I have set up my new 75g tank with 20g sump, Reef Octopus NWB 110 skimmer, dosing kalwasser. Its been running for about 6 weeks with about half of it's ultimate LR and a sacrafical mushroom and frogspawn frag to see how they do under the RB LEDs (very happy). *The sump has some macro algae and pods growing. *I will transfer the rest of the rock and livestock from my 16yr old 30g this weekend. *Then the 30 g becomes a QT tank for my new aquisitions.
from my existing tank, the baseline inhabitants, along with aquisition dates, personalities, and sizes as applicable:
Ocelaris clown (5/1998) tank raised, kinda silly and laid back
Flame hawk (5/1999) eats hermit crabs giving the opportunity, no agression toward other fish, but assertive
Coral banded shrimp (11/2006) much too big for hawk to eat, he likes to wave his arm and he and my former cherub angle used to make a show at each other. *I don't think he caused the cherub's demise as I found the cherub dead in the tank, not eaten (suspected victim of rockfall) Coral banded shrimp can take fish
Serpent star (2/2000) ( has been know to eat snails and a week or so later disgorge the polished remnant of the shell looking like a button)
Brittle star (11/2006) (seldom seen) may be fish eaters with these two as well
Frogspawn coral (3/2002) (will probably take about 2/3rds to LFS in trade to make transition easier - I typically take about 1/3 to them several times a year as it outgrows the tank) this guy has definitely waged chemical warfare on other corals and is the reason I no longer have several other species that got stung in the 30g
Umbrella leather (4/1999) ~8" span
3-4 different colors of corlimorphs (various ages) probably about 30 individuals scattered *around tank
My planned aquisitions and stocking order are listed below. *I would only be QTing one fish at a time, so looking at probably 2 months or more between acquistions. *The total stocking process will likely be stretched over a year or more.
Royal gramma (could be convinced to change to firefish, I have been waffling on this) either is fine
Long fin fairy wrasse or carpenter flasher wrasse* long fin is aggressive, carpenter flasher is not
Mixed corals, I'm not set on anything in particular, it will depend what frags catch my eye and pass my research on their suitability. *Will be added gradually 1-2 at a time
One spot foxface (growing several macros in sump and DT) not coral safe if hungry
Mandarin (not for quite a while until I have a good copepod population in my sump to support it during training to eat non-live foods, plus will probably set up a pod culturing station in the basement) all mandarins eat frozen (training is not required) but they cannot successfully compete
Clam (also not for at least 6-12 months)
Mixed corals, I'm not set on anything in particular, it will depend what frags catch my eye and pass my research on their suitability.
That would make me fully stocked in my mind. *Do you think this is too much?
Do you see a problem with my list, or order?
Obviously, if I was starting from scratch, the hawk and clown would be later in the order, but I need to work around who I already have. *At least I have had my current sotck long enough to know their personalities.
No thats not my ammonia! Its my Nitrate, ammonia and nitrite are at 0. My tank is fully cycled!
From what I read online, talking to people, watching videos, LFS, they all say 20 gallons are just fine. Even Liveaquaria recommends 20 gallons. Who has a 25 gallon tank anyways lmao..
So you're saying a clownfish and blue dot won't work in the same tank right? or??.....
Thank you for your post. The Blue spotted Jawfish, known as opistognathus rosenblatti, is one of the most beautiful Jawfish species. This fish can be kept successfully long term given the right tank conditions.
This species is a jumper, and can find the smallest hole through which it can escape, so a covered tank is required. They burrow in mixed shell fragments and sand, covering their entrance at night. Two to three inches of substrate is necessary for them to create burrows.
They tend to be more aggressive towards their own species. The minimum aquarium size is 20 gallons with a preferred temperature of 70- 82. They can be enticed with small pieces of mussel, daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms, or other meaty foods. Eventually, prepared foods can be offered. Feeding must be done near the burrow.
Barb T
Drs Foster and Smith "
This was posted on your old post. I know you remember the temp and minimum tank requirements from here, maybe not.
tank size is fine for the jawfish, temperature is not. But when you add in a pair of clownfish, the tank size is not as they will be aggressive once sexually mature. your tank, your choice. However, I am not sure why you are posting a reply to me from LiveAquaria. I do not recall sending them anything. In any case, on their website the minimum tank size is 30 gallons not 20 gallons.
This was back in 2007 so you might not remember now.
Ok, now go back to liveaquaria and look for minimum tank requirements for clownfish. NOT 25 right?
Ill even post the link- refresh that memory of urs.
Ok so then I can't add a pair of clownfish with this blue dot jawfish right, thats what you are telling me? Tank size doesn't matter for this now? Only that clownfish get aggressive when mature? Im confused sorry..
I know its my tank and my choice, just wanted more adequate info. Actual temp from people who own them long term, tank mates for people who actually have more fish with a BDJ in the community and really what I had asked was HOW LONG SHOULD I WAIT, but yeah. Red font is better then the pink, easy on the eyes.
I think, that you will do better with a different source of information. Best of luck.
Thanks Steve!
Will plan on a mandarin feeding station if I eventually decide to get one down the road.
Given how long i have had the CBS, serpent, and brittle stars without them taking a fish, I am not super concerned, but will keep a close eye on them. I do know the serpent star has eaten snails.
up & running..... 125 long -NO coral ,drilled/dual ovFlow.
30 gal sump / Reef Octo 150 / NextReef SMR1XL Bio-Pellets/
6" Bird Wrasse( Male) on the aggressive side
7" BlueFace Angel will need a longer (larger tank long term)
2 x pink Skunk Clowns
5" dusky Wrasse ( very eager fish ) difficult to maintain
thanks for all your guidance....
75g mixed reef, 35g sump
current residents:
2 snowflake clowns
2 longnose hawkfish
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 yellow fin wrasse
1 red velvet fairy wrasse
1 kole tang
1 serpent star
2 brittle stars
various snails
3 urchins
1 yellow coris wrasse in qt.
steve, i know you don't make recommendations and i wouldn't ask you to but my question is, am i maxed out on fish? everything i have is getting along great, no squabbles ever and i would be happy to stop here if that's what i need to do. considering the ecological niches, i've been thinking about 2 or 3 barnacle blennies.
as always, thanks!
105G Half Cylinder, drilled with a backpack overflow (No box inside tank):
Current inhabitants (Fish have been together for about a year, individually some have been with me for over two years):
- Pair of False Percula Clowns
- 1 X Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Lightly aggressive, but not the tank boss)
- 1 X Sixline Wrasse (Adult, pretty big but surprisingly docile, the tank boss.. not sure how though!)
Newly purchased and in QT:
- 1 X medium-sized Sailfin Tang in Quarantine (Just bought yesterday, is currently eating well (As seen in store) and pretty confident at the moment... I purposely chose a somewhat aggressive one).
Reef Central's recommendation on tank sizes for tangs can be found here. Unfortunately a sailfin tang is not appropriate for your sized tank. As for adding yet another fish on top of this, I can not recommend doing so.
My family would like to add another fish, but I understand that it may be a risk to add more. I would really appreciate any advice/suggestions on a single additional fish I could add to this.
About the tank and myself in general:
The new tank went operational about 2-3 months ago, using old water from my previous tank (Waited until it cycled).
- It currently has two corals in it (I am being picky.. it will be a Montipora Digitata specific tank) and a baby Squamosa clam. All are doing very well.
- It has little in terms of rock, a simple aquascape.
- My filtration method includes a 40G sump (With about 20G of actual water), a skimmer that conservatively rates at 200G, a 10% waterchange per week starting next week, and I am also a Prodibio user (BioClean package only).
- Flow: I currently have about 2300GPH via a Reeflo pump and two Sea Swirls. It's an unusual set up, but thus far, all inhabitants seem to like it well.
P.S. - I would love to hear fish food suggestions! I currently use small pellets (Crossover by Apex at night, and regular APBreed TDO Chroma Boost small pellets during the day). With the Tang, I am going to add a small piece of Nori, and will replace the pellets with something else should he/she not take to them.
Thanks so much!
going back to a FOWLR setup, currently have 1 yellow tang, 1 foxface, 1 blue throat trigger, 1 blue chromis, 1 perc clown. would like to add the following.
1 diamond watchman goby
1 flame angel
3/4 female lyretail anthias
1 valitini puffer
1 male bird wrasse fairly aggressive
will this combination work? should be ok except as annotated
Thanks for any input.
125 gallon dual overflows 100 lbs of LR 40 gal sump small refugium with cheto 2-3 inches of sand