hunting for them :-)

Well, they are somewhat reclusive but I see mine every day and their behavior is peaceful albeit interesting. Ideal for a nano.

Big question is can I also fit in a Line Spot or Filamented Wrasse with the group above? They all appear pretty peaceful and unique.

They are peaceful but very active. If you do this, it would have to be the last fish introduced

So I guess the choices I've whittled down to for a well-established 28g nano with LPS corals and some CUC are...

Filamented or Line Spot Wrasse
Trio of either Zebra Barred or ScissorTail Dartfish
Helfrichi Goby Well, the helfrichi firefish would have to be introduced before any others. Note that you have a lot of prolific jumpers so a covered top with 1/4 inch holes is a must
Possum Wrasse there are various ones in this group, all are superb

Thanks again for all your attentive responses on here. I'm sure its saved some anguish, money and fish lives.

If you are successful, that is my reward!
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