PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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This is my first saltwater tank. It is 72"x30"x17"(water surface to sandbed); I have a Reef dynamics INS350 skimmer, sump and refugium ~ 40 gals, 4 Ecotech Radions (Gen1) @ 10" above water surface, an MP40 and an MP60 for internal flow, and Eheim Compact 5000 for return, 50 lbs live rock, 50 lbs dry Pukani rock, Chaeto in the refugium.... and thus far no fish. A picture below may show the 'openness' of the tank. The lights were at sunset and therefore the color difference from left (east) to right (west).

Tank born on June 29, cycled at 2 weeks, CUC added at 4 weeks. I bought my CUC 'package' which is 4 emerald crabs, 4 Peppermint Shrimp, 20 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs, and ~ 60 snails of various kinds. In hindsight I think I overbought on the CUC but what's done is done... I think I didn't get the best advice.

Perhaps in the future I will think about corals but with so much to think about I just can't get my head around that now so I'd say I'd just consider this a FOWLR tank. Corals when I get a couple years experience

I am constantly watching Diver's Den and these catch my eye...

2 x Tank Bred F1 Kaudern's Cardinalfish (Bonded Pair)
1 x Magnificent Foxface
1 x Powder Blue Tang
1 x Zebra Radial Filefish Male

I have a special request from wifey to add a clown pair and an anemone in the future...

What do you think?

Thanks for all you do

Looks fine except as annotated. However, if you have further stocking plans, it is always best to add any tang last. Also, at this point your tank has insufficient algae for grazers (foxface and tang) so they should be added later on.

Thanks Steve, would I/could I add the Clowns this early in the tank's life? This would be points with the wife.

The anemone... I was thinking that it was too soon but can I add that this early and with the CUC I have? Finally, if no anemone now can I add the clowns without the anemone?

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Hi Steve,

Can you please let me know which of the 3 blennies below would work best. I'm thinking of taking advantage of the online coupon for DD.

40 breeder, 20 sump - 60/65 ish # LR & skimmer

Currently Have:
Single Helfrichi firefish
Randall Goby
Candy cane pistol
Peppermint & Fire Shrimp
Lots of LPS

Proposed Additions:
Possum Wrasse 1/2 choice
Red Sea Mimic Blenny or Eyebrow Barnacle Blenny (Ekemblemaria Myersi) or Tailspot Blenny
Gold Assessor
Pink Streaked Wrasse 1/2 choice

Thanks as always & sorry to keep coming back here to pester you for information :)

not a problem
56G FOWLR, no sump, running a protein skimmer and canister filter. 58lbs dry rock.

I currently have:
1 PJ Cardinal
2 red firefish
2 ocellaris clownfish (still not paired yet)

~12-15 hermit crabs
3 emerald crabs
3 peppermint shrimp
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp

I am prepping my QT for a Coral Beauty Angelfish. I thought this may be the last fish I wanted to stock the tank with, but my GF who got me into this hobby, was with me at the store yesterday and saw a blue-spotted puffer. Now, she loves it. I love it, but will that puffer be okay in my tank?

The guys at this LFS are people I have trusted in the past. I figured since they are already bigger than any fish I own right now, that since the fish are young and only in the tank for under 5 months, that getting the puffer after everything else would still be okay. I am not sure if that is wise thinking or not, but the ones they have at the store are about 3-4" and nothing currently is more than 2", thought some will definitely grow in the future.

Please let me know if this is wise thinking or not recommended. I only have the means to quarantine 1 fish at a time, so getting a dwarf angel and a puffer at the same time is not an option. I still would like the angel first though.
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit View Post
Hi Steve,

Can you please let me know which of the 3 blennies below would work best. I'm thinking of taking advantage of the online coupon for DD.

40 breeder, 20 sump - 60/65 ish # LR & skimmer

Currently Have:
Single Helfrichi firefish
Randall Goby
Candy cane pistol
Peppermint & Fire Shrimp
Lots of LPS

Proposed Additions:
Possum Wrasse 1/2 choice
Red Sea Mimic Blenny or Eyebrow Barnacle Blenny (Ekemblemaria Myersi) or Tailspot Blenny
Gold Assessor
Pink Streaked Wrasse 1/2 choice

Thanks as always & sorry to keep coming back here to pester you for information

Just so I'm clear it's the possum or the pink streaked, can I do both if the pink streak is added last? I don't want to hose this up & have an issue later.
56G FOWLR, no sump, running a protein skimmer and canister filter. 58lbs dry rock.

I currently have:
1 PJ Cardinal
2 red firefish
2 ocellaris clownfish (still not paired yet)

~12-15 hermit crabs
3 emerald crabs
3 peppermint shrimp
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp

I am prepping my QT for a Coral Beauty Angelfish. I thought this may be the last fish I wanted to stock the tank with, but my GF who got me into this hobby, was with me at the store yesterday and saw a blue-spotted puffer. Now, she loves it. I love it, but will that puffer be okay in my tank?

The guys at this LFS are people I have trusted in the past. I figured since they are already bigger than any fish I own right now, that since the fish are young and only in the tank for under 5 months, that getting the puffer after everything else would still be okay. I am not sure if that is wise thinking or not, but the ones they have at the store are about 3-4" and nothing currently is more than 2", thought some will definitely grow in the future.

Please let me know if this is wise thinking or not recommended. I only have the means to quarantine 1 fish at a time, so getting a dwarf angel and a puffer at the same time is not an option. I still would like the angel first though.

I would not do both. If you have the angel, that precludes the puffer. And of course the puffer will not be invertebrate safe
Do not do the puffer

Thanks. I honestly never considered a puffer before this as I thought they were all spiny and needed larger space.

I will have to give my GF the bad news, though we both were in awe at the sight of the Coral Beauty Angels they had at the store. Hadnt seen them in person until yesterday and boy am I giddy to get one home soon.
I said possum and pink streaked wrasse not mimic blenny

I can call & change my order, it won't ship until tomorrow. Just so I know the reason & for future reference, why is the mimic blenny not ok with the below in the 40B?

Can I do the tailspot or the barnacle blenny instead of the mimic? Tank is a year old next month & there is algae present. The list is below again so you don't have to keep scrolling through posts.

Currently Have:
Single Helfrichi firefish
Randall Goby
Candy cane pistol
Peppermint & Fire Shrimp
Lots of LPS

Proposed Additions:
Possum Wrasse
Red Sea Mimic Blenny or Eyebrow Barnacle Blenny (Ekemblemaria Myersi) or Tailspot Blenny
Gold Assessor
Pink Streaked Wrasse
I can call & change my order, it won't ship until tomorrow. Just so I know the reason & for future reference, why is the mimic blenny not ok with the below in the 40B?

Can I do the tailspot or the barnacle blenny instead of the mimic? Tank is a year old next month & there is algae present. The list is below again so you don't have to keep scrolling through posts.

Currently Have:
Single Helfrichi firefish
Randall Goby
Candy cane pistol
Peppermint & Fire Shrimp
Lots of LPS

Proposed Additions:
Possum Wrasse fine
Red Sea Mimic Blenny or Eyebrow Barnacle Blenny barnacle blenny is fine but you would need to purchase a barnacle (Ekemblemaria Myersi) or Tailspot Blenny
Gold Assessor
Pink Streaked Wrasse fine
Planned list Six line wrasse Kole eye tang 1. Do they jump? 2. Does wrasse need sand to sleep? This system is a frag tank 4' x 2' x 1'. Bare bottom tank with an open top.
The tang needs a larger tank. Six line wrasses jump and are not compatible with a lot of tank mates; they form a mucous cocoon rather then bury in the sand. Are these the only two fish planned for this tank? /QUOTE] Slow to reply sorry. Yes that would be all... Maybe some snails
My tank is a 48" 50g with a reef octopus bh2000 hob skimmer. No sump. Current U.S.A. Orbit lighting.

I think for now I'll stick with a fowler tank, but I might want to venture into reef territory in the future. I'm still gathering all the equipment I need to get the tank up and running, but I'd like to get an idea of livestock I can have in a tank my size.

Must have:
Occelarus clownfish
Chocolate chip starfish (for the wife)
Peppermint shrimp

Aside from those, if I could, maybe something a little different or odd that would be compatible.
My tank is a 48" 50g with a reef octopus bh2000 hob skimmer. No sump. Current U.S.A. Orbit lighting.

I think for now I'll stick with a fowler tank, but I might want to venture into reef territory in the future. I'm still gathering all the equipment I need to get the tank up and running, but I'd like to get an idea of livestock I can have in a tank my size.

Must have:
Occelarus clownfish a pair is no problem
Chocolate chip starfish (for the wife) thaty is a problem for a variety of reasons: it gets huge, it is not reef safe for corals and other inverts, it is intolerant of anything other than pristine water conditions which for a new aquarist would be difficult, especially in a small tank
Peppermint shrimp

Aside from those, if I could, maybe something a little different or odd that would be compatible.

While I am happy to review stocking plans as they change, as those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons.
Okie dokie. thanks for the info. Ill update again once I figure out a few more

Terrific. It does not have to be a final plan if you just want to check out compatibility. Always remember to provide tank size and age too as that makes a difference for some animals.
I'm putting in a custom desktop tank at work with a base measuring 36x12 interior, about 10 high, and am planning my stock list. (Lots of time between now and installation; I'm building it this weekend.) I'm planning to do a short wall of rock right down the middle reaching about halfway up the water column to form kind of a racetrack for the flow, and also to give a little more swimming 'distance' for the crew. My main questions are on stocking order unless there is a grave issue with the planned stock list. Of course, a CUC will go in first.

Planned: purple or Helfrichi firefish, a fairy wrasse, and either a clown goby or a little blenny (tailspot, etc). I don't expect any issues with stocking order but in case there are I'm asking here first.

I know I'll want a cover for the jumpers. Already planned.

If it matters to anyone at all, in addition I'll be DIY'ing a long LED strip for a few really hardy softies and a condy nem once the tank matures a bit.
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