looking to get some more wrasses would like some that would be aggressive towards eating any potential pests in the tank just in case.
tank 1
I have a 120 gal tank. lots of live rock. I tech skimmer, bio pure 8x8x4 media block, filter sock changed between 24-448 hours.
need to be reef safe. I have purple tang, regal tang, 4 anthius, magnificent fox face, green chromis, pair of clowns, and a solar wrasse currently. whats a list of other wrasses that will get along with the current solar wrasse? that will get along. tank is BB so no sand for them.
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. With no sand, however, your "pest reducing wrasses" would not work. I would be happy to analyze any stocking plans however.
tank 2
also a 120gal same skimmer, same bio block, filter sock, also needs to be reef safe
yellow tang, pair clowns, lawn mower blenny, royal gramma, yellow fin fairy wrasse.
same question for tank 2