PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Wow, quick response. Thanks! Probably straight ocellaris clown. They may be traditional, but I think they're cool. And I really like the bubble tip anemones. I'm inclined to do one because I love watching them (and so does the wife, which helps with me HAVING the tank!) I figured the anemone and the clown would be the last things in, which would probably be months down the road.

I had been a little concerned about the damsels for aggression. If you have any other suggestions for something that would play well in its place, I'm all ears. I just really like the look / color of the fish.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is you need to learn to research tank mates. However I am always happy to review revised stocking plans provided tank size and maturity are also provided. While appearance is nice, behavior and ecological niche trump color when it comes to tank stocking.
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is you need to learn to research tank mates. However I am always happy to review revised stocking plans provided tank size and maturity are also provided. While appearance is nice, behavior and ecological niche trump color when it comes to tank stocking.

Cool. Will look into it further and come back if I need further review. Thanks again!
adequate space needed?

adequate space needed?

Can I house 3 fish over 12 inches long in a 125 gallon hopefully along with some smaller guys too? from what I hear I would go bigger but the guy at the fish store says I'd be fine. the fish are under 5 inches rn and I have not purchased them.
Can I house 3 fish over 12 inches long in a 125 gallon hopefully along with some smaller guys too? from what I hear I would go bigger but the guy at the fish store says I'd be fine. the fish are under 5 inches rn and I have not purchased them.

It does not work that way although your LFS will say that anything is fine because they sell fish. The process of evaluating tank mates is: behavior, ecological niche, size. However a 12 inch fish would make a 125 gallon tank look small
20 gallon tank plus a 15gal sump. Can I have 5 or 6 clows, lawnmower blennie and cuc? Otherwise my can I have 1 Valentini, 2 clownfish, lawnmower blenny and a wrasse of some sort?
20 gallon tank plus a 15gal sump. Can I have 5 or 6 clows, lawnmower blennie and cuc? Otherwise my can I have 1 Valentini, 2 clownfish, lawnmower blenny and a wrasse of some sort?

No to either. In this sized tank, a pair of clowns of a non-aggressive type will barely work and that means no other fish with them.
Ok, so will drop plan for dwarf angel as you sugget.

Revised stocking plan for my RSM c130 (34 gallon inc rear sump, live rock, softies and LPS) is:

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Flame Firefish
1 Spangled Shrimp Goby with associated shrimp
1 Bicolour Blenny
1 Pyjama Cardinalfish


Ok, so will drop plan for dwarf angel as you sugget.

Revised stocking plan for my RSM c130 (34 gallon inc rear sump, live rock, softies and LPS) is:

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Flame Firefish
1 Spangled Shrimp Goby with associated shrimp
1 Bicolour Blenny
1 Pyjama Cardinalfish



Looks fine. If you revise, feel free to check back.
Do you have any thoughts on the following in a 60x21x19 H tank.I think it they both look like good stockings.It would be a FOWLR :)

1- Flagfin Angelfish
1- Genicanthus Lamarck
1 powder blue or powder brown surgeonfish (tang)
1- Chaetodon species
and Canthigaster janthinoptera

and the other one is

1 flagfin angelfish
1 bellus angelfish
1 Chaetodon species
1 powder blue/brown
and 1 hawkfish species.

Do these stocking options look okay with water changes every 2 or 3 months of 25% ?
Do you have any thoughts on the following in a 60x21x19 H tank.I think it they both look like good stockings.It would be a FOWLR :)

1- Flagfin Angelfish
1- Genicanthus Lamarck
1 powder blue or powder brown surgeonfish (tang)
1- Chaetodon species
and Canthigaster janthinoptera

and the other one is

1 flagfin angelfish
1 bellus angelfish
1 Chaetodon species
1 powder blue/brown
and 1 hawkfish species.

Do these stocking options look okay with water changes every 2 or 3 months of 25% ?

assuming the genicanthus are females, the stocking lists are both fine with a slight nod towards the second one. I would do a water change more frequently, probably once per month and would insure that you have a reasonable skimmer.
Hi Steve,

I have a 90g reef which already houses a Kole Tang, Tricolor Wrasse, Royal Gramma, Two Occelaris Clowns and a Yellow Watchman Goby. I also have inverts - Blue Legged Hermits, various snails, Banded Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp and a Fighting Conch.

I have an Aiptasia problem that is growing and I was thinking of getting a Matted Filefish, but I am concerned that the Kole Tang won't get along with it. The Tang is the most aggressive fish in the tank and was added last. It doesn't bother the other fish, but went after my Diamond Goby that I used to have along with my Sailfin Blenny that I used to have.

Do you think the Kole would be likely to act aggressive towards a Matted Filefish?

Hi Steve,

I have a 90g reef which already houses a Kole Tang, Tricolor Wrasse, Royal Gramma, Two Occelaris Clowns and a Yellow Watchman Goby. I also have inverts - Blue Legged Hermits, various snails, Banded Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp and a Fighting Conch.

I have an Aiptasia problem that is growing and I was thinking of getting a Matted Filefish, but I am concerned that the Kole Tang won't get along with it. The Tang is the most aggressive fish in the tank and was added last. It doesn't bother the other fish, but went after my Diamond Goby that I used to have along with my Sailfin Blenny that I used to have.

Do you think the Kole would be likely to act aggressive towards a Matted Filefish?


I have both in my kitchen tank (240) but the file fish, while interesting, does not touch aiptasia.
Hi, I've got a 16gallon nuvo with sump hoping eventually to have some corals. It has LR,coral sand, IM Ghost P.S, filtration under sandbed and in sump 2 small wave makers. Currently is home to 2 Trochus Snails, 1 nassarius snail & 2 Peppermint shrimp. I really want a clownfish in particular I like black saddleback clownfish. Is my tank too small for a pair of these or even just one?
assuming the genicanthus are females, the stocking lists are both fine with a slight nod towards the second one. I would do a water change more frequently, probably once per month and would insure that you have a reasonable skimmer.

Thank you.
Hi, I've got a 16gallon nuvo with sump hoping eventually to have some corals. It has LR,coral sand, IM Ghost P.S, filtration under sandbed and in sump 2 small wave makers. Currently is home to 2 Trochus Snails, 1 nassarius snail & 2 Peppermint shrimp. I really want a clownfish in particular I like black saddleback clownfish. Is my tank too small for a pair of these or even just one?

Long term, it would not be a good idea. Sorry.
Hello Steve
I am purchasing a 120G 4/2 tank with 40 gal sump and a R 0ct 150 skimmer.
The only tenants I want to keep are 1 yellow and one blue tang and 3 chromis ,cleaner shrimp 6 pep shrimp and some snails
Is this a can do?
Thank you so much.
Hi Steve,

I got my lawnmower Blenny on saturday, and he was dead by monday :-( Not sure what happened. All my levels are at 0, PH is 8.4. There's no algae in the QT tank, i hear that may have made it difficult to keep a LM Blenny. The LFS was pushing Chromis at my first fish, but i resisted because i didn't want to take up livestock space in my tank. Do you think i could add them to this stocklist and be alright in the end? I've also traded out the idea of a Flameangel for a Coral Beauty or an African Flameback, i'd love to hear your thoughts on that. It'll be a mixed reef 75g, with 30g sump and skimmer rated for 120g.

Kole Tang
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Flame Hawk
Lawnmower Blenny
Diamond Goby
African Flameback or Coral Beauty
Midas Blenny
3 Chromis

I'd also like to do either a trio of Mccosker's Flashers or a Mandarin maybe a year down the road. If possible.
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I have a 54g corner tank with a 15g sump. The tank is bare bottom, so I don't want anything that needs substrate. I have lots of rock work, lots of flow, and run an AquaC Remora skimmer.

I'd like to be able to keep all types of corals and a variety of inverts. Right now, I only have a few corals, a few hermits, and a coral banded shrimp.

Here are my thoughts on eventual fish. Would like your thoughts on compatibility, what order to add them, and whether this is too many for my tank size.

3 Pajama Cardinalfish
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (1 orange, 1 black & white)
1 Royal Gramma
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse, Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse, or Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse

Thanks in advance!
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