Although I my have been working at this hobby for about 12 years now, I have certainly made my share of mistakes and would be very appreciative of other's knowledge and experiences.
I recently switched the contents of my 60g to a 90g corner flow. I believe I wanted more fish than the 60g could handle and very sadly lost most of my fish to cryptocarion after my last addition to the tank. Unfortunately, even treating in quarantine could not save them.
My new tank has been setup for 6-8 weeks with all contents from the 60g after being barren of fish for 90 plus days.
Water parameters are as follows
Temp 77
SG 1.025
Magnesium 1300
KH 12
Calcium 420
Phos O
Nitrates 5
All corals are doing well and I have continued to feed them sparingly.
I now would like to reintroduce fish back into the tank, but this time do it properly.
attached is the plan for my fish list.
I plan to introduce in 3 stages, each stage to include at least 30 days quarantine and treatment with cupramine before going into my DT together.
stage 1
1 mocha clown
2 purple firefish only one will survive longeer term
1 orchid dottyback or blackcap basslet
stage 2 (at least 2 months later)
1 flame angel two dwarf angels is ok, but ideally introduced concurrently
1 bicolor angel
stage 3 (at least 4 months later) only one tang in this sized tank especially with two algae grazers already established
1 yellow tang least desirable in this sized tank
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 tomini tang
Will this many fish create too large a bio load for a 90g w/30g sump?
Bioload is ok but you have too many fish in the same ecological niche (algae grazers) for this sized tank
Is the order and timing of introductions in the proper order?
Are there any possible conflicts between the fish I choose to purchase?
the tank is not long enough for 3 tangs but otherwise should be ok
Any other comments would be greatly appreciated.