Thanks Steve, would you add them in the order I listed?
Yes, but I would not do the bird wrasse (if it were me)
Thanks Steve, would you add them in the order I listed?
Looks fine. Please provide tank size on future follow up questions so I don't have to go back. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Shawn O
Sorry to keep bothering you with this list but wanted to know if this would be an acceptable order to add these fish to a 75gal tall or 90gal long?
Jawfish, Yellowhead (Opistognathus aurifrons) x2
Firefish, Purple (Nemateleotris decora) x1
Lined Dartfish (Ptereleotris grammica) x2
Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi) x2
Striped Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes)
mated pair of Bangghaii Cardinals (Pterapogon kauderni)
Yasha White Ray Goby (Stonogobiops yasha) & Randall's Shrimp (Alpheus randalli) pair
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
Hi there, sorry to re-post but I think my first posting got lost in the shuffle a few pages back as I'm new to these boards. WAs wondering if you might be able to take a look at my plan. sometimes I miss one when the page changes and there are too many coming in. So sorry!!~
(from previous posting)
Hi there, I apprecaite this thread and your effort into matching fish and their tanks. I apologize for this being my first post (been lurking for a few months) but I figure it would be prudent to get someone to double check my potential stock.
Please feel free to let me know if I'm terribly off base or have any incompatibilities listed.
Additional, I'm not 100% certain as to what order I should introduce the fish... I know the Tang(s) are usually last for aggression and algae reasons. Not sure about the others.
Tank specs:
125 gallon, 60X18X24
Sump, UV Sterilizer UV does not do much for parasite control, but it is a great water clarifier
200 lbs live sand
200 lbs live rock
Amphiprion ocellaris (Clowns, tank bred) X2
Elacatinus oceanops (Neon Blue Goby tank bred) X2 only one; note that these fish are short lived
Serranus tortugarum (Chalk Bass) X3
Oxycirrhites typus (Long Nosed Hawkfish) X1
Ptereleotris zebra (Zebra Barred Dartfish, see that they can be tank bred, but can't find any) X3 or X5
Salarias ramosus (Starry Blenny) X1
Kole Eyed Tang or Yellow Tang (tank raised). I don't think I could support two in this tank. kole tang is preferred
And a couple of Cleaner Shrimp you have several fish that are not shrimp safe so these will not work.
Thanks very much in advance!
Thanks very much!! And thanks for the tip about the cleaner shrimp (I presume the Chalk Bass and Hawkfish would be the predators).
Last question, would a dwarf Angelfish (such as a flame or corral) be compatible with these fish? I guess I worry that they would compete with the tangs for grazing.
Thanks again!
180 gallon 6' x 2' x 2' mixed reef with 70 gal sump
Currently have 2 Ocelaris Clownfish and a Royal Gramma
Looking at a the following
Gold Spotted Rabbitfish
One Spot Foxface
Scopas Tang
Diamond Watchman Goby
Lieutenant Tang ( Is 180 big enough for him?)
Thanks Steve. I will scratch one of them! Do you think a Blue Hippo Tang would work with that mix?
Hi Snorvich, would a Kole tang and a lawnmower blenny in a 75g work? There'd be a few other smaller fish as well, but no algae eaters
Would a snowflake eel be ok in a 65 high tank? Thanks