PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'm setting up a nano tank dedicated to a watchman goby and pistol shrimp pair. The setup consists of the following;

  • Tank: 45cm rectangular tank, roughly 32 litres (excluding live rock).
  • Filtration: ~4kg Live rock, live sand bed, circulation & skimmer
  • Circulation will come from a single 1600 Koralia powerhead, with the possibility of adding additional pumps later.
  • A sand bed 2-3" thick consisting of varied grades of coral sand; from 1mm grains to 5mm bones will be supplied for the goby and shrimp to dig in. This will be seeded from several cups of live sand from the fuges at work to get some life into it!
  • Skimmer will be an AquaC nano Remora, a skimmer rated up to ~100L, they are highly appraised by the majority of reefers. Nitrate and Phosphate reduction will be done through regular water changes and RedSea NO3-PO4-X liquid carbon additive; this is why a good skimmer is key!
  • Lighting is a 12w Aqua Medic LED bulb, accompanied by an AquaRay flexi blue LED strip. Both will be on timers to gradually decrease light intensity so as not to freak the fish out :eek:
  • Corals will include zoos, morphs, rics, xenia and other softies.

Was hoping to add something else other than just the goby/fish pair, was thinking perhaps a pair of red line cleaner shrimp or a Royal Gramma?

Thanks, Milky

Cleaner shrimps would be great, you might also consider firefish. As you are relatively close to Fiji, perhaps Helfrichi?
Thoughts for a 125g reef

Thoughts for a 125g reef

Currently have a 55g Fowlr tank with:
Yellow Tang (4"-very Timid always hides when u come in the room)
yellow watchman Goby
green chromis
false percula
CUC consists of only snails, no crabs

All of the above will soon be transferred to my new 125g reef system. It is currently cycling (3 wks). It also has a 55g sump/fuge running with it.

Your thoughts please on additions to the 125g (once cycled :) )

No corals yet, maybe in 8-9 months
1 male, 3-4 females Dispar Anthias
Foxface Lo Rabbitfish
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Royal Gramma
Schooling Bannerfish
A cleaner shrimp

Thanks for your insight & help!
Help with picking fish

Help with picking fish

I have a 24 Gallon all in one Cardiff. The only add on i have done is Kroalia 425 power head. I have 25 pounds of LR and about 1.5 incehs of sand. Currently have two green chromis, a fals perc clown and five mexican turbo snails.

I'd like something that will keep the sand clean and eat the stuff on the bottom. I will be adding some soft corals.

I was thinking maybe a fire fish, some type of goby, conch. I'd also like to add a black clown fish (I think there is a false perc in black and white), Thoughts?
Currently have a 55g Fowlr tank with:
Yellow Tang (4"-very Timid always hides when u come in the room)
yellow watchman Goby
green chromis
false percula
CUC consists of only snails, no crabs Excellent

All of the above will soon be transferred to my new 125g reef system. It is currently cycling (3 wks). It also has a 55g sump/fuge running with it.

Your thoughts please on additions to the 125g (once cycled :) )

No corals yet, maybe in 8-9 months
1 male, 3-4 females Dispar Anthias
Foxface Lo Rabbitfish
Coral Beauty Angelfish Not reef safe
Royal Gramma
Schooling Bannerfish
A cleaner shrimp Consider at least two; excellent scavengers

Thanks for your insight & help! My pleasure
I have a 24 Gallon all in one Cardiff. The only add on i have done is Kroalia 425 power head. I have 25 pounds of LR and about 1.5 incehs of sand. Currently have two green chromis, a fals perc clown and five mexican turbo snails.

I'd like something that will keep the sand clean and eat the stuff on the bottom. I will be adding some soft corals.

I recommend a fighting conch, and additional snails of various types

I was thinking maybe a fire fish, some type of goby, conch. I'd also like to add a black clown fish (I think there is a false perc in black and white), Thoughts?

A mated pair of clownfish will want to control that tank. I suspect your chromis will winnow down to one and remember they are damsels. A firefish would do fine IF it is introduced early.
22 Gallon Cube (20"L x 20"W x 13"H) with 20 Gallon Sump

This aquarium is not set up yet but I have all of the equipment

Main Display:
- Dry Rock (25lbs. that will be seeded with live rock)
- Sand (1 inch of Ocean Direct Live Oolite Sand)
- Circulation Pump (Hydor Koralia 750)
- Light (PFO 250 Watt Metal Halide)

- Skimmer (Reef Dynamics INS 100)
- Return Pump (Eheim 1000)
- Heater (150 Watt)
- Deep Sand Bed (5 inches deep in (12" x 9") Ocean Direct Live Oolite Sand)
- Chaetomorpha
- Refugium Light (Macro-Glo)
- Rubble Rock

Fish Wanted:
- 2 Clowns or 2 Bangaii Cardinals
- 1 Goby (I love these guys but don't know what one to get)
- 1 Mandarin Dragonet (6 months after set up)
- 1 Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaning Crew:
- 12 Blue Legged Hermits
- 3 Red Scarlet Hermit
- 5 Astrea Snails
- 5 Margarita Snails
- 5 Cerith Snails

How does this look?

22 Gallon Cube (20"L x 20"W x 13"H) with 20 Gallon Sump

This aquarium is not set up yet but I have all of the equipment

Main Display:
- Dry Rock (25lbs. that will be seeded with live rock)
- Sand (1 inch of Ocean Direct Live Oolite Sand)
- Circulation Pump (Hydor Koralia 750)
- Light (PFO 250 Watt Metal Halide)

- Skimmer (Reef Dynamics INS 100)
- Return Pump (Eheim 1000)
- Heater (150 Watt)
- Deep Sand Bed (5 inches deep in (12" x 9") Ocean Direct Live Oolite Sand)
- Chaetomorpha
- Refugium Light (Macro-Glo)
- Rubble Rock

Fish Wanted:
- 2 Clowns or 2 Bangaii Cardinals Bangaii cardinals will not be aggressive but sexually mature clowns will be. If you like them equally, I recommend the cardinals
- 1 Goby (I love these guys but don't know what one to get) If you are getting a goby, you might consider a pair of gobies with a pistol shrimp or pistol shrimp pair
- 1 Mandarin Dragonet (6 months after set up) I do not feel your tank size even with chaeto will sustain him
- 1 Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaning Crew:
- 12 Blue Legged Hermits I am not a fan of hermit crabs and would prefer that you keep a variety of snails including nassarius
- 3 Red Scarlet Hermit I am not a fan of hermit crabs and would prefer that you keep a variety of snails including nassarius
- 5 Astrea Snails
- 5 Margarita Snails
- 5 Cerith Snails

How does this look?

2 SW tanks,
1 is a 150g 72" long tank with a sump, 2 5g buckets of live rock and 2+ 5g buckets of aragonite a in sump skimmer and a 25w UV, all came with the tank, bought it used. It has been running about 2 months now.
It has a Volatin Loin 6-7",
a Snowflake Eel 14",
a Pearlscale Butterfly 5",
and 2 4-Striped Damsels quarter/half-dollar sized.
I am just looking for suggestions on which fish would go well with them.

2nd tank is a 30g tall tank 18"x18"x24"tall, just got it started, been running about 2 weeks, has 30# of Caribsea live black Hawaii sand and 20# of the "Real Reef" live rock and 5-10# of rock from my 150g tank, with a Rena XP2 canister filter(replaced the carbon that came in it with small rock rubble from my 150g). This tank has 3 blue/green Chromies and a pair of Black and White Ocellaris, in this tank I check the ammonia, nitrates, pH, alkalinity, and phosphate every 3-4 days, and magnesium and calcium every week or so. This is going to be my reef tank(until I find homes for my FW planted tank inhabitants). What fish/corals should I think about adding to this tank? I'm not going to add anymore for at least 4 weeks, but just for future additions.
Forgot to add, in my reef tank the lighting is a corallife 96watt 50/50 bulb (for now, upgrading later) and I have a hydor nano 425 pump.
No corals yet, maybe in 8-9 months
1 male, 3-4 females Dispar Anthias
Foxface Lo Rabbitfish
Coral Beauty Angelfish Not reef safe. Kinda thought this, but have seen conflicting reports on this. I will nix this one from the list.
Royal Gramma
Schooling Bannerfish
A cleaner shrimp Consider at least two; excellent scavengers OK

Thanks for the quick response. A couple more possibilities:

Would love a Powder Blue Tang, given that my yellow tang is a complete wimp..., if after the QT time for the Powder, I place both of them in the 125g at the same time, would you think the odds are favorable that they may get along ok? (Both would be about same size)

Hi fin red banded goby
Peppermint shrimp
2 - long fin fairy Wrasse's

Again, thanks so much for your input. You do a great service for this board! :spin1:

BOBA1: I would not add a single fish more to that 30g if possible. You will save yourself tons of headaches keeping your Bio load light with corals. OR hellacious Skimmer, large sump, and water changes.
2 SW tanks,
1 is a 150g 72" long tank with a sump, 2 5g buckets of live rock and 2+ 5g buckets of aragonite a in sump skimmer and a 25w UV, all came with the tank, bought it used. It has been running about 2 months now.
It has a Volatin Loin 6-7",
a Snowflake Eel 14",
a Pearlscale Butterfly 5",
and 2 4-Striped Damsels quarter/half-dollar sized.
I am just looking for suggestions on which fish would go well with them.

Unfortunately I do not do recommendations, although I am happy to comment on compatibility with your environment and existing fish or a stock list. I also cannot really comment on additions to your aggressive tank as the lionfish will likely eat whatever you add.

2nd tank is a 30g tall tank 18"x18"x24"tall, just got it started, been running about 2 weeks, has 30# of Caribsea live black Hawaii sand and 20# of the "Real Reef" live rock and 5-10# of rock from my 150g tank, with a Rena XP2 canister filter(replaced the carbon that came in it with small rock rubble from my 150g). This tank has 3 blue/green Chromies and a pair of Black and White Ocellaris, in this tank I check the ammonia, nitrates, pH, alkalinity, and phosphate every 3-4 days, and magnesium and calcium every week or so. This is going to be my reef tank(until I find homes for my FW planted tank inhabitants). What fish/corals should I think about adding to this tank? I'm not going to add anymore for at least 4 weeks, but just for future additions.

From my perspective, this tank is already full.
Thanks for the quick response. A couple more possibilities:

Would love a Powder Blue Tang, given that my yellow tang is a complete wimp..., if after the QT time for the Powder, I place both of them in the 125g at the same time, would you think the odds are favorable that they may get along ok? (Both would be about same size)

Although your yellow tang is a wimp with YOU, other fish will be a different story. a PBT might work, but these are expert level fish. Have you read the primer for this fish?

Hi fin red banded goby
Peppermint shrimp
2 - long fin fairy Wrasse's

Two of the same species best be male plus female or there will only be one left

Again, thanks so much for your input. You do a great service for this board! :spin1:

I need a reef safe yellow or other brightly colored fish (not blue) for my reef tank. I have currently: Tomini tang, pair of percs hosted by an RBTA, 7 blue chromis, Banngai cardinal, 6- line wrasse and a little yellow goby. Everyone gets along very well. I recently introduced a yellow foxface and the tang was not happy. So he is gone. Is there anything I can get that will add color and some motion and not make the tang mad (I thought they were peaceful). The chromis are doing a pretty good job of adding motion and the pretty blue/green is nice but the tank is 92G corner and seems somewhat empty. I need one more fish.
I need a reef safe yellow or other brightly colored fish (not blue) for my reef tank. I have currently: Tomini tang, pair of percs hosted by an RBTA, 7 blue chromis, Banngai cardinal, 6- line wrasse and a little yellow goby. Everyone gets along very well. I recently introduced a yellow foxface and the tang was not happy. So he is gone. Is there anything I can get that will add color and some motion and not make the tang mad (I thought they were peaceful).

tangs are not peaceful, especially zebrasoma tangs

The chromis are doing a pretty good job of adding motion and the pretty blue/green is nice but the tank is 92G corner and seems somewhat empty. I need one more fish.

Chromis will eventually reduce their number to one or at most two. For a yellow fish, look at a gold assessor. Peaceful and not perceived by tangs as competition.
yeah ..I've had the chromis three weeks and they are all still alive....for now. The gold assessor sounds good. Expensive tho'. Thanks!

What do you feed you Anthias? I just order 4 Dispar, 1M/3F. Just wanted to know since you have a lot of them what you prefer to feed them.

Thanks again!
yeah ..I've had the chromis three weeks and they are all still alive....for now.

Success with fish is a year. Three weeks is a blink of an eye

The gold assessor sounds good. Expensive tho'.

That is one of the reasons why I prefer not to recommend fish.


You are most welcome

What do you feed you Anthias? I just order 4 Dispar, 1M/3F. Just wanted to know since you have a lot of them what you prefer to feed them.

Thanks again!

A variety. PE mysis, Nutramar Ova, Capelin fish roe, chopped up Roggers food. They love food that is blowing around (remember they normally feed in current above the reef). Anthias, in general like small food, some species have small mouths. I feed a minimum of twice daily.
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