PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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46 gallon 55 gallon sump
About 70 pounds of lr
1.5in sandbed
125 coral ife skimmer
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2-5
Alk 9.4
Cal 450
Mag 1420
Phos .5 (api so take it with a grain of salt.)

I have two oscellaris and a male mccoskers wrasse a peppermint shrimp brain coral and some zoas and palys.

I wanted to maybe add a female mccoskers wrasse but read that the female should be added first. Do you think this would be an issue? And/or would you recommend another type of wrasse? This will be the last fish I add besides a yellow watchman and shrimp pair.

I see no problem with the plan. Using an acclimation box will make introduction of the female McCoskers easier.
Fish stocking list

Fish stocking list


Many thanks for all the time and effort you put into this thread. It is greatly appreciated.

Tank is a 4 foot 120 gallon that is just being rebuilt. It will be a mixed reef. Heavy on fish with forgiving corals and inverts. Here is my proposed fish stocking list:

C. lubbocki, Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
C. aurantidorsalis, Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
C. rubrimarginatis, Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse
P. flavianalis, Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse
P. lineopunctatus, Linespot Flasher Wrasse

A flavissimus, Yellow Assessor
N. magnifica, Red Firefish
P. fridmani OR G. melacara OR G loreto

G. atrangulatus, Green Clown Goby
A. rainfordi, Rainford Goby
A. randalli, Randalls Goby
S. nematodes, Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
P. Nocturna, Circus Goby

E. stigmatura, Tailspot Blenny OR (3) A. hancocki (or A. macrospilus),
Would both species coexist in this tank?

Possibly 1 Halichoeres ( perhaps H. biocellatus or H. iridis)
Possibly 1 Wetmorella wrasse

Thanks in advance for checking this list for any compatibility issues. Any insights you have to offer are very much welcomed and appreciated.

Thanks again,


Many thanks for all the time and effort you put into this thread. It is greatly appreciated.

Tank is a 4 foot 120 gallon that is just being rebuilt. It will be a mixed reef. Heavy on fish with forgiving corals and inverts. Here is my proposed fish stocking list:

C. lubbocki, Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
C. aurantidorsalis, Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
C. rubrimarginatis, Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse males seem to be difficult shippers for some reason
P. flavianalis, Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse
P. lineopunctatus, Linespot Flasher Wrasse

A flavissimus, Yellow Assessor
N. magnifica, Red Firefish
P. fridmani OR G. melacara OR G loreto While P. fridmani is the least aggressive pseudochromis, compatibility with fairy and flasher wrasses is iffy. Either of the Gramma species should work

G. atrangulatus, Green Clown Goby
A. rainfordi, Rainford Goby
A. randalli, Randalls Goby
S. nematodes, Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
P. Nocturna, Circus Goby

E. stigmatura, Tailspot Blenny OR (3) A. hancocki (or A. macrospilus), In a four foot tank it is somewhat a roll of the dice but two might work????
Would both species coexist in this tank?

Possibly 1 Halichoeres ( perhaps H. biocellatus or H. iridis)
Possibly 1 Wetmorella wrasse I would opt for one of the three species of Wetmorella as they fascinate me. While they are out and about, they are subtly there and not as obvious as some others.

Thanks in advance for checking this list for any compatibility issues. Any insights you have to offer are very much welcomed and appreciated. You have lots of copepod eaters so a refugium would be desirable although not essential

Thanks again,


Always a pleasure.
Looks like i'm getting a 110 gallon (60x18x23) tank this week barring anything unforeseen. Will be a FOWLR, with probably a 40 gallon breeder sump, and a protein skimmer rated for 150+ gallons.

What I'm thinking about (and first time ever putting this down)

2 clownfish (absolute mus to keep my daughter happy and my wife happy). I'm leaning towards the Percula Clown. A pair of clowns will absolutely be in the tank.

A dwarf angel (Coral, Flame, or African)

Royal Gramma

School of Cardinals (spotted, banggai or orange)

Purple Firefish Goby

Any of the Rabbitfish (I prefer the one spot, but could be talked into any of them).

Flame Hawk

Diadem or Fridmani Pseudochromis

Yellow Tang

Kole Tang - From what i gather, has different shape than the yellow, should be ok.


Having said all that, I'm not sure who plays nice with each other. These are the ones that caught my eye. I would love to get a hippo tang, but I understand they get big, and would outgrow the 110...and I don't know if i could deal with the crying if we had to get rid of Dori.
Looks like i'm getting a 110 gallon (60x18x23) tank this week barring anything unforeseen. Will be a FOWLR, with probably a 40 gallon breeder sump, and a protein skimmer rated for 150+ gallons.

What I'm thinking about (and first time ever putting this down)

2 clownfish (absolute mus to keep my daughter happy and my wife happy). I'm leaning towards the Percula Clown. A pair of clowns will absolutely be in the tank.

A dwarf angel (Coral, Flame, or African)

Royal Gramma

School of Cardinals (spotted, banggai or orange) they may aggregate initially then pair up longer term

Purple Firefish Goby

Any of the Rabbitfish (I prefer the one spot, but could be talked into any of them). rabbitfish require a significantly larger tank

Flame Hawk

Diadem or Fridmani Pseudochromis

Yellow Tang two tangs in this sized tank is not stable longer term; of the two the better one is the kole tang

Kole Tang - From what i gather, has different shape than the yellow, should be ok.

Wrasse what species

Having said all that, I'm not sure who plays nice with each other. These are the ones that caught my eye. I would love to get a hippo tang, but I understand they get big, and would outgrow the 110...and I don't know if i could deal with the crying if we had to get rid of Dori.

P. hepatus requires a much larger tank and should not be coupled in this sized tank with additional algae grazers
The wrasse I was looking at that really caught my eye was the mystery wrasse, exquisite wrasse, and mccoskers.

as for the gobies:

pearly, and yellow watchman stood out to me.

My biggest concern is compatibility.

So in my 110 (assuming I get it), the stock would be:

2 percula clowns
Lemonpeel or African Coral Angel
Royal Gramma
One-Spot Foxface
Banggai Cardinal (Group of 3-5)
Purple Firefish Goby
Diadem Pseudochromis
Kole Tang
Any of the wrasse above
Pearly or Yellow Watchman goby.

Thinking 13-15 fish, with 175lb of live rock, and a protein skimmer rated at 175+ gallons, would be ok?

Would there be any issues with that list?
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The wrasse I was looking at that really caught my eye was the mystery wrasse, exquisite wrasse, and mccoskers.

as for the gobies:

pearly, and yellow watchman stood out to me.

My biggest concern is compatibility.

So in my 110 (assuming I get it), the stock would be:

2 percula clowns
Lemonpeel or African Coral Angel
Royal Gramma
One-Spot Foxface
Banggai Cardinal (Group of 3-5) only a mated male plus female, more will be killed
Purple Firefish Goby
Diadem Pseudochromis not with fairy or flasher wrasses
Kole Tang
Any of the wrasse above not with Diadem Pseudochromis
Pearly or Yellow Watchman goby.

Thinking 13-15 fish, with 175lb of live rock, and a protein skimmer rated at 175+ gallons, would be ok? bioload is not the issue, it is behavior

Would there be any issues with that list?

Only as indicated
Hello I'm upgrading soon and still in the planning stages. Tank is going to be 135 gallon mixed reef 72x18x24, 55 gallon sump, sro 3000 skimmer, 150-160 pounds live rock, 2-3 inch sandbed.

What I'm moving over from 36 gallon
Pair of occ clowns
Yellow watchman goby
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Rbt anenome

Fish I'm considering
Red firefish
Royal gramma
Midas blenny
Starry blenny
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Red velvet fairy wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Yellowtail tamarin wrasse( too many wrasses? Should I get rid of some? Are they compatible?)
Yellow tang or purple tang?
Powder blue tang or naso tang?
( can I keep 2 tangs in this tank size? )
And I really want a blue throat triggerfish

Other considerations, if I'm not overstocked
Can I also add a banggai cardinal and a blue green reef chromis

Looking forward to your reply :)
Hello I'm upgrading soon and still in the planning stages. Tank is going to be 135 gallon mixed reef 72x18x24, 55 gallon sump, sro 3000 skimmer, 150-160 pounds live rock, 2-3 inch sandbed.

What I'm moving over from 36 gallon
Pair of occ clowns
Yellow watchman goby
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Rbt anenome

Fish I'm considering
Red firefish
Royal gramma
Midas blenny will nip fins of planktivores such as firefish
Starry blenny
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Red velvet fairy wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Yellowtail tamarin wrasse( too many wrasses? Should I get rid of some? Are they compatible?) too many copepod eaters for this sized tank unless you have an active refugium
Yellow tang or purple tang? last fish added
Powder blue tang or naso tang? naso tangs need much larger tanks
( can I keep 2 tangs in this tank size? ) yes, but only two; ideally added concurrently
And I really want a blue throat triggerfish not invert safe and aggressive

Other considerations, if I'm not overstocked
Can I also add a banggai cardinal and a blue green reef chromis

either is fine, but be sure the banggai is tank raised for best eating chances

Looking forward to your reply :)
93 cube + 30 gallon sump with ~10 gallon refugium, up about three months

Current inhabitants
Pajama cardinalfish
Purple firefish
Lawnmower blenny

Current stocking plan
Mccosker's wrasse
Exquisite wrasse
Pair of snowflake clownfish + nem

My original stocking plan called for three pajama cardinals, which I had, but one ended up dying shortly after QT and the second was bullied away from food by the third. Right now everything is peaceful. I don't want to try introducing more pajama cardinals so I'm thinking about another type altogether. Probably one of the following:

Redhead goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus)
Gold line goby (Elacatinus horsti)
Would a tomini tang thrive in a tank this size with the expected tankmates?

Thanks for your input!
Originally Posted by Kellyh14
Hello I'm upgrading soon and still in the planning stages. Tank is going to be 135 gallon mixed reef 72x18x24, 55 gallon sump, sro 3000 skimmer, 150-160 pounds live rock, 2-3 inch sandbed.

What I'm moving over from 36 gallon
Pair of occ clowns
Yellow watchman goby
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Rbt anenome

Fish I'm considering
Red firefish
Royal gramma
Midas blenny will nip fins of planktivores such as firefish
Starry blenny
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Red velvet fairy wrasse
Hoevens wrasse
Yellowtail tamarin wrasse( too many wrasses? Should I get rid of some? Are they compatible?) too many copepod eaters for this sized tank unless you have an active refugium
Yellow tang or purple tang? last fish added
Powder blue tang or naso tang? naso tangs need much larger tanks
( can I keep 2 tangs in this tank size? ) yes, but only two; ideally added concurrently
And I really want a blue throat triggerfish not invert safe and aggressive

Other considerations, if I'm not overstocked
Can I also add a banggai cardinal and a blue green reef chromis

either is fine, but be sure the banggai is tank raised for best eating chances

Looking forward to your reply

Thanks for the quick reply! Which wrasses should I drop? Would 3 be okay or just keep 2 from the list?

And for my 2 tangs is yellow tang and powder blue tang okay?

Thanks again
93 cube + 30 gallon sump with ~10 gallon refugium, up about three months

Current inhabitants
Pajama cardinalfish
Purple firefish
Lawnmower blenny

Current stocking plan
Mccosker's wrasse
Exquisite wrasse
Pair of snowflake clownfish + nem
Dragonet You have some copepod eaters and 93 gallons (if mature) is marginal for a dragonet

My original stocking plan called for three pajama cardinals, which I had, but one ended up dying shortly after QT and the second was bullied away from food by the third. Right now everything is peaceful. I don't want to try introducing more pajama cardinals so I'm thinking about another type altogether. Probably one of the following:

Redhead goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus) should be fine
Gold line goby (Elacatinus horsti) should be fine
Would a tomini tang thrive in a tank this size with the expected tankmates? while any tang does better in a longer tank, a tomini tang should do ok as you have only one algae eater

Thanks for your input!
Purple tang (last)
Regal angel or goldflake angel
Pair of yellow pyramid butterflyfish
Pair of clownfish
4-6 carberryi anthias
1 Bicolor anthias
Yellow assessor basslet
Yasha goby pair W. shrimp
A fairy wrasse of some type
peppermint candy cane hogfish
flame hawkfish
a couple are barnacle blennies

(Mixed reef)

Im not sure If I will be allowed to get a tank big enough for my dream stock list. But I thought it couldnt hurt to post it. What do you think would be the minimum sized tank, I am somewhat limited by space? :)

Thanks Steve :)

P.S. Thanks for supplying us with this thread, I love to read it for hours on end, and I learn so much :D.
65 gallon tank with 20 gallon sump

2 Percula clownfish
2-3 Kaudern's Cardinalfish(initially for pairing)
1 Red Firefish
1 Flame Angel
1 Sailfin Algae Blenny
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