This is my first saltwater tank. It is 72"x30"x17"(water surface to sandbed); I have a Reef dynamics INS350 skimmer, sump and refugium ~ 40 gals, 4 Ecotech Radions (Gen1) @ 10" above water surface, an MP40 and an MP60 for internal flow, and Eheim Compact 5000 for return, 50 lbs live rock, 50 lbs dry Pukani rock, Chaeto in the refugium.... and thus far no fish. A picture below may show the 'openness' of the tank. The lights were at sunset and therefore the color difference from left (east) to right (west).
Tank born on June 29, cycled at 2 weeks, CUC added at 4 weeks. I bought my CUC 'package' which is 4 emerald crabs, 4 Peppermint Shrimp, 20 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs, and ~ 60 snails of various kinds. In hindsight I think I overbought on the CUC but what's done is done... I think I didn't get the best advice.
Perhaps in the future I will think about corals but with so much to think about I just can't get my head around that now so I'd say I'd just consider this a FOWLR tank. Corals when I get a couple years experience
I am constantly watching Diver's Den and these catch my eye...
2 x Tank Bred F1 Kaudern's Cardinalfish (Bonded Pair)
1 x Magnificent Foxface
1 x Powder Blue Tang
1 x Zebra Radial Filefish Male
I have a special request from wifey to add a clown pair and an anemone in the future...
What do you think?
Thanks for all you do
Looks fine except as annotated. However, if you have further stocking plans, it is always best to add any tang last. Also, at this point your tank has insufficient algae for grazers (foxface and tang) so they should be added later on.
Thanks Steve, would I/could I add the Clowns this early in the tank's life? This would be points with the wife.
The anemone... I was thinking that it was too soon but can I add that this early and with the CUC I have? Finally, if no anemone now can I add the clowns without the anemone?
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