PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thanks again for all your help as I went back & forth with a stocking plan, I really appreciate it. I'm really enjoying the possum wrasse. What a nice little fish to have in the tank :)

Thanks Michele! I am a big proponent of this fish species type with any of the three possum wrasses being a joy.
In order to provide an accurate assessment of these two fish, I would not the entire stocking list in addition to tank size. Thanks.

Sorry. 120 gallon tank with Mandarin Dragonette, Pajama Cardinal, Royal Gramma , Purple firefish, One-spot foxface, starry blenny, ocellarus clown, 2 zebra bar goby. Cleaner shrimp, small bluefoot hermit.

I bought the mandarin skinny, always getting fatter over the last year or two. Not taking prepared food. Must just be eating copepods from tons of LR in tank and 40 gallon sump with fuge.

I'm wondering if there is any small tang that might get along with the One Spot Foxface who is already established there and if I could add both a high fin red-banded goby and a diamond watchman goby (Valenciennea puellaris)?

Thanks !
Sorry. 120 gallon tank with Mandarin Dragonette, Pajama Cardinal, Royal Gramma , Purple firefish, One-spot foxface, starry blenny, ocellarus clown, 2 zebra bar goby. Cleaner shrimp, small bluefoot hermit.

I bought the mandarin skinny, always getting fatter over the last year or two. Not taking prepared food. Must just be eating copepods from tons of LR in tank and 40 gallon sump with fuge.

I'm wondering if there is any small tang that might get along with the One Spot Foxface who is already established there

Assuming you use an acclimation box, one of the Ctenochaetus group should work.

and if I could add both a high fin red-banded goby and a diamond watchman goby (Valenciennea puellaris)? Both are probably not long term stable; pick one.

Thanks !
looking to get some more wrasses would like some that would be aggressive towards eating any potential pests in the tank just in case.

tank 1

I have a 120 gal tank. lots of live rock. I tech skimmer, bio pure 8x8x4 media block, filter sock changed between 24-448 hours.

need to be reef safe. I have purple tang, regal tang, 4 anthius, magnificent fox face, green chromis, pair of clowns, and a solar wrasse currently. whats a list of other wrasses that will get along with the current solar wrasse? that will get along. tank is BB so no sand for them.

tank 2

also a 120gal same skimmer, same bio block, filter sock, also needs to be reef safe

yellow tang, pair clowns, lawn mower blenny, royal gramma, yellow fin fairy wrasse.

same question for tank 2
looking to get some more wrasses would like some that would be aggressive towards eating any potential pests in the tank just in case.

tank 1

I have a 120 gal tank. lots of live rock. I tech skimmer, bio pure 8x8x4 media block, filter sock changed between 24-448 hours.

need to be reef safe. I have purple tang, regal tang, 4 anthius, magnificent fox face, green chromis, pair of clowns, and a solar wrasse currently. whats a list of other wrasses that will get along with the current solar wrasse? that will get along. tank is BB so no sand for them.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. With no sand, however, your "pest reducing wrasses" would not work. I would be happy to analyze any stocking plans however.

tank 2

also a 120gal same skimmer, same bio block, filter sock, also needs to be reef safe

yellow tang, pair clowns, lawn mower blenny, royal gramma, yellow fin fairy wrasse.

same question for tank 2
My Tank Plans

My Tank Plans

Hello, I am new to the forum and to Salt Water Tanks. I am having my tank maintained by a company who has been in the business for over 40 years. I have a 20 gal on a filter, LED Light & Blue Light, with some live rock and one big fake rock, a few fake plants. After about 3-4 days of the tank being set-up I had a water sample tested and it was in good shape. I added a blue tang in. There was a snail that didnt make it through the cycle period and has now been eaten by worms. The shell is still in the tank. I added a little bit of zoanthus polyp a day or two later. Its a radioactive looking green color (under the blue led).

I just added 2 percula clownfish, 1 green mandarin goby, 2 cleaner crabs yesterday. I had the water tested before I put them in and the nitrate level had changed a little (the color was a little darker blue then the first test before the tang). So I added some quick start bacteria in and will be adding that daily. Also added a little more salt-water.

My next plans are to get a sea Anemone, a few cleaner shrimp, one or two more gobys, and the last one in the tank will be a yellow tang.

Let me know your thoughts.
Hello, I am new to the forum and to Salt Water Tanks. I am having my tank maintained by a company who has been in the business for over 40 years.

Hopefully they did not provide the stock below.

I have a 20 gal on a filter, LED Light & Blue Light, with some live rock and one big fake rock, a few fake plants. After about 3-4 days of the tank being set-up I had a water sample tested and it was in good shape. I added a blue tang in.

Needs a much larger tank; I suggest returning it to the source

There was a snail that didnt make it through the cycle period and has now been eaten by worms. The shell is still in the tank. I added a little bit of zoanthus polyp a day or two later. Its a radioactive looking green color (under the blue led).

I just added 2 percula clownfish, Marginal in this sized tank once fully mature

1 green mandarin goby needs a much larger mature tank; please return this fish to source

, 2 cleaner crabs yesterday. I had the water tested before I put them in and the nitrate level had changed a little (the color was a little darker blue then the first test before the tang). So I added some quick start bacteria in and will be adding that daily. Also added a little more salt-water.

My next plans are to get a sea Anemone needs a larger, mature tank

, a few cleaner shrimp, one or two more gobys, and the last one in the tank will be a yellow tang. none of these fish should be added

Let me know your thoughts. slow down, you are creating (have created) a disaster. Sorry for the straight talk, the company maintaining your tank should have told you the same.
Looking for suggestions on next addition.
40g mixed reef. Not quite a year in.
Current stock;
1 ocellarus CF
1 psychedelic mandarin
2 pm shrimp
1 skunk shrimp
1 emerald crab
Pods galore

Thinking next, not all at once...b&w Ocerellis, yellow watchman goby, royal gramma.
Or suggestions welcome.
Not too certain the goby and mandarin will coexist.
just bought a greenstar polyp yesterday and it hasn't opened yet. all levels are good. gravity=1.024 ammo=o nitri=0 nitra=5.0. 2 t5 lights 10000k/actinic= 10 hours. i dripped him for nearly 2 hours. opened briefly, then closed up and now my greenstar polyp is a bunch of purple bumps on a rock. should i be worried?
Looking for suggestions on next addition.
40g mixed reef. Not quite a year in.
Current stock;
1 ocellarus CF
1 psychedelic mandarin without exceptional effort, this will be difficult
2 pm shrimp
1 skunk shrimp
1 emerald crab
Pods galore

Thinking next, not all at once...b&w Ocerellis, must be a tiny one with an existing clownfish

yellow watchman goby, royal gramma.
Or suggestions welcome.
Not too certain the goby and mandarin will coexist. While it is not likely the mandarin will last long term, the watchman goby will not affect it
just bought a greenstar polyp yesterday and it hasn't opened yet. all levels are good. gravity=1.024 ammo=o nitri=0 nitra=5.0. 2 t5 lights 10000k/actinic= 10 hours. i dripped him for nearly 2 hours. opened briefly, then closed up and now my greenstar polyp is a bunch of purple bumps on a rock. should i be worried?

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility. I suggest posting your own thread here.
sorry snorvich. then let me ask something relative...
30 gallon reef, 4 mths in. 2 mths post cycle.all levels good.
1 green mushroom, 1 green polyp, 2- 3stripe damsels, 1 domino damsel, and the cuc.
looking into purchasing a 6 line wrasse and would like a clown.
would love a mandarin, but i read they need a mature tank w/ lots of copeapods.
any suggestions so far?
sorry snorvich. then let me ask something relative...
30 gallon reef, 4 mths in. 2 mths post cycle.all levels good.
1 green mushroom, 1 green polyp, 2- 3stripe damsels, 1 domino damsel, and the cuc. You have three very aggressive fish that will not allow much if any fish to be added
looking into purchasing a 6 line wrasse also a very aggressive fish and will preclude any mandarin
and would like a clown. I think you would have to remove the damsels in order to add less aggressive fish
would love a mandarin, but i read they need a mature tank w/ lots of copeapods.
any suggestions so far?
hello snorvich, do you think a yellow watchman goby and yasha goby will co-exist in a 6ft 100gal? have 80lbs of rocks and lots of caves
New addition question for a 220DT with 40B sump.

2) Snowflake Clowns
1) Purple Tang
1) Yellow Tang
1) Sailfin Tang
3) Pajama Cardinals
1) Banggai Cardinal
1) Orchid Dottyback
2) Lyretail Anthias
1) Flasher Wrasse
1) Fire Shrimp
2) Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1) Tiger Pistol Shrimp

Looking to add:
1) Red Scooter Dragonet
1) Green Mandarin Dragonet
1) Yellow Rose (High Fin) Goby
1) Melanurus Wrasse

I think my only concern is the Melanurus and the Flasher Wrasse, but if there are problems, I'm not opposed to getting rid of the Flasher.
New addition question for a 220DT with 40B sump.

2) Snowflake Clowns
1) Purple Tang
1) Yellow Tang
1) Sailfin Tang
3) Pajama Cardinals
1) Banggai Cardinal
1) Orchid Dottyback
2) Lyretail Anthias
1) Flasher Wrasse
1) Fire Shrimp
2) Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1) Tiger Pistol Shrimp

Looking to add:
1) Red Scooter Dragonet assumes your tank is 9 months or greater maturity
1) Green Mandarin Dragonet assumes your tank is 9 months or greater maturity
1) Yellow Rose (High Fin) Goby
1) Melanurus Wrasse Not shrimp safe

I think my only concern is the Melanurus and the Flasher Wrasse, but if there are problems, I'm not opposed to getting rid of the Flasher.
I have a 65 gallon tall tank. Coralife skimmer (have a reef octopus nwb on the way!!!) 20 g sump t5 lights 55ish lbs rock 2 in sand bed filter sock

Current stock
2 ocellaris clowns
1 flame angel
1 fire fish
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 yellow head jaw fish
1 royal gramma

Want to add
-Cardinal (blk/white)
-6 line wrasse? I read there aggressive?
- 1 or 2 more peppermint shrimp
-green mandarin in a few months
- yellow tang or fox face?? to work on the hair algae
-Bubble tip anenome, xenia, antheias, possibly zoas,

Any insight on the 6 line wrasse? i want to add a little blue/ green to my fish stock my fish seem to be orange or red not sure what to add to break it up
I have a 65 gallon tall tank. Coralife skimmer (have a reef octopus nwb on the way!!!) 20 g sump t5 lights 55ish lbs rock 2 in sand bed filter sock

Current stock
2 ocellaris clowns
1 flame angel
1 fire fish
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 yellow head jaw fish
1 royal gramma

Want to add
-Cardinal (blk/white)
-6 line wrasse? I read there aggressive? very aggressive and a copepod eater which precludes a mandarin or dragonet
- 1 or 2 more peppermint shrimp
-green mandarin in a few months tank size is marginal for a mandarin to survive long term
- yellow tang or fox face?? to work on the hair algae needs a larger (longer) tank and will not help with hair algae
-Bubble tip anenome, xenia, antheias, possibly zoas,

Any insight on the 6 line wrasse? I advise against as they are highly aggressive i want to add a little blue/ green to my fish stock my fish seem to be orange or red not sure what to add to break it up

Thanks for the quick rely!

Looks like my safe bets are the cardinal and anemones..

Any chance I could house another dwarf angel with my flame? possible pygmy
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