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Thinking about adding a skunk cleaner shrimp. I know its not a fish... But will my fish eat it?

Hippo Tang
Coral Beauty
Solar Wrasse
Scooter Blenny
Fox Face
Steve, I have a 75 gallon with a 30 gallon sump/refugium that's been up for 5 months and here's my current stocking list and what I would like to add, can you give me a heads up if these will work?

Current inhabitants
2 clowns (I'm not sure which kind. They are a small pair)
1 yellow watchman goby
1 Candy Cane pistol shrimp (But I haven't seen it since he was added and he hasn't paired up with the YWG
1 Emerald Crab
1 Pom Pom Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Bumbleebee Shrimp
1 turbo snail
1 nassarius snail
1 trochus snail
12 red and blue leg hermits

The problem with my current inhabitants is that, aside from the snails and hermits, I never see any of them. The clowns stay in the back corner of one side hosting a powerhead and everything else I never ever see.

So I'm looking to add some pets that are more active and visible but I don't want to get rid of any of my current inhabitants because I've grown to know each and every one of them and they all seem happy with their hiding places even if I don't see them.

Wishlist inhabitants
1 flasher wrasse

3 blue/green chromis - I've heard these will pick each other off if they aren't well-fed but I think they are beautiful and would like a trio as long as they are safe with each other

1 or 2 dragonnets (in a few months) 1 male mandarin and 1 female mandarin. And if I can't keep the copepod population sustained for 2 mandarins I would like to add just 1 ruby red dragonnet. Will the flasher wrasse eat all the copepods or will the dragonets be able to eat healthy as well?
Steve, I have a 75 gallon with a 30 gallon sump/refugium that's been up for 5 months and here's my current stocking list and what I would like to add, can you give me a heads up if these will work?

Current inhabitants
2 clowns (I'm not sure which kind. They are a small pair) clowns tend to "associate" with an anemone, coral, or "area" and that is where they stay. The larger the species, the more they tend to "stray"
1 yellow watchman goby
1 Candy Cane pistol shrimp (But I haven't seen it since he was added and he hasn't paired up with the YWG
1 Emerald Crab
1 Pom Pom Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Bumbleebee Shrimp
1 turbo snail
1 nassarius snail
1 trochus snail
12 red and blue leg hermits

The problem with my current inhabitants is that, aside from the snails and hermits, I never see any of them. The clowns stay in the back corner of one side hosting a powerhead and everything else I never ever see.

So I'm looking to add some pets that are more active and visible but I don't want to get rid of any of my current inhabitants because I've grown to know each and every one of them and they all seem happy with their hiding places even if I don't see them.

Wishlist inhabitants
1 flasher wrasse fine

3 blue/green chromis - I've heard these will pick each other off if they aren't well-fed but I think they are beautiful and would like a trio as long as they are safe with each other they will, over time pick off the two weakest

1 or 2 dragonnets (in a few months) 1 male mandarin and 1 female mandarin. this sized tank is not sufficient for two mandarins

And if I can't keep the copepod population sustained for 2 mandarins I would like to add just 1 ruby red dragonnet. should be fine

Will the flasher wrasse eat all the copepods or will the dragonets be able to eat healthy as well?
65g tank with the following current residents:

Mated pair True Percs (very mellow)
Two red-spot cardinals
YWG with pistol shrimp
skunk cleaner shrimp
numerous snails ranging from bumble bees to turbos

Would two juvenile/female red-lined wrasses (Halichoeres biocellatus) work? Would they fight or would one turn male? Are they going to cause havoc with other inhabitants?

Would 1 red-lined be better if I planned to get a male and female Mccosker's pair later? The pair of flashers is my ultimate goal whenever I can find them.
65g tank with the following current residents:

Mated pair True Percs (very mellow)
Two red-spot cardinals
YWG with pistol shrimp
skunk cleaner shrimp
numerous snails ranging from bumble bees to turbos

Would two juvenile/female red-lined wrasses (Halichoeres biocellatus) work? Would they fight or would one turn male? Are they going to cause havoc with other inhabitants?

Would 1 red-lined be better if I planned to get a male and female Mccosker's pair later? The pair of flashers is my ultimate goal whenever I can find them.

A pair would work. Not necessarily invert safe, however.
I have a 75 gallon mixed reef. It is already partly stocked, just wanted your input so I'm not making any mistakes.

What I plan to have:
1 pair occ. Clowns
1 purple firefish
1 Barlett's Anthias
1 Lyretail Anthias
1 Kole Tang
1 Flame Hawkfish
1 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse

Thanks in advance!
I have a 75 gallon mixed reef. It is already partly stocked, just wanted your input so I'm not making any mistakes.

What I plan to have:
1 pair occ. Clowns
1 purple firefish
1 Barlett's Anthias
1 Lyretail Anthias
1 Kole Tang
1 Flame Hawkfish not shrimp safe
1 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse males are poor shippers

Thanks in advance!

fine except as noted
with current stocking, zero. You have 3 ultra aggressive fish that will not take kindly to additions

120g Reef tank with 25g refugium/sump
1 tang
1 rabbitfish
2 banggai cardinals
1 lawnmower blennie
1 pink spot goby

Current stock above plus:

1 coral beauty angel (the addition)
2 clowns (were in the 55g)

If this exceeds the limit the clowns can be placed back in the 55g.

55gFOWLR with 20g sump/refugium would like to stock the following-(damsels and psuedochromis are now removed plus coral is removed)

Option One:
4 seahorse
1 pipe fish


Option Two
1 lionfish (dwarf)
1 smaller puffer
1 (additional semi aggressive in the 4 inch range)
Hey guys I'm brand new here and this is my first post!

This will be my second tank and it is my dream tank. I'm trying to decide between a 300dd 72x36x?? or a 280ish gallon that is 84x24x30. My local LFS is selling the 300dd for 1300 so I'm leaning towards that.

Anyways the list would be the same for both.

7 x Lyretail Anthias
2 x Neon Goby OR 1 x Cleaner Common Wrasse
3 x Royal Gramma
2 x Banggai Cardinal
1 x Sailfin Tang
2 x Yellow Tang
1 x Blonde Naso Tang
1 x Powder Blue tang
1 x Vlamingii Tang
2 x Clownfish
1 x Yellow Clown Goby
1 x Mystery Wrasse
120g Reef tank with 25g refugium/sump
1 tang
1 rabbitfish
2 banggai cardinals
1 lawnmower blennie
1 pink spot goby

Current stock above plus:

1 coral beauty angel (the addition)
2 clowns (were in the 55g)

If this exceeds the limit the clowns can be placed back in the 55g.

55gFOWLR with 20g sump/refugium would like to stock the following-(damsels and psuedochromis are now removed plus coral is removed)

Option One: Excellent option!
4 seahorse
1 pipe fish


Option Two
1 lionfish (dwarf)
1 smaller puffer
1 (additional semi aggressive in the 4 inch range)
Hey guys I'm brand new here and this is my first post!

This will be my second tank and it is my dream tank. I'm trying to decide between a 300dd 72x36x?? or a 280ish gallon that is 84x24x30. My local LFS is selling the 300dd for 1300 so I'm leaning towards that.

Anyways the list would be the same for both. If you are going to be tang oriented, the extra length is preferred

7 x Lyretail Anthias
2 x Neon Goby OR 1 x Cleaner Common Wrasse only one neon goby
3 x Royal Gramma
2 x Banggai Cardinal
1 x Sailfin Tang
2 x Yellow Tang
1 x Blonde Naso Tang
1 x Powder Blue tang
1 x Vlamingii Tang needs a larger tank
2 x Clownfish
1 x Yellow Clown Goby
1 x Mystery Wrasse

So, as my first post on the forum (and never kept a reef before...): I am doing fairly advanced planning, starting to get equipment together for a 29 gallon DT with a 10 gallon sump. I have no plans to rush into things, but may have SOMETHING in it within the next 4 months. It has to be a 29, even though I recognize that bigger can be better, because I have space and budget limitations that prevent a HUGE tank. Anyway, I'm figuring on softies, mushrooms, anemones, and just a few fish I like. I have no plans at all for SPS corals.
1 clownfish
1 green clown goby
1 yellowtail or blue sapphire damsel
2 banggai cardinals (I understand that you should get a mated pair, not just 1)

And, of course, a CUC of snails and whatnot, though I'll probably avoid hermit crabs based on what I've read in here.

Please let me know if I'm crazy, or if there are problems. Since I'm in advanced planning, I'm not super attached to anything. I know my wife would be happier if I put some seahorses in the tank, but I hear they don't necessarily play well with anemones.
So, as my first post on the forum (and never kept a reef before...): I am doing fairly advanced planning, starting to get equipment together for a 29 gallon DT with a 10 gallon sump. I have no plans to rush into things, but may have SOMETHING in it within the next 4 months. It has to be a 29, even though I recognize that bigger can be better, because I have space and budget limitations that prevent a HUGE tank. Anyway, I'm figuring on softies, mushrooms, anemones, and just a few fish I like. I have no plans at all for SPS corals.
1 clownfish species?
1 green clown goby
1 yellowtail or blue sapphire damsel will limit other tank mates because of aggression
2 banggai cardinals (I understand that you should get a mated pair, not just 1) you can have just one but if you have two, you must have a male plus female

And, of course, a CUC of snails and whatnot, though I'll probably avoid hermit crabs based on what I've read in here.

Please let me know if I'm crazy, or if there are problems. Since I'm in advanced planning, I'm not super attached to anything. I know my wife would be happier if I put some seahorses in the tank, but I hear they don't necessarily play well with anemones.

Yes, sea horses and anemones together can be a problem. But an anemone in a new small tank can also be a problem. Why an anemone? And what kind?

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>
Yes, sea horses and anemones together can be a problem. But an anemone in a new small tank can also be a problem. Why an anemone? And what kind?

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Wow, quick response. Thanks! Probably straight ocellaris clown. They may be traditional, but I think they're cool. And I really like the bubble tip anemones. I'm inclined to do one because I love watching them (and so does the wife, which helps with me HAVING the tank!) I figured the anemone and the clown would be the last things in, which would probably be months down the road.

I had been a little concerned about the damsels for aggression. If you have any other suggestions for something that would play well in its place, I'm all ears. I just really like the look / color of the fish.
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