Wow, quick response. Thanks! Probably straight ocellaris clown. They may be traditional, but I think they're cool. And I really like the bubble tip anemones. I'm inclined to do one because I love watching them (and so does the wife, which helps with me HAVING the tank!) I figured the anemone and the clown would be the last things in, which would probably be months down the road.
I had been a little concerned about the damsels for aggression. If you have any other suggestions for something that would play well in its place, I'm all ears. I just really like the look / color of the fish.
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is you need to learn to research tank mates. However I am always happy to review revised stocking plans provided tank size and maturity are also provided. While appearance is nice, behavior and ecological niche trump color when it comes to tank stocking.