PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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120 G mixed reef (mostly SPS, but softies and LPS as well). Currently have 2 very large Clarkii's (spawn every 12 days like clock work (12 years old)), 1 Pajama Cardinal, and 1 red headed goby. Getting ready to start QT for additional fish:

Either a Kole, Chevron, or Salifin tang (only one of them) either a Kole or Chevron would be fine
Yellow Flasher Wrasse
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Midas Blenny tends to nip the fins of planktivores such as fairy and flasher wrasses
Bartlett's Anthias
Copper Banded BF australian endemic is highest chances of feeding; note that these are not coral safe some of the time

Thanks! The CBB I am on the fence. I will look for a Chevron as I really like both Juvenile and Adult coloration. I will forgo the Blenny. Appreciate it greatly!
It is a function of ecological niche and behavior rather than bioload

Thanks Steve! So, coral nipping aside, you're saying both a flame angel as well as a trio of wrasses could be added to my must have list (i plan on feeding nori daily)? I definitely wouldn't do the mandarin with the wrasses. My plan is to add make the call between which to add maybe 4 months down the road, then i'll have some experience before i make the decision as to whether or not i want to take on a mandarin.

In your experience, do all midas blennies nip at planktivores? are you referring the goby here? Is the midas something i should seriously consider nixing?

Final question, and i apologize for this because i'm sure you've answered it a million times but i can't figure out how to search an individual thread. What are your thoughts on a Yellow Tang in a 75g? Sometimes? Never? I'd drop the Kole tang. What about if i get one that's really small and know i'll have to rehome him eventually if i can't upgrade? Or do they grow so fast that i'll have to get rid of him like a year anyway? I know i'm going to be moving houses within 2 years, so the tank is going to have to be broken down anyway at some point.

Thanks for all your help! It's much appreciated!
Thanks! The CBB I am on the fence. I will look for a Chevron as I really like both Juvenile and Adult coloration. I will forgo the Blenny. Appreciate it greatly!

Actually, I prefer the Chevron; it is an excellent fish and I love the look. Did not want to tilt your choice one way or the other though.l
Thanks Steve! So, coral nipping aside, you're saying both a flame angel as well as a trio of wrasses could be added to my must have list (i plan on feeding nori daily)? I definitely wouldn't do the mandarin with the wrasses. My plan is to add make the call between which to add maybe 4 months down the road, then i'll have some experience before i make the decision as to whether or not i want to take on a mandarin.

In your experience, do all midas blennies nip at planktivores? are you referring the goby here? Is the midas something i should seriously consider nixing?

With fish, there is never an "all". A planktivore is any fish eating out of the water column of which you have several potential ones. I do not see it as a serious problem but I felt I should mention it.

Final question, and i apologize for this because i'm sure you've answered it a million times but i can't figure out how to search an individual thread. What are your thoughts on a Yellow Tang in a 75g? Sometimes? Never? Never. First they are very aggressive once established, secondly I personally do not find them well suited to this tank size; they do get fairly large. I'd drop the Kole tang. What about if i get one that's really small and know i'll have to rehome him eventually if i can't upgrade? I never advocate rehoming fish. I always suggest buying fish for the tank you have.

Or do they grow so fast that i'll have to get rid of him like a year anyway? I know i'm going to be moving houses within 2 years, so the tank is going to have to be broken down anyway at some point.

Thanks for all your help! It's much appreciated!
Thanks Steve, so just to be clear, you think this would be an alright stock list?

Kole Tang
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Flame Hawk
Lawnmower Blenny
Diamond Goby
Flame Angel
Midas Blenny
3 Mccoskers Flasher Wrasses (or a Mandarin in there place, to be determined at a later date)

Sorry to be so repetitive here. It's a few more fish than i was thinking i could have (but would be really pumped if you think this would work). I'm coming from Cichlids, where as long as you stick with Mbuna, haps and peacocks, etc... it's mostly about numbers. This reef stocking is a new thing to me.
Thanks Steve, so just to be clear, you think this would be an alright stock list?

Kole Tang
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Flame Hawk
Lawnmower Blenny
Diamond Goby
Flame Angel
Midas Blenny
3 Mccoskers Flasher Wrasses (or a Mandarin in there place, to be determined at a later date)

Sorry to be so repetitive here. It's a few more fish than i was thinking i could have (but would be really pumped if you think this would work). I'm coming from Cichlids, where as long as you stick with Mbuna, haps and peacocks, etc... it's mostly about numbers. This reef stocking is a new thing to me.

Fine. Freshwater is different. With saltwater, behavior trumps all, ecological niche is second, and size is third. In general biocapacity is far less important unless you are in small tanks and try to crowd.
Fine. Freshwater is different. With saltwater, behavior trumps all, ecological niche is second, and size is third. In general biocapacity is far less important unless you are in small tanks and try to crowd.
Thanks! Good to know and i'm pretty excited about all the fish! Thanks again!
I have adjusted stocking levels and currently they are
120g - plus 25g sump
2 banggai cardinal
1 yellow tang
1 rabbit fish
1 pink spotted goby
1 lawnmower blenny
1 harlequin serpent starfish
5 red leg crab
various snails
sps and lps coral
I would like to know if current stock is okay and add either a group of anthias or possibly one of the dwarf angels-flame or pigmy

55g with 10g sump (will be replacing sump w/20g)-
2 clown (paired)
1 purple psuedochromis
1 blue devil damsel
1 4 stripe damsel
(both damsels are in there until they go back to lfs-wasn't aware of how aggressive-first newbie purchase-assuming I ever catch them)
no inverts
soft corals and mushrooms
-In a 55g how many more 4-6 inch fish could I add?
I have adjusted stocking levels and currently they are
120g - plus 25g sump
2 banggai cardinal
1 yellow tang
1 rabbit fish
1 pink spotted goby
1 lawnmower blenny
1 harlequin serpent starfish
5 red leg crab
various snails
sps and lps coral
I would like to know if current stock is okay and add either a group of anthias or possibly one of the dwarf angels-flame or pigmy either should be fine

55g with 10g sump (will be replacing sump w/20g)-
2 clown (paired)
1 purple psuedochromis
1 blue devil damsel
1 4 stripe damsel
(both damsels are in there until they go back to lfs-wasn't aware of how aggressive-first newbie purchase-assuming I ever catch them)
no inverts
soft corals and mushrooms
-In a 55g how many more 4-6 inch fish could I add?

with current stocking, zero. You have 3 ultra aggressive fish that will not take kindly to additions
Hello, I have a 55 gallon "reef" and here are the fish in my tank.

Blue/Green Chromis x3
Royal Gramma x1
Lawnmower Blenny x1
Engineer Goby x1
Neon Goby x1
Mandarin Goby x1
Pinfish x1
Christmas Wrasse x1

I will be getting a few more fish but I haven't decided the kinds yet.
Hello, I have a 55 gallon "reef" and here are the fish in my tank.

Blue/Green Chromis x3 will become one over time
Royal Gramma x1
Lawnmower Blenny x1
Engineer Goby x1 gets large and can rearrange your tank
Neon Goby x1 short lived (1.5 years)
Mandarin Goby x1 needs a larger tank for long term success
Pinfish x1 I have no idea of suitability
Christmas Wrasse x1

I will be getting a few more fish but I haven't decided the kinds yet.

Is there a question?
I have a 30 gallon established mixed reef tank with a docile ORA orchid dottyback. I am looking at finishing my stocking with PJ cardinal(s) and maybe a yellow assessor. Would the assessor be compatible with the dottyback? There is a large amount of rockwork that the dottyback lives in and has a cave to himself. I was also hoping for a recommended number of cardinals, I've heard different views on what they prefer. There are up to 3 juveniles available.
Hi Steve,

I've got a 4x2x1 foot bare bottom frag tank housing primarily SPS coral and I'm looking for an appropriate single fish.

The primary purpose would be coral food, but I'd also like something that would keep down algae.

I'm currently leaning towards a Ctenochaetus tominiensis but I'm concerned about the tank size (60 gallons). What do you think?

I'm also looking at rabbit fish and blennies.

Any help would be appreciated. I want something that is long term viable.

I have a 30 gallon established mixed reef tank with a docile ORA orchid dottyback. I am looking at finishing my stocking with PJ cardinal(s) and maybe a yellow assessor. Would the assessor be compatible with the dottyback? There is a large amount of rockwork that the dottyback lives in and has a cave to himself. I was also hoping for a recommended number of cardinals, I've heard different views on what they prefer. There are up to 3 juveniles available.

I would not try to mix basslets in a 30 gallon tank; PJ cardinals are fine, with 2 or 3 ok.
Hi Steve,

I've got a 4x2x1 foot bare bottom frag tank housing primarily SPS coral and I'm looking for an appropriate single fish.

The primary purpose would be coral food, but I'd also like something that would keep down algae.

I'm currently leaning towards a Ctenochaetus tominiensis but I'm concerned about the tank size (60 gallons). What do you think? tank size is marginal, but as the only fish, should be fine.

I'm also looking at rabbit fish needs a much larger tank and blennies an algae eating one should be fine .

Any help would be appreciated. I want something that is long term viable.

I am thinking of changing the flame angle on my list for the Bicolor angle.
I see they are about lateral in their stats.
Would the Bicolor be safe to get as opposed to the Flame. They are both Semi aggressive
and nip .

Thanks for your help.
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I am thinking of changing the flame angle on my list for the Bicolor angle.
I see they are about lateral in their stats.
Would the Bicolor be safe to get as opposed to the Flame. They are both Semi aggressive
and nip .

Thanks for your help.

Both are equally "not reef safe". When asking it is always best to represent total stocking list. Thanks.

Thanks Steve, as always. I'll go with the Tomini tang then! How would it play with a 6 line or melanurus wrasse in the future if I needed (:worried:) something to deal with flatworms?
Thanks Steve, as always. I'll go with the Tomini tang then! How would it play with a 6 line or melanurus wrasse in the future if I needed (:worried:) something to deal with flatworms?

I would not do a sixline. There are better flatworm predators and the sixlines are aggressive.
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