PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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So, how about swapping out the 6 line wrasse for a firefish and reducing the chromis to one?


ONE Flame Angel (small) may not be coral safe
TWO ocelaris clowns (small)
ONE Lawnmower Blenny (small)

To Add:-

ONE Starki Damsel
ONE Flame Hawkfish excellent but not shrimp safe
ONE Blue Assesor
ONE Green Chromis
TWO Banngai Cardinals - 2x male plus female tank raised
ONE Mandarin Dragonet (eventually, likely last addition when pods population will support)

How does that look stocking level wise for 120 gal, light, medium or heavy?

Just pass for this post to say thank you snorvich for teach us your knowledge I really admire the dedication you put in this thread every day answering all the comments.

Thanks :)
So, how about swapping out the 6 line wrasse for a firefish and reducing the chromis to one?


ONE Flame Angel (small) may not be coral safe
TWO ocelaris clowns (small)
ONE Lawnmower Blenny (small)

To Add:-

ONE Starki Damsel
ONE Flame Hawkfish excellent but not shrimp safe
ONE Blue Assesor
ONE Green Chromis
TWO Banngai Cardinals - 2x male plus female tank raised
ONE Mandarin Dragonet (eventually, likely last addition when pods population will support)

How does that look stocking level wise for 120 gal, light, medium or heavy?


Looks good!
Just pass for this post to say thank you snorvich for teach us your knowledge I really admire the dedication you put in this thread every day answering all the comments.

Thanks :)

Thanks for the very kind words. Your success in the hobby is my success.
40 breeder in progress.

Tailspot blenny
Yellow clown goby
Green banded goby
Purple firefish
Candy cane pistol shrimp with hi-fin goby

Tuxedo urchin
3 emerald crabs
Nassarius snails, 3 turbos
Skunk cleaner shrimp
2 fighting conchs

Corals: Acans, candy cane, duncans, frogspawn, gsp, zoanthids, monti cap, green slimmer.

Feeding: PE Mysis, pellets, Formula 2 flakes, arctic copepods (dried), algae sheets. Also feeding BBS "“ only less than 48 hours after hatch. Also have 3 batches of Tisbe pods going, adding some to tank each week.

3" substrate, 30 pounds live rock, 20 gallon sump with refugium, 20% weekly water changes, screen cover.

Stocking OK so far? I'd appreciate your comments on the following possible additions. Which one or two fish (if any) might be best to add from this list:

1 female blue star leopard wrasse
1 dragon face pipefish
1 sunburst fathead anthias
1 black axil chromis

Thanks a lot!
40 breeder in progress.

Tailspot blenny
Yellow clown goby
Green banded goby
Purple firefish
Candy cane pistol shrimp with hi-fin goby

Tuxedo urchin
3 emerald crabs can take fish one large
Nassarius snails, 3 turbos
Skunk cleaner shrimp
2 fighting conchs one is proper in this sized tank

Corals: Acans, candy cane, duncans, frogspawn, gsp, zoanthids, monti cap, green slimmer.

Feeding: PE Mysis, pellets, Formula 2 flakes, arctic copepods (dried), algae sheets. Also feeding BBS "“ only less than 48 hours after hatch. Also have 3 batches of Tisbe pods going, adding some to tank each week.

3" substrate, 30 pounds live rock, 20 gallon sump with refugium, 20% weekly water changes, screen cover.

Stocking OK so far? I'd appreciate your comments on the following possible additions. Which one or two fish (if any) might be best to add from this list:

1 female blue star leopard wrasse needs a larger tank because it grazes on copepods
1 dragon face pipefish
1 sunburst fathead anthias needs a larger tank
1 black axil chromis

Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the above info. Just wanted to double check: Since I culture Tisbe pods and add them weekly to the tank, would that not be sufficient for the leopard wrasse?

Thanks again.
Thank you for the above info. Just wanted to double check: Since I culture Tisbe pods and add them weekly to the tank, would that not be sufficient for the leopard wrasse?

Thanks again.

Difficult to say, but weekly addition is probably insufficient for the leopard wrasse, probably fine for the pipefish.
Red Sea Max C 130

2 x Black Percula
1 x Royal Gramma Basslet
1 x Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
1 x Firefish Helfrichi
1 x Tanakas Pygmy Wrasse

Snails and maybe a shrimp for a cleaning crew

Will add coral once tank has matured
37 Gallon 30"x12"x22"

37 Gallon 30"x12"x22"

Tank has cycled over the last 2 months with uncured live rock. NH3=0, NO2=0, N03=20-40, So now I need fish.

Filtration through a DIY AC110 refugium(cheato, rock, sand), Eheim 2215-37 Canister, and a Aquamaxx HOB-1 skimmer plus about 65 lbs of Fiji Premium and Tonga Branch Live Rock.

Lighting is from 2 Current Orbit Marine LED fixtures providing about 45W of LEDs.

I'm going to stop by the LFS on my way home today and pick up my first fish, my son is so anxious he looks in the tank all the time and gets sad when he can't find a fish. So I'm thinking of a stocking list and don't want to severely overstock but I think I have plenty of rock, hiding places and filtration to stock decently heavy.

1. Some kind of Basslet probably Royal Gramma
2. Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
3. Watchman/pistol shrimp pair
4. Firefish
5. A blenny of some sort, Midas or tail spot
6. Six Line Wrasse (last fish)
7. Cleaner Shrimp

Normal clean up crew Cerith snails, Nassarius snails, a few Hermit Crabs

I'll pass on the Six line if there seems to be too many fish at that point, I'll watch aggression and territory development as I add them at 1-2 fish per week.

Corals will come about 6 months down the road once the tank is more established and I have the maintenance schedule worked out.

Does this sound like a good plan?
What else could we add?

What else could we add?

I have a strange situation, I guess. I started working for a new company back in March and they have a 270 gallon reef tank with a 30 or so gallon sump. I'm guessing we have about 50lbs of live rock and 6 different types or coral (sorry, I'm still learning the names). Each new employee, after 90 days of working here, gets to pick out a fish. I did tons of research before I chose my fish. But the new employees after me don't really care. I am in charge of the tank and I get to say what goes in it. I want to make sure all my fish are happy and healthy. I used to be a vet-tech, so any kind of creature is special to me. So anyways, I would love suggestions on what else we could add to our tank.

Currently, we have: one Yellow Tang, one Angel Swallowtail, one African Midas Blenny(she's the one I picked out), one Foxface Rabbitfish, 2 Clown fish, 2 Diamond gobies, 2 Engineer gobies, 5 Green Chromis, and 5 Blue-Eyed Cardinalfish.

Other things we have are: 5 Emerald crabs, one Sea Cucumber, 4 Peppermint shrimp, one Fire Shrimp, 2 other shrimp (not sure of the name), a few hermit crabs, some snails, and one starfish.

Any ideas?
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Tank has cycled over the last 2 months with uncured live rock. NH3=0, NO2=0, N03=20-40, So now I need fish.

Filtration through a DIY AC110 refugium(cheato, rock, sand), Eheim 2215-37 Canister, and a Aquamaxx HOB-1 skimmer plus about 65 lbs of Fiji Premium and Tonga Branch Live Rock.

Lighting is from 2 Current Orbit Marine LED fixtures providing about 45W of LEDs.

I'm going to stop by the LFS on my way home today and pick up my first fish, my son is so anxious he looks in the tank all the time and gets sad when he can't find a fish. So I'm thinking of a stocking list and don't want to severely overstock but I think I have plenty of rock, hiding places and filtration to stock decently heavy.

1. Some kind of Basslet probably Royal Gramma any basslet is somewhat territorial, Royal Gramma is very nice looking
2. Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
3. Watchman/pistol shrimp pair
4. Firefish
5. A blenny of some sort, Midas or tail spot midas nip fins of tank mates, tail spot is fine
6. Six Line Wrasse (last fish) avoid especially in this sized tank with the planned fish above
7. Cleaner Shrimp

Normal clean up crew Cerith snails, Nassarius snails, a few Hermit Crabs if you are doing snails, avoid hermit crabs

I'll pass on the Six line if there seems to be too many fish at that point, I'll watch aggression and territory development as I add them at 1-2 fish per week.

Corals will come about 6 months down the road once the tank is more established and I have the maintenance schedule worked out.

Does this sound like a good plan?
Any other suggestions for a different type of Wrasse maybe a Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse?

Just looking for one more colorful active fish.

In a small tank active is not a good thing; it is better to have one that is slightly reclusive, perhaps a bit slow moving and deliberate. Pink-Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia) would work fine.
newbie with two tanks

newbie with two tanks

First in June purchased a 72 Gal, bought 75 lbs of live rock, 50 lbs of live sand , came with a trickle and protein skimmer. wish list
Watchman goby paired with a shrimp,pair of clowns maybe snowflake,Fairy Wrassls, Yellow striped Cardinals , purple fire fish ,Anthias, Midas Blenny and Bristle tooth Tang.

To good of a deal to pass up a 180Gal Tank with 220 lbs of live rock 100 gal sump with Refugrium and protein skimmer ,calicium reactor and chiller ,I have 120 lbs of live sand coming and a T5 HO 8 lamp lighting coming as well . Tank has some soft Coral and Mushrooms . Wish list for this Tank, pair of Marroon/ gold clowns , Flame and Coral Beauty Angles , will introduce at the same time and cross fingers, orchid dottybacks, pair of Randall Gobys, Orange Butterfly,Blackcap Basslet ,Yellowed Blotched Rabbit fish,Tang and Horned Blenny. Moving and resetting up this weekend.
First in June purchased a 72 Gal, bought 75 lbs of live rock, 50 lbs of live sand , came with a trickle and protein skimmer. wish list
Watchman goby paired with a shrimp,pair of clowns maybe snowflake,Fairy Wrassls, Yellow striped Cardinals , purple fire fish ,Anthias, Midas Blenny and Bristle tooth Tang.

I would choose a different blenny because midas blennies nip

To good of a deal to pass up a 180Gal Tank with 220 lbs of live rock 100 gal sump with Refugrium and protein skimmer ,calicium reactor and chiller ,I have 120 lbs of live sand coming and a T5 HO 8 lamp lighting coming as well . Tank has some soft Coral and Mushrooms .

Wish list for this Tank, pair of Marroon/ gold clowns , Flame and Coral Beauty Angles , will introduce at the same time and cross fingers, orchid dottybacks, pair of Randall Gobys, Orange Butterfly,Blackcap Basslet ,Yellowed Blotched Rabbit fish,Tang and Horned Blenny. Moving and resetting up this weekend.

depending on type of tang, may be ok. Klein butterfly are not coral safe; a pair of Randall gobies, unless bonded, will not be long term stable.
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