PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I would not add a yellow tang but would look at one of the Ctenochaetus tangs if algae control is your primary objective

Which one would you choose, a Bristletooth Tomini tang or the yellow eye Kole tang? Which one is less aggressive? Way back I used to have a Kole tang and it was pretty aggressive.
Which one would you choose, a Bristletooth Tomini tang or the yellow eye Kole tang? Which one is less aggressive? Way back I used to have a Kole tang and it was pretty aggressive.

When I personally had to make that decision, I went with a Chevron tang but my second choice would be a tomini. None of this group is anywhere near as aggressive as one of the zebrasoma tangs.
I have 40 breeder so far with just one Clownfish, and hermits and snails. I have some fish in mind, how do these look?

2 red firefish
1 royal gramma or six line wrasse
1 banggai cardinalfish
1 cleaner shrimp

Or any other recommendations? Im guessing about 5 fish is the max for a 40b?
Nice aquascaping. You must remember that hawkfish are ambush predators and will eat small fish and shrimp. While this one is not large, it will try to eat whatever will fit in its mouth.

Are you saying I should be concerned for my Bi-Colored Blenny? He's about 2"
I have 40 breeder so far with just one Clownfish, and hermits and snails. I have some fish in mind, how do these look?

2 red firefish only one will survive long term
1 royal gramma or six line wrasse six line wrasse is very aggressive and I would avoid
1 banggai cardinalfish tank raised
1 cleaner shrimp

Or any other recommendations? Im guessing about 5 fish is the max for a 40b?
34g Solana cube
20g Sump with Fuge
110 Gallon Rated Skimmer

Going to be mixed SPS/LPS.

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Watchman goby (tiger or other)
1 Helfrechi Firefish
1 Six line Wrasse

Clean up Crew:
~10 Astraea Turbo snails
~6 blue legged helmet crabs
1 serpent star
1 cleaner shrimp

This may be overstocked, not used to Nano's stocking levels yet.
34g Solana cube
20g Sump with Fuge
110 Gallon Rated Skimmer

Going to be mixed SPS/LPS.

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Watchman goby (tiger or other)
1 Helfrechi Firefish
1 Six line Wrasse too aggressive especially for a small tank

fine except as annotated

Clean up Crew: hermit crabs kill snails; I would one or the other
~10 Astraea Turbo snails
~6 blue legged helmet crabs
1 serpent star
1 cleaner shrimp

This may be overstocked, not used to Nano's stocking levels yet.
Thank you so much for providing this service. I am as new to this hobby as they come, but I am determined to do it right. My head is literally spinning from all the books and information that I have tried to consume over the last few months, so I thought I would come to the experts.

Tank: Red Sea Max C 130
2 x Tunze Nanostream powerheads. 740 gph each
CaribSea Arag-alive Fiji Pink
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
RO water system (setup and working great)
Looking for quality live rock?

All the above has been ordered but yet to be delivered and set up. I know I am a few months out from adding fish, but when the conditions are right I was looking at adding

2 x Black Percula Clownfish
2 x Catalina Goby
1 x Royal Gramma Basslet
1 x Blue Dotted Jawfish
1 x Gold Assessor Basslet
1 x Six Line Wrasse (I am unsure of this one as I have read they can be aggressive)

Any advice on a cleaning crew would be very much appreciated.

Thank you
KSC Chicago
I forgot to mention, when the tank has matured and I have more experience, I will be adding corals. I have not yet decided which ones yet, as it will be 12 months away and I have a lot to learn before I can make this decision.

Thank you
KSC Chicago
Thank you so much for providing this service. I am as new to this hobby as they come, but I am determined to do it right. My head is literally spinning from all the books and information that I have tried to consume over the last few months, so I thought I would come to the experts.

Tank: Red Sea Max C 130
2 x Tunze Nanostream powerheads. 740 gph each
CaribSea Arag-alive Fiji Pink
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
RO water system (setup and working great)
Looking for quality live rock?

All the above has been ordered but yet to be delivered and set up. I know I am a few months out from adding fish, but when the conditions are right I was looking at adding

2 x Black Percula Clownfish
2 x Catalina Goby not doable in tropical tanks; these are a cold water fish
1 x Royal Gramma Basslet pick one basslet not two in this sized tank
1 x Blue Dotted Jawfish this also needs cooler temperatures for long term success
1 x Gold Assessor Basslet pick one basslet not two in this sized tank
1 x Six Line Wrasse (I am unsure of this one as I have read they can be aggressive) they are aggressive especially in a small tank

Any advice on a cleaning crew would be very much appreciated.
hermits or snails but not both

Thank you
KSC Chicago

Originally Posted by OsiViper<br />
34g Solana cube<br />
20g Sump with Fuge <br />
110 Gallon Rated Skimmer<br />
<br />
Going to be mixed SPS/LPS. <br />
<br />
2 Ocellaris Clowns<br />
1 Watchman goby (tiger or other) <br />
1 Helfrechi Firefish <br />
1 Six line Wrasse <font color="Magenta">too aggressive especially for a small tank </font><br />
<br />
<font color="Magenta">fine except as annotated </font><br />
<br />
Clean up Crew: <font color="Magenta">hermit crabs kill snails; I would one or the other </font><br />
~10 Astraea Turbo snails<br />
~6 blue legged helmet crabs<br />
1 serpent star<br />
1 cleaner shrimp <br />
<br />
This may be overstocked, not used to Nano's stocking levels yet.

What about a Orchid Dottyback and/or a Royal Gramma instead of the Wrasse?
And which what is the benefit of going with snails over crabs and vice versa?
Hi I have a 125 gallon 6 foot long tank
25 gallon sump/refugium
150 pounds of live rock
80 pounds of black sand
Would all these fish/coral work out:
* sailfin tang
*Purple tang
*Tomini tang
* Ruby red scooter dragonet
*mandarin goby
* midas blenny
*2 blue/green chromis (might take 1 oit if I see a lot of fighting)
*2 platinum clownfish
*2 or 3 Pj cardinal
*Cleaner wrasse - one that eats mysis/pellets
*Carpenter wrasse
*mcCoskers wrasse
*1 barlett's anthias
*1 male & 1 female bimaculatus anthias
* foxface
*Cleaner shrimp
*Peppermint shrimp
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What about a Orchid Dottyback and/or a Royal Gramma instead of the Wrasse?
And which what is the benefit of going with snails over crabs and vice versa?

P. fridmani might work but either of your choices above tend to be a bit territorial and in a small tank that is more of a problem, especially towards a firefish which is timid by nature.

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility so clean up crew choices would be beyond its scope. I mention it at all because hermit crabs kill snails.
Hi I have a 125 gallon 6 foot long tank
25 gallon sump/refugium
150 pounds of live rock
80 pounds of black sand
Would all these fish/coral work out:
* sailfin tang needs a larger tank
*Purple tang in this sized tank, two nominal sized tangs is fine but do not add a third grazer in the foxface
*Tomini tang in this sized tank, two nominal sized tangs is fine but do not add a third grazer in the foxface
* Ruby red scooter dragonet
*mandarin goby
* midas blenny may nip fins of planktivores
*2 blue/green chromis (might take 1 oit if I see a lot of fighting) will become one over time
*2 platinum clownfish
*2 or 3 Pj cardinal
*Cleaner wrasse - one that eats mysis/pellets will not effect parasite control; the african endemic survives more frequently
*Carpenter wrasse
*mcCoskers wrasse
*1 barlett's anthias
*1 male & 1 female bimaculatus anthias
* foxface in this sized tank, two nominal sized tangs is fine but do not add a third grazer in the foxface
*Cleaner shrimp
*Peppermint shrimp
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current residents:
2 snowflake clowns
2 longnose hawkfish
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 red velvet fairy wrasse

thinking about a yellow (coris) wrasse both for the color and to hopefully make a dent in my flatworm problem. ugh!

thanks, steve!
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current residents:
2 snowflake clowns
2 longnose hawkfish
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 red velvet fairy wrasse

thinking about a yellow (coris) wrasse both for the color and to hopefully make a dent in my flatworm problem. ugh!

thanks, steve!

They are an excellent tank mate but be aware that they will eat fireworms and pyramidellid snails, protecting corals and clams but may also eat feather dusters, wild shrimp, tubeworms, and flatworms.
PaulB and I agree on some things and are totally in disagreement on some others.

This is a Vast improvement in my status. Most people disagree with me on everything and wish I would stick myself in the eye with a sea urchin and be fed to a mantis shrimp. :worried:
29 gallon sumpless tank
HOB aqueon filter, HOB biocube protein skimmer
Current Corals
Ricordeas and other mushrooms
Green branching montipora
An Acan is going to be added.
Current Fish
2 ocellaris clownfish

I am looking to add a tail spot blenny, but I am unsure as to if they are coral safe.
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