Okay, so I have 2 Red Firefish, 1 PJ Cardinal and 2 misbar Ocellaris Clownfish in a 56G FOWLR tank with no sump.
Was thinking maybe of getting a bonded pair of Bengaii Cardinals or a Pygmy (Cherub) angelfish or a Flameback angelfish.
Potentially, a Mandarin, but slightly concerned I will not be able to provide it a steady enough diet even with my in-tank refugium. I am looking into creating a hatchery for brine shrimp though with the idea of potentially making that hope a reality.
So the main thing is my firefish stay under one of the rocks a lot, but when they are out and around the tank, they mostly stay to one side and after the first month of being in the tank with the clownfish (clownfish added to the tank that had the firefish in it, to mediate territorial behaviors), they all seem to swim together when they are out from their little home. The PJ Cardinal roams around and hardly ever scares the firefish anymore. I would like to introduce another interesting fish that will be like the PJ Cardinal is or the clownfish, as they offer an interesting dynamic and are always around to see. The clownfish are still young enough they have been together for 2 months and havent figured out the dominant one yet. I think it may be wise to try and introduce a new inhabitant before too long so that the clownfish are not as territorial.
So, which option should work the best? Or maybe I should consider a different type of fish.
Was thinking maybe of getting a bonded pair of Bengaii Cardinals or a Pygmy (Cherub) angelfish or a Flameback angelfish.
Potentially, a Mandarin, but slightly concerned I will not be able to provide it a steady enough diet even with my in-tank refugium. I am looking into creating a hatchery for brine shrimp though with the idea of potentially making that hope a reality.
So the main thing is my firefish stay under one of the rocks a lot, but when they are out and around the tank, they mostly stay to one side and after the first month of being in the tank with the clownfish (clownfish added to the tank that had the firefish in it, to mediate territorial behaviors), they all seem to swim together when they are out from their little home. The PJ Cardinal roams around and hardly ever scares the firefish anymore. I would like to introduce another interesting fish that will be like the PJ Cardinal is or the clownfish, as they offer an interesting dynamic and are always around to see. The clownfish are still young enough they have been together for 2 months and havent figured out the dominant one yet. I think it may be wise to try and introduce a new inhabitant before too long so that the clownfish are not as territorial.
So, which option should work the best? Or maybe I should consider a different type of fish.