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My two oscelaris clowns hosted a torch coral this weekend, which I'm thrilled over (fairly new tank, 450 litres, only the clowns, a lawnmower blenny and a flame angel in there at the moment). I've one green chromis and a firefish in QT too.

Can I add two black oscelaris too? I've read several types can be kept if added at the same time but couldn't really do that with my current QT setup so my first two regular oscelaris are already in and hosted.

Back again.

My two oscelaris clowns hosted a torch coral this weekend, which I'm thrilled over (fairly new tank, 450 litres, only the clowns, a lawnmower blenny and a flame angel in there at the moment). I've one green chromis and a firefish in QT too.

Can I add two black oscelaris too? I've read several types can be kept if added at the same time but couldn't really do that with my current QT setup so my first two regular oscelaris are already in and hosted.


First, the correct terminology is that the torch coral hosted the clownfish. Which, may or may not be good for the torch coral as it may become damaged. Secondly, only one pair of clowns per tank (unless you have a really large tank, which you do not have)
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Thanks for the reply. The Yellow Tang is still relatively small at 3" but that will change. The Blue Tang is at 4" and presently my wife's favorite fish. I may be able to convince her someday that the fish would be happier somewhere else but not right now. Could you be more specific for each fish on my want list why it might not be a good addition? For example, if I wanted a Blue Throat Trigger, who would need to go? Thanks again for your help. I don't want to put a fish in there if it is doomed to fail from the start.
Thanks for the reply. The Yellow Tang is still relatively small at 3" but that will change. The Blue Tang is at 4" and presently my wife's favorite fish. I may be able to convince her someday that the fish would be happier somewhere else but not right now. Could you be more specific for each fish on my want list why it might not be a good addition? For example, if I wanted a Blue Throat Trigger, who would need to go? Thanks again for your help. I don't want to put a fish in there if it is doomed to fail from the start.

It is not a size issue, it is a behavior issue. Yellow tangs are incredibly territorial and are not likely to allow introduction of another large fish. You have a lot of largish fish (or ones that will become large) and all the fish you wish to introduce are on the largish side. I may not be the best source of information for you as I would introduce none of your proposed additions.
Thanks again for another reply. I don't want to keep asking people until I find someone that says my list is OK to add. If I removed the Yellow Tang for territorial reasons and the Blue Tang since it will be too large long term would I be safer to add some of those on my list. This will be my last question on this topic, maybe.
Thanks again for another reply. I don't want to keep asking people until I find someone that says my list is OK to add. If I removed the Yellow Tang for territorial reasons and the Blue Tang since it will be too large long term would I be safer to add some of those on my list. This will be my last question on this topic, maybe.

If both tangs were removed, you could add three of the fish on your desired list; you could not, however, add both Genicanthus angels. And you would still have the issue of the chromis reducing to one.
Thanks for the reply. You've been quite helpful. I wish I had discovered this thread when I set the tank up almost two years ago. The 3 Chromis have been together for over a year now. Is there ever a time that there is no risk of them reducing to 1? Should I just go ahead and part with two or might a reduction never happen?
Thanks for the reply. You've been quite helpful. I wish I had discovered this thread when I set the tank up almost two years ago. The 3 Chromis have been together for over a year now. Is there ever a time that there is no risk of them reducing to 1? Should I just go ahead and part with two or might a reduction never happen?

The time for chromis reduction is variable and usually takes quite a while. One of my initial concerns with chromis introduction is the prevalence of uronema marinum which is one of the "really bad" parasites, but at this point that should be irrelevant. I would not worry about reducing them, time will tell. Best chance to keep them stable is relatively high flow and fairly frequent feeding.

This is my first saltwater tank. It is 72"x30"x17"(water surface to sandbed); I have a Reef dynamics INS350 skimmer, sump and refugium ~ 40 gals, 4 Ecotech Radions (Gen1) @ 10" above water surface, an MP40 and an MP60 for internal flow, and Eheim Compact 5000 for return, 50 lbs live rock, 50 lbs dry Pukani rock, Chaeto in the refugium.... and thus far no fish. A picture below may show the 'openness' of the tank. The lights were at sunset and therefore the color difference from left (east) to right (west).

Tank born on June 29, cycled at 2 weeks, CUC added at 4 weeks. I bought my CUC 'package' which is 4 emerald crabs, 4 Peppermint Shrimp, 20 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs, and ~ 60 snails of various kinds. In hindsight I think I overbought on the CUC but what's done is done... I think I didn't get the best advice.

Perhaps in the future I will think about corals but with so much to think about I just can't get my head around that now so I'd say I'd just consider this a FOWLR tank. Corals when I get a couple years experience

I am constantly watching Diver's Den and these catch my eye...

2 x Tank Bred F1 Kaudern's Cardinalfish (Bonded Pair)
1 x Magnificent Foxface
1 x Powder Blue Tang
1 x Zebra Radial Filefish Male

I have a special request from wifey to add a clown pair and an anemone in the future...

What do you think?

Thanks for all you do


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75 gallon mixed reef

Vroliks wrasse
China pearl wrasse
Christmas wrasse
Diamond goby
Potters angel
Pearlscale butterflyfish
Kole tang
Blue reef chromis
I have a 46 gallon tank and right now it has 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp. I got a 6 line wrasse in quarantine. I was thinking maybe yellow headed sleeper goby and a show fish to finish up.;)

This is my first saltwater tank. It is 72"x30"x17"(water surface to sandbed); I have a Reef dynamics INS350 skimmer, sump and refugium ~ 40 gals, 4 Ecotech Radions (Gen1) @ 10" above water surface, an MP40 and an MP60 for internal flow, and Eheim Compact 5000 for return, 50 lbs live rock, 50 lbs dry Pukani rock, Chaeto in the refugium.... and thus far no fish. A picture below may show the 'openness' of the tank. The lights were at sunset and therefore the color difference from left (east) to right (west).

Tank born on June 29, cycled at 2 weeks, CUC added at 4 weeks. I bought my CUC 'package' which is 4 emerald crabs, 4 Peppermint Shrimp, 20 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs, and ~ 60 snails of various kinds. In hindsight I think I overbought on the CUC but what's done is done... I think I didn't get the best advice.

Perhaps in the future I will think about corals but with so much to think about I just can't get my head around that now so I'd say I'd just consider this a FOWLR tank. Corals when I get a couple years experience

I am constantly watching Diver's Den and these catch my eye...

2 x Tank Bred F1 Kaudern's Cardinalfish (Bonded Pair)
1 x Magnificent Foxface
1 x Powder Blue Tang
1 x Zebra Radial Filefish Male not invert safe

I have a special request from wifey to add a clown pair and an anemone in the future...

What do you think?

Thanks for all you do

Looks fine except as annotated. However, if you have further stocking plans, it is always best to add any tang last. Also, at this point your tank has insufficient algae for grazers (foxface and tang) so they should be added later on.
I have a 46 gallon tank and right now it has 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp. I got a 6 line wrasse in quarantine. I was thinking maybe yellow headed sleeper goby likely to starve in your sized tank; also makes a big standstorm when eating and a show fish to finish up.;)

what species of clownfish? Makes a big difference. The six line wrasse may preclude many "show fish" additions.
Hi all,

I have a 90 gal tank w/75 gal sump, and ~100lbs of live rock with a 2" sand bed.

I currently have 1 squirrel fish, 1 small piece of frog spawn and a half dozen or so hermits and snails.

I am thinking of adding a blue chromis and maybe a month or so later a neon goby. Maybe 1 or 2 of each. any problems with this?

Hi all,

I have a 90 gal tank w/75 gal sump, and ~100lbs of live rock with a 2" sand bed.

I currently have 1 squirrel fish, 1 small piece of frog spawn and a half dozen or so hermits and snails.

Since the squirrel fish is primarily nocturnal, it won't do much. Not invert safe

I am thinking of adding a blue chromis and maybe a month or so later a neon goby. Maybe 1 or 2 of each. any problems with this? more than one chromis will become one over time; in this sized tank only one neon goby (which is a short lived fish) unless a bonded pair.

Hi Steve,

Can you please let me know which of the 3 blennies below would work best. I'm thinking of taking advantage of the online coupon for DD.

40 breeder, 20 sump - 60/65 ish # LR & skimmer

Currently Have:
Single Helfrichi firefish
Randall Goby
Candy cane pistol
Peppermint & Fire Shrimp
Lots of LPS

Proposed Additions:
Possum Wrasse
Red Sea Mimic Blenny or Eyebrow Barnacle Blenny (Ekemblemaria Myersi) or Tailspot Blenny
Gold Assessor
Pink Streaked Wrasse

Thanks as always & sorry to keep coming back here to pester you for information :)
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