46 gallon 55 gallon sump
About 70 pounds of lr
1.5in sandbed
125 coral ife skimmer
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2-5
Alk 9.4
Cal 450
Mag 1420
Phos .5 (api so take it with a grain of salt.)
I have two oscellaris and a male mccoskers wrasse a peppermint shrimp brain coral and some zoas and palys.
I wanted to maybe add a female mccoskers wrasse but read that the female should be added first. Do you think this would be an issue? And/or would you recommend another type of wrasse? This will be the last fish I add besides a yellow watchman and shrimp pair.
I see no problem with the plan. Using an acclimation box will make introduction of the female McCoskers easier.