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Hi Steve,

I have a 65G tank with sump and skimmer. 40 pounds of live rock.

Currently in tank:

2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Blue Green Chromis
2 pepermint shrimp
2 Nasarius snails
2 small trochus snails
2 Strombus snails

I would like to add over time:
5 yellow striped cardinals
1 Kole Tang
1 mandarin Dragonet (after a year or more if possible.)

My aim is to have only very peaceful tank mates. I like to see everyone getting along :) With only a small amount of live rock I'm not sure if I have enough hiding space/caves for all these fish but will add more if necessary.

Do you think I would be able to add more than this in the future? Or would this be about it?

Your advice is much appreciated!
Thanks for the quick rely!

Looks like my safe bets are the cardinal and anemones..

Any chance I could house another dwarf angel with my flame? possible pygmy

Possibly. However it would be risky in this sized tank because both are algae grazers. If you try, you would need an acclimation box.
Hi Steve,

I have a 65G tank with sump and skimmer. 40 pounds of live rock.

Currently in tank:

2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Blue Green Chromis
2 pepermint shrimp
2 Nasarius snails
2 small trochus snails
2 Strombus snails

I would like to add over time:
5 yellow striped cardinals
1 Kole Tang
1 mandarin Dragonet (after a year or more if possible.) a dragonet would be marginal. May work, may not long term.

My aim is to have only very peaceful tank mates. I like to see everyone getting along :) With only a small amount of live rock I'm not sure if I have enough hiding space/caves for all these fish but will add more if necessary.

Do you think I would be able to add more than this in the future? Or would this be about it? that would be about it; possibly a small fish such as a firefish or shrimp goby

Your advice is much appreciated!
75 gal reef tank,
1 flame angel
1 occ clown
1 kole tank
1 chromis
1yellow clown goby
1 bangaii cardinal
1 lawnmower blenny

I noticed the Kole tang chasing the Lawnmower blenny tonight. Are they compatable in this sized tank?
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75 gal reef tank,
1 flame angel
1 occ clown
1 kole tank
1 chromis
1yellow clown goby
1 bangaii cardinal
1 lawnmower blenny

I noticed the Kole tang chasing the Lawnmower blenny tonight. Are they compatable in this sized tank?

They reside in the same ecological niche, that is, they graze on algae. Multiple members of the same ecological niche are compatible in large tanks, less so in smaller tanks where the dominant one may chase, harass, or sometimes kill the other.
I have a 10 gallon quarantine/observation reef that has been set up for a year. About 8 pounds of rock. Current inhabitants are:

Tailspot blenny
Cleaner shrimp
Turbo snail
Few nassarius snails
Few zoanthids

I would like to do tank transfer with a pair of dragon face pipefish and then add them to this tank for 10 weeks prior to transferring to a 40 breeder. I can add pods daily as I have cultures going. Would this be feasible?

Thanks for your advice.
I have a 10 gallon quarantine/observation reef that has been set up for a year. About 8 pounds of rock. Current inhabitants are:

Tailspot blenny
Cleaner shrimp
Turbo snail
Few nassarius snails
Few zoanthids

I would like to do tank transfer with a pair of dragon face pipefish and then add them to this tank for 10 weeks prior to transferring to a 40 breeder. I can add pods daily as I have cultures going. Would this be feasible?

Thanks for your advice.

Yes. Biggest issue is feeding them.
Thanks for the help!
I have a 40B with
Live Rock 50 Lbs and a
20l Sump

I would like to get
2 Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Dascyllus melanurus
1 Gramma loreto
1 star not sure what kind yet

I have read that the damsel can be aggressive, but not sure about the combo.
Thanks for the help!
I have a 40B with
Live Rock 50 Lbs and a
20l Sump

I would like to get
2 Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Dascyllus melanurus way too aggressive
1 Gramma loreto
1 star not sure what kind yet would starve to death in this sized tank

I have read that the damsel can be aggressive, but not sure about the combo.
90 Gallon Adds

90 Gallon Adds

90 gallon with sump, refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
1-Scopus Tang
3-Blue/Green Chromis
1- Diamond Watchman Goby
Clean up crew
Flame Scalups

Would like to add 1 or 2 more cool, peaceful fish. Maybe an anemone with a hosted clown.

Suggestions welcomed. Thanks
110 fowler with 20 sump, ~75lbs live rock, 3" sand bed, and skimmer. 18 months mature


pair of occellaris clowns
kleini butterfly
two spot goby
green mandarin
2 yellow tang
cleaner shrimp
5 peppermint shrimp
horseshoe crab
arrow crab
numerous snails and hermits


melanurus wrasse
3 zebra bar gobies or 5 blue damsels or 3 chalk bass
flame angel
Snorvich just need a bit of info
placed 5 new fish in QT 2 Banner and 2 oscallaris clowns...over a few days the banners harassed the larger clown to the stage that it was so stressed it died...I partitioned the QT and then got another clown to make up what I thought would become a pair...not to happen...the new clown was harassed by the other clown and died after just spending a few days hiding behind the for the banners one stopped eating and I coud see there was something wrong with the vent area (it's Butt) was red around area and has died is nearly 4 weeks since I put the fish into QT...all water checks are if I introduce the surviving (2) fish into the DT could I replace the lost fish after quarantining them for a month and introduce into DT...would they be accepted
waiting for your reply
90 gallon with sump, refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
1-Scopus Tang add last
3-Blue/Green Chromis will become one over time
1- Diamond Watchman Goby
Clean up crew
Flame Scalups rarely survive

Would like to add 1 or 2 more cool, peaceful fish. Maybe an anemone with a hosted clown.

Suggestions welcomed. Thanks

As those who follow this thread know I do not provide recommendations. However I am always happy to review stocking lists for compatibility as long as tank size is also provided.
110 fowler with 20 sump, ~75lbs live rock, 3" sand bed, and skimmer. 18 months mature


pair of occellaris clowns
kleini butterfly
two spot goby very difficult especially with a mandarin eating copepods
green mandarin
2 yellow tang needs a larger tank for two
cleaner shrimp
5 peppermint shrimp
horseshoe crab not reef safe
arrow crab not fish safe
numerous snails and hermits hermits will kill snails for their shells


melanurus wrasse
3 zebra bar gobies or 5 blue damsels or 3 chalk bass I would not do the blue damsels because of aggression
flame angel yellow tangs will likely not allow this to be added
Snorvich just need a bit of info
placed 5 new fish in QT 2 Banner and 2 oscallaris clowns...over a few days the banners harassed the larger clown to the stage that it was so stressed it died...I partitioned the QT and then got another clown to make up what I thought would become a pair...not to happen...the new clown was harassed by the other clown and died after just spending a few days hiding behind the for the banners one stopped eating and I coud see there was something wrong with the vent area (it's Butt) was red around area and has died is nearly 4 weeks since I put the fish into QT...all water checks are if I introduce the surviving (2) fish into the DT could I replace the lost fish after quarantining them for a month and introduce into DT...would they be accepted
waiting for your reply

I would need tank size to asssess. Also, I would keep existing fish in quarantine at least another month (although quarantine issues are not the subject for this thread)
I know people say don't keep gobies together although I didn't know if this means for instance don't keep 2 different prawn gobies together or just don't keep any type of gobies together at all.
Do you think it would be possible to keep:
neon goby
Yellow clown goby
Hectors goby
a small prawn goby
Or would the just cause conflict in the tank?
I know people say don't keep gobies together although I didn't know if this means for instance don't keep 2 different prawn gobies together or just don't keep any type of gobies together at all.
Do you think it would be possible to keep:
neon goby
Yellow clown goby
Hectors goby
a small prawn goby
Or would the just cause conflict in the tank?

Tank size would be useful to give you an accurate assessment, but in general none of those gobies occupy the same ecological niche.
As those who follow this thread know I do not provide recommendations. However I am always happy to review stocking lists for compatibility as long as tank size is also provided.
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Thanks for the help. We would like to add 2 of the below options.

Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Pearlscale Butterflyfish
pOnespot Foxface Rabbitfish

Thanks again!
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