So, as my first post on the forum (and never kept a reef before...): I am doing fairly advanced planning, starting to get equipment together for a 29 gallon DT with a 10 gallon sump. I have no plans to rush into things, but may have SOMETHING in it within the next 4 months. It has to be a 29, even though I recognize that bigger can be better, because I have space and budget limitations that prevent a HUGE tank. Anyway, I'm figuring on softies, mushrooms, anemones, and just a few fish I like. I have no plans at all for SPS corals.
1 clownfish species?
1 green clown goby
1 yellowtail or blue sapphire damsel will limit other tank mates because of aggression
2 banggai cardinals (I understand that you should get a mated pair, not just 1) you can have just one but if you have two, you must have a male plus female
And, of course, a CUC of snails and whatnot, though I'll probably avoid hermit crabs based on what I've read in here.
Please let me know if I'm crazy, or if there are problems. Since I'm in advanced planning, I'm not super attached to anything. I know my wife would be happier if I put some seahorses in the tank, but I hear they don't necessarily play well with anemones.