I am putting together a Hawaiian biotope tank and was wondering if I could do a couple of kole tangs. The tank is a 225 gal. 72l x 30w x24h I am able to get this fish at around
1 1/2"
Howdy! New to the hobby here and just getting started with the following equipment:
29 Gallon Glass
CoraLife Lunar T5 30"
MarineLand Emperor 250
EHEIM 150W Heater
Hydor Koralia Power Head (425GPH)
It is not up and running yet and has obviously not yet been cycled. However, I wanted to get some tips on my plan. I am definitely wanting it to be primarily reef, so I'll start with the corals I want to add:
Radioactive Dragon's Eye Zoanthid
Green Star Polyp
Blue Spotted Mushroom
Ricordea Florida
As for fish, I'm wanting very colorful specimen, so I am open to suggestions...
Watchman Goby
Royal Gramma
Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Neon Goby
and perhaps a ClownFish If you get one of the nonaggressive ones e.g. A. percula or A. ocellaris
This stocking list will work fine; know that neon gobies are relatively short lived (1.5 years)
What about CUC? I'm not sure what I want to do there. Thanks
Thanks, I appreciate it! I didn't know that about the neon's, perhaps I'll look at something else that has some good color. Any suggestions?
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to reanalyze stocking plans provided tank size and maturity are provided. A good place for research and getting ideas is one of our sponsors which can be found here.
Thanks for that link! It has caused me to rethink of a few choices.
Watchman Goby
Royal Gramma
Black and White Clown
Blue Reef Chronis
Starcki Damsel
Opinions on those?
90 gallon reef tank with sump, refg, plenty of rock and skimmer. Been working on our clean up crew. After your help thought the below would be good.
5 Dwarf Ceriths
5 Nassarius
5 Florida Ceriths
5 Nerites
1 Florida Fight Conch
2 Limpets
2 Emerald Crabs
2 Sand Shifting Starfish
To much, too little? Your opinion on all of the above valued.
Thanks for all the help!
240 gallon reef tank (4'x4'x2')
Live rock I started with came with some mushrooms, zoas and palys which I've
managed to keep alive (6weeks and counting)
With the help of my grand daughter our fish list looks like this
Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica
Green Clown Goby - Gobiodon atrangulatus
Combtooth Blenny - Scartella cristata
Pajama Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera multiple
Nemo - Amphiprion ocellaris Two, male plus female
Bartletts Anthias - Pseudanthias bartlettorum multiple
Carpenters Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpenter male plus multiple females
Foxface - Siganus vulpinus
Would like to keep multiples of each? Hoping with a fairly large tank that I may be able
to get away with it.
Hey I have a 60 gallon tank currently cycling. It has about 55lbs of base rock and 5lbs of live rock along with 60lbs of live sand. Going sumpless and will have a hob skimmer when the tank is cycled. This will be a FOWLR set up. My stocking list is going to be a dwarf lionfish along with either a jeweled moray, snowflake eel, or green wolf moray. What are your thoughts on this, and can anything else be added without overstocking?
Hey steve just wanted to update my list as i'm moving all my livestock to a bigger tank.
I currently have a 90 gallon mixed reef with the following.
2-snowflake clowns
1-lawnmower blenny
1-mandarin goby
3-zebra dartfish
1-radiant wrasse
1-whitetail bristletooth tang
all livestock is going into a 210 gallon mixed.. all corals and inverts are moved over already, waiting to finish my mesh screen tops then moving the fish over. All fish that are being added will go into quarantine before the 210 so wont be able to add them at the same time as current residents.
List of fish i'd like to add
1-male mandarin possibly for a mate after 9 months, but be sure it is of the opposite sex
1-desjardini tang needs a larger (longer) tank
1-powder blue
1-pink margin fairy wrasse (hopefully supermale) difficult shipper, often does not survive
1-rhomboid wrasse
1-mystery wrasse not with mandarins
1-tailspot blenny
1-twinspot goby very difficult especially with mandarins
1-wheelers goby
2-pair masked swallowtail angel or pair of wantanabei angel established tangs may not allow; also, males are difficult shippers while females are easy
3 or 4- lyretail anthias
and this is a big maybe later on after everything is added but i would love to try a porcupine puffer. I do not recommend due to aggression
Thanks steve
snorvich in reply to your reply 12021 in regards to QT size...all 4p is 80ltr 75x35x30cm with eco system HOB filter with rubble and foam seeded from DT
the question is you recommend another month for banner and clown fish
both are eating and the banner has put on weight
there is no visible signs of stress and there are no spots like ich
would there be another reason
I did put the note on quarantine but reply was not helpful