PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi Steve,
I have a futur project : 48X48X20 = 200G + sump + 150 lbs LR

My list of fish :

Orange back Wrasse male
Red velvet wrasse male
Vermiculate Wrasse female
Mistery Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Tilefish purple
2 oscellaris
Firefish purple
black bar chromis
Watanabei female
7 anthias (2 kind : tierra and ?)
pajama cardinal
2 bangai cardinal
1 midas blenny
Desjardini Tang
White check tang
Tiger goby
and maybe a gold flake angel

+ cuc, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, sexy shrimp, clam, anemone, star.

Is it ok? to mush fish?

Thank you!!
Getting ready to start the 110 gallon (60x18x23) build with a 40 gallon breeder sump. Either a Vertex 130 or Octopus Prime 150 protein skimmer. 2 jebao RW-8 powerheads. Beananimal overflow with an eheim 5000 return pump. Planning 150 lb of dry/live rock.

2 Ocellaris Clowns
One Spot Foxface
Yellow Tang (or Kole Tang - Doubt I could get both though...1 tang in a 5' tank?)
Coral Beauty Angel
Royal Gramma
Black Sailfin Blenny (included in some clean up crew packages)
Pearly Jawfish Goby
Pearl Scale Butterfly
School of Cardinalfish (Longspine?)
Red Lined Wrasse
Orange Spotted Goby with Randall Pistol Shrimp

At some point 6-12 months after tank has matured, want to add a bubble anemone for the clowns.

Think the bioload will be ok. From a compatibility issue, only thing that really concerns me is the 2 gobies and the Wrasse.

I like the hawkfish, but I also want to have shrimp, and if I understand hawkfish love shrimp.
Hi Steve,
I have a futur project : 48X48X20 = 200G + sump + 150 lbs LR

My list of fish :

Orange back Wrasse male
Red velvet wrasse male
Vermiculate Wrasse female
Mistery Wrasse compatibility issues with fairy (and flasher) wrasses
Royal Gramma
Tilefish purple
2 oscellaris
Firefish purple
black bar chromis
Watanabei female
7 anthias (2 kind : tierra and ?)
Copperband difficult; Australian endemic is best chance at success; needs peaceful tank mates and tangs are not
pajama cardinal
2 bangai cardinal ideally tank raised
1 midas blenny will nip fins of planktivores
Desjardini Tang really needs a longer tank when combined with other largish grazers
White check tang
Tiger goby
and maybe a gold flake angel

+ cuc, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, sexy shrimp, clam, anemone, star.

Is it ok? to mush fish? you have too many largish fish in a 48 inch tank; if it were a 72 inch tank, I would be more confident of giving you an unqualified (except the mystery wrasse) go ahead. In any case tangs must be last fish added.

Thank you!!
depending on type of tang, may be ok. Klein butterfly are not coral safe; a pair of Randall gobies, unless bonded, will not be long term stable.

Ok Thank You, Will go with a Tail Spot Wrasse in 72, switch to a Yellow Pyramid Butterfly and still not sure on Tang maybe a ,Kole, or Blue Caribbean and or maybe the Powder Blue . Tangs in Both Tanks will be last
I have 90 gallon HEAVY CORAL tank , big sump , big skimmer . Water quality is never my issue. Space is.

My intended purchase in no particular order , need help knowing which to place in first and if there are any conflicts. also need super cool schooling type fish. Is this my max or too many fish??? As I said my water quality is not an issue ( as of today )

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Chevron Tang ( Half dollar sized )
2 designer clowns
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Algea Blenny
Purple or Black Tang ( Depending on wallet ) ( SMALL )
3 blood red shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
Strawberry Crab
Cleaning crew

Please check my build thread
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I have 90 gallon HEAVY CORAL tank , big sump , big skimmer . Water quality is never my issue. Space is.

My intended purchase in no particular order , need help knowing which to place in first and if there are any conflicts. also need super cool schooling type fish. Is this my max or too many fish??? As I said my water quality is not an issue ( as of today )

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Chevron Tang ( Half dollar sized )
2 designer clowns
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Algea Blenny
3 TINY RUBY RED SCOOTERS you have way too many copepod eaters (pygmy wrasse, leopard wrasse, and these scooters (which are dragonets) and they will not all survive long term
Purple or Black Tang ( Depending on wallet ) ( SMALL ) only one tang in this sized tank
SOME KIND OF SCHOOLING FISH (3 or 5) Small NEED SUGGESTIONS ( Budget $50 each ) none will school, your tank size will not support an aggregation type fish
3 blood red shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
Strawberry Crab not fish safe
Cleaning crew

Please check my build thread
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current residents:
2 snowflake clowns
2 longnose hawkfish
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 red velvet fairy wrasse

1 yellow wrasse in qt.

i'm heading to the lfs today to pick up some reef crystals. they often have little lawnmower blennies in stock. what do ya think?

thanks, steve!
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current residents:
2 snowflake clowns
2 longnose hawkfish
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 red velvet fairy wrasse

1 yellow wrasse in qt.

i'm heading to the lfs today to pick up some reef crystals. they often have little lawnmower blennies in stock. what do ya think?

thanks, steve!

Your Kole tang is an herbivore so there would be an overlap of ecological niches. Probably not enough algae for both. If you supplement daily with Nori, it would probably work.
i've never fed pellets. the tang eats mysis, rods, loves formula 2, occasionally brine shrimp (saturday night junk food ;)). i don't know the brand of nori but i've tried both the green and red. he also spends most of his time picking at the glass, rocks, power heads.

i feed with a syringe and he is always the first one there. he seems to think if he bumps it hard enough, the food will come out faster. LOL
i've never fed pellets. the tang eats mysis, rods, loves formula 2, occasionally brine shrimp (saturday night junk food ;)). i don't know the brand of nori but i've tried both the green and red. he also spends most of his time picking at the glass, rocks, power heads.

i feed with a syringe and he is always the first one there. he seems to think if he bumps it hard enough, the food will come out faster. LOL

The kind of Nori I feed is from the Asian section of the supermarket, or if you have one, a store that specializes in Asian food. Dried, unflavored. What s(he) is getting from the glass, rocks, power heads is what s(he) prefers (as would a lawnmower blenny). While tangs tend to be somewhat of omnivores, the lawnmower blenny is not and is only a herbivore. However if supplementation with spirulina or other herbivore type food base is provided, both can be maintained. Your tank, if I remember correctly, is not mature (conversion from an existing tank) so supplementation is desirable. I would also suggest occasionally feeding NLS pellets.
i will have to ask my son if there are any asian markets in springfield. i don't have anything even remotely like that around here. wonder if the chinese restaurant would sell me some. hrmmm...

i'll see if my lfs carries the pellets and if not, i'll order from DFS.

when you say spirulina, do you mean the flake food?

i have seen these blennies at the lfs and i think they are SO cute! yes, my 75g is new, a combination of a 14g and 29g biocubes done in april.
i will have to ask my son if there are any asian markets in springfield. i don't have anything even remotely like that around here. wonder if the chinese restaurant would sell me some. hrmmm...

i'll see if my lfs carries the pellets and if not, i'll order from DFS.

when you say spirulina, do you mean the flake food?

No. There are various pellets that contain spirulina. One supplier is found here.

i have seen these blennies at the lfs and i think they are SO cute! yes, my 75g is new, a combination of a 14g and 29g biocubes done in april.

The issue is that tangs, although omnivores must have a significant portion of their diet through algae grazing. One of the downsides to tangs is that they eat a lot and poop a lot since they do not process food as efficiently as some other fish types.
yeah, he spends a lot of time picking at things and has kept my power heads remarkably clean. i'll be heading to the lfs tomorrow to see what they have (NLS pellets, etc.).

thanks for the info, steve!
Can I keep a fathead sunburst anthia in my 30g?

Can I keep a fathead sunburst anthia in my 30g?

I currently have two ocellaris clowns, fire shrimp, skunk shrimp and feather duster.

Nitrate: 0
Alk: 9.8dKH
Mag: 1300
What can I add, if anything?

What can I add, if anything?

I've got a 165 gal FOWLR tank 6' x 2' x 22". Fish are the following:

2 Dwarf angels ( 1 Flame, 1 Coral Beauty)
2 Blue damsels
2 Flame Hawkfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)
1 Pakistan Butterfly
1 One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
3 Chromis
1 Royal Gramma
1 Heniochus Butterfly

I'm interested in adding one or more of the following:
Blue Throat Triggerfish
Bellus Angelfish
Lamarck's Angelfish
Black Velvet Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma)

Who do you see as winners/losers on my list? Thanks in advance for your help.
I've got a 165 gal FOWLR tank 6' x 2' x 22". Fish are the following:

2 Dwarf angels ( 1 Flame, 1 Coral Beauty)
2 Blue damsels
2 Flame Hawkfish
1 Yellow Tang is unlikely to allow any larger fish to be added
1 Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) needs a much larger tank
1 Pakistan Butterfly
1 One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish three grazers is maximum for this sized tank
3 Chromis will become one over time
1 Royal Gramma
1 Heniochus Butterfly

I'm interested in adding one or more of the following:
Blue Throat Triggerfish
Bellus Angelfish
Lamarck's Angelfish
Black Velvet Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma)

I doubt that any of these can be added; most likely possible would be the bellus angelfish

Who do you see as winners/losers on my list? Thanks in advance for your help.
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