PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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What wrasse will work with the diadem pseudochromis? Or is that just one of them mixtures that is like fire and gasoline...doesn't mix well?

A gorgeous fish, but pseudochromis for the most part will not mix due to their aggressive behavior with fairy or flasher wrasses for sure, and with many other fish as well. Also, for followup questions, please submit plan and tank size since I cannot easily go backwards in this thread or remember specifics.
Purple tang (last)
Regal angel or goldflake angel
Pair of yellow pyramid butterflyfish
Pair of clownfish
4-6 carberryi anthias
1 Bicolor anthias
Yellow assessor basslet
Yasha goby pair W. shrimp
A fairy wrasse of some type
peppermint candy cane hogfish
flame hawkfish
a couple are barnacle blennies

(Mixed reef)

Im not sure If I will be allowed to get a tank big enough for my dream stock list. But I thought it couldnt hurt to post it. What do you think would be the minimum sized tank, I am somewhat limited by space? :)

Thanks Steve :)

P.S. Thanks for supplying us with this thread, I love to read it for hours on end, and I learn so much :D.

Minimum desirable tank size would be a six foot 180 gallon tank
65 gallon tank with 20 gallon sump

2 Percula clownfish
2-3 Kaudern's Cardinalfish(initially for pairing)
1 Red Firefish
1 Flame Angel
1 Sailfin Algae Blenny

As you know, only a male female kaudern's cardinal fish is long term stable. And it must be a male plus female. Tank raised is more likely to eat as wild caught often don't. Otherwise, fine.
A gorgeous fish, but pseudochromis for the most part will not mix due to their aggressive behavior with fairy or flasher wrasses for sure, and with many other fish as well. Also, for followup questions, please submit plan and tank size since I cannot easily go backwards in this thread or remember specifics.

the plan is a 110 gallon long tank (60x18x23), with a 40-55 gallon sump (unsure about this). I'm in the process of developing a stock plan so I can figure out how to design my tank setup and layout.

I'm willing to forgo the wrasse to keep the diadem pseudochromis. As far as I know, and can tell should be ok with the yellow eye kole, gobie (or gobies), the cardinalfish, clowns.

I saw a video of a gobie pairing up with a shrimp, which I found cool as hell.
the plan is a 110 gallon long tank (60x18x23), with a 40-55 gallon sump (unsure about this). I'm in the process of developing a stock plan so I can figure out how to design my tank setup and layout.

I'm willing to forgo the wrasse to keep the diadem pseudochromis. As far as I know, and can tell should be ok with the yellow eye kole, gobie (or gobies), the cardinalfish, clowns.

I saw a video of a gobie pairing up with a shrimp, which I found cool as hell.

As I mentioned, diadem pseudochromis is an aggressive fish and likely not a good tank mate. But, it is your tank . . .
As I mentioned, diadem pseudochromis is an aggressive fish and likely not a good tank mate. But, it is your tank . . .

so would you skip that species all together then, and add in a wrasse? Would i be able to add in say 2 gobies, and 2 wrasse? or is it better to have 1 of each?
so would you skip that species all together then, and add in a wrasse? Would i be able to add in say 2 gobies, and 2 wrasse? or is it better to have 1 of each?

The only pseudochromis I would consider is P. fridmani. But it is impossible to answer a generic question about gobies and wrasses without an entire stocking plan and the specific species. Gobies are not all alike nor are wrasses. However for follow up questions, please provide entire stocking plan and tank size so I do not have to go backwards in this thread.
The only pseudochromis I would consider is P. fridmani. But it is impossible to answer a generic question about gobies and wrasses without an entire stocking plan and the specific species. Gobies are not all alike nor are wrasses. However for follow up questions, please provide entire stocking plan and tank size so I do not have to go backwards in this thread.

110 gallon (60x18x23)
40-55 gallon sump
bean style overflow - 1" bulkheads
coast to coast overflow box (planned)

Stock of fish that caught my eye while browsing liveaquaria and vividaquarium

2 clowns
one-spot foxface
lemonpeel dwarf angel
Royal gramma
Black Sailfin Blenny
Pearly Jawfish Gobie
Flame Hawkfish
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Pearl Scale Butterfly
School of Longspine Cardinalfish

Wrasse that caught my eye:

Gobies that caught my eye:
Neon Goby
Orange Spotted Goby
110 gallon (60x18x23)
40-55 gallon sump
bean style overflow - 1" bulkheads
coast to coast overflow box (planned)

Stock of fish that caught my eye while browsing liveaquaria and vividaquarium

2 clowns assuming A. percula or A. ocellaris, should be fine. More aggressive species, not so fine.
one-spot foxface
lemonpeel dwarf angel
Royal gramma
Black Sailfin Blenny
Pearly Jawfish Gobie
Flame Hawkfish not shrimp safe
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Pearl Scale Butterfly
School of Longspine Cardinalfish they will initially aggregate, then pair off; more nocturnal than not

Wrasse that caught my eye:
Adorned slightly on the aggressive side

Gobies that caught my eye:
Neon Goby short lived, but excellent
Orange Spotted Goby combine with alpheus randall pistol shrimp
Reconsidering the anthias harem, but I'm wondering about your opinion on a different list now:

Proposed additions:
Melanurus wrasse
Bartlett anthias
Blue-green chromis

90g tank, 48x18x24. This is a mixed reef with SPS/LPS/softies and a clam.

kole yellow eye tang
pair of ocellaris clowns
McCosker's wrassse
Lubbock's fairy wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
tailspot blenny
yellow watchman/tiger pistol pair
2 cleaner shrimp
Reconsidering the anthias harem, but I'm wondering about your opinion on a different list now:

Proposed additions:
Melanurus wrasse not shrimp safe (you have two)
Bartlett anthias
Blue-green chromis must quarantine as they are highly susceptible to uronema marinum

90g tank, 48x18x24. This is a mixed reef with SPS/LPS/softies and a clam.

kole yellow eye tang
pair of ocellaris clowns
McCosker's wrassse
Lubbock's fairy wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
tailspot blenny
yellow watchman/tiger pistol pair
2 cleaner shrimp
Would it be an issue if I mixed and matched single anthias?

Proposed addition:
Lyretail anthias
Bartlett anthias

Reconsidering the anthias harem, but I'm wondering about your opinion on a different list now:

Proposed additions:
Melanurus wrasse
Bartlett anthias
Blue-green chromis

90g tank, 48x18x24. This is a mixed reef with SPS/LPS/softies and a clam.

kole yellow eye tang
pair of ocellaris clowns
McCosker's wrassse
Lubbock's fairy wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
tailspot blenny
yellow watchman/tiger pistol pair
2 cleaner shrimp
Hi I am in the middle of cycling a 145 gallon, 48"x26.5"x26". I posted a list about this tank a few weeks ago, but I have a better idea of what I want to add to this tank. I would like to know a good order for these as well if possible. I will be setting up a QT tank as well.

145 gallon, 48"x26.5"x26"
40 gallon refugium
120 pounds of live rock
2.5" sand bed

This is generally a list of wants, not needs. I can scratch any off this list if you don't think it would work.

Pair of Black Ocellaris Clowns
3-4 Anthias, not 100% sure on which breeds, but ones with peaceful temperament (open to suggestions)
3-4 Wrasses, again not 100% sure on breed, but again peaceful temperament (open to suggestions)
Pair of Bangaii Cardinals (Currently residing in my 20 and eating frozen brine)
Diamond Watchman Goby
Midas Blenny
Bicolor Blenny
Flame Hawkfish (my favourite fish)
Chevron Tang
Yellow Tang
Green Mandarin(once I am comfortable with my pod population, not for SEVERAL months)

I am guessing that most of those fish with the exception of the yellow tang have a very peaceful temperament. I also would like to have a tank mate to keep aptasia under control if there is ever a problem, I have considered a CBB, however I just haven't found enough success stories of this fish surviving in captivity, I'll only consider it if I can find a fat one at a LFS which I know is eating. Which leaves me with Peppermint Shrimp, by the looks of my stocking wishes, I don't think I have anything that would eat the shrimp correct, maybe the hawkfish?
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Hi I am in the middle of cycling a 145 gallon, 48"x26.5"x26". I posted a list about this tank a few weeks ago, but I have a better idea of what I want to add to this tank. I would like to know a good order for these as well if possible. I will be setting up a QT tank as well.

145 gallon, 48"x26.5"x26"
40 gallon refugium
120 pounds of live rock
2.5" sand bed

This is generally a list of wants, not needs. I can scratch any off this list if you don't think it would work.

Pair of Black Ocellaris Clowns
3-4 Anthias, not 100% sure on which breeds, but ones with peaceful temperament (open to suggestions)
3-4 Wrasses, again not 100% sure on breed, but again peaceful temperament (open to suggestions)
Pair of Bangaii Cardinals (Currently residing in my 20 and eating frozen brine)
Diamond Watchman Goby
Midas Blenny may nip fins of planktivores
Bicolor Blenny
Flame Hawkfish (my favourite fish) not shrimp safe
Chevron Tang
Yellow Tang must be last fish added
Green Mandarin(once I am comfortable with my pod population, not for SEVERAL months)

I am guessing that most of those fish with the exception of the yellow tang have a very peaceful temperament. I also would like to have a tank mate to keep aptasia under control if there is ever a problem, I have considered a CBB, however I just haven't found enough success stories of this fish surviving in captivity, I'll only consider it if I can find a fat one at a LFS which I know is eating.

CBB may more may not eat aiptasia, and in fact may or may not eat at all. There are butterfly fish that will, but\ they are not coral or shrimp safe.

Which leaves me with Peppermint Shrimp, by the looks of my stocking wishes, I don't think I have anything that would eat the shrimp correct? No. Red flame hawkfish love to eat shrimp
My list

My list

in order to give you an intelligent answer, I would need tank size and planned stocking list.

I appreciate that. Tank is to be a 75 gal. mix with lps and softie. nems later

Fish list;

centrohge lorica
centrohge argi
synchiopus ocellantus
chromis nitida
priolepis nocturna X2

Thanks Steve
I appreciate that. Tank is to be a 75 gal. mix with lps and softie. nems later

Fish list;

centrohge lorica I assume you mean centropyge
centrohge argi
synchiopus ocellantus
chromis nitida
priolepis nocturna X2

Thanks Steve

Should be fine but dwarf angels are not going to be "coral safe" and should be introduced concurrently
I have a 75 gallon tank that will have sand and live rock as well as a 20g sump/ref. We, my two daughters and I, are starting to pick out fish. Any and all suggestions would be helpful here. We are new to this and reading until our eyes glaze over. The only must have is a Mandarin either spotted or green. I know this takes an established tank with copepods in abundance. The plan is to get the tank and rock up and established then to slowly add fish and eventually the mandarin after a few months.

This fish my daughters are looking at are:
A Foxface Lo (Siganus vulpinus)
A male Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
A pair of Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (Amphiprion ocellaris)
A Pink Spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)
A Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema)

The questions are:
1. Are these fish compatible?
2. Are there any issues with their diets?
3. Is this selection of 7 fish too much / too few for a 75g tank?
4. What am I not seeing?

Lastly, I have read a ton on quarantining. The one issue I can't seem to find discussed is can you/is it acceptable to quarantine together in a 20g QT tank multiple fish (say the two clowns and the Foxface) purchased from the same place? While we are not in a huge hurry we are trying to cut down on the 4 to 6 week QT per fish.
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