Hi, great job you guys are doing on here!
My tank is getting on for 4 months old (new?), first marine adventure.
Aqua Reef AR400 - 450 liters including sump, plus a 50 liter separate fuge full of caulerpa (sp?).
US Gallons works out about 130 gal I guess, with display dimensions of about 50" x 23" x 18" or thereabout.
130lb of live rock, 95% of which is in the display in two bommie towers with the little left over in the sump, set up with a large central swimming area and heaps of caves through the bommies.
TONS of hitchhikers on the rock, (already moved on 6 mantis of varying size and 4 good sized crabs), still have heaps of brittle stars, worms, tiny algae eating crabs, mussels, pistol shrimps tiny white starfish, feather dusters etc. Very interesting rock.
Currently lit with the stock tubes bu I have an order in for a couple of Orphek Atlantik Compacts and will be going hoodless with a nylon mesh cover and suspended Orpheks over.
Current inhabitants:-
7 small/medium hermit crabs hermit crabs are likely to kill snails over time
5 nasuris snails
5 'other' small round brown snails, (can't recall the specimen names)
1 long, large cone shaped snail this may be of concern
1 medium sand sifting star fish
2 medium/large torch coral
1 small torch
1 small hammer
1 medium oulopyillia
1 small eye coral
small amount of star mat
3 lots of zoas
2 acans
1 duncan
2 mushrooms, (one orange, one green)
1 green gonastrea
1 moselya
1 tubestria
(Please excuse spellings of above, I'm struggling to remember what they are, let alone how to spell them).
Flame Angel (small) may not be coral safe
2x ocelaris clowns (small)
Lawnmower Blenny (small)
Starki Damsel
Flame Hawkfish excellent but not shrimp safe
Blue Assesor
Six Line Wrasse aggressive, not recommended
Green Chromis - 5x (conflicting reports, can i have more than one?) over time, they will diminish to one
Banngai Cardinals - 2x male plus female tank raised
Mandarin Dragonet (eventually, likely last addition when pods population will support)
Tips/ideas on above and numbers would be appreciated, as would suggestions of other fish that may suit.
while I do not make recommendations for a variety of reasons, I am always happy to reanalyze stocking plans provided tank size and maturity are provided as well.
I'm not a tang fan and don't want fish that will grow too big. Maybe 4" tops? Also, not interested in Antheas or anything requiring a lot of specialized feeding & additional maintenance.